Using male Wolbachia-carrying Aedes aegypti (Wolbachia-Aedes) mosquitoes to reduce the dengue mosquito population
NEA’s Environmental Health Institute has studied various novel mosquito control methods, and has found that the Wolbachia-Aedes suppression technology is most suitable for Singapore’s context. NEA’s Dengue Expert Advisory Panel (DEAP), comprising experts from Singapore, Australia, the UK, and the US, has also recommended that Singapore explore the use of the Wolbachia-Aedes suppression technology to further reduce the risk of dengue.
The heatmaps below show the “eraser effect” where previously dark red areas (indicating high Aedes aegypti mosquito population) gradually faded to low mosquito population after releases. Scientific studies will continue to evaluate the impact of the project and improve the cost effectiveness and deployment strategies for Project Wolbachia.