Monkeypox has emerged as a significant human pathogen, posing severe risks in vulnerable populations. At present, there is not enough data available as to whether pregnant women are more vulnerable to monkeypox infection, or they suffer more severe symptoms, and studies on this issue as well as to the possible adverse effects on the developing fetus are limited. The aim of this review, was to bring together what is known so far about monkeypox virus transmission, the clinical course of the disease, and associated maternal-fetal outcomes. Furthermore, to summarize the current available recommendations on the prevention and management of monkeypox infection during pregnancy, in order to help obstetricians and neonatologists navigate through this new challenging area and provide the best available care to their patients.
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Design and conception: RS, PTK and AGT. PKT, RS, AK, PL, EFT, DP, SB, NI, and AET conducted the review of literature. Table design: PKT, PL, and RS. PKT, RS, and NI wrote the first draft of the article. AGT, AK, SB, DP, and AET reviewed all versions of the article and contributed to the interpretation and structure of the review. All authors have contributed to data analysis, data interpretation, and editing of the manuscript, and have approved the final draft.
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Kopanou Taliaka, P., Tsantes, A.G., Konstantinidi, A. et al. Monkeypox disease and pregnancy. Where are we today? A review of literature. J Perinatol 43, 417–423 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41372-023-01629-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41372-023-01629-0