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    Status Pekerjaan
    2,000 ios objective c iphone pekerjaan dijumpai

    Ja diko izvinjajus', no jetot sajt ne daet mne pisat' po-chelovecheski. Ih programmeram nado ruki pootryvat'... U menja est' programma na C++, kotoraja byla perepisana iz koda na Java. Obe programmy rabotajut, no versija na C++ ne vsegda vydaet takie zhe rezul'taty, chto i versija na Java, i k tomu zhe rabotaet neskol'ko medlenno. Nuzhno ispravit' kod C++ tak, chtoby obe versii vydavali identichnye rezul'taty, i zhelatel'no uskorit' rabotu programmy na C++. Pozhalujsta, svjazhites' so mnoj, i ja prishlju Vam kody posmotret'.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Membuat aplikasi dengan arahan langsung dari klien

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Halo semua, Saya dan partner saya lagi mencari programmer untuk membuat project live streaming social media yang rencananya akan di buat dalam 3 platform (web, android & iOS). Sebenernya kita ingin mencari programmer untuk join kita sebagai co-founder, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk di outsource saja (bayaran per project). Sejauh ini kita sudah membuat business plan, budgeting, feature dan interface design nya as a lay out. Ditunggu kabarnya bila ada yg berkenan atau tartarik.

    $4715 Average bid
    $4715 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    C rdait hhhhhhhhhhhh nkhadam zamel bouk ana

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    4 bida

    gan boleh minta portofolio untuk app android atau ios?

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    ...aplikasi mobile android & Ios. kebetulan saya sudah buat aplikasi mobile dari INSTANT APP MAKER , lumayan bagus tampilannya , tapi tidak sempurna dengan yang saya mau.. yang saya inginkan adalah 1. TAMPILAN , ada satu contoh aplikasi yang ingin saya ikuti tampilannya , namanya xxxxxxxxx bukan systemnya, nanti akan saya kirimkan aplikasinya , jadi tampilannya kombinasi aplikasi yang sudah saya buat dengan contoh yang akan saya kirimkan.. , ketika buka MOBILE APP , saya ingin kecepatannya sama seperti aplikasi xxxxxxxxxx. ,setiap saya update kontent dari web ,bisa masuk langsung ke dalam konten apps (graphic desain) masukkan gambar menarik,resolusi tinggi dan tidak melanggar hak cipta orang lain. Aplikasi di IOS & ANDROID tidak beda, jika

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    membuat news reader di ios dan android seperti wayang force termasuk billing systemnya

    $812 Average bid
    $812 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Membuat aplikasi di ios dan android seperti wayang force

    $1297 Average bid
    $1297 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

    $1600 Average bid
    $1600 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

    $500 - $500
    $500 - $500
    0 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    1. Saya tidak menguasai bahasa Inggris, tetapi Saya menguasai bahasa C#, JAVA, MySQL dan beberapa lainnya. 2. Saya bukanlah seorang Pro dalam kehidupan, tetapi Saya adalah seorang Pro dalam bidang yang saya geluti. 3. Yang saya buat bukanlah permainan berkelas tinggi, melainkan permainan yang dapat dimainkan berbagai kelas. 4. Setiap orang mungkinakan berpikir kedepan untuk masalah merkea, tetapi Saya hanya berpikir bagaimana cara kerja dunia. Jadi, Apakah itu Anda? Saya bertanya, apakah Anda meragukan Saya? Jika ya, kenapa kita tidak melakukan sedikit peregangan?

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Melanjutkan Program TA, Progress 50%. File Ada di lampiran

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    mencoba untuk berkarya dan berkarya terus

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Selamat siang mas, perkenalkan saya pandu dari perusahaan Crocodic Studio di Semarang. Saya ada project untuk pembuatan mobile apps berbasis ios mengenai dari telkom, dikarenakan seluruh resource programmer saya sedang full maka saya berniat untuk meng-hire Anda menyelesaikan project ini. detail UI ada di lampiran.

    $342 Average bid
    $342 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Selamat siang mas, perkenalkan saya pandu dari perusahaan Crocodic Studio di Semarang. Saya ada project untuk pembuatan mobile apps berbasis ios mengenai dari telkom, dikarenakan seluruh resource programmer saya sedang full maka saya berniat untuk meng-hire Anda menyelesaikan project ini. detail UI ada di lampiran.

    $324 Average bid
    $324 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Dicari freelancer untuk mengajar ASP.NET dengan spec berikut: Basic HTML + CSS Basic C# ASP.NET + T-SQL: CRUD Operation Tool: VS2012 atau VS2013 10x pertemuan @3jam/session Jam belajar pagi/siang - Lokasi Yogyakarta Start: 10 Nov 2014

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    event seminar
    Tamat left

    Saya ingin membuat kegiatan seminar di Belitung memerlukan 1 orang freelancer yang dapat membantu untuk aktivitas di bawah ini: a. Mengatur kedatangan pembicara b. Mendistribusikan daftar hadir kepada peserta c. Membagikan materi training e. Mencetak sertifikat

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    ...prosesor cepat, kamera dengan hasil foto atau video berkualiats tinggi, hingga smartphone dengan baterai berdaya besar. Nah, langsung saja berikut ini beberapa diantaranya yang paling populer versi : 1. Apple iPhone 5s – Lihat harga barunya Smartphone Tercanggih 2014 iphone 5s Hadir dengan inovasi berau berupa prosesor 64 bit memang bukan isapan jempol, buktinya dalam hasil benchmark ponsel ini melibas para jagoan Android dengan prosesor lebih gahar. lihat detailnya disini 2. Samsung Galaxy S5- Lihat harga barunya gadget Tercanggih 2014 apple iphone, gadget Tercanggih 2014 samsuung galaxy, Smartphone Tercanggih 2014 sony xperia, Smartphone Tercanggih 2014 oppo, gadget Tercanggih 2014 samsung galaxy s5 Selain spesifikasinya yang tinggi, smartphone gen...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Avg Bida
    5 bida

    Assalamualaikum wr. wb sedikit sentuhan yang unik agar memberi kesan yang tidak membosankan, walaupun dalam gambar kurang bagus tapi saya yakin kalau di aplikasikan dalam bentuk mungkin akan meningkatkan pendapatan, demikian dari "My Iphone" wassalamualaikum wr. wb

    $362 Average bid
    $362 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Membangun sebuah aplikasi desktop Client Server Surat Pertanggung Jawaban dengan rincian pekerjaan : 1. Analisis Data Alur Akuntansi Surat pertanggung Jawaban yang terdiri dari : a. Kuitansi (Belanja Langsung, Belanja Barang dan Jasa, Belanja Modal) b. Kode Rekening c. BKU (Buku Kas Umum) d. Laporan Realisasi e. Nota Pencairan Dana (NPD) f. Rincian Objek g. SPPD h. Grafik 2. Perancangan Aplikasi Desktop Terintegrasi dengan Windows 8 3. Aplikasi Menggunakan Client Server 4. Memakai Plugin Template DevExpress 5. Laporan.

    $3197 Average bid
    $3197 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

    $32 - $1300
    $32 - $1300
    0 bida

    membuat relatif simple app, presentasi / lecture app.. dengan content lecture diambil/update melalui database/web

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    C# project
    Tamat left

    Buat aplikasi menggunakan c# . harap contact ke email saya. sujaditan@ untuk bahas lebih lanjut.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya ingin Anda membuat aplikasi dengan .NET C# yang dimana aplikasi tersebut dapat mengukur suhu komputer yang saya pakai.. Dan Saya menginginkan dalam bentuk Source code... Sangat mendesak.. dan low budget..

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya ingin membuat IOS & Android Apps untuk perusahaan kami, dicari yang dapat memenuhi kriteria ini untuk menghubungi Antony di 085697058133

    min $3250
    min $3250
    0 bida

    I need a C# developer to add a simple function to my Illustrator plugin. The task is to incorporate the "Send to Winplot" feature as per the attached PDF file. All other functions have already been implemented. Key Requirements: - The plugin should open Winplot with the file loaded. - The file should not be saved in a specific location before opening in Winplot, it should just open directly. - There are no special conditions or checks needed before sending the file to Winplot. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C#. - Experienced in developing Illustrator plugins. - Familiar with Winplot software. I look forward to seeing your bids.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    I'm looking for a proficient Flutter developer to create a cross-platform (iOS & Android) e-commerce app. The app should include: - A comprehensive product catalog - A user-friendly shopping cart - Seamless payment gateway integration Beyond these, the app should encompass features for USER, CATEGORY, PRODUCT, CART, ORDER, and PAYMENT. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in Flutter development - Proven track record of developing e-commerce apps - Strong understanding of cross-platform compatibility - Expertise in integrating secure and efficient payment gateways. Please share your portfolio of relevant projects when you bid. languages required : flutter or kotlin any !

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Avg Bida
    21 bida

    PROJECT OVERVIEW: I am seeking a dedicated and experienced Sales Development Representative (SDR) or lead generation expert to help validate market demand for my identity verification and anti-fraud solution, idcerberus. Your main objective will be to identify potential clients, reach out to them with a compelling introduction about our product, and schedule calls to explore partnership opportunities in more detail. Learn more about the product here: ABOUT IDCERBERUS: Purpose: Provides advanced KYC, AML, and fraud prevention solutions. Core Features: Biometric authentication, real-time ID verification, and risk scoring. Target Audience: Financial institutions, fintech startups, credit card companies, payment processors, lending platforms, insurance firms, cryptocurrency

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 bida

    I'm looking for a talented Full-Stack Developer to create a hybrid mobile and web E-commerce app. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a fully functional and responsive web and mobile E-commerce application. - Ensure the mobile app is compatible with iOS. - Implement engaging UI/UX designs and smooth navigation for optimal user experience. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in full-stack development. - Extensive experience in E-commerce app development. - Expertise in creating iOS compatible mobile applications. Please include in your application: - Your past work, particularly any relevant E-commerce or hybrid app projects.

    $40 / hr Average bid
    $40 / hr Avg Bida
    160 bida

    I'm looking to develop a full stack mobile application with primary focus on tracking linked to a physical product. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Full stack development experience - Proficient in developing cross-platform mobile applications - Experience in implementing tracking features - Understanding of linking a mobile app with a physical product - Knowledge of both iOS and Android development Ideal Skills: - Full stack development - Cross-platform mobile app development - Tracking feature implementation - Physical product linking - iOS and Android development Real-Time Tracking: Track the broadhead’s location with updates and map display. 2. Signal Monitoring: Show the strength of GPS and comm...

    $2400 Average bid
    $2400 Avg Bida
    42 bida

    Estou montando, em conjunto com mais 2 colegas, um banco de questões online para prova de titulo de Ortopedia. O acesso será vendido online, e de duração de 1 ano. O banco deverá conter aproximadamente 5k questões classificadas de acordo com Tema e Origem. No site, devem haver 3 areas...questões: por tema, por prova de origem e modo simulado customizado. Gostaríamos também de uma pagina com gráficos mostrando porcentagem de acertos e comparação em relação aos demais usuários da plataforma. A expectativa é que, inicialmente, tenhamos algumas dezenas de alunos acessando o site. Inicialmente, apenas o site basta, mas, posteriormente, temos interesse também em app...

    $1112 Average bid
    $1112 Avg Bida
    31 bida

    This UDF (User Defined Function) is designed to model the transpiration phenomena of tomato plants in a simulated environment using ANSYS Fluent. The UDF calculates thermal and moisture exchanges based on environmental parameters such as ambient temperature and relative humidity, considering the plants as porous parallelepiped blocks. The objective is to understand and simulate the impact of climatic conditions on the internal dynamics of the plants. The code initializes the internal temperature and water fraction within the domain's cells. It employs empirical and physical relations to estimate stomatal and aerodynamic resistances, heat flux, vapor pressure difference (DPV), and convection properties based on flow regimes (natural, mixed, or forced convection). The UDF also co...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Avg Bida
    23 bida

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app integrated with advanced AI functionalities. The app's purpose is for heavy civil estimating. Key Features: - Utilize image recognition for plan analysis: The app should be capable of interpreting and assessing engineering plans provided via PDF uploads. - Implement natural language processing for paperwork: The app should automate the creation and processing of bid-related paperwork. - Use predictive analytics for cost estimation: The app should be able to assess average market prices for each item and generate bid numbers. - Memorizing customer info for complete paperwork: The app should be able to store and recall customer information to streamline the paperwork process. Ideal Can...

    $326 Average bid
    $326 Avg Bida
    82 bida

    I'm seeking a freelancer to create a mobile app designed for Afrikaans language learners, specifically focusing on intermediate grammar lessons. Key Features: - Primarily centered on grammar lessons at an intermediate level. - Lessons to be presented through text explanations, so ex...Key Features: - Primarily centered on grammar lessons at an intermediate level. - Lessons to be presented through text explanations, so experience in UI/UX design is crucial to ensure the text is presented in a clear and engaging manner. - Strong emphasis on the grammar component, so a background in linguistics or language education would be beneficial. Ideal Skills: - Mobile app development (iOS and Android) - UI/UX design - Knowledge of Afrikaans language - Background in linguistics or lan...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    I'm seeking an expert app developer who can create an innovative application that generates AI videos from text. The app should produce both realistic videos and car...cartoon animations, and it needs to be optimized for popular platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Key Features: - Scene alteration: Users should have the ability to modify scenes in the edit mode. - Text overlay: The app should allow users to add text to their videos. - Audio integration: It should be possible to sync audio with video seamlessly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in app development for both iOS and Android. - Experience in AI and video processing technology. - Understanding of TikTok and YouTube's video specifications and requirements. - Skills in creating user-friendly interface for editing featu...

    $537 Average bid
    $537 Avg Bida
    41 bida

    Hi Vivekchodvadiya, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Project: Universe Images for Etsy Shop (The OF Experts) Objective: Create a cohesive set of "universe images" designed to enhance the perceived value of your shop, increase conversions, and position The of Experts as the go-to destination for OF models. These images will include "How to Use," "Testimonials," "Entire Store Promo," and other strategic visuals that directly appeal to your target audience. --- 1. “How to Use” Image Purpose: Simplify the customer journey and demonstrate the ease of using your products. Design Instructions: Background: Gradient of soft purple (#600186) fading into pale pink (#FFCCE5), with sparkles and subtle bokeh for luxury appeal. Title: “How to Use Your New OF Tools” (Bold font, ...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    48 bida

    We are looking for an experienced developer/team to transform our existing mini app into a comprehensive super app. The project entails integrating multiple features and services, such as payments, e-commerce, delivery tracking, social networking, and more, into a single cohesive platform. The ideal candidate should have expertise in app development for both iOS and Android, experience in integrating APIs, scalable architecture design, and a user-centric approach to UI/UX. A portfolio showcasing similar projects and strong project management skills are highly desirable. Timely delivery, regular updates, and robust testing are essential for project success.

    $1376 Average bid
    $1376 Avg Bida
    46 bida

    I'm in need of a developer who can create a WebView APK file for both Android and iOS. The app should display a dynamic website with server-side interactions and include push notifications as a key feature. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with WebView app development - Ability to work with dynamic websites - Proficient in integrating push notifications - Knowledgeable in creating cross-platform APK files - Understanding of server-side interactions Freelancers with a strong background in this field are encouraged to bid.

    $33 Average bid
    Perjanjian Kerahsiaan
    $33 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    ...with iOS, Android, and web platforms, mirroring the functionality of the reference app provided. Core Features: - Activity Monitoring: The app should keep track of various activities such as browsing history, app usage, and call and text logs. - Screen Time Management: An essential feature to help parents regulate their child's screen time. - Content Filtering: The app should have the capability to filter inappropriate content. - Camera Access: Parents should be able to monitor camera usage. - Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking of the child's device. - Live Voice Monitoring: A feature that allows parents to listen to their child's surroundings in real-time. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in creating similar parental control applications. - Exce...

    $305 Average bid
    $305 Avg Bida
    34 bida

    ...application. The screens are fully designed, wireframed, and accompanied by comprehensive business rules for functionality. Key Responsibilities: - Implement UI screens using React Native - Ensure seamless page transitions as per design specifications - Integrate real-time updates for data synchronization between the app and server - Experience in building and deploying apps to Google Play and iOS App Store, adhering to respective platform criteria Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in implementing UI for mobile applications, particularly social networking apps - Strong skills in React Native - Ability to implement specific animations and transitions as per design - Knowledge and experience in integrating real-time data updates - Understanding of working with pre-designed and...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Avg Bida
    156 bida
    Gar Shop Mobile App
    6 hari left

    I'm looking for a talented mobile app developer who can create a product catalog app for my garage shop. The app will need to be compatible with both iOS and Android. Ideal skills for this project include: - Cross-platform mobile app development - UI/UX design for product catalog - Understanding of e-commerce mobile app features Please note that the specific features within the product catalog have not been finalized, so flexibility and creativity in suggesting and implementing features will be a plus.

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Avg Bida
    20 bida

    Monitor ton and usdt token transfers greater than 100ton/500usdt on the ton chain, and record the amount between the sender (A) and the receiver (B) Then generate a wallet address and private key (C) with the same first 3 and last 4 digits as the recipient, and use the master wallet to issue 0.03ton and 0.1usdt to the generated wallet address. If (a) and (b) are trading in ton , then (c) address transfers 0.0000000001ton to (a) address. If it is 500usdt, then transfer 0.05001usdt. This project needs to be recycled. The collected address first checks whether the address generated in history has a matching (c) address. If there is a database, there is no need to generate it. Just execute the transfer request.

    $489 Average bid
    $489 Avg Bida
    101 bida

    I need a web scraper built in C# that can seamlessly integrate with my .NET stack. The scraper's main purpose is to perform content aggregation from several JavaScript-generated websites. The website are Saudi theatres and Streaming services in Saudi Arabia listed bellow. For streaming services: 

For Theatres: Key requirements: - Proficiency in C# and .NET framework - Previous experience in building web scrapers - Familiarity with scraping JavaScript-generated websites - Ability to create a reliable, daily-running scraper Skills in data handling for the extracted content would be beneficial. If

    $470 Average bid
    $470 Avg Bida
    113 bida
    Tire Shop Facebook Marketing
    6 hari left

    I'm looking to enhance my tire shop's brand visibility through Facebook. The primary objective is to build brand awareness and engage potential customers. I'm particularly interested in sharing promotional offers and educational posts about tires. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage Facebook content focused on brand awareness and customer engagement - Design and implement promotions on the platform - Develop informative posts about tires to educate our audience Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Facebook - Creative content creation skills - Strong understanding of customer engagement strategies - Knowledgeable about tires and the tire industry would be a plus -looking for modern, bright, futuristic design elements

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Avg Bida
    98 bida
    ios expert
    6 hari left

    I need to fix some errors in my app Start your bid with IPHONE

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Avg Bida
    31 bida
    Digital Portfolio Creation
    6 hari left

    Project Brief: Digital Portfolio Creation Objective: To create a professional digital portfolio that showcases The Chronicles of Jinn to attract readers, potential collaborators, and clients interested in my work as a horror blogger and storyteller. Scope of Work: 1. Portfolio Format: A visually appealing digital format online portfolio page that can be shared via email or displayed on my website - 2. Content to Include: Introduction: Brief overview of me as a horror blogger and storyteller, emphasizing my expertise in uncovering supernatural stories and cultural folklore. (Refer to "About Me" in the uploaded document.) Skills and Expertise: Highlight key skills, such as story scouting, writing, cultural sensitivity, and audience engagement. Portfolio Highlights...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Avg Bida
    32 bida

    I'm in need of a personal use Whatsapp messaging web application. This application should be able to support both desktop and mobile platforms. Key Features: - Media Sharing: The application must be able to handle media sharing (photos, videos) seamlessly with text. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in creating responsive web applications. - Knowledge of Whatsapp API: Experience with integrating the Whatsapp API for message handling. - Multimedia Handling: Skill in implementing features for media sharing. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of these requirements and your relevant experience.

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Avg Bida
    15 bida