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Volume 25 Issue 10, October 2024

‘Endosomes as sorting stations’, inspired by the Review on p765

Cover design: Vicky Summersby


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Research Highlights

  • Stresses induce de-crowding and fluidization of the cytoplasm, which promotes the formation of biomolecular condensates.

    • Eytan Zlotorynski
    Research Highlight
  • This study finds that microtubules act as a mechanostat during cell migration, becoming mechanically reinforced in response to compression to protect the nucleus and coordinate contractility.

    • Lisa Heinke
    Research Highlight
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Journal Club

  • Paul Nurse discusses how a 1971 paper by Culotti and Hartwell inspired him to investigate the cell cycle in fission yeast, and how these genetics studies led to the discovery of cyclin-dependent kinases.

    • Paul Nurse
    Journal Club
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  • Endosomes function as sorting stations that segregate cargo proteins into endosomal carriers, enabling their distribution to subcellular target compartments. Increasingly detailed structural insights have revealed how proteins, such as sorting nexins, assemble on endosomal membranes to form a coat that facilitates the formation and detachment of tubular carriers.

    • Navin Gopaldass
    • Kai-En Chen
    • Andreas Mayer
    Review Article
  • Recently developed RNA structure profiling methods are transforming our understanding of static and dynamic facets of RNA structures at single-cell and single-molecule resolution. These data have revealed new roles for structures in RNA biogenesis and function, and guide drug design against viral RNAs and for treatment of genetic diseases.

    • Xinang Cao
    • Yueying Zhang
    • Yue Wan
    Review Article
  • Sphingolipids are a heterogeneous group of lipids with important roles in membrane form and function, cell signalling, and development. This Review discusses the regulation of sphingolipid metabolism at the subcellular and organismal levels and explores the therapeutic potential of targeting sphingolipids in human diseases.

    • Andrew Kuo
    • Timothy Hla
    Review Article
  • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) has essential roles in metabolism and can be readily supplemented, potentially to benefit human health. This Review discusses recent insights into the roles of the microbiome and cellular compartments in regulating NAD+ metabolism, and the promise and pitfalls of NAD+ supplementation.

    • Marie E. Migaud
    • Mathias Ziegler
    • Joseph A. Baur
    Review Article
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