Laravel get service provider in controllerpekerjaan


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    2,000 laravel get service provider in controller pekerjaan dijumpai

    projek ini dapat membantu pelajar mendapatkan semangat untuk belajar . ia juga dapat mengurangkan bilangan pelajar yang kemurungan dan down

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    1 month FB ads +LinkedIn Ads service

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    Laravel step2
    Tamat left

    Hi Khalil U.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Website menggunakan framework laravel versi 8, pada projek ini pengerjaan lebih kurang sudah 60%

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    Saya membutuhkan data mengenai donasi yang dilakukan pada 1 bidang (akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut) yang terlaksana selama 2018-2021 di Indonesia. Data berupa profil penyumbang, penerima, lokasi, jumlah, perusahaan, sumber dana, dll. Projek akan terlaksana dalam 1 bulan. Output Data berupa tabel .csv atau .xlsx excel document. Ideally you are indonesian, because the web scraping job is sc...dijelaskan lebih lanjut) yang terlaksana selama 2018-2021 di Indonesia. Data berupa profil penyumbang, penerima, lokasi, jumlah, perusahaan, sumber dana, dll. Projek akan terlaksana dalam 1 bulan. Output Data berupa tabel .csv atau .xlsx excel document. Ideally you are indonesian, because the web scraping job is scraping indonesia news article,company website, and open source indonesia data pro...

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    tentang website untuk pelanggan bertanya harga untuk kerosakan pc/laptop

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bida
    7 bida

    project ini merupakan fyp saya. saya perlu mencari error dalam sliding mode contoller dan PID controller dalam pre-sliding motion. sya perlukan sesorang yang boleh buat PID dan SMC simulink dan saya hanya perlu masukan nila transfer function nilai x untuk cari error. nilai transfer function sudah diberi.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Hello, I am a graphic designer with more than 7 years experience in graphic designers. I can help your product. Customer satisfaction is the best service for us.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Controller ps4 dengan mahkota atau yang berkaitan dengan gaming

    $541 Average bid
    $541 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Dibutuhkan Full Stack Developer untuk mengerjakan sebuah projek yang mungkin akan berlangsung selama 2-3 bulan dengan requirement: - Ahli dalam mengimplementasikan PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, JS, Jquery, Ajax, SQL, git - Menyukai Problem Solving, dapat belajar dengan cepat, cepat dalam membaca dokumen, dapat bekerja secara tim, good attitude. - Lokasi di Yogyakarta

    $2416 Average bid
    $2416 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Kami sedang membina pasukan programmer untuk membina mobile apps

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Membuat login dan register pada eCommerce dengan laravel + vue.js adapun halaman tersebut dipisah menjadi halaman admin dan customer.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    $110 - $110
    0 bida

    Saya ingin membuat mobile app untuk website yang sudah saya buat. Mobile app yang dibuat menggunakan mobile hybrid apps (Android dan IOS), bebas menggunakan framework apapun. Requirement : - Mobile apps unutk android dan ios (di-utamakan android) - Web service yang digunakan pada mobile apps - Diutamakan freelancer pada daerah Surabaya Saya menyediakan : - Server - Database - Website yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi - Mockup UI (berupa gambar)

    $367 Average bid
    $367 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    Membantu anda dalam memproses data anda

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bida
    14 bida
    Get a website
    Tamat left

    Web serach

    $297 Average bid
    $297 Avg Bida
    36 bida
    $542 Avg Bida
    2 bida


    $230 Average bid
    $230 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Saya ingin menjalankan sebuah survey terhadap sejumlah responden untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat ketertarikan mereka terhadap produk baru yang akan ditawarkan.

    $705 Average bid
    $705 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya sedang membuat website untuk company dan service (2 websites), membutuhkan penulis content dalam bahasa inggris. Currently, I'm setting up 2 websites (company profile and service), need a content writer urgently.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I'm form Malaysia. So, I want Malaysian traffic into my website.

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Avg Bida
    18 bida

    Antrian di Teller dan Costumer Service, tampilan layar di Monitor Server setengahnya adalah nomor antrian cs dan teleer dan setengahnya lagi iklan video. Panggilan Antrian bisa di[ake 5 CS dan 10 Teller melalui jaringan LAN

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    build website
    Tamat left

    Testing serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting serviceTesting service

    $390 Average bid
    $390 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    Tamat left

    service center akan memberi yang terbaik untuk pelanggan dan jika pelanggan tidak puas kami akan bertangung jawab

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    halo, saya sedang membutuhkan admin yang bekerja secara online, bisa bekerja dimana saja.. Namun training tetap dilakukan di Serpong Tangerang Selatan.. job desk : data entry customer service operation control (via internet) Content sharing semua dilakukan secara online.. dapat aktif online sekitar Jam 12:30 - 20:30 boleh dilakukan dalam team tanya2 add LINE account : @copycino

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    service CPU
    Tamat left

    Membersihkan virus pada komputer

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Selamat datang para freelance programming dan para desainer website.. kami dari Jeniushost ingin membuat suatu media online, semacam koran online. kriteria yang kami butuhkan adalah paham Laravel 5. silahkan yang bermnat langsung kontak kami.

    $1569 Average bid
    $1569 Avg Bida
    3 bida
    go-jeck clone
    Tamat left

    saya ingin membuat aplikasi seperti go-jek/grabbike/uber, untuk diimplementasikan di kota saya. namun pilihan armadanya tidak hanya sepeda motor. mohon disediakan form untuk input jenis armada. kemungkinan : - innova - avanza - becak bermotor - sepeda - sepeda motor pilihan service / layanan sama dengan go-jek, yakni : - mengantar /jemput barang/makanan/belanjaan - mengantar /jemput orang

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin sebuah website yang di mana akan saya gunakan untuk mengumpulkan data ttg minat public pada suatu produk atau service.

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    saya punya website reservasi hotel, sampai sekarang belum bisa bersaing dengan yang lain. mungkin ada yang minat dengan pekerjaan ini

    $262 Average bid
    $262 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    Need 5K Facebook likes. Counties: Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, South Africa, Canada, Japan & Turkey. No spam, bots, or fake accounts. No accounts in danger of being suspended. Likes must be from Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, South Africa, Canada, Japan & Turkey with: At least 2+ photos, At least 50+ friends, and Status updates that go back at least 2 weeks. NO BOTS OR FAKE ACCOUNTS OR REAL LOOKING ACCOUNTS. THIS MUST ALL BE REAL HUMAN BEINGS. NO FAKE AT ALL OR YOU WILL NOT BE PAID!

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    this is a test project, please do not is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid. this is a test project, please do not bid.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membuat corporate website yang mana website tersebut akan diintegrasikan dengan back end system dengan menggunakan teknologi web service di kedepannya

    $448 Average bid
    $448 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Memberikan service kepada pelanggan untuk produk-produk yang akan di jual

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    membuat sesuatu yang menarik .

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Penjualan dan service handphone and komputer, accesories, part handphone and komputer

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Saya ingin membuat game online di windows computer

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    8 bida

    I want maybe about 1000 words to post in my blog to attract my reader with interesting content.. The article must be raise up our readers motivation and get Inspiration form the article..

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    I require a one or two page web mailer describing our product and service with links to our website, the mailer should have a professional appearance and impose a call to action. A general understanding of our industry will be provided thru materials and text

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bida
    facebook likes
    Tamat left

    as discussed on skype and by email 8-visas Website: Facebook page: Target Countries: Cambodia, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea South, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, United States of America, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Australia, New Zealand Audience Interests: Thailand, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Asia Goal: become best known Facebook Page for visa service in Thailand for all citizens from countries mentioned under ‘target countries’. 8-investigate Website: Facebook page:

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya Ingin kerja dengan anda , saya cuma bisa di bagian desind saja ... saya kerja untuk tambahan laptop service an ilang dan nyari2 tambahan mudah mudah agan bisa menolong saya

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ...ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. 4. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan. 5. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0 6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja ..... 7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset. 8. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 9. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset) 10. Jalankan program Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 11. Klik "MAIN", maka printer akan berproses, kemudian MP258 akan print satu halaman dengan tulisan " D=000.0 " 12. Klik " EEPROM Clear &qu...

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 bida

    ...baik Resmi maupun Borongan [ All In ] di seluruh wilayah Indonesia Kami sudah lebih dari sepuluh tahun menghandle macam-macam Shipment dari Mancanegara. Dan yang kami utamakan adalah kecepatan dalam pengirimanbarang Import dan Domestics, marketing handal dengan service yang baik menghandle konsumen dan juga keamanan barang tersebut hingga ditangani konsumen langsung [Door To Door Service]. BERIKUT LAYANAN YANG KAMI TAWARKAN IMPORT • Jasa Customs Clearance Import Via Udara [Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan Halim perdana Kusuma] • Jasa Customs Clearance Import Via Laut [LCL/FCL 20feet/40feet dll] • Under Name Consignee/QQ untuk perizinan import [Pinjam/Sewa perusahaan] • Customs Import Borongan [[ All-In ] via Laut dan Udara] • Imp...

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Logo ACS handphone sparepart , service dan Acc kita bergerak dibidang Accesoris sparepart dan service , membutuhkan logo simple eyecacthing langsung ke konsumen

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    ...employee in agency channel, you will leverage your network to recruit Financial Consultant (Agents) and coach them to sell life insurance policies and service customers. What are we looking for: Integrity and passion are the two most important traits that will define your success in this role. - It is a field job. You will have to travel within the assigned location to meet channel partner team and customers. - You will be evaluated on your ability to meet the business targets (Top line, Persistency, Product mix) by collaborating with and driving channel partners. - HDFC Life believes in technology driven sales and you will learn new technology/ Mobility enhancements, to comply with the Sales Management Process. - As a business professional you will uphold ...

    $285 Average bid
    $285 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Needs to hire 2 Freelancers We are seeking a dedicated full-time Virtual Assistant to join our team and manage customer service operations. This position offers opportunities for growth, long-term partnership, and a supportive work environment. The role involves efficiently handling customer inquiries using Richpanel, managing Shopify store tasks to ensure smooth daily operations, and collaborating with the team to enhance customer satisfaction and optimize processes. Experience with Richpanel and Shopify is required, along with strong communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills. We are looking for someone who can work independently and perform well under pressure. The work schedule is 6 days a week, from 12am to 8am EST (GMT-5), totaling 48 hours per week. Additi...

    $442 Average bid
    $442 Avg Bida
    19 bida

    KratosLab () seeks an experienced consultant to develop a competitive pricing strategy for our custom chatbot solutions. The ideal candidate will analyze market trends, assess our service offerings, and recommend optimal pricing models to enhance profitability and market positioning. Deliverables: Comprehensive pricing strategy report Implementation guidelines Qualifications: Proven experience in pricing strategy development for tech services Strong market analysis skills Excellent communication abilities Proposal Submission: Please include your approach, timeline We aim to establish a pricing model that reflects the value of our chatbot services and aligns with market expectations. If you have the expertise to guide us, we look forward to your p...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    I've recently rented a /24 IP Pool from my provider through a GRE Tunnel. I need an expert to configure my MikroTik router (specifically, a CHR model) to utilize these IPs for my local servers. Key Tasks: - Configure the MikroTik router to manage the new IP pool. - Ensure that the configuration allows for use across various types of servers in my LAN, including web, database, and mail servers. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with MikroTik routers, particularly the CHR model. - Deep understanding of GRE Tunnel configurations. - Proven track record in configuring networks for multiple server types. Note: I'm not particularly concerned about firewall setup for this project.

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    I'm looking for a professional web developer experienced in WordPress to create a clean, clinical, and user-friendly website for a mental health service focusing on TMS treatment. The site needs to clearly communicate our services and how treatment is delivered, whilst also providing an accessible 'About Us' and 'Contact Us' section. Key Requirements: - Build a highly professional and clinical-themed WordPress website - Create sections for 'About Us', 'Services', 'Contact Us', and 'How treatment is given' - Design a user-friendly interface that effectively raises awareness about TMS treatment - Optimize the website for SEO to enhance visibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPre...

    $306 Average bid
    $306 Avg Bida
    216 bida

    ...capturing data from a smart Battery Management System (BMS) and the motor controller. Key Requirements: - The device can be based on either ESP or Arduino platforms. - It should communicate data through both cable and Bluetooth. - A web interface should be used to display key parameters such as voltage, current, and others, along with alerts and notifications. - The communication protocol should be CAN based - Windows Based Software which can be installed on any PC - Data logging can be done in two ways :Automatic (after every 10Sec) or at the press of a button - Data can be saved in excel format - These readings can. be saved by the name of the Student, Roll No, Branch, Name of lab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ESP and Arduino ...

    $274 Average bid
    $274 Avg Bida
    3 bida