Need an introduction and feature detailing video in Hindi for our News app.

Ditutup Disiarkan 5 tahun lepas Dibayar semasa penghantaran
Ditutup Dibayar semasa penghantaran

Interesting video with an enthusiastic voice-over explaining the usage and features of the app in Hindi language. The video should be of approximately 1 minute(flexible) and will showcase how the app works and explain the same with the help of screenshots from the app. budget 1000-3000

Penerbitan Audio Perkhidmatan Audio Penerbitan Video Perkhidmatan Video Bakat Suara

ID Projek: #19604247

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17 cadangan Projek jarak jauh Aktif 5 tahun lepas

17 pekerja bebas membida secara purata ₹2788 untuk pekerjaan ini


Hi, I am Abdul Qadir mumbai based freelancer. Interested in this opportunity, have experience in Photo-video editing. Delivery would be of high quality and within given timeframe. Customer satisfaction is consider in h Lagi

₹1000 INR dalam 2 hari
(6 Ulasan)

Hi, I have read your project details and wants to work for you. I specialize in working with raw images, audio-video footage editing, trimming, adding Subtitles track, audio effects, adding photos, background music tra Lagi

₹950 INR dalam 3 hari
(1 Ulasan)

Will deliver the work with 36 hours. We can also associate for future contracts. You can also meet at our office at Noida Sec 18

₹1300 INR dalam sehari
(0 Ulasan)

hello im a youtuber too and filmmaker i know whats catchy and the fan base want that they click on ur video ! to check more of my work u can dm me on insta @lama_xoxo03 or facebook subhashlama

₹4444 INR dalam 4 hari
(0 Ulasan)

We make animated advertisement video for you. Having an advertisement video for your product or business is very crucial and a significant part of marketing in this modern world. It proves to be a very strong step Lagi

₹4444 INR dalam 4 hari
(0 Ulasan)

I’m excited to share with you the proposal ,  You can check portfolio at I am an expert in project you mentioned , Imagination and creativity can change the world . I guarantee you t Lagi

₹600 INR dalam sehari
(0 Ulasan)

Hi, I am Chakresh, I have experience of working in Radio as a radio jockey, voice over artist and copywriter. Currently I am intro editing and film making. The video you are talking about I can deliver you that with my Lagi

₹5000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

I have knowledge about Adobe softwares which would help in enhancing a video. Also, I have been writing for a decade now, I can get you a good script for the app as well.

₹3888 INR dalam 10 hari
(0 Ulasan)

Hi Sir I am a fresher with a youthful and attractive voice. The describing video will be rocking if you give me the chance. I will give you my voice samples, if you like then please let me know. So please contact w Lagi

₹850 INR dalam sehari
(0 Ulasan)

clear diction n pronunciation,good TAT,professional,will edit sample using Audacity before sending to client,apt voice

₹3333 INR dalam 3 hari
(0 Ulasan)

Hi Please visit my profile and listen to my samples. I’ll be your vo artist. Dm me for any individual sample.

₹1450 INR dalam sehari
(0 Ulasan)