Extended Data Fig. 7: SIL2-EMSC expands and rejuvenates exhausted CD8+ TILs. | Nature Cell Biology

Extended Data Fig. 7: SIL2-EMSC expands and rejuvenates exhausted CD8+ TILs.

From: IL-2 delivery by engineered mesenchymal stem cells re-invigorates CD8+ T cells to overcome immunotherapy resistance in cancer

Extended Data Fig. 7

a-c, C57BL/6 J mice (n = 6) bearing MC38 were p.t. treated with 1 × 106 EMSCs or SIL2-EMSCs on day 9 and 12. Five days after the last treatment, tumor-infiltrating T cells were analyzed for the fold change of number of PD1−TIM3−, PD1+TIM3−, and PD1+TIM3+ CD44+CD8+ T cell subsets (a) and the frequency of CXCR5+TIM3− subset (b) and CD39+Tcf1− subset (c) in PD1+TOX+CD44+CD8+ T cells in tumor were analyzed. d-f, CT26 bearing BALB/c mice (n = 5) were treated with 1 × 106 EMSC or SIL2-EMSC on day 9 and day 12. Five days after the second treatment, TILs were analyzed for the number of CD8+ T cells (d) and the frequency of PD1−TIM3−, PD1+TIM3−, and PD1+TIM3+ CD8+ T cell subsets (e) and stem-like exhausted CD8+ T cells (f). g-i, C57BL/6J mice (n = 5–6) bearing MC38 were p.t. treated with 1 × 106 EMSCs or SIL2-EMSCs on day 9 and 12. Five days after the last treatment, TILs were analyzed for surface expression level of CD25 and CD122 (g, n = 6 per group), the frequency of Ki67+ cells (h, EMSC, n = 5; SIL2-EMSC, n = 6), and the frequency of active caspase 3+ cells (I, EMSC, n = 5; SIL2-EMSC, n = 6) in PD1−TIM3−, PD1+TIM3−, and PD1+TIM3+ CD8+ T cell subsets. j, k, MC38 bearing C57BL/6J mice (n = 4) were i.t. treated with single high dose (20 μg) or prolonged low dose (5 μg, 4 injections) on day 9. Prolonged low dose group were injected with SIL2 every 12 h. CD8+ TILs were analyzed for the frequency of PD1−TIM3−, PD1+TIM3−, PD1+TIM3+ CD8+ T cell subsets and (j) and stem-like CD8+ T cells (k). l, MC38 bearing C57BL/6J mice (n = 4) were treated with SIL2 (10 μg, i.t.) and/or EMSCs (1 × 106, p.t.) and SIL2-EMSC (1 × 106, p.t.) on day 9 and 12. Five days after treatment, CD8+ TILs were analyzed for the frequency of PD1−TIM3−, PD1+TIM3−, PD1+TIM3+ CD8+ T cell subsets. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. from two or three independent experiments. P value was determined by two-tailed unpaired t test (a–g,i–l). Source data are available online.

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