New construction projects in augusta gapekerjaan


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2,000 new construction projects in augusta ga pekerjaan dijumpai

Saya mempunyai produk matematika labirin, saya ingin kamu membuat video tentang produk syaa Isi video juga singkat (diutamakan untuk seorang ibu yang punya anak) Jadi ada anak yang sedang mengerjakan matematika labirin (produk saya) lalu sang ibu bertanya gimana nak buku labirin matematikanya, sang anak menjawab seru ma ga ngebosenin jadi semangat ngerjain soal matematika nya, setelah itu ibu berbalik dan shoot produk, jadi yuk tunggu apa lagi beli matematika labirin sekarang untuk matematika menyenangkan bagi anak

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
6 bida
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

Matlab code

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
6 bida

Halo saya lagi perlu artikel2 tentang permainan slot, boleh minta kontek nya ga?

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

urgent need for develop new mobile apps min req - Menguasai pemrograman mobile android/java back end/frond end (UI Mobile) min 1 tahun - Project Jangka pendek (estimasi pengerjaan 2-3 bulan) - Terbiasa dan mengerti development Life cycle, mengerti metodologi scrum - Bersedia on site di client min 2-3 hari dalam 1 minggu(update progress ke client) - domisili daerah jakarta Note : Fee per project disesuaikan menurut kemampuan

$790 Average bid
$790 Avg Bida
25 bida

Rapid project pengerang. Samalaja bintulu. Samur sipitang sabah

$1055 - $2110
$1055 - $2110
0 bida

Gambar building 3d program scetchup. Laporan schedule kurva s

$3340 Average bid
$3340 Avg Bida
9 bida

Saat ini, kami memiliki produk berupa aplikasi website ( online store ) dengan konsep baru : SP3 ( System, Product , Packaging, Post ) artinya : 1. kami mempersiapkan sistem dari profile sampai dengan pembayaran 2. kami mempersiapkan puluhan ribu produk dari puluhan kategori yang siap untuk dijual 3. kami mempersiapkan operasional mulai dari call center, pengemasan barang, stok barang sampai dengan pelabelan barang 4. kami mempersiapkan pengiriman produk , langsung sampai tujuan customer. So, dengan potensi yang luar biasa, market yang besar dan yang paling penting sampai saat ini masih sulit menemui kompetitor, kami yakin di tangan individu yang tepat ( senior, professional, berkarakter, network yang luas ) , pasti produk ini akan bombastis.. Jika anda adalah individu tersebut, ...

$54166 Average bid
$54166 Avg Bida
1 bida
new project
Tamat left

saya sangat menghargai jika anda semua mau bekerja dengan saya dengan baik terima kasih

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Avg Bida
5 bida
Tamat left

kamu pasti akan membuat keluargamu bahagia dan dia akan sangat sangat merasa bahagia jika melihat ini

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
1 bida
$73 Avg Bida
1 bida
urdu sentances
Tamat left

main Urdu typing karna Chan ti hon agar kam milay ga tozaror karongi

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bida


$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

ki mod aa kam karan da?? jay mary kol kam hoya tay m dassan ga, tairy kol away tay menu dassi, ral k koi jugaar laa lawan gay

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

ki mod aa kam karan da?? jay mary kol kam hoya tay m dassan ga, tairy kol away tay menu dassi, ral k koi jugaar laa lawan gay

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida
Logo Design
Tamat left

Bro, Lagi sibuk ga sekarang. Gw butuh logo ni, tp mesti beres hari ini juga. dalem brp jam doank, bisa ga? logonya utk aplikasi muslim gt. thx

$40 Average bid
$40 Avg Bida
1 bida

bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

$2500 Average bid
$2500 Avg Bida
1 bida

bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

$2550 Average bid
$2550 Avg Bida
1 bida
Mobile app
Tamat left

Halo Albert, mau tanya secara garis besar, kamu bs buat app yg ada voice verificationnya ga? jd kl misal bukan suara si owner, maka tdk akan ke next stepnya? Kl bs nanti kita akan diskusi lebih lanjut dan harga pembuatannya. Terima kasih

$50 Average bid
$50 Avg Bida
1 bida

Anda ga perlu datang ke alamat kami kami menyediakan secara online / ofline untuk desainnya maupun kursus desainnya

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

hai mbk maaf menggangu mau tanya ini frelance gimna gunainnya ya? saya binggung, saya udah nyoba nyoba dari tadi ga bisa bisa,nyari tempat chatnya jg ga ketemu dimana? maklum saya masih baru jd ga tau gunaninnya gimana.

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

MunH MaAnG¡ QeeMaT DooN Ga..!! SaWaN Se KaHo BaRsaY,, Jb sath hoon hum dono0..!! Happy Rainy Day♥

$143 / hr Average bid
$143 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida
bayar hutang
Tamat left

woi cuk balikin duit ku klo emg ga jadi order barang...masa main kabur wae. aku butuh duit bneran cuk... regards. Hage Kizu

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
1 bida
logo design
Tamat left

hi mein isi tarhan ke logo bana sakta hoon agr aap mujhe logo ka naam den to mein use 2 days mein bana lon ga

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

I need assistance from a skilled SCCM professional to create a new Standard Distribution Point (DP) within my on-premises network. This DP will primarily support Windows operating systems. Key Requirements: - Proficient in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) - Experience in creating Standard Distribution Points - In-depth knowledge of Windows OS support - Familiarity with on-premises network configurations

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Avg Bida
5 bida

I'm looking for a new or junior level Android developer from Pakistan. I need some projects for long term budget is low for them. I need junior level Work

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
12 bida
Manage My New Tik Tok Channel
6 hari left

I'm looking for a creative TikTok manager to run a page for me. The main goal is to promote my YouTube channel, which is focused on vlogs in Alaska, by using clips from my videos on Tik Tok. The goal is also to get the Tik Tok channel monetized. You would have to use clips from my youtube videos, gain followers, etc so that the Tik Tok channel will eventually become profitable. The theme would be Alaska of course. You will have to make sure clips yourself from my youtube videos and use them on my tik tok channel. You are running the entire tik tok page with little to no input from me. I will pay $20 per month to start, I have no requirements but as I do not know if you want to post daily or 4x per week etc, it´s entirely up to you. I would expect effort to be put into...

$26 Average bid
$26 Avg Bida
16 bida

Need new features Implemented to website.

$1400 Average bid
$1400 Avg Bida
1 bida

I'm in need of an expert who can create electrical, site, and foundation plans for a residential building. Plans Needed: - Electrical Plan: The plan should incorporate the layout for the circuit breaker panel. - Site Plan: A basic layout with major features and dimensions is required. - Foundation Plan: A detailed foundation plan for the residential building. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD or similar software. - Previous experience with residential building plans. - Knowledge of electrical layout and site planning. I'm looking for comprehensive, easy-to-understand blueprints that can be used for construction and inspection purposes. Please provide similar work examples in your proposal.

$239 Average bid
$239 Avg Bida
29 bida

I am looking for an expert to help me with the creation of a 3D model for my groundbreaking, self-sustaining thermal cycle generator. This 20 kW unit is designed ...looking for an expert to help me with the creation of a 3D model for my groundbreaking, self-sustaining thermal cycle generator. This 20 kW unit is designed for home electricity supply, but with scalability in mind. The generator will need to operate in both indoor and outdoor environments, making its design and construction crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize provided data points for component placement and dimensions The project is already well-structured with clean notes, making it easier to execute. Your expertise in energy technology and generator design will be pivotal in bri...

$583 Average bid
$583 Avg Bida
9 bida

I'm launching a new construction company and need a comprehensive marketing package to get the word out. This includes: - Social Media Posts: Targeted for Facebook and Instagram with a professional tone. These posts should highlight our services and establish our presence as a reliable, top-tier construction company. - Brochure: This should cover our company's services, showcase some of our previous projects, and include client testimonials. The brochure needs to be visually appealing and professionally designed. - Emailer: This should be a digital file ready to send out to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders. Ideal skills for this project include social media marketing, graphic design, and copywriting. Experience in the constru...

$340 Average bid
$340 Avg Bida
120 bida

We are looking for a talented web developer to join our team for ongoing projects. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. You will work closely with our design team to implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a seamless user experience. If you are passionate about web development and eager to contribute to innovative projects, we want to hear from you!

$604 Average bid
$604 Avg Bida
71 bida

...guys, Thanks for your interest in writing for us. IMPORTANT: Human writing and AI-assisted writing only - No AI-generated garbage - (we can easily see the difference) What we offer: *Ad-hoc writing work at the entry rate of $20/1000 words with room for growth. *Flexibility: No Skyping, no phone calls, accept projects when you have the time to complete them, take time off when you need (letting us know in advance is good practice). *Easy to work with: We reply to questions fast, will provide valuable input and feedback on every single task you complete. *We've been in the content writing and marketing business for close to 20 years and have worked with more than 2000 clients. What we expect: *You'll be part of an International team w...

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
38 bida

We are looking for a talented web developer to join our team for ongoing projects. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. You will work closely with our design team to implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a seamless user experience. If you are passionate about web development and eager to contribute to innovative projects, we want to hear from you!

$670 Average bid
$670 Avg Bida
111 bida

Create a QR generator for a CPT posts (listings) The QR code will be saved in post meta as discussed Create printable/downloadable variations for users to download with 1 variable text customisable so the user can add an offer ( i think using a form? but can discuss )

$62 Average bid
$62 Avg Bida
1 bida

I'm planning to build a shed dormer primarily to increase my living space. I'm looking for an structural engineer to see if is up to code and structurally sound. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in framing shed dormers - Proficiency in working with wood - Experience with home expansion projects - Knowledge of safety and building codes

$941 Average bid
$941 Avg Bida
37 bida

We are seeking a skilled developer to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a referral management system tailored for our construction company. This system should effectively incentivize and track referrals to enhance our client acquisition processes. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of referral systems and experience in building interactive applications on the platform. Your expertise will help streamline our referral processes and improve overall engagement. The core features of the MVP should include: -A way for new clients and users in our network to sign up to become an "affiliate", and sign an agreement that stipulates the affiliate revenue amounts they will be entitled to by referring people to us. Them signing up wil...

$578 Average bid
$578 Avg Bida
107 bida

We are looking for a talented web developer to join our team for ongoing projects. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. You will work closely with our design team to implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a seamless user experience. If you are passionate about web development and eager to contribute to innovative projects, we want to hear from you!

$547 Average bid
$547 Avg Bida
195 bida

I'm looking for a skilled professional to build a PVC deck at my home. The primary purpose of this deck is to host various entertainment events and parties, so it needs to The lighting should be suitable for evening events, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The outdoor kitchen setup should be functional and seamlessly integrated into the deck design. Ideal qualifications for the freelancer include: - Proven experience in deck construction, particularly with PVC. - Ability to design and incorporate built-in features such as lighting and an outdoor kitchen. - Strong understanding of creating entertainment-friendly outdoor spaces. I'd love to see examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Looking fo...

$383 Average bid
$383 Avg Bida
65 bida

...profiles, each tailored to specific functionalities. For Agents: Agents will have the ability to create detailed property listings, including high-quality images, virtual tours, and comprehensive descriptions. They will manage their listings, respond to inquiries, and track leads directly through their profile. For Builders: Builders will showcase their projects with dedicated project pages, highlighting floor plans, amenities, construction progress, and pricing. They can manage project updates, generate leads, and engage with potential buyers. For Users: Individual users can list their own properties for sale or rent, browse listings from agents and builders, and save their favorite properties. They will also be able to directly contact agents and builders and save the...

$292 Average bid
$292 Avg Bida
25 bida

I'm looking to have a 1:24 scale model home built. This model should be constructed from plastic and feature a moderate level of detail, inclusive of furnishings. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in scale model construction - Proficiency in using plastic as a primary material - Ability to design and incorporate detailed furnishings within the model Experience: - Prior experience in creating detailed scale models - Portfolio showcasing previous model home projects - Demonstrable skills in working with plastic materials

$392 Average bid
$392 Avg Bida
56 bida

I'm looking for a new or junior level Android developer from Pakistan. I need some projects for long term budget is low for them. I need junior level

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
7 bida

I'm looking for someone to create a TikTok account from Hungary, using a Hungarian IP and a verified Hungarian phone number. The account will focus on entertainment content targeted primarily at teenagers. Key Responsibilities: - Create a new TikTok account - Use of Hungarian IP and phone number for verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating and optimizing TikTok accounts - Understanding of TikTok's algorithm and trends, particularly in relation to content for teenagers - Ability to create and implement a successful content strategy - Familiarity with the use of Hungarian IP and phone numbers for account creation and verification Please provide examples of previous TikTok accounts you've created and optimized, along wit...

$14 Average bid
$14 Avg Bida
9 bida

More detail of the document in the .PDF file will be include. As discuss via chat we will choose hourly and you will complete the project within the hourly rate.

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

...concept, and the freelancer will need to translate it into a professional, technical document for approval. Scope of Work: 1. Architectural Drawings (AutoCAD or similar format) -Floor Plan (Top-down view with dimensions and layout details) -Front & Side Elevations (Structural views, materials, and branding locations) -Sectional Views (Breakdown of key kiosk components, materials, and construction details) -Lighting & Electrical Plan (Power outlets, LED lighting, and sign placements) -Security & Storage Plan (Lockable compartments, fire safety equipment, and surveillance points) 2. Technical Documentation (Formatted PDF Report) -Professional document layout (Matching the sample PDFs provided) -Title page with kiosk name, location, and project details -Ma...

$145 Average bid
$145 Avg Bida
35 bida

I need an architectural drawing of an existing building, with all interior walls removed, for a permit application. This project requires: - Creating a basic layout drawing without any existing blueprints or detailed blueprints available. - The ability to understand and translate the physical building into a basic architectural drawing. - Experience with architectural design sof...requires: - Creating a basic layout drawing without any existing blueprints or detailed blueprints available. - The ability to understand and translate the physical building into a basic architectural drawing. - Experience with architectural design software and knowledge of permit application requirements. Please note that the level of detail required is a basic layout, not a fully detailed construction...

$384 Average bid
$384 Avg Bida
79 bida

I need a topographical CAD drawing for a car park layout, which will include an as-built of ducting runs. This drawing will be used for construction planning. The CAD drawing should encompass: - A comprehensive layout of parking spaces - Clear indications of traffic flow directions - Placement of signage The as-built ducting runs should provide: - Sizes and types of the ducts - Exact locations and routes of the ducting Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in CAD design, particularly for construction planning. Knowledge of ducting systems would be beneficial. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.

$152 Average bid
$152 Avg Bida
46 bida

I need a comprehensive topographical CAD drawing for construction planning. This should include detailed land features and utilities. Key Requirements: - Incorporate my existing comprehensive survey data into the CAD drawing. - Ability to create a detailed, accurate representation of the site. - Understanding of construction planning elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software. - Experience with topographical drawing. - Background in construction planning.

$142 Average bid
$142 Avg Bida
24 bida

I'm seeking a highly experienced, senior-level planner to oversee the construction of two large cable routes in London using Primavera 6. The planner must be fluent in using this software and able to perform a variety of tasks including: - Schedule Creation: Develop a comprehensive, realistic timeline for the project. - Progress Tracking: Monitor the project's advancement and make necessary adjustments to keep it on track. - Resource Allocation: Efficiently distribute resources to ensure their optimal use. The planner must adhere to industry standards throughout the course of the project. Prior experience with similar projects is not just preferred but essential. Knowledge of company-specific guidelines is not required, but a commitment to quality an...

$48 / hr Average bid
$48 / hr Avg Bida
20 bida

As a growing new car trading business, I'm in need of an experienced Operations Manager to oversee various aspects of our stock management. The role will involve: - Inventory Tracking: Keeping a close eye on our stock levels, ensuring we have the right amount of cars to meet demand without overstocking. - Supply Chain Management: Coordinating with suppliers to ensure timely delivery of vehicles and maintaining good relationships with our partners. - Order Fulfillment: Ensuring that customer orders are fulfilled accurately and on time. We currently use specialized software for our stock management, so familiarity with such platforms is crucial. The ideal candidate should have a solid background in operations management within the car trading sector, with a proven...

$1055 Average bid
$1055 Avg Bida
83 bida