Key Points
In the past decade, protein Lys acetylation has emerged as a major post-translational modification that occurs even in bacteria. This modification not only regulates chromatin-templated nuclear processes, but also controls classical metabolism, cytoskeleton dynamics, apoptosis, protein folding and cellular signalling in the cytoplasm.
Lys deacetylases, the enzymes that are responsible for reversing this modification, are divided into the Rpd3/Hda1 (or classical) and sirtuin families, with the classical family having 11 members in mammals. These members are referred to as histone deacetylases (HDAC) 1–11.
HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3 are deacetylase subunits of multiprotein complexes that are crucial for chromatin modification and epigenetic landscaping. These complexes comprise subunits that are required for interplay with other chromatin modifications such as DNA and histone methylation, as well as with ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling.
HDAC4, HDAC5, HDAC7 and HDAC9 are novel signal transducers that are tightly regulated by phosphorylation-dependent nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. Conceptually, they are similar to the cytokine-stimulated STAT and TGFβ-regulated SMAD signal-responsive transcription factors.
By binding to ubiquitin and deacetylating α-tubulin, cortactin and HSP90, HDAC6 regulates various cytoplasmic processes including cytoskeleton dynamics, ciliogenesis, aggresome formation, autophagy, nuclear receptor maturation and, possibly, endocytosis of Tyr kinase receptors.
HDAC inhibitors are promising therapeutic agents for cancer and other major diseases, as evidenced by the recent approval of one such inhibitor for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
Protein lysine deacetylases have a pivotal role in numerous biological processes and can be divided into the Rpd3/Hda1 and sirtuin families, each having members in diverse organisms including prokaryotes. In vertebrates, the Rpd3/Hda1 family contains 11 members, traditionally referred to as histone deacetylases (HDAC) 1–11, which are further grouped into classes I, II and IV. Whereas most class I HDACs are subunits of multiprotein nuclear complexes that are crucial for transcriptional repression and epigenetic landscaping, class II members regulate cytoplasmic processes or function as signal transducers that shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Little is known about class IV HDAC11, although its evolutionary conservation implies a fundamental role in various organisms.
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Owing to strict space constraints and the wealth of literature, we have used seminal reviews and supplemental figures and tables to cover some of the primary findings in this field. Research in our laboratories has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association and the Kaul Foundation (to E.S.), and from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (to X.J.Y.).
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Supplementary information
Supplementary information S1 (figure)
Domain organization of classical HDACs from Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rerio. (PDF 136 kb)
Supplementary information S2 (figure)
Sequence comparison of selective human HDACs with orthologues in sea urchin and zebrafish. (PDF 232 kb)
Supplementary information S3 (figure)
Crystal structures of the deacetylase domains of HDAC7 and HDAC8. (PDF 288 kb)
Supplementary information S4 (table)
Purification of class I and II HDAC complexes from yeast (PDF 170 kb)
Supplementary information S5 (table)
Purification of class I HDAC complexes from Xenopus laevis and mammals (PDF 249 kb)
Supplementary information S6 (table)
Roles of classical HDACs and associated subunits in worm and fly development (PDF 261 kb)
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- Orthologue
A functionally related gene in two or more species that has evolved from a common ancestor.
- Nucleosome
The basic structural subunit of chromatin, which consists of ∼200 base pairs of DNA wrapped around an octamer of histones.
- Homologue
A gene (or its product) that is descended from a common ancestral gene.
- Bromodomain
A conserved protein module that was first described for the Drosophila melanogaster homeotic gene regulator Brahma (means 'creator' in Hindu). This domain is present in many gene and/or chromatin regulators and has the ability to recognize acetyl-Lys motifs.
- Deuterostome
An animal in which the anus develops from the first opening of the embryo, with the mouth being formed later. These include echinoderms and chordates.
- Myocyte enhancer factor-2
(MEF2). An evolutionarily conserved transcription factor, the specific DNA-binding activity of which is mediated by an N-terminal MADS box and an adjacent MEF2-specific domain. Although initially identified as a muscle-specific transcription factor, different MEF2 isoforms are important in various tissues.
- 14-3-3 protein
One of a family of acidic proteins that are conserved from yeast and plants to humans and are highly abundant. They are ∼30 kDa in size and often recognize target proteins with the sequence motif RXXpS/TXP or RXXXpS/TXP, where X is any residue and pS/T denotes phosphoSer or phosphoThr.
A ubiquitin-binding zinc finger that is present in HDAC6 and several ubiquitin-specific proteases.
- SE14 repeat
Ser-Glu-containing tetradecapeptide repeat that is found in HDAC6 proteins from certain higher mammals.
- SANT domain
A 60-residue module that was initially identified in Swi3, Ada2, N-CoR and TFIIIB as a putative DNA-binding domain. It is present in various transcriptional and chromatin regulators and is now considered to be a histone-binding module.
- Chromodomain
Originally identified as a 37-amino-acid-residue chromobox shared by the heterochromatin protein HP1 and the polycomb protein Pc2, it has subsequently been found in many other chromatin regulators and recognizes methyl-Lys protein motifs.
- Mating-type gene
One of a number of genes in the yeast chromosome that control the sexual fate of the yeast cell.
- PHD finger
A plant homeodomain-linked (PHD) zinc finger that chelates double zinc ions. This type of zinc finger is present in many chromatin regulators and was recently shown to bind the N-terminal tails of core histones in a methylation-dependent or -independent manner.
- Euchromatic
DNA that contains most of the structural genes. It changes structure during the cell cycle and undergoes transcriptional regulation.
- Chaperone
A protein that mediates the assembly of another polypeptide-containing structure, but does not form part of the completed structure or participate in its biological function.
- Paralogue
A sequence, or gene, that has originated from a common ancestral sequence, or gene, by a duplication event.
- microRNA
A small RNA of ∼21 nucleotides that regulates the expression of mRNAs to which it is complementary in sequence.
- Microtubule
A hollow tube, 25 nm in diameter, that is formed by the lateral association of 13 protofilaments, which are themselves polymers of α- and β-tubulin subunits.
- Chemotaxis
A type of migration that is stimulated by a gradient of a chemical stimulant or chemoattractant.
- Immune synapse
A junction that forms at the contact region between a T cell and its target cells. T-cell activation occurs here.
- F-actin
(Filamentous actin). A flexible, helical polymer of G-actin (globular actin) monomers that is 5–9 nm in diameter.
- AAA+ family of ATPases
A superfamily of ATPases that are associated with various cellular activities. They have one or two nucleotide-binding domains ('AAA modules'), which often form ring-like oligomers and function as chaperones in diverse cellular processes.
- Inclusion body
An insoluble aggregate of misfolded proteins. Inclusion bodies are common in prokaryotes and in the brains of patients with triplet-repeat diseases.
- Dynein
A microtubule-based molecular motor that moves towards the minus end of microtubules.
- Kinesin
A microtubule-based molecular motor that is most often directed towards the plus end of microtubules.
- Autophagy
A pathway for the recycling of cellular contents, in which materials inside the cell are packaged into vesicles and then targeted to the vacuole or lysosome for bulk turnover.
- Macropinocytosis
A form of regulated endocytosis that involves the formation of large endocytic vesicles after the closure of cell-surface membrane ruffles.
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Yang, XJ., Seto, E. The Rpd3/Hda1 family of lysine deacetylases: from bacteria and yeast to mice and men. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 9, 206–218 (2008).
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