Joint, gums, gut and lung surrounded by microbes

Distinct mucosal endotypes as initiators and drivers of rheumatoid arthritis

  • V. Michael Holers
  • Kristen M. Demoruelle
  • Kevin D. Deane
Review Article


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    Keep up to date with changes to the conference calendar this year and find out which meetings will be attended by the editors of Nature Reviews Rheumatology.

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    Finding it hard to navigate the flood of scientific literature? The Nature Reviews journals filter and highlight the most impactful research. Take a look at this animation to learn how Nature Reviews can help you stay up-to-date in your field

  • Knee x-ray of a 60 year old woman showing degenerative joint disease from osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that leads to pain, stiffness and loss of function. It is the most common form of arthritis and one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders worldwide. This collection from Nature Reviews Rheumatology brings together articles discussing the latest insights into the pathogenesis and management of OA.


    • New classification criteria for axial disease in juvenile spondyloarthritis aim to enhance the identification and study of this condition in affected youth, offering a tool for future non-interventional studies and interventional trials. Better understanding of the efficacy of various interventions in the axial domain could help tailor treatment strategies.

      • Denis Poddubnyy
      News & Views
    • Each episode of lupus nephritis causes irreversible kidney injury, initiating and, subsequently, exacerbating chronic kidney disease. This Review discusses how interdisciplinary care that considers all immune and non-immune risk factors for chronic kidney disease progression can benefit patients with lupus nephritis.

      • Julia Lichtnekert
      • Hans-Joachim Anders
      Review Article
    • Type I interferon has a crucial role in the immunopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Analysis of CD4+ T cells from individuals with SLE now shows that type I interferon intervenes with the transcriptional regulators AHR and JUN to downregulate expression of IL-22, which promotes tissue regeneration, and upregulate the expression of CXCL13, which supports lymphoid structure formation.

      • Mehrdad Pazhouhandeh
      • Di Yu
      News & Views
    • This Review provides an update on developments in Janus kinase inhibitors, including new disease indications and adverse effects. The authors discuss issues surrounding selectivity and efficacy, as well as new routes for administration of Janus kinase inhibitors.

      • Anniina Virtanen
      • Francesca Romana Spinelli
      • Massimo Gadina
      Review Article
    • Holers and colleagues review current data linking immune mechanisms and dysbiosis at distinct mucosal sites to risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Their newly introduced causal mucosal endotypes hypothesis suggests that lung-, gut-, or oral-associated endotypes might drive the pathogenesis and progression of RA, and highlights associated research directions towards preventive and therapeutic strategies in RA.

      • V. Michael Holers
      • Kristen M. Demoruelle
      • Kevin D. Deane
      Review Article
  • Researchers have identified a mechanistic link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, providing evidence for the involvement of molecular mimicry.

    • Jessica McHugh
    Research Highlight
  • In a new study, researchers use M2 macrophage exosomes and membranes to disguise a tri-drug-carrying nanosystem that reduces inflammation and urate levels in rats with gouty arthritis.

    • Holly Webster
    Research Highlight
  • Increasing diversity in genomic studies is essential to advance precision medicine and health equity in rheumatic diseases. Addressing structural and logistical barriers to include underrepresented populations, particularly in Africa and Latin America, could improve our understanding of rheumatic diseases and lead to better healthcare outcomes for all.

    • Roberto Díaz-Peña
    • Olufemi Adelowo
Keys with joints in the key heads

Key Advances in Rheumatology

The Key Advances in Rheumatology collection offers expert insight into the most important discoveries made each year, and is an essential resource for students, physicians and clinical researchers.
  • Sarah Onuora
