Parse error syntax error unexpected end indexphp linepekerjaan


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    Hai Salsabila M., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hai M Nadi F., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ketika button yang dilingkaran kuning itu diklik, dia berubah bergerak ke arah lingkaran hijau terus kayak ngexpand collapse gitu jadi lingkaran merah

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    projek cepat butuh Front End - Angular Js.

    $215 Average bid
    $215 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    project ini merupakan fyp saya. saya perlu mencari error dalam sliding mode contoller dan PID controller dalam pre-sliding motion. sya perlukan sesorang yang boleh buat PID dan SMC simulink dan saya hanya perlu masukan nila transfer function nilai x untuk cari error. nilai transfer function sudah diberi.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Hai toplinesolutions, saya tertarik dengan profil anda dan ingin tawarkan anda projek saya. Kita boleh berbincang mengenai butirannya menerusi sembang.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Assalamualaikum En. Azmi. Nama saya Taufik. Saya dan kawan saya di Jakarta tengah dalam planning untuk membuat project seperti MYEG. Front end development and design saya boleh buat. The back end yang saya lemah. Boleh kita berjumpa untuk discuss? Saya boleh datang Bangi. No telfon saya 0133410131 boleh whatsapp. Thanks En. Azmi

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Menulis Laporan Nama: muhammad ihza Cp line: kugateng

    $252 Average bid
    $252 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    urgent need for develop new mobile apps min req - Menguasai pemrograman mobile android/java back end/frond end (UI Mobile) min 1 tahun - Project Jangka pendek (estimasi pengerjaan 2-3 bulan) - Terbiasa dan mengerti development Life cycle, mengerti metodologi scrum - Bersedia on site di client min 2-3 hari dalam 1 minggu(update progress ke client) - domisili daerah jakarta Note : Fee per project disesuaikan menurut kemampuan

    $790 Average bid
    $790 Avg Bida
    25 bida

    Projek sedia ada cuma perlu selesaikan beberapa bugs untuk front end.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    Saya bergerak dibidang jasa salon poles mobil khusus panggilan DKI jakarta Dgn menggunakan technology nano yg berfungsi melindungi keaslian cat mobil. Sehingga mobil tdk prlu sering msk bengkel poles mobil dan memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000...2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000 Luxury : 1.500.000 poles coating nano ceramic Small : 2.500.000 Medium : 3.500.000 Large : 4.500.000 Luxury : 5.500.000 Sport car : 7.000.000 Khusus utk coating nano ceramic akan mendapatkan GARANSI s/d 2 tahun. More info call : #085248900670 #083875475909 WA #233A23D9 BB Line FB : Smart Evolution

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Halo saya ingin menawarkan jasa pembuatan website dan juga SEO nih gan Harga tergantung dari design yang mau di buat. Apakah anda pernah berfikir jika anda punya website tapi tanpa pengunjung itu bagaikan Esteh manis tanpa dimasukkan gula? Buat apa kalau punya website tapi tidak terpampang di google Jadi saya juga membuka jasa SEO nih buat agan - agan sekalian yang m... Web Design SEO 1 keyword to rank 1 google Web design and 2 keywords to rank 1 google SEO 2 Keywords to rank 1 google Untuk portofolio lebih banyak silahkan buka disini ya: Jika berminat hubungi saya di: Call/Text: 0852 1056 1396 WA: 0852 8456 8237 BBM: 525B 1C0A Line: aditlin

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    halo, saya mengundang Anda untuk berpartner dengan kami di UNIXON untuk : 1. Mobile App Developer 2. Website Designer 3. Wordpress Developer 4. 2D designer 5. 3D designer 6. Packaging 7. Video Animasi Flat Design add dan chat portofolio terbaik Anda ke LINE @unixon pakai "@" kami akan mencarikan client untuk Anda. terima kasih.

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    halo, saya sedang membutuhkan admin yang bekerja secara online, bisa bekerja dimana saja.. Namun training tetap dilakukan di Serpong Tangerang Selatan.. job desk : data entry customer service operation control (via internet) Content sharing semua dilakukan secara online.. dapat aktif online sekitar Jam 12:30 - 20:30 boleh dilakukan dalam team tanya2 add LINE account : @copycino

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    saya senang dengan kata dan kalimat yang inspiratif

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    membuat slogan agar seseorang berhati - hati dengan perbuatannya

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    web sudah jadi, namun ada penambahan pada system pembayaran menggunakan paypal (Sandbox paypal) jenis paypal payment pro. Jika akun production sudah jadi akun sandbox yg utk testing akan diganti. Jika ada yang mengerti maksud dari Job ini message saya. Sebelumnya saya sudah coba sendiri namun error terus, untuk keperluan tugas akhir mahasiswa. Terimakasih Freelancer.

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    saya adalah expert di bidang branding slogan.. insya allah bisnis anda akan semakin bersinar dengan slogan yang simple, mudah di ingat dan tak terlupakan

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Membuat slpgan sebagai jargon identitas produk

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Sebuah website sudah jalan, perlu di FACELIFT supaya menarik dan up to date.

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    ...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Avg Bida
    6 bida
    Data Entry
    Tamat left

    ...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membuat corporate website yang mana website tersebut akan diintegrasikan dengan back end system dengan menggunakan teknologi web service di kedepannya

    $448 Average bid
    $448 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Saya bisa menginput data sebanyak mungkin bila diperlukan. Saya telaten dan pekerja keras. Saya bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan sesuai dead line.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Halo, saya sudah memiliki design html nya dan saya memerlukan fungsi (PHP)..

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya ingin mencari freelance untuk mendesign gambar T-shirt yang baru akan dibuat dan dimulai sebagai bisnis on line baru.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    6 bida

    aura merupakan gelombang electromagnetik yang dipancarkanoleh aktifitas dan tubuh manusia,jadi tiap tiap manusia memiliki aura,aura bukanlah hal goib aura seperti suara,anda tidak dapat melihat suara tapi anda tapat mnedengarnya bukan,pada frekquensi tertentu aura pada manu...mengajarkan kepada saya untuk tidak berbohong,kenapa anda harus membayar karena ini termasuk jasa,dan setahu saya tiap tiap jasa berhak mendapatkan bayaran selama itu tidak menipu,kedua saya ini pelajar masa saya harus produktif namun tak menghasilkan? saya menghargai jasa saya untuk 5$ di bayar lewat paypal,anda dapat melihat profil saya di .oh ya saya seorang daouble simian line dan kata orang saya adalah indogo humanis,tapi itu tak merubah apapun ,buat saya yang penting kemampuan bukan gelar.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    hai gan . saya buka jasa nih. saya membuka jasa design dengan menggunakan photoshop . untuk design spanduk, banner, logo. kenapa saya membuka jasa ini, karna saya di kampus itu anggota PKL senat mahasiswa, dan saya sering mendapat bagian job di dokumentasi . dimana arti dokume...tersebut adalah,mengambil gambar saat acara menggunakan kamera SLR , dan selain itu juga membuat design spanduk,banner,dan brosur. berukuran A4. tapi di ingat ya,.... saya hanya design saja,tidak termasuk untuk cetaknya. karna tidak punya mesinnya hehehhe. for price : banner : Rp. 250.000/design spanduk:Rp.300.000/design brosur: Rp. 200.000/design apabila agan agan berminat , hubungi saya: LINE : nurululfah60 pin BB : 2B846FB5 jangan ragu . segera kerja sama dengan saya yuk . hehehe . terim...

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    Project saya ini berkaitan dengan Usaha

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Menjual novel-novel karya Ningrum dan majalah NINGRUMAGZ serta pakaian trendy dan modis dari Ningrum Fashion Line

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    kami bergerak dibidang on line reseller,bagi yaang mau jadi reseller kami bisa sms ke 081287223133, terima kasih tresia

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Butuh Pekerjaan Sebagai Penulis Lepas Untuk Website Sepak Bola atau Portal Pengalaman sempat menulis untuk , , , Untuk Mengisi Waktu Luang , Bisa Bekerja Dalam Dead Line,

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Indonesia Airsoft adalah Toko On-Line Airsoftgun di INDONESIA. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual Airsoft Auto Electric Gun (AEG), GAS BlowBack (GBB), SPRING Airsoft, dan Asesoris Airsoft Lainnya. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual berbagai merk dari produsenairsoft terkenal diataranya adalah TOKYO MARUI, WESTERN ARM (WA), KSC, HFC, WE, SYSTEMA, STAR, MARUSHIN, MARUZEN, KJW TANAKA dan masih banyak lagi.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bida

    ...MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang. 2. Tekan Tombol STOP/RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan tombol POWER dan tahan. 3. Tombol POWER masih ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. 4. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan. 5. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0 6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja ..... 7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset. 8. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 9. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset) 10. Jalankan program Resetter MP25...

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 bida

    Merubah 4 fungsi dari script, penomoran anggota yg terbalik, print out, download database, dan save and next Error.

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    I'm looking for a modern styled e-invite for my wedding, incorporating a video element. The e-invite should include: - An RSVP form - A location map - A link to our wedding registry The design should be sleek, stylish and in line with contemporary aesthetics. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Graphic design - Experience with digital invitation creation - Understanding of modern design trends - Ability to work with interactive elements (e.g. RSVP form) - Knowledge of how to incorporate video content into an e-invite. I look forward to seeing your proposals. Please include examples of similar work you've done in the past.

    $86 Average bid
    $86 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    I'm seeking a professional who can set up a Cronjob on my shared hosting server to delete specific WordPress logs and web statistics on a weekly basis. The logs to be cleaned include error logs and web stats. Key Requirements: - Experience with configuring Cronjobs - Proficiency with cPanel - Knowledge of WordPress log files - Understanding of shared hosting environments Please note that I have access to cPanel, where the job can be configured. Your task will be to ensure that the Cronjob runs smoothly on a weekly basis, keeping my server clean and efficient.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Avg Bida
    37 bida

    I'm in need of a WordPress expert to develop a clean, minimalistic and professional marketing agency website with blogging capabilities. Key Requirements: - Experience with WordPress development, specifically in creating minimalistic and clean websites...capabilities. Key Requirements: - Experience with WordPress development, specifically in creating minimalistic and clean websites. - Understanding of SEO and site optimization for a marketing agency's needs. - Ability to integrate a blog with search functionality. I would like the site to include a blog which has a search functionality. The blog should be designed to be simple and uncluttered, in line with the overall minimalistic and clean aesthetic of the site. Please provide examples of similar projects you'...

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Avg Bida
    56 bida

    I'm encountering an error during the payment process for my Google Ads, which has been a roadblock in my campaign. My attempts to pay with my Credit/Debit card have been unsuccessful. I've already reached out to my bank and card issuer, but the issue persists. What I need: - An expert in resolving payment issues, preferably with Google Ads. - Someone who can assist in troubleshooting and ideally resolving this payment error. - A professional with excellent communication skills to liaise with Google or my card issuer if necessary. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter as it is urgent. Thank you.

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    I need a freelancer to help troubleshoot an issue with my newly installed Wowonder script. When new users attempt to register, they receive a 'Limit exceeded, please try again later' error. I have already checked the server logs, tested different user accounts, and disabled extensions/plugins. The script is hosted on a dedicated server and I have not made any recent changes or updates to it before this issue occurred. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in PHP and server management - Experience with Wowonder script troubleshooting - Ability to interpret server logs - Knowledge of user registration systems in web applications

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Avg Bida
    21 bida

    ... username: User's WHMCS username. password: User's WHMCS password. domain: Domain name provided by the user. Implement error handling and logging for successful and failed requests. Provide detailed documentation for installation, configuration, and usage within WHMCS. Deliverables: A fully functional WHMCS provisioning module. Installation and configuration instructions. Documentation for troubleshooting and future maintenance. Required Skills: Proficiency in PHP. Experience with WHMCS module development. Familiarity with HTTP protocols and API integrations. Strong debugging and error-handling capabilities. Preferred Qualifications: Previous experience in WHMCS or similar systems. Understand...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    ...responsibilities will include: - Billing, Collection, and Product Explanation to Customers: I need a telecaller who can handle billing inquiries, collection calls, and explain our products to customers in a clear and engaging manner. - Product Explanation: The telecaller will primarily focus on explaining our products to potential and existing customers. This requires a deep understanding of our product line and the ability to communicate that effectively over the phone. - Detailed Product Descriptions: The telecaller will need to provide detailed descriptions of our products. This includes not just the specifications, but also the benefits and unique selling points of each product. Experience with telecalling, particularly in a product-focused role, is essential. Familiarity w...

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    I have an error on my forms saying "One or more field have an error." everything was working great before and suddenly (i didn't change anything) stopped working. Also, before that issue, i was getting spam and want to fix that too at the same time please.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bida
    30 bida

    I'm in need of a tax accountant who can assist me with my personal tax filing, including help with one previous tax year. The specific form I require assistance with is the lodging of a tax depreciation schedule. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in personal tax filing - Experience dealing with previous tax years - Proficiency in handling previous tax year. The specific form I require assistance with is the lodging of a tax depreciation schedule. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in personal tax filing - Experience dealing with previous tax years - Proficiency in handling tax depreciation schedules - Certified tax accountant - Excellent attention to detail to be lodged before the end...

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    Overview: We are seeking an experienced VOIP and MVNO expert to design and develop a comprehensive VOIP application for Android and iOS platforms. The platform will automate the end-to-end process, including client onboarding, package selection, payment processing, and delivery of services. The project will integrate with APIs provided by us to streamline the workflow. ### Project Scope: The VOIP app should include the following functionalities: #### 1. Client Onboarding and User Management - Seamless sign-up and login process for users. - Support for social login options (Google, Apple, etc.). - User dashboard to manage account details and services. #### 2. Package Selection and Customization - Display of multiple VOIP and MVNO service packages. - D...

    $1205 Average bid
    $1205 Avg Bida
    51 bida

    I'm facing issues with my dependent Gradle project specifically related ...the creation of Jar and WAR files. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Gradle - Experience with Jar and WAR file creation I need a freelancer who can help troubleshoot these issues and get my project back on track. FREELANCER HAS TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE ON REMOTE DESKTOP, AS I CANT SHARE THE CODE. I will explain the issue here. Say I have java project JA, JB, JC, JD NOTE: There is no error in any project, and is compiling well. JB is dependent on JA JD is dependent on JB and JC When I try to create an executable JD jar, it should bundle/export all dependant jar files. But it is not happening. Similarly, there is a web project say WA which is dependent on JB and JC. I want to bundle WAR wit...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    I'm looking for a Python script to manage Virtual Credit Cards (VCCs) using the Revolut Business API. The script should be able to create VCCs, retrieve transactions, and classify manage Virtual Credit Cards (VCCs) using the Revolut Business API. The script should be able to create VCCs, retrieve transactions, and classify them. Key Requirements: - The script needs to be compatible with Windows as it will be executed on a desktop application. - It should be executed as a desktop application, not through command line or as a web application. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python and familiar with the Revolut Business API. - Experience in developing desktop applications for Windows. - Skills in data retrieval and classification.

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Avg Bida
    50 bida

    I'm looking for an expert in creating a seamless, user-friendly trading interface for my share market platform. The main focus should be on making trading and investment as easy as possible for our users. Key requirements: - Incorporating interactive charts and graphs into the interface - Ability to design and implement a variety of interactive charts and graphs, such as candlestick charts, line graphs, and bar charts Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in creating user-friendly trading interfaces - Expertise in designing interactive charts and graphs - Familiarity with different types of financial charts - Strong understanding of user experience design in the trading context The goal is to help users make smart financial moves with ease while providing them ...

    $681 Average bid
    $681 Avg Bida
    8 bida

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in residential architecture to create a comprehensive layout plan for the second floor. The design should be in line with a modern architectural style. Key Areas to Include: - Living Areas: The layout should encompass all living spaces, including the living room with dining space, and open kitchen. - Bedrooms and Bathrooms: All bedrooms and bathrooms should be thoughtfully integrated into the design. - Outdoor Spaces: A balcony is to be included in the layout. - Detailed Features: The plan should account for window positions and all other elements of the home. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in modern architecture and home design, with a portfolio demonstrating their expertise in creating practical and aesthetically ...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bida
    21 bida

    I'm looking for a brand name for my home textile line that primarily conveys comfort. Key Aspects: - Target Audience: The brand is aimed at families, so the name should resonate with this demographic. - Unique Selling Point: Our home textiles are made from eco-friendly materials, setting us apart from competitors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Branding expertise, particularly in the home textile industry. - Strong understanding of eco-friendly and family-oriented markets. - Creative thinking with a track record of successful brand name generation.

    $346 Average bid
    $346 Avg Bida
    40 bida