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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example ...
hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
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hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress web developer to create a secure, user-friendly site for my pre-recorded class videos. This site should allow for: - User Registration: With secure login, password recovery, and subscription management. - Payment Integration: Primarily through Credit/Debit Cards for monthly subscriptions. - Content Upload: Enabling me to upload my pre-recorded classes and instructional videos. The subscription system should be simple: it renews each month with the corresponding payment. I can provide examples of sites I would like to model this one after.
I have a collection of printed documents containing text data that need to be entered into a Word document. The ideal freelancer for this task should possess the following skills and experience: - Excellent typing skills with a high level of accuracy - Proficient in Microsoft Word - Prior experience in data entry - Attention to detail - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion.
I'm looking for a professional to help me connect my website to Zoom. The primary purpose of this integration is to host one-on-one lessons and group classes. Key Features: Please note, I don't require any customization for the Zoom interface. The default UI will suffice. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Zoom API - Proficient in website integration - Knowledge of webinar hosting requirements
I'm an undergraduate student seeking an experienced Physics tutor to assist with two lab assignments: one focusing on Density and the other on Acceleration Due to Gravity. The tutoring sessions will be held online via video call. I particularly need help with understanding the concepts in the Density lab assignment. I'm looking for a tutor who is patient, knowledgeable, and can explain things in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Prior experience with tutoring undergraduate Physics students is highly desirable. Please provide your availability and rates. Thank you.
I'm looking for a graphic designer to create promotional materials for my online casino. These will include banners, flyers, and social media graphics. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing modern and sleek logos, as I'll need a logo in this style for my casino. - Proven experience in designing promotional materials, with a portfolio that includes banners, flyers, and social media graphics. - A strong understanding of contemporary design principles, to create materials that are appealing and effective.
I need an experienced MLM developer to fix multiple issues with our system. The problems include tree structure, referral tracking, position filling, and rebirth of root users. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of MLM software development - Strong problem-solving skills - Experience with tree structures and referral systems - Familiarity with position filling mechanisms - Ability to diagnose and fix logic issues promptly
"Develop a detailed architecture and codebase for a mobile app compatible with Android and iOS platforms. The app should have the following features: Core Features: Live Video Streaming: Enable instructors to host live courses with real-time video and audio streaming. Include features like live chat or Q&A for interaction during sessions. Course Marketplace: Create a marketplace for instructors to list and sell courses. Integrate secure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or UPI for transactions. Support multiple currencies. Recorded Classes Access: Allow users to purchase recorded classes and view them anytime after purchase. Ensure secure video streaming to prevent piracy (e.g., DRM or token-based streaming). Functional Requirements: User Authentication: User registration...
Job Title: Expert Online Marketer and Advertiser for SaaS CRM () Job Description: We’re looking for a results-driven Online Marketing Expert and Advertiser to craft and execute a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for , the only CRM built by roofers, for roofers. This role involves creating high-performing ad campaigns, optimizing online outreach, and driving measurable growth. About Us: is a SaaS platform revolutionizing how roofing contractors manage their businesses. From scheduling and payroll to lead tracking and project management, we help contractors save time and boost revenue. Key Responsibilities: Develop and Execute Marketing Campaigns: Plan and implement data-driven campaigns across social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
I'm looking for a developer to create a traditional Chinese chess (cờ tướng) game with a multiplayer mode, an AI opponent, and a leaderboard. The game needs to be deployed on the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, and a website. Key Features: - Multiplayer mode: Players should be able to compete against each other in real time. - AI opponent: The game should have a challenging AI for solo players. - Leaderboard: A competitive edge is crucial. The game should feature a leaderboard to track player rankings. Design: The game interface should embody a traditional design style, reminiscent of classic Chinese chess boards. Ideal Skills: - Game Development - UI/UX Design with a focus on traditional aesthetics - Knowledge of multiplayer game architecture - AI Programming for gamified...
I'm looking for a professional to create a tailored online project management dashboard for my team. The main focus of this dashboard should be on task tracking and assignment. Key Features: - Prioritize task tracking and assignment: It should have a user-friendly interface that allows project managers to easily assign and track tasks. - Project Managers as Primary Users: The dashboard should be designed with project managers in mind, providing them with all necessary tools at their fingertips. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in project management software development. - Strong understanding of task tracking systems. - Experience designing user interfaces for project managers.
As an online English teacher, I'm looking for an individual who can teach basic English communication skills to children. The classes are to be delivered in live online sessions. My son is 9 years old. His grades in native language are excellent, but he stragle with the classes in english. -We prefer Female Native English speaker. -Session will be about 1 hour long using Microsoft team. -5 hours per week for about four weeks -Mostly the teaching would be pronunciation and speaking lesson -You can show any materials for teaching Key Responsibilities: - Focus on building their basic English communication skills through a variety of activities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in teaching English to young learners, particularly in an online setting. - F...
Estoy buscando un profesional en relaciones de conseguir contrataciones de trabajo online como medico, ya sea en español o ingles en cualquier parte del mundo, y trabajo fisico como medico en venezuela caracas, como medico general y medico ecografista.
I offer various options to help you organize and clean up your accounting records in QuickBooks. Here are the services I provide: - Review and Correction of Transactions: I examine existing transactions in QuickBooks Online and correct any errors or discrepancies in the accounts. - Bank Reconciliation: I ensure that bank transactions match the records in QuickBooks Online. - Classification of Expenses and Income: I correctly organize and classify transactions into the appropriate categories. - Duplicate Removal: I look for and eliminate duplicate transactions or unnecessary records that may inflate financial reports. - Inventory Regularization: If you manage inventory, I verify the accuracy of inventory records and adjust quantities as necessary. - Missing Data Update: I comp...
I'm looking for a modern, corporate style logo for a tree cutting business. The logo should incorporate both text and a symbol. It needs to convey professionalism and reliability, aligning with the corporate aesthetics. - Business Name: D&S TREE SERVICES - Style: The logo should be sleek and modern, D&S is the most important element. It must maintain a traditional corporate feel. Must have PINE TREES. Logo cannot be too busy. Plain and simple works best. - Elements: The design should seamlessly blend text and a symbol, ideally something relating to cutting trees. - Color Scheme: Predominantly use corporate colors, specifically natural landscape colors like green and orange. DO NOT: Please don't put logo on letters, business cards, office windows, sky, ...
We need a freelancer to create subtitles for an...English-Arabic subtitles directly from the audio. - Ensure the subtitles are suitable for educational purposes. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in both English and Arabic. - Experience in subtitling and transcribing lectures. - Ability to create clear and accurately timed subtitles for educational content. Please note, we do have a sketch transcript of the lectures in an SRT file. We need Proofreading and checking of transcript Subtitles. include the Arabic text in Arabic part of lecture. We require someone on a long term bases to proofread our lectures in subtitles and correct them. We currently have about 200 lectures to proofread, check and adjust. Please only bid if u have experience in this and Fluent in both English and Arabic...
Before submitting a proposal please read the project description Project Title: Marketplace Platform for Scientific Services Budget: $500 - $750 USD Project Description: We are seeking a skilled freelance developer to build a comprehensive online marketplace platform tailored for the scientific research sectors, similar to and Science Exchange. The platform will connect vendors offering scientific services/products with buyers from academic institutions, biotech companies, and pharmaceutical firms. Project Requirements The project will include the development of the following core components: 1. Admin Panel Comprehensive dashboard to manage users, transactions, approvals, and overall platform settings. 2. Vendor Panel A dedicated space for service providers to list their offerin...
I need a logo for my resort. The style should be minimalistic. The resort is located called The Palms Mentawai. It is located in Indonesia islands on white sandy beach with Cristal clear water. coconut tree lined beach. Logo should include the hotel name "The Palms Mentawai" and perhaps an emblem of some sort
I'm launching a mobile Charcuterie company and need a modern, standout logo. The design should be encapsulated within a rounded-cornered rectangular border, featuring: - Olive tree branches with olives - Chamomile flowers The color scheme is black and dusty green on a white backdrop. Please note, the text should be in an elegant and cursive style, while the company name should be the most prominent element. The ideal designer would have: - A strong portfolio in modern, elegant logo design - Experience with incorporating specific design elements - Proficiency in creating visually appealing, balanced designs