Extended Data Fig. 4: Precipitation minus evaporation calculated from the third day of weather forecasts. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Precipitation minus evaporation calculated from the third day of weather forecasts.

From: Neural general circulation models for weather and climate

Extended Data Fig. 4

(a) Tropical (latitudes −20° to 20°) precipitation minus evaporation (P minus E) rate distribution, (b) Extratropical (latitudes 30° to 70° in both hemispheres) P minus E, (c) mean P minus E for 2020 ERA514 and (d) NeuralGCM-0.7° (calculated from the third day of forecasts and averaged over all forecasts initialized in 2020), (e) the bias between NeuralGCM-0.7° and ERA5, (f-g) Snapshot of daily precipitation minus evaporation for 2020-01-04 for (f) NeuralGCM-0.7° (forecast initialized on 2020-01-02) and (g) ERA5.

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