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Illuminating RNA biology through imaging


RNA processing plays a central role in accurately transmitting genetic information into functional RNA and protein regulators. To fully appreciate the RNA life-cycle, tools to observe RNA with high spatial and temporal resolution are critical. Here we review recent advances in RNA imaging and highlight how they will propel the field of RNA biology. We discuss current trends in RNA imaging and their potential to elucidate unanswered questions in RNA biology.

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Fig. 1: Timeline of subcellular RNA imaging technologies.
Fig. 2: Highlights of RNA biological insights gained through RNA imaging.
Fig. 3: The outlook towards a multidimensional approach to study RNA biology.

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G.W.Y. is supported by NIH grants nos. AI132122, HG011864, NS103172, EY029166, HG004659 and HG009889. This research was partially supported by an Allen Distinguished Investigator Award to G.W.Y., a Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group advised grant of the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. P.L. is supported by Schmidt Science Fellows. We thank M. Huang and C. Mah for their critical reading of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Gene W. Yeo.

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G.W.Y. is a SAB member of Jumpcode Genomics and a co-founder, member of the Board of Directors, scientific advisor, equity holder and paid consultant for Locanabio and Eclipse BioInnovations. G.W.Y. is a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore. G.W.Y.’s interests have been reviewed and approved by the University of California San Diego, in accordance with its conflict-of-interest policies. The authors declare no other competing interests.

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Le, P., Ahmed, N. & Yeo, G.W. Illuminating RNA biology through imaging. Nat Cell Biol 24, 815–824 (2022).

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