Table 1

Time horizons for decision-making in the health sector [82]

Investment 2–5 decadesCarbon emissions mitigation strategies
Malaria eradication strategies
Major infrastructure investment
Workforce development
Strategic planning 6–20 yearsResearch and development of medical countermeasures (e.g., drugs, vaccines) and vector control tools (e.g., new insecticides)
Improving the nutritional content of crops
Health facility investments
Curriculum development
Policy cycles 2–5 years4- to 5-year political cycle
Health service re-organization
2- to 5-year research grant cycle
Planning cycles < 2yrsAnnual planning and commissioning cycle
Demand for visible ‘quick wins’ from funders
Seasonal preparedness and response < 4 monthsSeasonal planning cycle
Epidemic/disaster preparedness and response
Weekly facility management < 1 weekWeather disaster preparedness and response
Patient scheduling for non-urgent cases