
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is collectively responsible for promoting the long-term sustainable success of the company, driving shareholder value and NatWest Group’s contribution to wider society. The Board’s role is to provide leadership of the company within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed.

The Board terms of reference include a formal schedule of matters specifically reserved for the Board’s decision.


Meet our Board

Rick Haythornthwaite


Information Message

Paul Thwaite

Group Chief Executive Officer

Information Message

Katie Murray

Group Chief Financial Officer

Information Message

Mark Seligman

Senior Independent Director

Information Message

Frank Dangeard

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Roisin Donnelly

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Patrick Flynn

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Geeta Gopalan

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Yasmin Jetha

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Stuart Lewis

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Lena Wilson CBE profile

Independent non-executive director

Information Message

Jan Cargill

Chief Governance Officer and Company Secretary

Information Message