Finalize some UI Work

Dibatalkan Disiarkan Sep 26, 2015 Dibayar semasa penghantaran
Dibatalkan Dibayar semasa penghantaran

Looking for a good iOS developer to come in and finish some work on a project. The project is 80% done and most of the work is finishing some remaninig tasks.

This is a high level of what I need :

1 - Finish work on an existing sample app to be used as a tutorial to show how to embed an SDK, The app already has UI assets in it and I will provide all UI assets and wireframe.

I am using SWRevealViewController, make sure the opening and closing works, while disabling the UI if the drawer is open.

2 - Package the SDK properly .

3 - prepare the entire project for cocoapods and making it ready, which includes adding tests for it. I wantt you to document how to do that but not to release it in cocoapods, I will do that based on your documentation.

4 - The SDK and the sample app have warnings when compiling, fix that and remove all warnings.

All the work will be available on a git repo on bitbucket, before choosing a freelancer I will provide you with access to that repo so you can explore and understand better the project.

iPhone Mobile App Development Objective C

ID Projek: #8557696

Tentang projek

Projek jarak jauh Aktif Sep 26, 2015