Extended Data Fig. 6: EMSC and SIL2-EMSC do not affect myeloid cell populations in the TME. | Nature Cell Biology

Extended Data Fig. 6: EMSC and SIL2-EMSC do not affect myeloid cell populations in the TME.

From: IL-2 delivery by engineered mesenchymal stem cells re-invigorates CD8+ T cells to overcome immunotherapy resistance in cancer

Extended Data Fig. 6

a,b, MC38 bearing mice (Control, n = 4; EMSC, n = 4; SIL2-EMSC, n = 6) were p.t. treated with 1 × 106 EMSCs or SIL2-EMSCs on days 9. a, Two days after treatment, the number of macrophages, dendritic cells, and MDSCs were analyzed. b, Cell surface expression level of CD80 and CD86 on dendritic cells were analyzed. c,d, MC38 bearing mice (n = 5) were p.t. treated with 1 × 106 EMSCs or SIL2-EMSCs on day 9 and 12. Five days after the second treatment, TILs were analyzed for the number of CD4+ T cells (c) and NK cells (d). e, MC38 bearing C57BL/6J mice (n = 5) were p.t. 1 × 106 EMSC, SIL2-EMSC or WTIL2-EMSC on day 9 and 12. Five days after the second treatment, TILs were analyzed for the CD8/Treg ratio. Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m. from two or three independent experiments. P value was determined by two-tailed unpaired t test (a-e). Source data are available online.

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