Short term computer courses cebu citypekerjaan


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Script Tajdid Malaysia berterima kasih kepada semua imam di Malaysia kerana kerja keras dan usaha mereka untuk memperkenalkan Islam, dengan menumpukan kepada amalan mulia yang diberikan oleh Allah dan RasulNya kepada kita.

$21 Average bid
$21 Avg Bida
4 bida

Hi, Saya merupakan guru bahasa Inggeris di Malaysia yg mengajar secara online. Saya memerlukan seorang admin utk post content berkaitan dengan belajar bahasa Inggeris. Termasuk buat flyers, editing & short video. At least 3 posting dalam sehari. Hubungi saya utk maklumat lanjut. Wan

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
9 bida

Dibutuhkan 15 penulis konten berita untuk niche: 1. Nasional 2. Berita daerah 3. Internasional 4. Fashion 5. Kesehatan 6. Seleb 7. Kwave 8. Sinopsis 9. Hoax atau fakta 10. Unik dan seru 11. Food dan travel 12. Khazanah Syarat: 1. Diutamakan pernah penulis di UC News 2. Ketika mengajukan penawaran, pilih niche mana yg menjadi pilihanmu 3. Sumber berita sud...penulis konten berita untuk niche: 1. Nasional 2. Berita daerah 3. Internasional 4. Fashion 5. Kesehatan 6. Seleb 7. Kwave 8. Sinopsis 9. Hoax atau fakta 10. Unik dan seru 11. Food dan travel 12. Khazanah Syarat: 1. Diutamakan pernah penulis di UC News 2. Ketika mengajukan penawaran, pilih niche mana yg menjadi pilihanmu 3. Sumber berita sudah ada tinggal mengolah kata 4. Kerjaan bersifat Long term 5. Boleh share lowongan peker...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

Hi Shirllyana H., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Admin Freelance diperlukan Syarat Kelayakkan: - mempunyai computer - mempunyai smart phone ( Elaun Tambahan Rm100/ month bagi hp & computer barang diatas) Tugasan: - Mengumpulkan Database dari (setiap hari perlu dapatkan 5 new listing direct owner) - Menghantar sms & whats app copy writeting kepada Database ( setiap hari perlu siapkan 5 listing lengkap - Membuat Copywriting dan mengemaskini database ke dalam Group Telegram dan whats app Group - Mengiklankan database di website , , - menyediakan draft tenancy agrement bagi transaksi yang telah berjaya - Update semula database secara bulanan dengan sms & whats app kepada

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

Personal Assistance Freelance diperlukan Syarat Kelayakkan: - mempunyai computer - mempunyai smart phone ( Elaun Tambahan Rm100/ month bagi hp & computer barang diatas) Tugasan: - Mengumpulkan Database dari (setiap hari perlu dapatkan 5 new listing direct owner) - Menghantar sms & whats app copy writeting kepada Database ( setiap hari perlu siapkan 5 listing lengkap - Membuat Copywriting dan mengemaskini database ke dalam Group Telegram dan whats app Group - Mengiklankan database di website , , - menyediakan draft tenancy agrement bagi transaksi yang telah berjaya - Update semula database secara bulanan dengan sms & whats app kepada database - menurunkan iklan yang telah expired pada website iproperty, , -

$376 Average bid
$376 Avg Bida
4 bida

Saya Novin Triantonius , Jurusan Computer Science Universitas Bina Nusantara. Sedang menambah portofolio agar menjadi lulusan yang siap.

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

WORK SCOPE: To extract business data from Google Map (*Please zoom map up to 20m for larger data extraction) FORMAT TO SAVE LIST: CSV or EXCEL LIST OF DATA FIELDS REQUIRED: Business Name Address City State Zip Phone Fax (if available) Email id (if available) Website URL (if available) COUNTRY: Malaysia KEYWORDS/TARGET LOCATION: (The list below shows the industrial area name. Please extract the business data from each industrial area) Axis Industrial Park , 42450 Shah Alam , Selangor Bandar Teknologi Kajang , 43500 Semenyih , Selangor Bukit Kemuning Industrial Park , 42450 Shah Alam , Selangor Cempaka Emas Industrial Park , 42000 Pelabuhan Klang , Selangor Elite Industrial Park , 40400 Shah Alam , Selangor Hicom Glenmarie Industrial , 40000 Shah Alam , Selangor Kapar Industrial...

$17 Average bid
$17 Avg Bida
17 bida

Hi, Saya akan membuka satu blog mengenai Blockchain, Bitcoin dan Cryptocurrencies Projek ini akan saya berikan kepada yang bersedia untuk melakukan t...Blockchain, Bitcoin dan Cryptocurrencies Projek ini akan saya berikan kepada yang bersedia untuk melakukan translate 5 - 10 artikel per hari dari English ke Indonesia ( bukan dari google translate ) Per artikel terdiri dari 300 - 1000 kata Untuk projek ini hanya dikhususkan bagi yang ingin long term jadi partner kami Projek ini kami akan berikan 5 artikel untuk di translate dan akan membayar IDR 100,000 apabila projek telah diselesaikan dan memuaskan, maka kami akan hire long term dengan pembayaran 2 juta per bulan untuk translate artikel buat kami. Lebih prefer yang pengalaman tentang Bitcoin, Altcoin, da...

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
35 bida

computer vision matlab

$109 Average bid
$109 Avg Bida
4 bida

saya menyukai perkembangan software dan jaringan komputer

$144 Average bid
$144 Avg Bida
2 bida

Kami adalah perusahaan yang begerak di bidang teknologi 3D Printing akan melakukan expo/pameran pada tanggal 10-14 Febuary 2016 (5 Hari) di Cambridge City Mall, Medan. Memerlukan beberapa Freelance Marketing/Sales untuk ditempatkan di lokasi pameran. Anggaran dari Rp80.000-Rp200.000/hari (10.00WIB-22.00WIB) tergantung pengalaman dan skills. Ditambah bonus/komisi penjualan. Produk yang dipasarkan adalah: 3D printer, Jasa 3D printing dan Kursus 3D Design

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

mencari seorang yang boleh "monetizing laman youtube yang berada didalam "under review"

$7 - $21
$7 - $21
0 bida

Ability to use computer and internet in particular microsoft words and else

$236 Average bid
$236 Avg Bida
1 bida
Story Writing
Tamat left

Looking for a writing partner to create story for short film/graphic novel projects. Must be a team-worker and is open to suggestion, references and active in brainstorming sessions. Having already written before is a plus. Better if proficient in script-writing.

$72 Average bid
$72 Avg Bida
1 bida

kai Projecta minda gitxrat shemodit yvela

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bida

Hai i am Durga shanker saw Computer operter

$74 Average bid
$74 Avg Bida
6 bida

membuat sebuah cerita fantasy dengan imajinasi yang daat dimilki oleh seseorang itu sangat baik dan mungkin akan menjadikan sebuah karya yang daat dibeli dan di baca oleh orang-orang . (jika ceritanya baik dan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar dan tidak memerlakukan SARA . terima kasih .

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

membuat sebuah cerita fantasy dengan imajinasi yang daat dimilki oleh seseorang itu sangat baik dan mungkin akan menjadikan sebuah karya yang daat dibeli dan di baca oleh orang-orang . (jika ceritanya baik dan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar dan tidak memerlakukan SARA . terima kasih .

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya perlukan satu design baju lokal yang bertemakan "smokepipe" Dan wajib ada brand logo pada baju. Design mengikut kretiviti anda & hanya 1 warna sahaja. Looking for long-term designer for our brand. Logo :-

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya perlukan satu design baju lokal yang bertemakan "smokepipe" Dan wajib ada brand logo pada baju. Design mengikut kretiviti anda & hanya 1 warna sahaja. Looking for long-term designer for our brand. Logo :-

$28 Average bid
$28 Avg Bida
6 bida

Saya perlukan satu design baju lokal yang bertemakan "smokepipe" Dan wajib ada brand logo pada baju. Design mengikut kretiviti anda & hanya 1 warna sahaja. Looking for long-term designer for our brand. Logo :-

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya perlukan satu design baju lokal yang bertemakan "smokepipe" Dan wajib ada brand logo pada baju. Design mengikut kretiviti anda & hanya 1 warna sahaja. Looking for long-term designer for our brand. Logo :-

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
1 bida

Design a simple and very nice composition of flash video. Required a detail from client to find out the best project can be produce my myself. Time is major factor since I am a full time student in computer give co-operation and be the best deal. Melakukan rekaan ciptaan flash maklumat terperinci tentang projek daripada klien agar menghasilkan satu project yang adalah satu faktor utama kerana saya seorang pelajar sepenuh masa dalam komputer berikan kerjasama supaya dapat berikan perkhidmatan yang baik.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya ada module auto select city dan one page check out. Module auto select city tersebut jalan di halam check out standard tetapi ketika saya menggunakan module one page check out tidak bisa jalan. Jadi saya perlu bantuan untuk menggabungkan kedua module tersebut.

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

[For Malaysians ONLY] [For Malaysians ONLY] [For Malaysians ONLY] - BID ONLY IF YOU ARE TRAINER & STAYING IN MALAYSIA . Required Trainers/freelancers to deliver training courses in many fields of training. Location: in Malaysia.

$18 - $35 / hr
$18 - $35 / hr
2 bida

prodip debnath 1/23/F-A, East basaboo, sobojbag, Dhaka Tel : 01819298544 E-mail : debnathpk7@

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

prodip debnath 1/23/F-A, East basaboo, sobojbag, Dhaka Tel : 01819298544 E-mail : debnathpk7@

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida
Tamat left

We are going to do a large translation project, which will require translators in many languages. I NEED THREE TRANSLATORS PER EACH LANGUAGE (Translation will be mostly English to "language"). If you see the language that you speak on the list, please email me a short message with your rates and your name, like this: Albanian -- John Doe -- .05 per word SEND TO: Helena@quicktranslationsolutions FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, so don’’t wait: the three first translators will be evaluated first--I will be contacting you next week. There is still a selection process involved (your credential, rates, etc.), but we'll start with the first three. LANGUAGES: Albanian Amharic Arabic Burmese Farsi (Persian, Dari) French Hindi Hmong Ilocano Japanes...

$437 Average bid
$437 Avg Bida
4 bida

I can writing anything, .. :) Internet ?? apa itu ? jika kalian bertanya pada anak SD pasti menjawab, “internet itu tempat facebookan dan main game”. Hehe.. maklumlah masih SD. Nah kalo menurut saya nih, menurut dari berbagai sumber yang telah saya pelajari pada masa sekolah, internet adalah suatu jaringan yang menghubungkan computer satu dengan yang lainya., bener gak tuh ? bener gak nya gak masalah yah, karna memang ini bukan karya tulisan ilmiah,..

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Saya ingin membuat game online di windows computer

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
8 bida

We are an event company that is looking for people to work for us full time and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to people who are looking for a relax jobs where they do not have to be in the office all the time. Schedule will be given one week ahead f...

$109 Average bid
$109 Avg Bida
1 bida

...and continuously learning to improve my technical skills. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing E-commerce websites. - Strong knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Excellent UI/UX design skills. - Strong problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. - Ability to work remotely and manage time efficiently in a 6-hour workday. I am looking for project-based or long-term roles that will not only challenge my skills but also help me grow as a developer. My goal is to build a solid portfolio, with essential sections such as 'About Me', 'Projects', and 'Contact Information', and to include developing an E-commerce site with a shopping cart functionality and product listings. I am eager to connect with potential clients wh...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
29 bida

Prepare of a .docx document with at least 300 questions for the "Microsoft AZ-900" exam and answers. Under each question, answer suggestions, and under each answer suggestion, only the solution (i.e. answers with the correct one marked). Everything must be clearly prepared for printing. You can use websites that collect histori...the solution (i.e. answers with the correct one marked). Everything must be clearly prepared for printing. You can use websites that collect historical questions for this exam, e.g.

$104 Average bid
$104 Avg Bida
25 bida

I'm seeking a seasoned developer with deep expertise in the ElizaOS project. The primary focus will be on enhancing the core functionalities of the system. You're expected to: - Implement various Third-party service APIs, Internal system APIs, and Social media APIs seamlessly into the ElizaOS framework. - Ensure the system can fetch real-time data accurately by integrating with Twitter API & web search to stay updated on crypto trands & Coinbase stock performance. - Tailor the system’s responses and outputs to follow a specific brand tone consistently. Ideal candidates for this role should have substantial experience in core system development, particularly with ElizaOS. Strong skills in API implementation and real-time data processing are essential. An understand...

$163 Average bid
$163 Avg Bida
9 bida

I'm in need of a skilled Excel professional to create a dashboard for tracking employee benefits. The dashboard should primarily focus on: - Short-term and long-term disability tracking - Sick leave monitoring - Military leave tracking The ideal candidate should have strong skills in Excel, particularly in creating dashboards and utilizing advanced functions. Experience in HR analytics or benefits tracking would be a plus. A keen attention to detail and ability to present data in an easy-to-understand format is essential.

$125 Average bid
$125 Avg Bida
54 bida

We are seeking a seasoned Japanese editor to translate our website from English to Japanese. The role will also involve translate newsletters or short texts or advertising, with a strong focus on cultural and linguistic precision. Main responsibilities: - Translate various types of website content: blog posts, product descriptions and user interface text, from English to Japanese. - Ensure that all translated and original content is in line with our values Ideal candidate: - Native knowledge of Japanese, with excellent command of English. - In-depth knowledge of Japanese culture and linguistic nuances.

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Avg Bida
10 bida

1. Project Overview This project aims to extract restaurant information and menu items from the Didi Food México platform (). The collected data will be structured for further analysis and usage. 2. Objec...specified format. 3. Scope of Work 3.1 Data Extraction • Extract restaurant names, addresses, contact details, and ratings. • Collect menu items with descriptions, prices, categories, and availability. • Identify any additional metadata relevant to restaurant and menu information. • Headers: o Restaurant Id o Restaurant URL o Restaurant Name o Restaurant Phone o Latitude o Longitude o Address o City o Provincia o Postal Code o Type of Food o Users Average Punctuation o Ranking o Menu Category o Menu Item Price o Regular Price o Discount o Offer

$439 Average bid
$439 Avg Bida
25 bida

? Hiring Long-Term Illustrators – 3-Month Project (225 Illustrations) | $500 USD ? Looking for Procreate Artists to Adapt AI Artwork! We need illustrators who use Procreate to help finish artwork that is halfway done. You will take images made with MidJourney (AI) and edit them to match my art style. ? Job Details: Duration: 3 months (March – May 2025) Workload: 75 illustrations per month (total of 225 illustrations) Pay: $500 USD for 3 months ($166/month) Tools Needed: Procreate (you must send .procreate files, NOT image files like PNG or JPG) ✅ What You Will Do: Edit and adjust AI-generated images to match a specific style. Half of the work is already done—you only need to refine and finish the artwork. Follow clear instructions for each image. Keep the same lo...

$378 Average bid
$378 Avg Bida
66 bida

...Implement proven engagement strategies to build quality connections - Create compelling content that drives meaningful interactions - Develop thought leadership positioning in the AI and technology space **Content Strategy Implementation** - Create text-based posts optimized for maximum engagement - Structure content with strategic three-line hooks for better visibility - Implement newsletter and short-form video content - Build interactive content including polls and LinkedIn Live sessions **Community Building & Engagement** - Foster genuine community engagement through strategic commenting - Develop structured engagement schedules for consistent growth - Create collaborative opportunities with industry peers - Drive meaningful discussions in relevant industry topics ## R...

$147 Average bid
$147 Avg Bida
17 bida

Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced AI developer to create a Conversational AI-powered advice chatbot that integrates both AI voice and video avatars. I am aware of Heygen and Eleven ... Synthesia, D-ID, etc.) ✔ Web Development (Frontend & Backend) ✔ Data Security & Privacy Compliance What to Include in Your Proposal: ? Examples of similar AI chatbot projects you’ve built ? Your suggested tech stack (AI models, APIs, hosting, etc.) ? Estimated cost & delivery timeline ? Any additional recommendations to enhance the AI experience Long-Term Opportunity: This is the first of many AI projects, and I’m looking for a long-term partner. If this project is successful, I will have future AI-driven projects for myself and potential clients. Loo...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Avg Bida
27 bida
PDF Guide Creation
6 hari left

I need a modern and visual PDF reference document. All information will be provided. The document should include an introduction and overview, as well as a detailed analysis. Ideal freelancer should have experience in creating visually appealing and easy to understand PDF documents. Note all the information will be provided for 2 versions, a short and long guide.

$116 Average bid
$116 Avg Bida
111 bida

I am looking to have someone post Ads for me on Craigs list 2 times a day for 30 days. The category would be Services. I would look to post in one City within USA. Let me know what this work would entail...your cost...and what you would need from me. *Please post the Code: FORREAL at the top of your response for consideration. I'll delete the response otherwise. Cheers, Eb

$188 Average bid
$188 Avg Bida
30 bida

I'm looking for a highly skilled translator with a profound understanding of Biblical Prophecy, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation, to translate Section 1.0 of a book (8 pages) from English to Vietnamese. This is a try-out project, so I can select the best translator to do the entire book (around 100 pages/61000 words). Prefer not to use AI. Give me a sample of your translation of the first 8 pages of Section 1 of the book for my evaluation of your skill. The book name: "Final Years of Civilization" by Elbib E. Newton, is intended for all readers. You can read the book at The translator must be: - Faithful to the original text, capturing its meaning and nuances - Able to adhere to the style, terminology and tone of the King James...

$5507 Average bid
$5507 Avg Bida
4 bida

...product listings that rank higher on Amazon’s search results. I use high-volume keywords, compelling copywriting, and A+ content to attract buyers and boost sales. ✅ Low-Competition Keyword Research: Leveraging advanced tools to uncover niche-specific, high-traffic keywords with low competition. This strategy drives organic traffic, increases discoverability, and positions your products for long-term success. ✅ PPC Campaign Management & Optimization: Designing and managing cost-effective Amazon PPC campaigns to maximize ROI. From keyword targeting to bid optimization, I ensure your ad spend translates into higher sales and improved ACOS. ✅ Order Fulfillment & Inventory Management: Streamlining order processing, inventory tracking, and shipment management to ensur...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Avg Bida
6 bida

We are looking for a guest post outreach expert who can provide high-quality guest posting sites in the health niche, specifically with a . domain. This is an ongoing project, and we require 25 sites per week (100 per month). Requirements: - Domain Authority (DA): Minimum 30+ - Traffic: High-quality organic traffic (No PBNs or spam sites) - Domain: M...Fresh & Indexed Domains: No expired or penalized domains Responsibilities: - Provide a list of guest post opportunities that match the above criteria. - Communicate and negotiate with site owners for guest post placement. - Ensure the backlinks are natural & permanent. - Submit weekly reports with published guest post URLs. Payment Terms: a) Payment will be made per index link in Google b) Long-term collaboration for the ...

$378 Average bid
$378 Avg Bida
12 bida services use Twilio or find another provider which can provide USA phone number and voice to text input for local running python code and text to voice from local python code to caller phone (long conversation support important ). Agent talks with customer for long time as needed. All dialog text save to log txt file with time stamps Acceptances criteria I can do by myself on my windows computer using your detail instructions (including how to get and use phone code provider, how install all needed software in Windows ) and your code provided you have 1 day to do just some help for you

$17 Average bid
$17 Avg Bida
2 bida services use Twilio or find another provider which can provide USA phone number and voice to text input for local running python code and text to voice from local python code to caller phone (long conversation support important ). Agent talks with customer for long time as needed. All dialog text save to log txt file with time stamps Acceptances criteria I can do by myself on my windows computer using your detail instructions (including how to get and use phone code provider, how install all needed software in Windows ) and your code provided you have 1 day to do just some help for you

$126 Average bid
$126 Avg Bida
27 bida

I'm looking for an expert in YOLO object detection to help me develop a model that can detect people in outdoor settings. The primary purpose of this project is not defined yet, so flexibility and adaptability are key. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with YOLO object detection - Proficiency in Python and OpenCV - Strong understanding of machine learning and computer vision - Ability to adapt to changing project requirements - Good problem-solving skills Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal.

$21 Average bid
$21 Avg Bida
14 bida