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Decision about your Adult Disability Payment application

Social Security Scotland will treat you with dignity, fairness and respect during the decision making process.

In making a decision, they'll have access to:

  • detailed decision making guidance
  • experienced medical practitioners
  • specialist advisers with extensive knowledge and experience of working in health and social care
  • notes made during a consultation with you or your appointee, if you were asked to take part in one

Letting you know the decision

Social Security Scotland will send you a letter with the decision. This letter is called a notice of determination.

Social Security Scotland aim to make a decision after:

  • getting your completed application
  • a consultation has taken place (only if you were asked to take part in one)
  • getting any more information they need

Terminal illness

If you have a terminal illness, Social Security Scotland will aim to make a decision as quickly as possible, in around 7 working days. 

Social Security Scotland is learning from stakeholders how to:

  • meet this aim
  • gather the information needed from health professionals

As Adult Disability Payment is a new service, some processes may take longer. Processing applications can also take longer because of high demand.

What the decision letter will tell you

If your application is successful, the letter will tell you:

  • which parts of Adult Disability Payment you'll get – daily living, mobility, or both
  • how much you will get for each part

If your application is not successful, the letter will tell you why.

Social Security Scotland uses a points scoring system across 12 activities for the daily living and mobility parts. Each activity has a list of options. These options are descriptions for different levels of need. One of these options is chosen for each activity based on Social Security Scotland’s understanding of your needs. You then score the points that are linked to that description.

Your decision letter will include a list of the points awarded for each of the 12 activities, and explain why you were awarded these points.

If you have questions or do not agree with the decision

By law, the letter needs to give clear and accessible guidance and explanations to you about the decision.

It will also tell you what to do if you do not agree with the decision.

Contact Social Security Scotland if you have any questions about your decision letter.

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