Joomla printer repair templatepekerjaan


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    2,000 joomla printer repair template pekerjaan dijumpai

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    $110 Average bid
    $110 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Membuat dokumen list kertas A3 Membuat template dokumen laporan harian Menggunakan kertas ncr Membuat template dokumen laporan mingguan kertas legal Membuat tenplate dokumen laporan bulanan / rekap kertas legal Membuat template dokumen RAP Membuat template curva s Intinya membuat template dokumen Antara sheet dan sheet terhubung antara 1 dan lainnya menggunakan rumus atau vba dan menggunakan pivot

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    - Input karyawan, login, filtering dan pemberian hak akses login pada aplikasi, dengan menggunakan template dan Rest Api yang telah kami sediakan - Input Barang, satuan barang, kategori barang, filtering dengan menggunakan template dan Rest Api yang telah kami sediakan

    $299 Average bid
    $299 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya perlu membuat sistem 3D printer Anet A8 menggunakan Simulink

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    create joomla
    Tamat left

    ada tak sesiapa yang boleh create basic website Joomla? tapi saya minta bayaran harga student sebab saya masih student lagi

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Tolong perbaiki lay out dan design dari content presentasi saya (kira-kira 9 halaman). Template background presentasi tidak boleh dirubah.

    $62 Average bid
    $62 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Kertas Rancangan Perniagaan Produk/Servis Template RP 1) Cover Hadapan 2) Isi Kandungan 3) Kertas Kerja RP (40 muka surat) 4) Surat Permohonan Pinjaman 5) Jadual Bayaran Balik 6) Unjuran kewangan 7) Template perjanjian perkongsian 8) Template profile syarikat 9) Ebook - Formula Rahsia Pre Order 10) Ebook - Rahsia Borong Tak Perlu Ke China BERMINAT?? Peluang ni utk 100 org yg terawal sahaja. Habis kuota promo habis harga promo..!!

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Avg Bida
    6 bida

    Menaik Taraf Portal Jabatan menggunakan Joomla. Menukar template sediaada kepada template yang responsive.

    $1783 Average bid
    $1783 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    template sesuai kengingan anda

    $372 Average bid
    $372 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Laman web jabatan pendidikan

    $360 Average bid
    $360 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Saya membutuhkan website baru Membuat dan mendesainnya Lainnya atau tidak yakin Saya mau buat website dgn joomla ekstension easysocial

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya membutuhkan jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tidak termasuk pekerjaan hosting, upload dll.

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya ingin membuat Mock Up PSD untuk Bedding Sprei dan Bedcover Jadi gambar kasur terdiri dari Seprei, Bedcover, 2 bantal dan 2 guling yang bisa diganti2 motifnya dan dipisah misal saya ingin menghilangkan bedcovernya. mirip seperti link ini saya sudah beli tapi sayang bedcovernya tidak bisa dihilangkan. Info lebih jelasnya bisa 0838 808 1500 7FAB7D21

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    template yang enak dipandang dan eye catching. tidak membosankan, dengan tema kopi dan kesederhanaan tapi memukau

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Kami adalah perusahaan yang begerak di bidang teknologi 3D Printing akan melakukan expo/pameran pada tanggal 10-14 Febuary 2016 (5 Hari) di Cambridge City Mall, Medan. Memerlukan beberapa Freelance Marketing/Sales untuk ditempatkan di lokasi pameran. Anggaran dari Rp80.000-Rp200.000/hari (10.00WIB-22.00WIB) tergantung pengalaman dan skills. Ditambah...perusahaan yang begerak di bidang teknologi 3D Printing akan melakukan expo/pameran pada tanggal 10-14 Febuary 2016 (5 Hari) di Cambridge City Mall, Medan. Memerlukan beberapa Freelance Marketing/Sales untuk ditempatkan di lokasi pameran. Anggaran dari Rp80.000-Rp200.000/hari (10.00WIB-22.00WIB) tergantung pengalaman dan skills. Ditambah bonus/komisi penjualan. Produk yang dipasarkan adalah: 3D printer, Jasa 3D printing dan Kursus 3...

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Rental Services Ye ek server company hi jo Bhopal main serve karaoke website main data dalana hain

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam. Saya ada membeli template utk diguna bg majlis sekolah. Tp bila saya nak buka file tu ada popup kata ada references yg missing dan saya kena install. Saya baru nak belajar2 ae ni. Saya rasa mungkin sebab spec laptop yg x support cs6 ni. Jd kalo nak mintak tlg tuan buatkan, berapa kos dia ye. Ada 2 template

    $15 - $15
    $15 - $15
    0 bida

    Mengubah template alterna wordpress untuk website event silahkan kunjungi dan lihat bagian footer sebelah kanan untuk berdiskusi lebih lanjut melalui (Removed by admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    menambah salinan, menu tamplate pada cms joomla

    $8 Average bid
    $8 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Proyek saya adalah : ini tentang saya. dimana, saya ingin memperbagus template blog saya, memperbanyak follower di Google+, membuat youtube yang berkaitan dengan blog travelling saya, meningkatkan jumlah follower di Fanpage saya, mengurus twitter, pinterest.

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $748 Average bid
    $748 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida


    $110 Average bid
    $110 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin membuat web marketing yang bisa mempersentasikan 5 prodak yang berbeda, dengan penjelasan yang sangat detail, dan di sertai dengan animation, untuk contoh animasi persentasi nya bisa di lihat bagi saya template tersebut sudah bagus tetapi yang saya ingin kan mempersentasikan 5 prodak di 5 halaman yang berbeda, dan ada web testimonial dan ada penjelasan tentang Bisnis MLM dengan sangat detail dan di sertai animasi, dan ada galery testimonial

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Web Design : Joomla, Wordpress, Opencart, Magento, Prestashop, HTML, CSS, Java Script

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Avg Bida
    11 bida
    instal magento
    Tamat left

    saya punya template magento siap instal, adakah yang bisa menginstalkan

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    Ingin membuat website untuk travel agency. CSS template sudah ada. Roughly 5-10 Man-Days. Please contact disertai cost per Man-Days dan portfolio. Saya akan jelaskan detailnya di PM.

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Redesign template Wordpress Silahkan lihat konsep template yang sisipkan ASSIGNMENTS DUE : now - 17/08/2014

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Avg Bida
    10 bida

    Saya membutuhkan desainer web utk custom OJS template (Edit CSS)

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    information after chat...Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

    $6 - $12 / hr
    $6 - $12 / hr
    0 bida

    membuat template blog komersial

    $402 Average bid
    $402 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membangun sebuah aplikasi desktop Client Server Surat Pertanggung Jawaban dengan rincian pekerjaan : 1. Analisis Data Alur Akuntansi Surat pertanggung Jawaban yang terdiri dari : a. Kuitansi (Belanja Langsung, Belanja Barang dan Jasa, Belanja Modal) b. Kode Rekening c. BKU (Buku Kas Umum) d. Laporan Realisasi e. Nota Pencairan Dana (NPD) ...pertanggung Jawaban yang terdiri dari : a. Kuitansi (Belanja Langsung, Belanja Barang dan Jasa, Belanja Modal) b. Kode Rekening c. BKU (Buku Kas Umum) d. Laporan Realisasi e. Nota Pencairan Dana (NPD) f. Rincian Objek g. SPPD h. Grafik 2. Perancangan Aplikasi Desktop Terintegrasi dengan Windows 8 3. Aplikasi Menggunakan Client Server 4. Memakai Plugin Template DevExpress 5...

    $3197 Average bid
    $3197 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Hi, I am looking for a data entry person or team that understands retail and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freelancers h...

    $732 Average bid
    $732 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    membuat komponent pengaduan untuk cms joomla. agar bisa mengisi form aduan, dan dibalas oleh pembelas. dengan notifikasi email. dan yang sudah dibalas mampu di pubilkasikan ke public. seperti website ini

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Harap anda boleh bantu saya bina website affiliate program yg berasaskan iklan. Website tersebut adalah website pengiklanan seperti tetapi utk beriklan di situ, seseorg perlu daftar sebagai ahli dgn membayar yuran bulanan. Kemudian mereka boleh mencari downline utk beriklan di sana dan mendapat komisyen atas...sana dan mendapat komisyen atas yuran bulanan downline tersebut. Di website mesti ada ruangan register dan log in ahli dan di ruangan ahli mesti boleh lihat senarai downline, profile peribadi, komisyen dan lain2. Setiap ahli boleh dpt referal link utk promosi kpd org lan. Then setiap bulan mereka harus renew yuran tersebut. Jika tidak iklan akan disekat. Boleh kah anda bantu saya. Boleh bg contoh template yg sesuai. Saya nk sebut harga. Hosting kena cari sendiri atau mcm man...

    $212 Average bid
    $212 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Elektronik adalah alat yang dibuat berdasarkan prinsip elektronika serta hal atau benda yang menggunakan alat tersebut dan antara lain dapat digunakan pada: elektronik konsumen, alat elektronik untuk penggunaan pribadi dan sehari-hari; media elektronik, sarana media massa yang mempergunakan alat elektronik modern, misal radio, televisi, dan film

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 bida

    Cara Reset Printer Canon MP258 : 1. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang. 2. Tekan Tombol STOP/RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan tombol POWER dan tahan. 3. Tombol POWER masih ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. 4. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan. 5. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0 6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja ..... 7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset. 8. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk error 5B00 atau P07 9. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pad...

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 bida

    I'm seeking an adept professional to compile sales leads for unique nail and toe clippers targeting export markets. The ideal candidate should have a knack for sourcing potential leads from Google and filling in an Excel template with pertinent details. Job Responsibilities: - For each assigned project, collect total 500 email addresses from Google for 5 designated countries (100 e-mail addresses from each country). - Adhere to provided guidelines using relevant and useful keywords. - Utilize a shared Google Drive Excel template to fill in 5 important fields for each company: Company Name, Country, Website URL, Email Address, and Telephone Number. The selected candidate will have a video call session, if necessary, to thoroughly explain the requirements. Ideal Skills...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bida
    28 bida

    I'm in need of a skilled Squarespace designer to assist in transferring my existing website to Squarespace using a pre-existing, minimal and clean template. The project is primarily content migration with minor layout tweaks to fit the new design. What I Need: - Set up a Squarespace site using a pre-built, minimal and clean template. - Transfer all website content (text, images, etc.) from my current site into the new template. - Make minor layout adjustments to ensure a cohesive design and user experience across mobile and desktop views. - Final checks to ensure the site is optimally set for launch. Budget: $80 for the entire project.

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Avg Bida
    183 bida

    I'm in need of a modern, bold and vibrant PowerPoint slide template designed to highlight some achievements in Oil and Gas Production. Key Requirements: - The template should accommodate two bar charts: one comparing the number of wells in 2023 and 2024, and another showing production levels in the same years with an emphasis on the increase. - The lower part of the slide needs to encapsulate aspects related to training, technology use (specifically automation systems), and technical publications presented at the Oil & Gas Conference. - The design should be modern and eye-catching, yet professional enough to convey the seriousness of the subject matter. - The bar charts should be the focal point of the slide, so they need to be designed to stand out prominently. Id...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Avg Bida
    101 bida

    I'm looking for a mobile application that can scan custom QR codes specific to my business. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. It will need to notify users with both push and in-app notificat...Tracking: The app should have a feature for location tracking. - Templates: The app should be able to use templates. - Cross-Platform: The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android. - Notifications: The app should send push and in-app notifications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Cross-Platform Mobile App Development - QR Code Scanning Implementation - Location Tracking Integration - Custom Template Creation - Push and In-app Notification Systems - iOS and Android Development Experience Please share your previous work examples that are relevant t...

    $208 Average bid
    $208 Avg Bida
    51 bida

    set up After Effects and Premiere Pro on our pc by using anydesk and help us to create a template for our open box video, and teach us how to edit the video with the logo, brand name at the start, and call action at the end, as well as how add word in between the video. This work as discussed on chat of freelancer will take place in 3 hours.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    My WordPress website has significant issues with responsiveness, primarily on desktop. The site doesn't display correctly across various screen resolutions and devices including tablets and mobiles. I need a skilled freelancer to repair these issues so that the site is properly formatted and easy to use across all platforms. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong understanding of responsive design principles - Proficient in CSS/HTML - Experience with troubleshooting and fixing website issues - Familiarity with testing across different devices and screen sizes.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Avg Bida
    98 bida

    Recreate pages 3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,18,20,21,33,34,35,36 33,34,35,36 Charts need to be in excel Use new poerpoint template Thanks!

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Avg Bida
    49 bida

    I...Include a visual demonstrating the impact of errors on KPI's calculation. - Return the final presentation to me in 3 hours. Visuals: The presentation should incorporate a variety of visuals, including: - Graphs and charts - Icons and illustrations - Photos and screenshots Tone: The tone of the presentation should be professional, in line with corporate standards. Color Scheme: I will provide a template with the company's name and icon, which should be used throughout the presentation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating corporate presentations - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Ability to incorporate visuals in a meaningful way - Strong understanding of KPIs, quality assessment and corporate standards - Ability to deliver high-quality work un...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Avg Bida
    105 bida

    I'm seeking a talented designer to assist with designing email templates for email newsletters and promotions along with design for print materials such as brochures and flyers. Key Responsibilities: - Design print materials such as brochures, flyers - Create templates for email newsletters and promotional content Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Creative Suite, etc.) - Experience in creating print and digital design - Knowledge of effective design principles for marketing purposes Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal. This will be an ongoing project and requires the designer to understand our brand and create a new impactful feel to our promotional material.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Avg Bida
    48 bida

    ...sources (e.g., Towards Data Science, KDnuggets, Data Science Central). Integrate these feeds into your website to automatically display the latest articles. News API Integration: Use APIs like Google News API, Bing News Search API, or News API to fetch the latest data science articles. 8- Dynamic Content Integration CMS Integration: Use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress or Joomla to automate and schedule news updates. Plugins such as Feedzy RSS Feeds (WordPress) can simplify this process. Dynamic Widgets: Add a dynamic widget to your news page that displays real-time updates. Example: A “Top Data Science News This Week” section. 9- Social Media Integration I would like to see when I like a post in LinkedIn that post automatically feed into ...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Avg Bida
    91 bida

    Hi, I need help to get ZPL code printed on my Zebra printer using Php. I have printer installed on my local and its printing html or pdf code but not ZPL code as it runs only on linux so I need help so that my laptop can connect with Php script on my website and print ZPL bar code label without any third party software. Please apply only if you know this job. Budget is Rs. 1000 only as to experienced person this job require less than 1 hour. I just need to get one bar code label printed on my printer using ZPL command in core php without any third party script. Once this task is done selected developer will get big task of printing job in core Php on which we are working. Mention 'ZPL' on top of your bid so that I can understand you read the requirements...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    READ CAREFULLY!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE DESCRIPTION, THERE'S NO CHANCE I'LL REPL...script. What needs to be done: Modify the HTML fetching function to load HTML from the available folder. Update some Python GUI input functions, as entering the URL to fetch HTML will no longer be necessary—remove these features. Adapt the script to the new HTML layout. Since I now send only filtered HTML with necessary information to save space, adjust the script to match the provided HTML template structure. Before sending the information via the API to my site, use the available Python Bing Chat (Copilot) script to translate it properly into my desired language. Additionally, populate the "Features" fields based on the category using the available HTML content. Th...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Avg Bida
    119 bida