
About Art with You


Dementia is one of the most debilitating health conditions faced by Singapore’s rapidly ageing population. Non-pharmacological approaches, such as arts engagement, have potential to enhance the quality of life for persons living with dementia and their caregivers.

Art with You is an evidence-based museum programme developed by National Gallery Singapore in partnership with Dementia Singapore, which aims to foster positive and meaningful engagement that supports the wellbeing of caregivers and persons with dementia. Art with You combines people-centred care with arts engagement to create an inclusive environment where persons with dementia are valued, respected and empowered.



Participating in Art with You

Art with You launched on 14 October 2022.

Participants may choose between guided group visits* led by our friendly docents or self-guided visits where they can enjoy the Gallery at their leisure using our unique Art with You Caregivers Guide and Art Kit (art-making materials).

*The minimum group size for guided group visits is two pairs of caregivers and persons living with dementia; the maximum is four pairs.


Guided Group Visits

Guided group visits are currently available to community groups only. To find out more about group visits, please contact community@nationalgallery.sg.

You may also contact us if you wish to learn more about equipping your organisation’s staff or volunteers with the skills to facilitate this programme.


Self-guided Visits

The DBS Singapore Galleries will be closed in phases in 2024–2025. The artworks featured in Art with You will only be partially available between 1 Apr–24 Nov 2024:

  1. "Places" Theme:
    • Artist and Model (not available)
    • Hokkien Street and Deserted Island (available in DBS Singapore Gallery 2)
  2. "Food" Theme:
    • Still Life (not available)
    • Here They Come! and Family (available in DBS Singapore Gallery 2)
  3. "Stories" Theme:
    • Longhouse (not available)
    • Trishaw Rider* and Picking (available in DBS Singapore Gallery 2)

*The Location of Trishaw Rider indicated in the Art with You Caregivers Guide is outdated. It currently resides in DBS Singapore Gallery 2.



If you are an individual caregiver keen on self-guided visits, you may collect the Art with You Caregiver’s Guide and Art Kit at the following locations in the Gallery:

  1. Art With You Caregivers’ Guide and Art Kit
    • City Hall Wing, Level 1, Keppel Centre for Art Education reception counter
  2. Art With You Caregivers Guide Only
    • Level 1, UOB City Hall Courtyard and Padang Atrium, Visitor Services
    • Basement 1 Concourse, Information Counter

The artmaking part of this activity can be done at the Gallery or at home. If you wish to do it at the Gallery, you may approach our friendly staff at the reception counter of Keppel Centre for Art Education for assistance.


Keppel Centre for Art Education Opening Hours
10am to 12.30pm
12.30pm to 1pm (closed for cleaning)
1 to 3.30pm
3.30pm tp 4pm (closed for cleaning)
4pm to 7pm (last entry at 6.30pm)

*Please note that the artmaking space is subject to availability depending on the schedule of activities within Keppel Centre for Art Education.


National Gallery Singapore Art With You
Image of Art with You Caregivers Guides and Art Kits



Visitors with dementia and one accompanying caregiver, including Dementia Singapore’s CARA members, are entitled to free All Access Admission and paid Back-of-House tours. Please approach our staff at Visitor Services on Level 1 for your tickets.

For more information on ticketing and concessions, please visit https://www.nationalgallery.sg/admissions.

For details on CARA membership, please visit https://dementia.org.sg/cara/.


Dementia Go-To-Point

The Gallery is now an official Dementia Go-To Point. To ensure a dementia-friendly environment, we work with the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) to make sure our staff and volunteers have essential knowledge about dementia and know how they can help when someone is in need. Please refer to this website for more information.


Research and Evaluation of Art with You

Art with You is developed in partnership with Dementia Singapore as a pilot study to design, trial and evaluate an arts engagement programme for caregivers and their loved ones living with dementia.

By creating a dementia-friendly programme that is evidence-based, we aim to support families with persons living with dementia and contribute to local research on the efficacy of arts interventions on their overall health and well-being.

We share our findings from the Art with You programme with industry peer groups and community partners with the hope that they will inform and initiate collective action towards our common goal: to create more accessible arts venues and realise a dementia-inclusive Singapore.

A full report of the study is available here.




National Gallery Singapore Art With You


The Community and Access team works to build meaningful and engaging relationships with diverse communities in Singapore. We believe in the power of effecting societal change through art, and your donations help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to engage with our art. Whether you are an individual, corporate or foundation, you can make a difference. Find out more by emailing supportus@nationalgallery.sg.