Online assembla jobs antigua and barbudapekerjaan


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Status Pekerjaan
2,000 online assembla jobs antigua and barbuda pekerjaan dijumpai

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$607 Average bid
$607 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida
online shop
Tamat left

kira2 seperti ini. cuma akan ada modifikasi Refer:

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

buat website online travel agent link ke maskapai international dan hotel GDS

$487 - $975
$487 - $975
0 bida

Tolong buatkan kami sebuah website dengan domain .comrnkami memerlukannya secepat mungkin...rnbagi yang bersedia dapat menghubungi kami 085750003876 pin bb : 26414243rnrndan ada pula contoh produk yang kami jual...rnkami hanya mau membuat sebuah toko online yang begitu mudah dan begitu simple namun bs muat berbagai macam produk dengan berbagai macam kategori

$18 Average bid
$18 Avg Bida
4 bida

sy ingin buat web salon spa saya yg bisa untuk booking juga. dan bisa di manage ( bisa di edit harga ataupun produknya). kami jasa. saya lampirkan formatnya. apapun jenisnya yg penting bisa kami edit dan mudah aplikasinya.

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
2 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya dulu mempunyai toko online, saya juga yang membuat barangnya. tetapi saya sudah tidak membuat barangnya lagi karena saya sibuk kuliah. saya sekarang hanya bisa dibalik layar yang hanya mempromosikan atau menginput data atau foto saja. jika anda berkenan

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

We are an event company that is looking for people to work for us full time and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to people who are looking for a relax jobs where they do not have to be in the office all the time. Schedule will be g...

$109 Average bid
$109 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi, I need data entry workers for a simple typing job. requirement : 1: basic internet knowledge. 2: well typing speed . 3: well internet connection. 4: payment method: perfectmoney/ moneybookers/webmoney/gaf/freelancer/oDesk payment time weekly on Monday . Lowest bid should be awarded . For new freelancer its very beauty full chance to have a great review . place a bid here if u interested to know full work details . Thanks

$204 Average bid
$204 Avg Bida
3 bida

adalah e-marketplace, ingin re-disgn tampilan dan menambahkan beberapa fungsi fungsi baru untuk mempermudah customer dalam berbelanja, seperti menambahkan form konfirmasi pembayaran. Re-design website termasuk membuat ilustrasi cara bertransaksi dalam bentuk gambar komik yang menarik.

$305 Average bid
$305 Avg Bida
7 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan bisa berbahasa indonesia refrensce ,

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan refrensce ,

$1330 Average bid
$1330 Avg Bida
2 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Butuh Pekerjaan Sebagai Penulis Lepas Untuk Website Sepak Bola atau Portal Pengalaman sempat menulis untuk , , , Untuk Mengisi Waktu Luang , Bisa Bekerja Dalam Dead Line,

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

pemasaran produk melalui social media,dll.

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
1 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya ingin membuat proyek tentang pemasaran jarak jauh atau sering disebut dengan OL SHOP, saya berharap mendapat suntikan dana demi kelancaran kerja saya .TERIMAKASIH

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 bida
facebook likes
Tamat left

as discussed on skype and by email 8-visas Website: Facebook page: Target Countries: Cambodia, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea South, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Australia, New Zealand Audience Interests: Thailand, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Asia Goal: become best known Facebook Page for visa service in Thailand for all citizens from countries mentioned under ‘target countries’. 8-investigate Website: Facebook page:

$200 Average bid
$200 Avg Bida
1 bida

mau income 2 - 15 juta /bulan untuk pemula modal BB / I phone dan waktu flexibel info lebih lanjut hubungi : shandy arshadi BB1: 2B03E40D | BB2: 31102579

$487 - $975
$487 - $975
0 bida
Pempek Online
Tamat left

Memperkenalkan pempek buatan saya kepada para pengguna social media. Pempek yang kami tawarkan pun akan sampai ke tempat tujuan dengan kondisi yang masih baik. Tanpa pengawet dan bahan berbahaya. Ikan yang kami gunakan pun berkualitas baik dan segar karena saya datang langsung ke lokasi penjualan ikan. Terima kasih.

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

membuat web store seindah mungkin, senyaman mungkin serta seringan mungkin. agar para calon pembeli dapat memilih barang senyaman mungkin serta membuka web secepat dan seringan mungkin

$630 Average bid
$630 Avg Bida
6 bida

Sebuah Toko Online Yang Elegant dan Hight Security dengan menggunakan kombinasi bahasa pemrograman sehingga akan menarik pelanggan dan pengunjung

$343 Average bid
$343 Avg Bida
2 bida

hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

I'm seeking a seasoned journalist with a strong background in radio journalism to write and possibly help produce segments for online and social media platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging and timely news segments - Help produce segments with a focus on online and social media platforms - Potentially cover a variety of topics from politics to health and wellness to technology Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive radio journalism experience - Strong writing and editing skills - Proficiency in understanding and producing content for online and social media platforms - Versatile across various subject matters

$111 Average bid
$111 Avg Bida
19 bida

Online Drone Repair Management System – Web-Based Platform Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced web developer or a team to build a web-based Drone Repair Management System that will allow my service center to manage drone repair requests, track service status, generate repair estimates, process payments, and manage warranty/AMC services. The system should be admin-controlled, meaning only I (as the admin) can assign repair jobs to service centers and update their status. Customers will have access to their repair status and be notified via SMS and Email updates. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Customer Repair Request Submission ✅ A simple form where customers can submit repair requests. ✅ Fields: Name, Contact Details, ...

$309 Average bid
$309 Avg Bida
30 bida

I'm seeking a skilled voice artist for commercial voice over work. This will be specifically for online advertisements. The preferred tone is 'Professional and authoritative', so a voice that can convey credibility and trust is essential. The voice over should catch the listeners attention and drive the message home effectively. Ideal Skills: - Experience with commercial voice over - Ability to adapt tone and style - Previous work with online advertisements Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly if it aligns with the required tone and style.

$60 Average bid
$60 Avg Bida
9 bida

...for an expert who can find an exploit in an online game that would provide access to an unlimited (or desired) amount of in-game currency. The ideal candidate for this project would be skilled in reverse engineering or packet tracing and have extensive experience with online games. Please note that this project is strictly for personal use, and I do not intend to use any exploit for malicious purposes or to harm the gaming community. Key Requirements: - Proficient in reverse engineering - Extensive experience with online games - Able to find an exploit for in-game currency - Capable of delivering this in a timely manner - Providing a detailed report at the end for simulating the attack again Please note: This project is strictly for personal use, ...

$121 Average bid
$121 Avg Bida
12 bida

I need assistance with copying online video links and converting them into MP4 format for storage on an external hard drive. Requirements: - Convert and copy 1-10 online video links into MP4 format. - Save the videos in 720p resolution. Ideal Skills: - Video editing and conversion experience - Familiarity with MP4 format - Ability to maintain video quality during conversion I would appreciate a freelancer who can ensure the videos are converted with high fidelity and ready for storage.

$65 Average bid
$65 Avg Bida
31 bida

Procuro Profissional para criar uma loja online na shopify

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Avg Bida
36 bida

I am looking for a freelancer who can create an Interactive Online Label Designer for small businesses. The ideal candidate will have experience working with Shopify platforms and will be able to provide basic customization for label design functionality. The designer should be able to create a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The project will require someone who has experience in graphic design and has an eye for detail. The label designer should be able to provide a simple and intuitive user experience while allowing for customization. The output of the designer should be in a print-ready format. The tool should include the following key features: Text editing: Allow users to add, edit, and format text within the Label design, with th...

$307 Average bid
$307 Avg Bida
117 bida both user-friendly and visually appealing, showcasing a variety of cakes. Key Features: - An efficient online ordering system: Customers should be able to easily select and order their cakes online. - A photo gallery of cakes: The site should feature a comprehensive, high-quality photo gallery to display our cake designs. - Customer Reviews: An integrated review system to help build trust and engagement with our customers. - Payment Gateways: The site needs to be equipped with secure and reliable payment options. Payment Gateways: - PayPal and Stripe: The website should integrate these two popular payment processors for customer convenience and security. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Avg Bida
30 bida

...create a website for my online course. The site should provide seamless access to video lectures and quizzes/assessments, with a subscription model for content access. Key Features: - Video Lectures: The site should support video streaming, allowing me to upload and organize course content effectively. - Quizzes and Assessments: There should be a feature that enables me to create, upload and schedule quizzes and assessments to evaluate learners' progress. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly for educational platforms. - Experience with subscription model integration. - Knowledge of video streaming and assessment tools. The goal is to have a user-friendly, secure and scalable online course web...

$201 Average bid
$201 Avg Bida
77 bida

I'm in need of an online payment professional based in Indonesia. My main requirement is for someone with substantial experience in setting up payment gateways, specifically for an online gaming e-commerce platform. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a robust, secure and efficient payment gateway for a logistics-based online gaming platform. - Ensure seamless integration with our logistics services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in payment gateway setup. - Understanding and experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly in the online gaming sector. - Knowledge of logistics-related payment needs. - Strong understanding of security protocols relevant to online gaming payments.

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr Avg Bida
21 bida

I'm seeking a beginner-level online shop admin for my Shopify store. Tasks may include managing customer inquiries, updating product listings, and processing orders. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with Shopify is a plus but not a must - Strong communication skills for customer service - Basic computer skills for updating listings and processing orders - Eagerness to learn and grow in e-commerce Please note, specific tasks may vary and will be discussed further.

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Avg Bida
26 bida

We are seeking an experienced SEO and digital marketing specialist to help boost the traffic, sales, and discoverability of , an online pharmacy based in the UK. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in improving online visibility and driving conversions. You will be responsible for developing and implementing effective strategies tailored to our business needs. If you have a passion for digital marketing and a knack for analytics, we want to hear from you! The front end is and the backend/cart function is Shopify. Also using Cloudflare

$434 Average bid
$434 Avg Bida
125 bida

...between QuickBooks Online and to streamline my invoicing process. What I Need: - When I issue an invoice in QuickBooks Online, a corresponding item should automatically create in - This item should populate the following specific columns in with data from QuickBooks Online: Invoice Number, Client Name, Total Amount, and Sub Items Lines. Original Quote Number. - The Sub Items Lines column should include, for each invoice item, the Item Description, Quantity, Price Per Unit, and the QuickBooks Product Code. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with API integrations, specifically between QuickBooks Online and - Strong understanding of both platforms. - Excellent attention to detail to ens...

$1500 - $3000
$1500 - $3000
25 bida

I'm looking for an expert to set up the ZK Online SDK for me. This setup needs to push both finger and face templates to the Accuera cloud server in real-time. Key Requirements: - ZK Online SDK configuration to handle both biometric templates - Integration with Accuera cloud server - Implementation of real-time data synchronization Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with ZK Online SDK - Experience with Accuera cloud server - Knowledge of real-time data synchronization techniques

$660 Average bid
$660 Avg Bida
10 bida

... logistics, and more. The portal should be user-friendly, scalable, and feature-rich, with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. Key Features: User Roles: Employers: Post job listings, manage applications, and communicate with candidates. Job Seekers: Search for jobs, apply online, and manage their profiles. Job Listings: Employers can post job listings with details like job title, description, location, salary, and requirements. Job seekers can filter and search for jobs by category, location, and salary. User Profiles: Job seekers can create and manage profiles with details like skills, experience, and resume uploads. Employers can create company profiles with details like company name...

$1264 Average bid
$1264 Avg Bida
133 bida

I'm seeking a proactive community manager based in Colombia with a specific focus on growing our online presence, primarily on Facebook and Instagram Spanish speaker Key Responsibilities: - Engage with our online community, promoting interaction and fostering a sense of belonging. - Strategically work towards expanding our follower base on these platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in community management, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Excellent understanding of social media trends and strategies. - Ability to create engaging content that resonates with our target audience.

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
32 bida skills to support our online store. Key Responsibilities: - Handle order confirmations and customer inquiries via WhatsApp - Create basic graphic mock-ups for customized orders - Provide excellent sales communication in Urdu and Hindi Requirements: - Strong knowledge of graphic design tools and software, specifically Corel and Canva - Proficiency in Urdu and Hindi for effective communication - Ability to deliver high-quality customer support and sales assistance You will be creating graphic mock-ups primarily for customized orders. Your customer support tasks will primarily involve handling order confirmations, customer inquiries, and sales communication. Compensation: $100 to $150 per month Work Hours: 6 to 9 hours pe...

$118 Average bid
$118 Avg Bida
21 bida

I'm seeking a LinkedIn recruiter with a well built Linkedin profile who will post jobs for our company and collect Candidates.

$262 Average bid
$262 Avg Bida
72 bida

I am in need of a talented graphic designer to create a compelling banner for advertising purposes. The banner will be used primarily online, so it should be optimized for visibility and impact on websites and social media platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) - Experience in creating online banners - Understanding of online advertising trends and design aesthetics - Ability to deliver visually appealing and engaging designs - Strong communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback Please provide examples of previous banner designs you've created.

$199 Average bid
$199 Avg Bida
31 bida