Need an introduction and feature detailing video in Hindi for our News app.
₹600-1500 INR
Dibayar semasa penghantaran
Interesting video with an enthusiastic voice-over explaining the usage and features of the app in Hindi language. The video should be of approximately 1 minute(flexible) and will showcase how the app works and explain the same with the help of screenshots from the app. budget 1000-3000
ID Projek: #19604247
Tentang projek
17 pekerja bebas membida secara purata ₹2788 untuk pekerjaan ini
Will deliver the work with 36 hours. We can also associate for future contracts. You can also meet at our office at Noida Sec 18
hello im a youtuber too and filmmaker i know whats catchy and the fan base want that they click on ur video ! to check more of my work u can dm me on insta @lama_xoxo03 or facebook subhashlama
We make animated advertisement video for you. Having an advertisement video for your product or business is very crucial and a significant part of marketing in this modern world. It proves to be a very strong step Lagi
I’m excited to share with you the proposal , You can check portfolio at www.freelancer.com/u/animateworld I am an expert in project you mentioned , Imagination and creativity can change the world . I guarantee you t Lagi
Hi, I am Chakresh, I have experience of working in Radio as a radio jockey, voice over artist and copywriter. Currently I am intro editing and film making. The video you are talking about I can deliver you that with my Lagi
I have knowledge about Adobe softwares which would help in enhancing a video. Also, I have been writing for a decade now, I can get you a good script for the app as well.
Hi Sir I am a fresher with a youthful and attractive voice. The describing video will be rocking if you give me the chance. I will give you my voice samples, if you like then please let me know. So please contact w Lagi
clear diction n pronunciation,good TAT,professional,will edit sample using Audacity before sending to client,apt voice
Hi Please visit my profile and listen to my samples. I’ll be your vo artist. Dm me for any individual sample.