Interesting line jobs chat supportpekerjaan
Hai Salsabila M., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq
Hai M Nadi F., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq
1- Load akan dapat supply dari Grid pada pkul 10malam - 8pagi. Dalam masa sama, Grid Source akan charge battery sampai penuh. 2- Pada 8pagi - 10malam pula, load akan dapat supply daripada Bateri. 3- In case, Grid ada masalah antara pkul 8pagi - 10malam (...akan dapat supply dari Grid pada pkul 10malam - 8pagi. Dalam masa sama, Grid Source akan charge battery sampai penuh. 2- Pada 8pagi - 10malam pula, load akan dapat supply daripada Bateri. 3- In case, Grid ada masalah antara pkul 8pagi - 10malam (waktu gris supply ke load), bateri akan automatic backup sehingga Grid ok, kemudian dia turn back pada Grid semula. *Battery tu mempunyai kapasiti tuk support selama 14jam (8pagi - 10malam). *nak bagi beza dngan video tu, klu boleh Grid dan Bateri buat series connection compare video tu bu...
Hai toplinesolutions, saya tertarik dengan profil anda dan ingin tawarkan anda projek saya. Kita boleh berbincang mengenai butirannya menerusi sembang.
Menulis Laporan Laporan buat penulisan piala dunia Dan design support freelancer.
Menulis Laporan Nama: muhammad ihza Cp line: kugateng
Saya bergerak dibidang jasa salon poles mobil khusus panggilan DKI jakarta Dgn menggunakan technology nano yg berfungsi melindungi keaslian cat mobil. Sehingga mobil tdk prlu sering msk bengkel poles mobil dan memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000...2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000 Luxury : 1.500.000 poles coating nano ceramic Small : 2.500.000 Medium : 3.500.000 Large : 4.500.000 Luxury : 5.500.000 Sport car : 7.000.000 Khusus utk coating nano ceramic akan mendapatkan GARANSI s/d 2 tahun. More info call : #085248900670 #083875475909 WA #233A23D9 BB Line FB : Smart Evolution
Halo saya ingin menawarkan jasa pembuatan website dan juga SEO nih gan Harga tergantung dari design yang mau di buat. Apakah anda pernah berfikir jika anda punya website tapi tanpa pengunjung itu bagaikan Esteh manis tanpa dimasukkan gula? Buat apa kalau punya website tapi tidak terpampang di google Jadi saya juga membuka jasa SEO nih buat agan - agan sekalian yang m... Web Design SEO 1 keyword to rank 1 google Web design and 2 keywords to rank 1 google SEO 2 Keywords to rank 1 google Untuk portofolio lebih banyak silahkan buka disini ya: Jika berminat hubungi saya di: Call/Text: 0852 1056 1396 WA: 0852 8456 8237 BBM: 525B 1C0A Line: aditlin
Sebagai support, Anda diharapkan mampu melakukan diskusi dengan klien baik melalui telepon ataupun tatap muka. Diskusi ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akan saya beritahukan selanjutnya apabila Anda menyanggupi pekerjaan ini. Untuk proyek yang akan saya berikan, Anda diharapkan mampu melakukan diskusi dengan 25 orang dalam industri yang berbeda-beda untuk jangka waktu 20 hari - 1 bulan (yang akan saya beritahukan selanjutnya). Panduan diskusi akan saya berikan, dan apabila Anda membutuhkan training lebih lanjut untuk hal ini, akan saya berikan. Apabila Anda memenangkan bid ini dan bisa menyelesaikan sesuai tenggat waktu yang saya berikan, saya akan memberikan Anda proyek lain yang akan dikerjakan selama total 5 bulan (tiap proyek mempunyai waktu 1-2 bulan). Un...
Salam. Saya ada membeli template utk diguna bg majlis sekolah. Tp bila saya nak buka file tu ada popup kata ada references yg missing dan saya kena install. Saya baru nak belajar2 ae ni. Saya rasa mungkin sebab spec laptop yg x support cs6 ni. Jd kalo nak mintak tlg tuan buatkan, berapa kos dia ye. Ada 2 template
halo, saya mengundang Anda untuk berpartner dengan kami di UNIXON untuk : 1. Mobile App Developer 2. Website Designer 3. Wordpress Developer 4. 2D designer 5. 3D designer 6. Packaging 7. Video Animasi Flat Design add dan chat portofolio terbaik Anda ke LINE @unixon pakai "@" kami akan mencarikan client untuk Anda. terima kasih.
halo, saya sedang membutuhkan admin yang bekerja secara online, bisa bekerja dimana saja.. Namun training tetap dilakukan di Serpong Tangerang Selatan.. job desk : data entry customer service operation control (via internet) Content sharing semua dilakukan secara online.. dapat aktif online sekitar Jam 12:30 - 20:30 boleh dilakukan dalam team tanya2 add LINE account : @copycino
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saya adalah expert di bidang branding slogan.. insya allah bisnis anda akan semakin bersinar dengan slogan yang simple, mudah di ingat dan tak terlupakan
...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...
...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...
Asslam o alikum jnb mujhe jobs chahye but mein yaha new hun mujhe nahi pta kia karna kise karna hai to help bhi kare aur kam bhi sekhaye han mein website bna dakta hun hun achi tarh
Saya bisa menginput data sebanyak mungkin bila diperlukan. Saya telaten dan pekerja keras. Saya bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan sesuai dead line.
Saya ingin mencari freelance untuk mendesign gambar T-shirt yang baru akan dibuat dan dimulai sebagai bisnis on line baru.
Saya akan mengerjakan semua pekerjaan online ini . dan menyelesakain semua jobs yang di berikan , dan bila melampaui deadline saya sanggup tidak di bayar . saya akan laku kan demi pekerjaan ini
aura merupakan gelombang electromagnetik yang dipancarkanoleh aktifitas dan tubuh manusia,jadi tiap tiap manusia memiliki aura,aura bukanlah hal goib aura seperti suara,anda tidak dapat melihat suara tapi anda tapat mnedengarnya bukan,pada frekquensi tertentu aura pada manu...mengajarkan kepada saya untuk tidak berbohong,kenapa anda harus membayar karena ini termasuk jasa,dan setahu saya tiap tiap jasa berhak mendapatkan bayaran selama itu tidak menipu,kedua saya ini pelajar masa saya harus produktif namun tak menghasilkan? saya menghargai jasa saya untuk 5$ di bayar lewat paypal,anda dapat melihat profil saya di .oh ya saya seorang daouble simian line dan kata orang saya adalah indogo humanis,tapi itu tak merubah apapun ,buat saya yang penting kemampuan bukan gelar.
hai gan . saya buka jasa nih. saya membuka jasa design dengan menggunakan photoshop . untuk design spanduk, banner, logo. kenapa saya membuka jasa ini, karna saya di kampus itu anggota PKL senat mahasiswa, dan saya sering mendapat bagian job di dokumentasi . dimana arti dokume...tersebut adalah,mengambil gambar saat acara menggunakan kamera SLR , dan selain itu juga membuat design spanduk,banner,dan brosur. berukuran A4. tapi di ingat ya,.... saya hanya design saja,tidak termasuk untuk cetaknya. karna tidak punya mesinnya hehehhe. for price : banner : Rp. 250.000/design spanduk:Rp.300.000/design brosur: Rp. 200.000/design apabila agan agan berminat , hubungi saya: LINE : nurululfah60 pin BB : 2B846FB5 jangan ragu . segera kerja sama dengan saya yuk . hehehe . terim...
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Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
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Hallo Bagi yang bisa menguasai wordpress, saya ingin custom WP saya untuk menambahkan widget/sidebar ke beberapa pilihan halaman. hanya itu saja, permasalahanya di theme yg saya pilih tidak support sidebar, jadi harus customization saya kasih fee 200K Bagi yang bisa silahkan sms/call/email saya, perkiraan pekerjaan 1 hari Hanya berlaku sampai hari ini saja (10-05-14)
I want maybe about 1000 words to post in my blog to attract my reader with interesting content.. The article must be raise up our readers motivation and get Inspiration form the article..
...and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to people who are looking for a relax jobs where they do not have to be in the office all the time. Schedule will be given one week ahead for you to plan your week. All full time promoter are tied t...
Hi, I need data entry workers for a simple typing job. requirement : 1: basic internet knowledge. 2: well typing speed . 3: well internet connection. 4: payment method: perfectmoney/ moneybookers/webmoney/gaf/freelancer/oDesk payment time weekly on Monday . Lowest bid should be awarded . For new freelancer its very beauty full chance to have a great review . place a bid here if u interested to know full work details . Thanks
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Butuh Pekerjaan Sebagai Penulis Lepas Untuk Website Sepak Bola atau Portal Pengalaman sempat menulis untuk , , , Untuk Mengisi Waktu Luang , Bisa Bekerja Dalam Dead Line,
Indonesia Airsoft adalah Toko On-Line Airsoftgun di INDONESIA. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual Airsoft Auto Electric Gun (AEG), GAS BlowBack (GBB), SPRING Airsoft, dan Asesoris Airsoft Lainnya. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual berbagai merk dari produsenairsoft terkenal diataranya adalah TOKYO MARUI, WESTERN ARM (WA), KSC, HFC, WE, SYSTEMA, STAR, MARUSHIN, MARUZEN, KJW TANAKA dan masih banyak lagi.
I'm looking for a skilled Shopify developer to help me set up an online store selling physical goods. The primary goal of this store is to increase sales, so the site will need to be user-friendly, appealing and easy to navigate. Key Features: - Product Reviews: I want customers to be able to leave feedback on their purchases, helping to build trust and community around the store. - Live Chat Support: This will help to answer any customer queries in real-time, improving customer service and potentially boosting sales. - Wishlist Functionality: I want customers to be able to save products for later, encouraging them to return to the site. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience with Shopify, a strong understanding of e-commerce best practices...
Project Name Property Maintenance Streamlining App Development Project Description Core Concept: The app streamlines property maintenance by providing a platform for property managers (landlords, real estate agents) to easily post jobs and connect with qualified traders. It manages the entire process, from job creation to invoicing, simplifying communication and ensuring efficient project completion. User Group 1: Property Management Teams (Landlords/Real Estate) Job Posting: Create detailed job postings: Include descriptions, property address, urgency level, budget (optional), and attach photos. Target Audience: Choose to send the job to a list of pre-approved suppliers or make it visible to all registered traders. Job Type: Specify whether you require quotes or are authorizing i...
...who can assist me in setting up a comprehensive RAG system for both AI voice and text agents. This project involves creating and managing a robust CRM system capable of handling all interactions, and integrating with various platforms. Key requirements: - Setup of both AI voice and text agents - Creation of a CRM with strong functionalities in Contact Management, Sales Automation, and Customer Support - Seamless integration with platforms such as Gmail, Google Drive, HubSpot, and Twilio The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in CRM systems, AI voice and text agents, and integrations with various platforms. Prior experience with Twilio is a plus. I need a professional who can deliver a fully functional system that enhances my productivity and stre...
Do you have a knack for writing interesting content that captivates readers and sparks genuine interest and conversations? Are you passionate about sharing your unique insights and in-depth research on topics like marketing, technology, and business? If so, we'd love to hear from you! Our marketing agency is searching for a talented writer to create high-quality blog posts and guest articles. We're all about providing real value to our audience, and that starts with blog content. We believe in the power of human writing and want to invest in someone who truly enjoys the craft. What you'll be doing: - Writing engaging and informative articles for our website, our clients' sites, and high-authority platforms as guest posts. - Diving deep into topics across marke...
I am seeking a skilled freelancer to develop an AI-driven call center solution tailored towards lead generation. This project will involve creating an application that utilizes AI to effectively engage with potential customers, operate 24/7, and support multiple languages. The output of this solution should emphasize AI technology integration to optimize user communications.
...Subscription | VIP client profiles, 24/7 chat integration. | | **3. Facility Management** | Maintenance, IoT, Accounting | IoT sensor alerts, predictive maintenance dashboards. | | **4. Community Portal** | Discuss, Maintenance, Sales | Tenant feedback polls, maintenance request tracking. | | **5. F&B Experiences** | eCommerce, Appointments, Knowledge | Meal kit sales, virtual cooking class bookings. | #### **Additional Requirements** - **Mobile Front-End**: Responsive design (iOS/Android) using Odoo’s web framework or Flutter. - **APIs**: Integration with Ak existing CRM, ERP SAP, and property management systems. - **Security**: GDPR compliance, data encryption, role-based access control (RBAC). - **Localization**: Arabic/English bilingual support...
I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create an identical, cross-platform app for both Windows and Android. The app will interface with an engine dynamometer (dyno) and will need to support: - Real-time data monitoring - Data logging - Control of dynamometer settings - Real-time calculation of horsepower (HP) using a supplied equation The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in app development, particularly for Arduino-based systems. A strong understanding of engine dyno operations and data interpretation will be advantageous. Given the nature of this project, proficiency in real-time data processing and cross-platform app development is crucial. Arduino Dyno APP Project. The objective of this project is to create a Windows App, capable of readi...
I'm looking for a dedicated Administrative Assistant to help me with various tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Keeping records up to date and accurate. - Email Management: Sorting through emails, responding when necessary, and flagging important messages. - Scheduling Appointments: Coordinating my calendar and scheduling meetings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and Google Workspace is a must. - Prior experience in an administrative role is preferred. - Exceptional accuracy and attention to detail is the main priority in this role. - Good communication and time management skills will be highly valued.
...beginner-to-advanced modules. Record engaging, high-quality video lectures in Hinglish. Ensure all explanations are simple, engaging, and practical. ? Project Development & Hands-on Learning Design 3 AI/ML projects (Mini, Minor, and Major) for students. Provide live coding sessions, practical exercises, and coding assignments. ? Student Engagement & Support Explain complex AI/ML concepts in easy Hinglish for better understanding. Offer support for doubt resolution, Q&A sessions, and community interaction. ? Curriculum Enhancement & Industry Trends Stay updated with latest AI advancements and implement real-world case studies. Cover AI model deployment using Flask, FastAPI, or cloud platforms. Required Skills & Qualifications ✔ Strong AI/ML knowledge (Py...