Key Points
Various experimental approaches have been used to model antigen-specific clonal deletion. Many of these are fraught with non-physiological aspects. A consensus is emerging that clonal deletion occurs as cells transition from the double-positive stage to the single-positive stage.
The thymic medulla is a specialized microenvironment for central tolerance. Most thymic dendritic cells reside in this compartment, and medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) can synthesize antigens that are otherwise highly tissue specific.
The autoimmune regulator (AIRE) protein has an important part in driving the transcription of genes encoding tissue-specific antigens in mTECs, and AIRE deficiency results in a defect in clonal deletion.
The proper functioning of mTECs requires several intracellular-signalling proteins: REL-B, NIK (nuclear-factor-κB-inducing kinase) and TRAF6 (tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor 6). In the absence of these molecules, mice have a disorganized thymic architecture, impaired clonal deletion, impaired generation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and natural killer T cells, and autoimmune disease.
One factor in the development of diabetes in the non-obese-diabetic mouse strain is that clonal deletion of self-reactive progenitors in the thymus is impaired.
How the T-cell receptor interprets low-affinity and high-affinity ligation to result in positive selection and negative selection, respectively, remains an important unanswered question in the field.
In the past few years, there has been a flurry of discoveries and advancements in our understanding of how the thymus prepares T cells to exist at peace in normal healthy tissue: that is, to be self-tolerant. In the thymus, one of the main mechanisms of T-cell central tolerance is clonal deletion, although the selection of regulatory T cells is also important and is gaining enormous interest. In this Review, we discuss the emerging consensus about which models of clonal deletion are most physiological, and we review recent data that define the molecular mechanisms of central tolerance.
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This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (United States) (to K.A.H.), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (Canada) (to T.A.B.).
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Entrez Gene
A state of non-responsiveness to antigen. Anergic T or B cells cannot respond to their cognate antigens under optimal conditions of stimulation.
A tolerance mechanism in which the binding of self-antigen during development promotes secondary antigen-receptor gene rearrangement. In the T-cell receptor α-chain or immunoglobulin light chain locus, this results in replacement of the autoreactive receptor with a benign one. This is thought to be one of the main tolerance mechanisms in B-cell development, but it is less well-described for T cells.
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A mouse that expresses the recombinase Cre under the control of the Lck proximal promoter. Cre expression is initiated early during thymic development, at the double-negative-2 stage or earlier.
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(siRNA). Synthetic double-stranded RNA molecules of 19–23 nucleotides, which are used to 'knockdown' (silence the expression of) a specific gene. This is known as RNA interference and is mediated by the sequence-specific degradation of mRNA.
(NOD mouse strain). An inbred mouse strain that spontaneously develops T-cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes.
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Hogquist, K., Baldwin, T. & Jameson, S. Central tolerance: learning self-control in the thymus. Nat Rev Immunol 5, 772–782 (2005).
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