Scan 100 pagespekerjaan
saya nak bina software untuk final project saya di politeknik tetapi tidak tahu untuk siapkan lagi 50% dari project tersebut jadi saya perlukan bantuan software...50% dari project tersebut jadi saya perlukan bantuan software developer dari malaysia yang mahir dalam biadang ini untuk menolong saya . saya menggunakan unity untuk membina dengan memasukan 3d layout yang saya export dari matterport dalam bentuk .OBJ. dan saya stuck disitu .saya nak buat dia macam ni , bila buka apps tu dia akan keluar option untuk pilih bilik belajar di politeknik yang saya dah scan 3d dan automatik keluar kamera dan ada arrow pointing yang menunjuk arah ke pengguna dan juga kalau boleh ada sedikit robot kecik di setiap belik menerangkan fungsi bilik belajar/lab di aras 0 itu. saya harap encik dapat meno...
Buku semasa saya ialah kira-kira 30,000 perkataan, dengan belanjawan antara $2-$3 setiap 100 perkataan. Jika kita mendapati kerja bersama saling menguntungkan, belanjawan untuk projek masa depan akan meningkat dengan ketara. Saya akan memberikan anda garis besar buku terperinci, dan sumber yang boleh anda gunakan untuk penyelidikan tambahan, jika perlu. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan berkebun hidroponik adalah satu kelebihan. Saya sedang mencari seorang penulis yang berminat untuk menanam buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran tanpa tanah, dan yang boleh mengambil maklumat teknikal "cara" dan menyampaikannya dengan cara yang menarik dan menarik. Keperluan asas: ---Semestinya tiada plagiarisme ---Mestilah penutur asli Sepanyol dan mempunyai penguasaan tatabahasa Sepanyol dan...
Membuat artikel tentang tema kampus sebanyak 100 artikel 1000 kata
I have designs for 3 web pages in html form. Can any one make them functional ? I shall provide the logo .
Dibutuhkan penulis artikel SEO dengan niche social media. Minimal 1 Artikel terdapat 500 kata. Artikel boleh tentang apa saja yang menyangkut sosial media. Baik itu tips, trik, tutorial, artikel viral, dll. (Dilengkapi gambar) Sosial media : Fb, IG, Twitter, YT
proyek penggajian pada karyawan swalayan, yang berisi data pada karyawan, seperti nik, nama, jabatan, jumlah hari masuk, hari kerja, masa kerja, gaji pokok, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan masa kerja, tunjangan makan, bonus, lembur, kas bon, potongan, denda dan lain-lain. serta sistem program absensi menggunakn sidik jari dan scan barcode (barcode tidak boleh di ketik manual di sistem) master user mencakup semua laporan karyawan
1. Saya akan beri contoh komen yang akan digunakan. 2. Anda copy dan paste di ruangan komen2 post yang juga saya berikan dan anda cadangkan (yang relevan) 3. Copy link post yang telah dikomen tadi dan masukkan ke dalam Ms Excel 4. Email kepada kami laporan tersebut 5. Kami bayar RM30 untuk setiap 100 komen yg siap terus ke akaun anda!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
kami ingin membuat satu simulation mengenai application yg boleh scan barcode
Apakah ada freelancer yang menguasai pengembangan aplikasi Visual Studio C++ untuk Windows CE - Windows Embedded? Saya mengoperasikan sebuah gudang di mana setiap bulannya saya melakukan proses stock opname secara manual (menghi...proses stock opname secara manual (menghitung stock di lapangan dan mencocokannya di database MySQL). Saya ingin sedikit mengautomasi proses ini menggunakan perangkat mobile yang sudah dilengkapi dengan barcode scanner. Perangkat mobile berbasis Windows CE sudah saya beli (bisa saya tunjukkan jikalau kita bertemu). Aplikasi bawaan dari barcode scanner juga sudah ada (bisa saya tunjukkan juga demo scan seperti apa). Aplikasi ini akan distart di gudang saya untuk memulai proses scanner. Yang saya perlukan adalah untuk mengkonek aplikasi ini dengan data...
Membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat merubah macro dari microsoft office pada word, ke libre office pada linux. Fungsi macro yang sudah di buat di microsoft office adalah menambahkan garis horisontal pada tempat kosong di sebelah kanan tulisan, dan penambahan garis vertikal pada sebelah kiri tulisan. Macro pada microsoft office sudah berfungsi 100% dan kita ingin agar bisa berjalan juga di libre office pada linux.
OI abadi tore abr hire kortam kita...hala faoul kunaor . Beng amr kita lektham tukaia pariam na .100 characters furaite oiboto
I got about 150 web pages that needs to have some cosmetics , there are only 15 variations of the page, so most are just the same page/layout/design with different content. Included some sample files, you must be good in Bahasa Malaysia
designed my shirt blah blah blah 100 characterssssssssssssssssss aaaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mentalah 100$ wegasdhgfjhgjkojhogbds'g'dugdhjs;guydiojhgnajgdbo;jaogpijdgl;khg;djfgpdugpidjg'pdsihgn'p;djgpd[s]iuhjgdpsk;gjn'dshg'[dsuhgpdskg[adjshgaidshg[jadg[pihdpgikapgju[aijg[djgh[fhgsdgkadg]ohdghj[dogjhpdngdngl'dngagadgd
...job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kri...
nak ea pending oder buy stop dan sell stop serentak yang boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell...boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell stop, kemudian boleh set take away profit jika pending oder terbuka boleh set profit contoh 100 ea akan close semua ...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
"MESIN PENCACAH KOMPOS Fungsi : - Mesin ini berfungsi untuk mencacah berbagai bahan (non food) untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos, dll. Spesifikasi : - Kapasitas : 500kg/jam - Dimensi (pxlxt) : 1000 x 600 x 1000 mm - Material Rangka : Mild Steel UNP 100 - Material Body : Plate SPHD 3 mm - Penggerak : Diesel 16 PK Dong Feng - Bahan Bakar : Solar - Finishing : Cat"
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
I need to make 3 pages same from Bootstrap5 to React.js, followed by their integration with CodeIgniter4. The pages should be able to seamlessly interface with CodeIgniter4 and perform necessary database operations. Key Requirements: - Convert 3 Bootstrap5 pages to React.js - Integrate these pages with my existing CodeIgniter4 framework - Ensure that the pages can perform form submissions, authenticate users, and display dynamic data - Enable integration with MySQL for database operations Database Operations: - User information, product details, and transaction records are already present in the database and are working fine, website is live and public, just have to implement React to optimize loading time Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js and ...
I'm looking for a skilled animator who can create 100 unique, high-quality, Digital 2D, adventure-themed, children's cartoon stories. Each video should be at least 15 minutes long, suitable for YouTube, and devoid of any copyright issues. The stories should be interesting and budget-friendly, allowing me to upload them on YouTube and monetize the channel. Key Requirements: - This project requires a deep understanding of what appeals to children, with an adventurous tone permeating each story. - The ideal freelancer would have experience in creating traditional 2D; Digital 2D; or Cut-out style animations, with a preference for Digital 2D. - Ability to generate engaging, unique stories without infringing on existing copyrights is crucial. - The animator should be able to c...
I need help finishing all main and side quests in Honkai: Star Rail on my PC. - Current Status: I have completed up to the 'Aventurine' quest. - Objective: 100% completion of all quests. Please note that I do not require assistance with character builds or team compositions, just quest completion. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Honkai: Star Rail and a track record of helping others complete quests in the game.
...purchase, and validate event tickets, with a focus on simplicity and functionality. Core Features: 1. Ticket Purchasing and Management: • Integration with multiple payment APIs, including credit cards, PayPal, and local Haitian payment methods. • Ability to generate and manage event lists and purchaser lists for event organizers. • QR code generation for each ticket, allowing event organizers to scan and validate tickets at the event. 2. User Interface: • Simple and user-friendly design that facilitates easy navigation and transaction processes. • Geo-localization features to enable users to find events near them. • Advertising spaces within the app for promotional activities. 3. Backend/Administration: • A robust backend system that ...
I have a digital floor plan in a PDF format created with AutoCAD that I need scaled to a 1:100 ratio. The scaled drawing should have a matching scale bar. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Experience in scaling floor plans - Attention to detail Please note, I only require the scaled floor plan with a matching scale bar. No annotations or labels need to be added.
...responsiveness. - Clean, minimalist homepage with featured products and offers. - Categories for different types of toys (e.g., educational, games, outdoor toys). - Product detail pages with high-quality images, descriptions, and price. - User reviews and ratings section. - Contact us and about us pages. - Option for secure checkout with payment gateways (like PayPal, credit cards). 4. **Branding:** - The color palette should be bright and friendly. Please refer to our brand identity for colors (attach logo and branding files if necessary). - Customization of WooCommerce product pages to reflect the toy theme. 5. **SEO Optimized:** - Basic SEO structure (e.g., title tags, meta descriptions, alt text for images). **What we pr...
You will be given exactly 200 scanned book pages (JPG files). You use tools like to upload image files and copy text down in .doc files. Remove useless characters like pinyin, only keep Chinese characters in doc files. Please aware that the sequence of the chinese characters are not right in the concerted text done by the tool. You have to make them right, so you must know Chinese language well. Provide me 100 doc files, each contains one well-edited Chinese Idiom's story according to the jpg file, and name them according to the jpg file. You provide me a few, and let me check and give you feedback at early stage. Fix budget 50 USD. Within 10 days.
I need an expert in keyword research, specifically using Ahrefs, to help me plan content for my blog. The primary focus of this blog will be informative content, so the keywords should be relevant to this type...using Ahrefs, to help me plan content for my blog. The primary focus of this blog will be informative content, so the keywords should be relevant to this type of content. Your responsibilities will include: “Set the traffic filter to a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 10,000, filter to English, and hit ‘Show Results.’ This will display pages from websites with high traffic and low authority. To summarize the results, click the ‘Website’ tab to view the top 100 websites based on organic traffic. Skim through the domains to identify any ni...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can build a tailored job portal for me with integrated AI capabilities. This platform is intended for recruiters/employers and should include the following features: - AI Functions: - Resume Scanning and Matching: The job portal should have sophisticated AI algorithms that can scan and match resumes to job postings. This will help streamline the recruitment process and ensure the right candidates are being considered for each role. - Predictive Analytics for Job Trends: This feature will provide insights on future job trends, helping recruiters stay ahead of the curve. - User Role: - The portal will primarily cater to recruiters/employers. - Recruiter/Employer Features: - Posting Job Listings: A simple and intuitive interfa..., metal gear. Cost per unit: $20–$40 each Custom Brushless Direct-Drive Mini Actuators Note: Typically, these are found in high-end robotics labs. They’re incredibly small, expensive, and often custom-fabricated. If you want “ultimate performance,” you could explore collaborating with a specialized manufacturer or using micro brushless motors with tiny planetary gearboxes. Cost: Can be $100+ per joint. Number of Actuators Needed: ~12–15 total for full realism. Electronics & Control: Main Controller Board Option A: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Enough power to run some level of TensorFlow Lite or advanced Python scripts. Wi-Fi/Bluetooth built in. Option B: NVIDIA Jetson Nano (2GB or 4GB) More AI horsepower, but physically bigger. Squeezing it into...
Title: Looking for a Freelancer to Develop a Ludo App with Payment Integration Description: I am looking for an experienced developer or team to create a high-quality Ludo gaming app. The app will have a ₹100 entry fee and provide real-time multiplayer functionality. Below are the details: 1. Game Features: Classic Ludo gameplay with intuitive and attractive design. Real-time multiplayer mode (2-4 players). Private room creation and quick match options. Smooth animations and minimal lag for seamless user experience. 2. Payment System: Integration of secure online payment gateways (e.g., UPI, wallets, net banking). Automatic processing of payouts to winning players' wallets or accounts. 3. Admin Panel: A backend dashboard for managing: Game statistics (matches pl...
...standard, and include request parameters, paths, structure, examples, and responses. Categorization should be clear, and no functionality should be omitted. Additionally, we expect the freelancer to test the APIs where possible and provide suggestions on improvements or optimizations. The documentation should cover, but is not limited to, the following: frontend, backend, and admin APIs. Budget: 100 USD Deadline: Complete within 3 days Requirements: Organizing the API Documentation: Review and organize the existing backend API interfaces, ensuring all APIs are included in the documentation. Ensure the documentation contains all necessary details: request parameters, request paths, request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), request bodies, response bodies, example data, e...
We're looking for the assistance of an experienced CS-Cart developer to help us to setup particularly a location near me type filter in our Multi Vendor setup. It would allow the user to enter their postcode and then show the products from vendors who are within 10km, 25 km, 50km, 100 km. This will obviously depend on the vendor's address added in the system. There are other filters, but this is the key one. Please let us know your recommendations and if you can estimate the amount of time needed. As mentioned we will have other items to get your assistance on, but this is the first step. Thank you, we're ready to hire the experienced developer.
I'm looking for a talented social media marketer with extensive experience in organic promotion on Meta and LinkedIn. My company specialises in travel and insurance, and our primary goal is to engage and reach all types of travelers in Australia. Key Responsibilities: - Promote recent project launches and service-related posts to increase visibility and interest - B...particularly on Meta - Experience in promoting content - Ability to create engaging, shareable content - Strong understanding of targeting and reaching international audiences - DETAILED understanding of TOF, MOF, BOF targeting structures in Meta Please note: Applications without attachments will NOT be considered. Auto text will be blocked. ##STEP 1### Outline what you will do for the first $100 and first mon...
Hi there, Dutch is required. I'm looking for someone to help me collect email addresses from a list of 100 Dutch events or businesses. Project Details: Find websites and/or their Facebook pages/event pages. Gather email addresses from these sources. Accuracy is essential. Budget: 5 NZD Time: 2 days To Apply: Please start your bid with "5 NZD" and provide a few sample entries. Thank you,
I need a professional Word expert to format my 100-page training manual. The formatting tasks include: - Text Alignment and Spacing: Ensure the text is properly aligned and spaced throughout the document. - Font and Style Consistency: Make sure the font and style are consistent across all pages. - Headers and Footers Setup: Set up headers and footers correctly. Please adhere to standard formatting practices as I do not have a specific template. Your job is to prepare the document for graphic layout. Experience with Word and document formatting is essential.
Sila Dafter atau Log masuk untuk melihat butiran.
Someone with knowledge on WordPress Task is simple I need you to add the contents I created to the website as a blog pages Same colors and formats alone with photos Best regards -Ricardo Marquez
Looking for a social media influencer with a substantial audience to promote 100% natural health products. The influencer should be able to create engaging User-Generated Content (UGC) in the form of videos on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Key Requirements: 1. Audience Size: • The influencer should have 100k+ followers on at least one of the major social platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.). • Preference for influencers with a high engagement rate and active audience interaction. 2. Platform Focus: • Must be able to create content on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or other relevant platforms. • The content should be tailored to the platform’s format (e.g., short-form videos for TikTok, reels for Instagram, etc.). 3. Content ...
...Moderniser le design et l'ergonomie du site pour une présentation professionnelle et attractive, notamment sur les mobiles. Optimiser les pages produits pour une meilleure expérience utilisateur et un taux de conversion plus élevé (temps de chargement, extensions utiles). Personnaliser des éléments spécifiques, comme le bouton "BUY NOW" et l'affichage du bouton PayPal. Mettre en place des règles de livraison complexes avec 11 zones et 17 tranches de poids. Repenser la page d'accueil en mettant en avant les produits phares et en créant un diaporama dynamique pour les promotions. Améliorer le menu avec des images, des couleurs ou d'autres éléments visuels. Ajouter 10...
I'm seeking a skilled software developer to build a Flash BTC Transaction Core Tool. This software's heart is a built-in BTC wallet capable of sending a maximum of 100 BTC daily. Key Features: - Utilization of the Flash BTC Transaction or blockchain keys options - Ability to define the duration a transaction stays in the wallet (up to 365 days) - Setting the fees for quick blockchain confirmations - VPN, TOR, and Proxy options for enhanced security - Pre-transaction verification of blockchain addresses - Sending up to 100 BTC in a single transaction, 100 BTC daily - Ensuring Bitcoin is spendable and transferable to 100 wallets - Guaranteeing full confirmation of transactions - Supporting all wallets, including Segwit and legacy addresses - Live trans...
I'm looking for a creative professional who can design 100+ modern and sleek image posts made in 20 post increments for my perfume brand's social media platforms, including TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. The posts should be product-focused, highlighting the unique aspects of our perfumes. Ideal skills and experience: - NEED FIXED PRICE FOR ALL - Graphic design and social media expertise - Understanding of modern aesthetics - Experience with product-focused posts - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging content
I am using the elessi wordpresss theme. For products with videos, currently the videos are in last in product gallery(it's like this now. video is in last placement): i want it to be moved to 2nd place. similar to this example: Also i...moved to 2nd place. similar to this example: Also i want to videos to play automatically in a loop similar to this example(when you scroll down products with videos will play automatically): The key areas where these videos will be integrated include: - Product pages - Category pages - Homepage -Shop pages