Oracle retail pospekerjaan
membuat tulisan, artikel, berita terhadap priyo snack magelang boleh mengulas produksi boleh mengulas retail
Did some purchases for the equipment to be sent to your lab. 1) Magnetic Lock RM17.70 BOM-LE pos 37 2) Bearing RM10.80 Teguh pos 46 3) Rice bran RM19 Teguh pos 63 4) 800mm hand gloves RM23.40 Teguh pos 65 Total : RM70.90
...menjalankan perniagaan selama 13tahun. projek terbaru saya adalah ingin meluaskan rangkaian perniagaan dan melahirkan agent2 di bawah naungan perniagaan saya. saya mencari satu sistem yang mana saya boleh mengawal selia dan memantau sales report, sales comissent, stok report, restok sistem, sedikit hr management dan sales performance. sistem agent ini lebih kepada mobile aps. dia similar kepada pos sistem tetapi tidaklah terlalu komplikated. saya mahu sistem yang sangat simple tetapi sangat efektif. saya boleh design sendiri dalam design web ui melalui design ps5 untuk lebih detailing. terus terang saya mahukan data ini hanyalah untuk permulaan dan bukannya fully perfect base on budgetting dan sebagai titik permulaan perniagaan saya. Jika ianya mendapat sambutan pada permulaan...
Buat website buying agent, source dari tokopedia, bukalapak, shopee id, lazada id, matahar...seperti "pembelian pending "pembelian berjaya" yang boleh admin update manual (process beli admin yang buat, customer cuma place order sahaja) -mesti auto grab info resi/awb/tracking -setelah item2 customer sampai mesti ada fuction/fitur tambahan seperti item inspection/refund/pemulangan -Customer boleh tick item untuk submit untuk postage/post out -Dan boleh memasukan harga ship to malaysia, harga pos berlainan, darat, laut, udara yang boleh admin monitor dan edit harga MESTI FULLY FUNCTION AS I WROTE ABOVE, TIDAK MENERIMA PEMULA/DIY LEARNER TIDAK MENERIMA SCRIPT ECOM/TEMPLATE/TIDAK MENERIMA BAYARAN BERPERINGKAT contoh buying agent website boleh tengok disini bagaimana ...
membuat 1 halaman reporting menggunakan J2EE+Crystal Report dengan database Oracle.
Perlu ada kemahiran untuk membuat website dan mahir cara untuk memasarkan melalui internet. Perlu juga kemahiran untuk kerja kerja POS dan kerja sebagai Counter Cashier
Survey pemasaran produk di pasaran
Hello partsgr12. My skills: Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL PHP, JScript Pentaho (PDI, PSW, PRD, CDE) Saiku Analytics
saya frelancer desain logo,retail,consulting,teknologi,dll
membuat design t-shirt dengan berbagai macam tema untuk di jual secara retail estimasi waktu pembuatan design kurang lebih seminggu design di utamakan untuk remaja dan dewasa
kalispera,s xw stli pio kato prosopiko den pires kati pes m giati ine neos den kserw k kala pos dulevi
...ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product bu...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
...ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product bu...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
pernah membuat program inventori sekolahan dan spp lagi tahap pembuatan program retail
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
Hi, I am looking for a data entry person or team that understands retail and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freela...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
Saya sedang membuat Web Ticketing untuk retail dan ke agenan, disini saya menyertakan API dari system penyedia ticket dan juga API dari Veritrans untuk pembayaran secara online Skema Web saya : Pencarian data maskapai dan kereta api Search >> Booking >> bayar >> Issued Saya juga minta dibuatkan fungsi keagenan sehingga seperti / aero tiket Design (HTML) sudah saya siapkan, saya hanya butuh integrasi API dan keagenan
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
Plant Inventory Management System and SCADA System Scope Plant Inventory : 1. Mampu membuat Bussiness Process Model 2. Mengaplikasikan BPM ke Java/XML dan mengintegrasikan ke SAP system 3. Menguasai Database Server, SQL/Oracle 4. Menguasai Network LAN/WAN, Client+Server, Hardware Scope SCADA System : 1. Menguasai SCADA Programming, Prefered is Siemens SCADA Software 2. Mampu mengintegrasikan SCADA dengan Plant Inventory Management Syste
Oom derry, saya lihat punya skill di Oracle sama PeopleSoft. Itu kan ERP ya?! Nah, saya kebetulan ingin mengimplementasikan OpenERP di perusahaan teman. Tapi nggak bisa bayar banyak nih. Saya kembaliin aja uang hadiahnya hehehehe. Mau nggak oom? Ya awalan saja sih oom, nanti kalo kita udah lebih deal lagi, kita bicara offline aja hehehe. Ok? Please PM aku di YM dg id yg sama dg idku disini. Trims..
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
...pekerjaan ini tidak harus selesai dlm bbrp hari , bisa diselesaikan dalam bbrp hari dengan catatan melakukan update data sesuai dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product b...
I'm looking for a seasoned professional who can create a comprehensive 3D layout for a shopping mall. The model should cover all vital areas, including the food court, hotel, and parking space. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is essential. - Prior experience in designing commercial and retail spaces is highly desirable. - Ability to comprehend and incorporate intricate site layouts. - Exceptional attention to detail. This design will be used for the initial concept stage of the project, so it is crucial that the layout is both creative and practical. The 3D model should include detailed interiors with furnishings, showcasing the mall's layout convincingly. Please provide your proposed budget and estimated timeline for this project.
I'm seeking a financial expert to create a detailed financial and pricing model for my retail/distributorship business. This model should cover accurate cost calculations, pricing sensitivity analyses, breakeven evaluations, and optimal ordering strategies. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Overhead Costs, Duties, Storage, and Marketing expenses - Ability to perform detailed analyses on the aforementioned cost elements - Experience in creating comprehensive financial models for retail businesses 1. Input Sheet – Costing Details This sheet will capture all cost elements associated with multiple SKUs (up to 10 items initially, with the flexibility to expand). The key components include: Product Details (Item Name, SKU, Cate...
Build a POS Interface for Selling Services. Objective: To evaluate your coding skills, product development acumen, and ability to design solutions in a real-world context. Design and develop a Point of Sale (POS) interface for selling services. Your task is to build a responsive, functional, and intuitive frontend that allows users to: 1. Select Services: Choose from a list of available services (e.g., fitness classes, therapy sessions, or workshops). 2. Add to Cart: Add services to a cart and view/edit cart details. 3. Customer Management: Optionally add customer details (e.g., name, email, phone) during the checkout process. 4. Payments: Simulate a checkout and payment flow (mocking is acceptable; real payment integrations are not required). 5. Receipt Genera...
...strong background in data integration, pipeline development, and real-time data streaming. The successful candidate will be responsible for the design, development, and optimization of ETL/ELT pipelines using StreamSets Data Collector (SDC). Key Responsibilities: - Integrate with Oracle databases - Develop ETL pipelines that interact with Clickhouse cloud platform - Utilize streamsets for big data technologies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with StreamSets Data Collector (SDC) - Strong expertise in Oracle database - Proficiency in developing ETL pipelines for Clickhouse - Experience with streamsets in big data environments - Excellent skills in pipeline development and real-time data streaming This project does not include ongoing maintenance and suppo...
I'm in need of an innovative and functional box packaging design for a multi-function garden cart. This packaging is intended for retail, so it must be visually appealing, practical and capable of protecting the product during transportation and display. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in designing box packaging for retail products - Strong understanding of packaging requirements for protecting multi-function garden carts - Creative design skills to make the packaging visually appealing - Knowledge of materials and sustainability in packaging design - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback.
Seeking a simple yet engaging street-style tent design for my brand, with a budget of $60. This tent will primarily be used for retail sales. You'll need to incorporate the following branding elements: - My brand's logo - The brand's slogan - The brand's color scheme An ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Good understanding of street style design - Experience in creating retail sales tents - Skills in graphic design for incorporating branding elements
I'm looking for a professional who can develop a white-label courier app for fast local deliveries. The app needs to connect restaurants and retail stores with drivers, and include a driver app, retailer app, and admin interface. Key Features: - Automated Delivery Assignment: or admin The app should automatically assign deliveries to drivers, helping them handle 1-3 deliveries on the same route. - Subscription-based Driver Earnings: The payment system should be similar to the NAMA taxi app and based on a subscription model for drivers. - Diverse Payment Methods for Retailers: The app should support both cash and card payments for retailers, payable once the delivery is picked up. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in app development, particularly for courier services ...
...Management Portal (B2B)** 4. **Residential & Tenant Community Hub** 5. **F&B Experiences & Meal Kits** **Key Objectives:** - Enhance customer engagement across Al Khozama’s hospitality, retail, and real estate portfolios. - Streamline operations for tenants, corporate clients, and VIP guests. - Leverage Odoo’s modularity to minimize custom development costs. --- ### **2. Technical Requirements** #### **Core Modules & Integrations** | Feature | Odoo Modules Required | Customization Needs | |---------|------------------------|---------------------| | **1. Loyalty & Rewards** | Loyalty, POS, eCommerce | Tiered membership logic, points redemption rules. | | **2. Concierge Services** | CRM, Helpdesk, Subscription | VIP ...
I need a professional to assist with presenting in Thai demos of the CUSCEN ERP to potential clients in Thailand. The target audience predominantly stems from the Manufacturing and Retail sectors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in conducting ERP software demonstrations - Strong understanding of the Manufacturing and Retail industries - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Experience in pre-sales activities - Knowledge of the CUSCEN ERP is a plus but not necessary. Your role will be crucial in driving interest and potentially securing sales for this innovative software.
The objective of this project is to produce an instructional video utilizing Kali Linux to transmit an observer file to a WhatsApp number. This endeavor is intended solely for educational purposes. The following requirements must be met: 1. Kali Linux must be accessed via Oracle Virtual Machine. 2. The video should detail the process of creating the file in formats such as PDF, JPG, Excel, Word, or even video or audio files. 3. The file must be recognized as safe by WhatsApp and Android security measures. 4. The file should enable the sender to view the gallery photos and camera of the WhatsApp Android device. 5. The file must not contain any malicious algorithms. To receive payment, you must demonstrate that you have successfully completed the aforementioned steps. 1. The...
I'm seeking a Local Thai Sales Manager to drive our business in Thailand. This role involves a mix of client acquisition,, market analysis, and coordination with local teams. A significant aspect of this position is selling our CUSCEN ERP system. Key Responsibilities: - Client acquisition and relationship management - Market analysis and report generation - Coordinating with local teams - Selling our CUSCEN ERP system Industry Focus: - Retail - Manufacturing Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Sales and negotiation - Strong Data analysis capabilities Experience in the Retail and Manufacturing sectors is highly desirable. The perfect candidate will have a proven track record in sales and will be able to leverage their data analysis skills to identify market tre...
I'm in need of an expert who can oversee all...Overseeing complete site operations - Implementing effective employee scheduling - Ensuring top-notch customer service - Managing inventory efficiently Since I'm not certain what specific inventory management solution is needed, a professional who can provide recommendations based on their expertise and experience would be highly beneficial. Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in retail site management - Strong knowledge in inventory management - Excellent employee scheduling skills - Outstanding customer service management experience - Ability to provide training and support - Skills in process optimization Your role will be critical in ensuring the smooth running of our Walmart site, and I look forwar... range. 2. **Applies GPT-4 (or other large language models) and classical sentiment analysis** to generate a quantitative sentiment score (ranging from 1–10). 3. **Outputs**: - A **CSV** with per-article sentiment scores and metadata (e.g., publication date, headline, source). - A **graph** (PNG/SVG) visualizing the sentiment trend over the selected time range. ### Intended Users - **Retail Investors**: Quick insight into market sentiment. - **Financial Analysts**: Additional layer of data-driven signals for research. --- ## 2. Interface Requirements Below are the Abyss interface elements this Widget will require: 1. **Ticker Symbol** - **Type**: Text Field - **Environment Variable**: `ticker_symbol` - **Example**: “AAPL”, “TS...
I am looking for a freelace CAD technician with experience in working on small to medium retail & F&B units within the UK.
... Project Description: I am looking for a freelancer to set up an automated phone ordering system for my restaurant, Go Go Dumpling House (located in Australia). The system should: • Answer customer calls automatically and allow them to place orders. • Recognize returning customers by their phone number. • Remember past orders and suggest repeat or favorite items. • Integrate with my POS system (if possible) or send orders via email/SMS. • Use AI voice or keypad selection to take orders. • Work with Twilio, Dialogflow, or other cost-effective solutions. Requirements: • Experience with Twilio, Google Dialogflow, or similar AI phone systems. • Ability to set up a simple admin interface to check and manage orders. &bull...
I'm looking for a creative professional to design a display advertisement for a newspaper. The a display advertisement for a newspaper. The primary aim of this ad is to boost brand awareness within the retail sector. Key Responsibilities: - Design a compelling display ad that captures the essence of our retail brand. - Strategically incorporate elements that enhance brand visibility and recall. - Ensure the ad is suitable for a display type placement in a newspaper. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing newspaper ads, particularly display types. - Strong understanding of brand-focused advertising within the retail industry. - Excellent graphic design and copywriting skills. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any r...
I'm looking for an AI expert who can develop a predictive AI use case for my Shopify existing retail ecommerce shop. The customer will get AI recommendations from the ecommerce products based on retail inventory, customer preferences and place camera scanning. Similar to Ikea Place and Wayfair. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning - Experience in retail industry is a plus - Strong analytical skills - Knowledge of inventory management - Ability to create predictive models
I'm looking for a professional with experience in creating engaging, informative yet professional TikTok videos, to help drive traffic to my cellphone store. Key Requirements: - The video should effectively target general consumers, so it needs to be relatable but still maintain that professional edge. - The primary goal of the video is to drive ...should be informative and professional, striking a balance between being engaging and maintaining a brand image of reliability and expertise in the cellphone domain. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing and content creation for TikTok. - Understanding of the TikTok platform and its audience. - Ability to convey information in an engaging, concise manner. - Experience in creating content for retail brands, particularly in t...
...recovery tests to process fail over and fail back. • Interventions scheduled on weekends and non-working hours. Profile Skills required: • Technical Skills for Production Support Engineer • Linux REDhat since 6.2 version mandatory, CentOS • Scripting KSH Skill and SSH • Windows servers since 2012 version • Experience on ETL tools (Informatica) • Experience on Databases (Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSql) • Experience on BI Tools (MSBI, Business Object, Power BI) • Experience on Files Transfer Tool (Tom, SFTP,) • Experience on scheduling tools (Control-M, Jenskins) • Experience on automation (Jenskins, Ansible, Nexus , Terraform) • Experience on network (DNS, DHCP, network port forwardi...
I'm seeking a professional to conduct a comprehensive market study within the national retail industry. The primary focus of this study will be on competitive analysis. Key Responsibilities: - Identify key competitors in the national retail market - Analyze their business strategies, strengths, and weaknesses - Provide insights on potential market opportunities and threats Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience in market research, specifically in the retail industry - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail - Excellent report writing skills to present findings in a clear and concise manner
Sila Dafter atau Log masuk untuk melihat butiran.
...implementing Odoo ERP to unify inventory, CRM, supply chain, finance, and project management into a single, streamlined system. --- What We Need We require an Odoo ERP Specialist who can: ✅ Customize & Configure Odoo to fit our unique business workflows. ✅ Develop & Integrate Odoo with Xero, Shopify, warehouse barcoding, and shipping carriers. ✅ Implement Modules for CRM, Inventory Management, POS, Contractor & Project Management, Accounting, E-Commerce, and Reporting. ✅ Build Custom Forms for Inspection Test Plans (ITPs), supplier tracking, and workflow automation. ✅ Optimize Inventory & Supply Chain to handle landed cost calculations, multi-currency transactions, and overseas supplier tracking. ✅ Enhance Reseller & Contractor Management with pric...
...aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. - Prepare technical and print-ready files suitable for manufacturing in China. - Communicate directly with our manufacturing partners in China (working with our internal translation and sourcing team) if needed, to ensure designs meet production specifications. What We’re Looking For: - Proven experience in packaging design for both e-commerce and retail, ideally for consumer products. - Strong portfolio showcasing creative and professional packaging designs. - Familiarity with packaging manufacturing processes and technical requirements. - Ability to balance design aesthetics with functionality and cost-efficiency. - Knowledge of sustainability trends and materials is a strong plus. - Excellent communication and project manag...