Table 2.

Results of Bowtie2 alignment of dataset 1 showing raw data and the trimmed data by each tool

Dataset/alignmentReadsAlignment (paired)aRun timeb (s)
Tolerant alignment
    Unfiltered11 008 1909 018 810 (8,323,786)N/A
    Fastx-Toolkit9 631 9778 073 757 (N/A)670.1/356.3
    Reaper9 428 3319 057 448 (N/A)324.8/166.8
    Cutadapt9 456 1729 127 667 (N/A)342.5/176.7
    EA-Utils8 995 1348 662 596 (8 578 790)9.3/8.0
    Scythe/Sickle9 453 4599 133 464 (8 636 984)529.3/279.7
    AdapterRemoval9 456 3509 147 915 (8 689 668)960.2
    Trimmomatic SW9 456 8199 150 361 (8 693 000)33.7/9.6
    Trimmomatic MI9 456 8199 153 375 (8 697 690)34.3/9.7
Strict alignment
    Unfiltered11 008 1906 401 927 (4 857 606)N/A
    Fastx-Toolkit8 263 3457 187 257 (N/A)
    Reaper9 355 7658 010 326 (N/A)
    Cutadapt9 390 3718 086 428 (N/A)
    EA-Utils8 910 3567 757 108 (7 056 242)
    Scythe/Sickle9 339 6688 060 612 (6 993 076)
    AdapterRemoval9 454 1898 103 596 (7 050 788)
    Trimmomatic SW9 355 9858 111 470 (7 068 406)
    Trimmomatic MI9 456 1248 748 401 (8 053 230)

Note: Both quality modes are shown for Trimmomatic. Best values are indicated in bold. MI indicates Maximum Information mode, and SW indicates Sliding Window mode.

aTotal reads aligned, and the subset that are aligned as pairs.

bShows wall time, for both serial and parallel execution. See Supplementary Methods for more details.