Pdf generator web service using apache foppekerjaan
3 file server untuk XFileSharing Pro butuh di optimalisasi, karena resource server masih banyak tapi generating files, download dan upload lambat. Server spec pakai i3 2100, 8GB RAM, 1 Gbps network dedicated. Statistik rata-rata 3 server tersebut sebelum akhirnya melambat: Active connection 4000-5000, RAM usage 300-400MB, CPU usage 2-10%, Network usage 500-600 Mbps. Saya ingin server resource terpakai secara maksimal sebelum saya menambahkan server-server baru.
as discussed on skype and by email 8-visas Website: Facebook page: Target Countries: Cambodia, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea South, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Australia, New Zealand Audience Interests: Thailand, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Asia Goal: become best known Facebook Page for visa service in Thailand for all citizens from countries mentioned under ‘target countries’. 8-investigate Website: Facebook page:
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Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.
Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.
Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.
Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.
Hello, I have pdf formatted text pages text 10 page with 1000 word per page i want someone to rewrite them. I will Provide you text Which You have to type only(10000 word will be type).
...ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. 4. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan. 5. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0 6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja ..... 7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset. 8. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 9. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset) 10. Jalankan program Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 11. Klik "MAIN", maka printer akan berproses, kemudian MP258 akan print satu halaman dengan tulisan " D=000.0 " 12. Klik " EEPROM Clear &qu...
...macam-macam Shipment dari Mancanegara. Dan yang kami utamakan adalah kecepatan dalam pengirimanbarang Import dan Domestics, marketing handal dengan service yang baik menghandle konsumen dan juga keamanan barang tersebut hingga ditangani konsumen langsung [Door To Door Service]. BERIKUT LAYANAN YANG KAMI TAWARKAN IMPORT • Jasa Customs Clearance Import Via Udara [Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan Halim perdana Kusuma] • Jasa Customs Clearance Import Via Laut [LCL/FCL 20feet/40feet dll] • Under Name Consignee/QQ untuk perizinan import [Pinjam/Sewa perusahaan] • Customs Import Borongan [[ All-In ] via Laut dan Udara] • Import Door to Door Service • Domestics antar pulau Via Laut, Darat dan Udara ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia • Agent ...
Logo ACS handphone sparepart , service dan Acc kita bergerak dibidang Accesoris sparepart dan service , membutuhkan logo simple eyecacthing langsung ke konsumen
...placement, and readability for SEO effectiveness. - Implement internal linking strategies and image optimization (alt text, file size reduction, etc.). - Ensure website speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, and Core Web Vitals improvements. - Implement local SEO best practices for targeted countries. 2. Keyword Research & Content Optimization: - Perform in-depth keyword research to identify high-converting search terms. - Develop and implement content optimization strategies based on keyword intent. - Recommend or create SEO-friendly blog posts, landing pages, and service pages. 3. Ads Management (Google Ads & Meta Ads): - Develop a paid advertising strategy tailored to my target audience and business goals. - Set up and optimize Google Ads (Search, Display,...
I'm looking for a skilled PHP developer for the ongoing development of content management systems (CMS). Key Responsibilities: - Web application development with a focus on CMS - Collaborating with our IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Previous experience in CMS development - Able to work collaboratively with an IT MSP
I have a comprehensive video course that I need help selling. This course is hosted on my own website, - Skills in digital marketing or SEO will be a plus to help promote the course. Key requirements: - Experience in seling services - Knowledge of marketing strategies Knowledge of the challenges authors are facing - Great customer service - Being persuasive - active listening Objective handling ads and campaign Social selling Discovery
Scope of Works: A5 Laminated Brochure for Commercial Cleaning Business Brochure Size & Format: A6 (105mm x 148mm) Double-sided Laminated for durability Design Requirements: Clean, professional, and visually appealing design. Incorporate ASG's logo (high-resolution file to be provided). Use brand colors and fonts for consistency. Include icons or visuals to represent services clearly. Emphasize professionalism and quality without overloading text. Content (Front Side): Headline: "ASG Commercial Cleaning – Your Trusted Cleaning Specialists" Key Services: Construction Cleaning: Initial, final, and builders cleans. Maintenance Cleaning: Tailored periodic cleaning for commercial properties. Specialized Cleaning: Pressure washing Steam cleaning Carpet cleaning Event...
...Minimalist design sensibility - Use of a retro color palette, specifically pastel colors - Convey a sense of vintage charm The logo should embody the essence of 'Classic Lawns, Timeless Service.' It should reflect a friendly and approachable, yet professional demeanor. The vibe I'm going for is akin to the old-school mechanic, with script writing on overalls (uniform). For inspiration, please refer to the Instagram account @pinkswindows. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in retro-inspired designs, with an ability to deliver minimalist yet impactful visuals. Experience in designing for service-based industries would be a plus. While there is no urgency for this job, I am willing to pay for a same-day delivery if the quality m...
...default. The domain results of the main feature will be clickable (like table rows) and when you click on a domain result (ie. row) IF the "See if the Domain is available" is checked then it'll basically call GoDaddy's API to check the domain (this is super easy and I already have it as a CURL function that you can copy). #2) DOMAIN AVAILABILITY CHECKER FOR GODADDY - I already made this for the web: I basically want to sort of mix the 2 pages - the Idea part generates LOTS of domains and I don't want to call GoDaddy's API a lot of times. So, that's why we make the result rows clickable - so we only have to check the ones a user likes. Also, there's a 2nd API Call for "Suggested" Domains which is also a simple CURL function....
I'm seeking a modern-style logo for my valet trash business, "Trash Caddy". This service picks up trash from residents' doors in apartment complexes, eliminating the need for residents to trek their trash to community bins. Key Requirements: - A contemporary design approach - Adherence to an attached color scheme (for the website and potential logo use) - Creativity in logo design, open to different symbols and elements, as long as they relate to the business Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong portfolio in modern logo design - Experience with creating designs in specific color schemes - Ability to think creatively and outside the box - Previous work with service-oriented business logos preferred
...Given the dimensions and layout provided in the blueprint, the following areas will benefit from the recommended lighting options: • Gourmet Product Areas: Pendant lighting will hang from the ceiling in the main isle where people are shopping wine. The soft glow will highlight the textures and quality of the gourmet products without overwhelming them. • Checkout Area: 2 pendant lights above the service counter will create a focal point above the, enhancing the luxury experience. - pendant Above beer cave door. This lighting package is designed to bring out the beauty and luxury of your gourmet market and fine wine shop, combining style with functionality. The proposed track lighting, pendant lighting, and chandelier will highlight your products while creating a welc...
I need a designer to transform a PDF showing the layout of an RV Park into a presentation-ready slide on Canva. Key Requirements: - Convert a PDF file into a Canva presentation - Design a single slide with the RV Park layout - Include interactive elements like clickable icons or links if applicable Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Canva - Graphic design experience - Attention to detail - Ability to create visually appealing layouts Please design the layout with a modern, clean style. I would like the colors of the individual RV sites to be animated on mouse click or some other animation. According to the legend I've created in the PDF file.
...display a small watermark on the screen (Always stay on top). And get data from the server every minute and display it on the screen. (Using postDelayed()) I am currently having the following issues and would like to fix them. Issue: * There is no problem when the screen is on. * However, when returning from sleep / deep sleep mode, the watermark disappears and the process is terminated. (This varies depending on the mobile device, but the problem occurs when using it for about 10 minutes to 4 hours.) Request 1. The watermark should continue to be displayed (alive / resume) when returning from sleep / deep sleep mode. Note: never used foreground service (I don’t want ICON is displayed at the status bar) If you can do this project, I will...
I am seeking assistance with migrating my WeChat content and a comprehensive translation service. Tasks include: - Migration of all messages, contacts, and media (photos and videos) from my current WeChat account - Full translation of content from English to Chinese Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with WeChat migration - High level of proficiency in both English and Chinese - Translation experience, preferably in a digital context - Understanding of WeChat's interface and functionalities The total volume of content to be migrated is unknown at this time.
We are seeking a skilled developer to create an API that monitors NFT markets across multiple exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain (B...code that interacts with all specified exchanges. 2. Documentation: Detailed setup instructions, code documentation, and guidelines for how to use the API. 3. Testing: Demonstration or test results showing how the API detects arbitrage opportunities. 4. Deployment: A guide or support for deploying the API on a server or cloud service of choice. Requirements: • Proven experience with Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and DeFi/NFT protocols. • Strong understanding of APIs, web scraping, and blockchain interactions. • Experience working with third-party nodes and decentralized exchanges. • Ability to deliver clean, maintainab...
...and reorder easily. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in both iOS and Android app development - Previous experience in developing food delivery apps will be an advantage - Excellent communication skills - Ability to meet deadlines and provide regular updates. A custom design will be needed for the app, which we will discuss further. The app will require integration with a third-party service for restaurant listings and map services. The app design will include a high level of customization. The design customization required is any. The app should support multiple languages including English. The app design requirements will be tailored to your preferences. The app design will include any level of customization. Please structure the layout and design of the app to be &...
...tailored for physician dads. This app will be available on both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features Include: - A news feed with Like, Comment, Share functionalities, and the ability to post images and videos. - Private groups where users can connect and share experiences in a closed setting. - Anonymous digital phone dialer to call patients without giving out phone number. - Meme and gif generator on main page. - Basic storefront for merchandise sales. - Future functionality for adding a conference hosting and live stream. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge in cross-platform mobile app development. - Proven experience with social media app development. - Expertise in implementing interactive features in news feeds. - Capability to integrate private group...
I'm seeking an expert in RelevanceAi who can assist in building workflows to automate the processing of text data, specifically for the purpose of data extraction. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement RelevanceAi workflows aimed at automating the extractio...specifically for the purpose of data extraction. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement RelevanceAi workflows aimed at automating the extraction of data from text sources. - Ensure workflows are efficient, robust and scalable to handle large volumes of text data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using RelevanceAi. - Strong understanding of text data and data extraction techniques. - Experience in designing automation workflows. - Ability to deliver efficient and scalable solutions. See attached PDF ...
...freelancers worldwide who enjoy communication and networking with businesses and individuals. The task is straightforward: promote and sell our photography and videography services to hotels and restaurants across the globe. Key Highlights: - Flexible Working Conditions: You can work from anywhere, at any time. - Performance-Based Compensation: Earn money for every client that purchases our service. Essential Skills: - Excellent Communication: The ability to converse effectively with potential clients is crucial. - Sales Experience: Previous experience in sales will be beneficial. - Knowledge of Photography/Videography: Familiarity with the industry will aid your selling efforts. Preferred Communication Method: - Email: All outreach to potential clients will be conducted vi...
I need assistance adding 150 organized invoices into QuickBooks, and properly uploading each one to the expense section. Key details: - All invoices and their respective details are ready and organized in PDF format. - Each invoice comes with its own set of attachments. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in QuickBooks, attention to detail, and the ability to handle document attachments systematically. The project needs to be completed within 48 hours.