
Keyboard Only

This site is utilizing skip links to improve mouseless browsing. Skip links are links to another part of the page that allow visitors to navigate their way around a web document, without having to cycle through a huge list of links. They will be seen when tabbing through the page, and can be activated by hitting enter key when visible.

Access Keys

An access key is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to immediately jump to a web page or specific part of a web page. Activating access keys varies between web browsers and operating systems. In Internet Explorer they are activated by hitting the Alt button and the access key at the same time, while in Firefox it is Alt, Shift, and the access key. On a Mac, it is Control and the access key. The access keys for this site are:

  • accesskey "s" - Skip to main content
  • accesskey "5" - Return to top of page
  • accesskey "1" - Return to home page


  1. This site complies with all priority 1 and 2 guidelines of the W3 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
  2. This site is Section 508 approved, complying with all guidelines of the U.S. Federal Government Section 508 Guidelines.
  3. This site validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict.

NDDPI recognizes the need to ensure equal access to electronic and information technology for all individuals. If you have a disability and are experiencing difficulty accessing information on NDDPI’s website, please contact us and provide:

  • A link to the content you are trying to access
  • A brief description of your accessibility or format needs

We will contact you to attempt to provide you with the information you requested.