Hiring a call centre melbournepekerjaan


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$159 Average bid
$159 Avg Bida
10 bida

-completely customize and manage an entire marketing strategy that works -set up Facebook Pixel correctly and track all visitors -find the right audience for the business -create and test different ads for FB/IG (graphic design and copy-writing) -optimize website conversion with A/B split testing -create consistency between FB/IG Ads and landing pages -build a sales funnel for a webinar/call/physical product -rapidly scale-out and maximize your revenue

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
15 bida

...leading a Muslim charity group and we are having a project this forthcoming Ramadan. We intend to deliver dry goods to the poor in Singapore before Ramadan. I need a poster for our FB for that purpose and the contents read like this : (this is the main title) Projek Barangan Dapur Ramadan 2021 oleh Sahabat Masjid Singapura dengan kerjasama Kifayah Riders Singapura ~ untuk golongan keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan di Singapura ~ (2nd part) Set barangan dapur yang kami perlukan : - Beras 5kg - Gula 5kg - Minyak Masak 2 liter - Susu Pekat - Sardin - Mee Hoon - Korma - Milo - Kopi - Teh - Sirap Ros - Tepung Cucur - Biskut - Buah Dalam Tin. (3rd part) Mohon hantar barangan anda pada tarikh berikut ini : Sabtu - 13, 20, 27 Mac 2021 Masa - 2 petang hingga 6 petang ke ...

$36 Average bid
$36 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi Awais Gul Airij G., saya perlukan orang yang mahir dalam kertas kerja boleh bantu saya call 0108666088

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi Shariff J.,call saya (Removed by Freelancer.com Admin) saya perlukan orang yang mahir dan boleh buat kertas kerja TRAVEL AGENCY

$100 Average bid
$100 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saat ini, kami memiliki produk berupa aplikasi website ( online store ) dengan konsep baru : SP3 ( System, Product , Packaging, Post ) artinya : 1. kami mempersiapkan sistem dari profile sampai dengan pembayaran 2. kami mempersiapkan puluhan ribu produk dari puluhan kategori yang siap untuk dijual 3. kami mempersiapkan operasional mulai dari call center, pengemasan barang, stok barang sampai dengan pelabelan barang 4. kami mempersiapkan pengiriman produk , langsung sampai tujuan customer. So, dengan potensi yang luar biasa, market yang besar dan yang paling penting sampai saat ini masih sulit menemui kompetitor, kami yakin di tangan individu yang tepat ( senior, professional, berkarakter, network yang luas ) , pasti produk ini akan bombastis.. Jika anda adalah individu ter...

$54166 Average bid
$54166 Avg Bida
1 bida

- HEADLINE penulisan content harus baru, menonjolkan pain, pleasure & Call to action (CTA) dan copywriting yang menarik minat baca. - Penulisan content promo dengan copywriting yang menarik dan diminati pembaca - Penulisan content harus menonjolkan pain, pleasure dan Call to action (CTA) - Penulisan content tidak membosankan pembaca - deadline : 1 hari

$6 Average bid
$6 Avg Bida
2 bida

Saya bergerak dibidang jasa salon poles mobil khusus panggilan DKI jakarta Dgn menggunakan technology nano yg berfungsi melindungi keaslian cat mobil. Sehingga mobil tdk prlu sering msk bengkel poles mobil dan memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : ...memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000 Luxury : 1.500.000 poles coating nano ceramic Small : 2.500.000 Medium : 3.500.000 Large : 4.500.000 Luxury : 5.500.000 Sport car : 7.000.000 Khusus utk coating nano ceramic akan mendapatkan GARANSI s/d 2 tahun. More info call : #085248900670 #083875475909 WA #233A23D9 BB Line FB : Smart Evolution

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Halo saya ingin menawarkan jasa pembuatan website dan juga SEO nih gan Harga tergantung dari design yang mau di buat. Apakah anda pernah berfikir jika anda punya website tapi tanpa pengunjung itu bagaikan Esteh manis tanpa dimasukkan gula? Buat apa kalau punya website tapi tidak terpampang di google J... Web Design + 2 keywords to rank 1 google Web Design SEO 1 keyword to rank 1 google Web design and 2 keywords to rank 1 google SEO 2 Keywords to rank 1 google Untuk portofolio lebih banyak silahkan buka disini ya: Jika berminat hubungi saya di: Call/Text: 0852 1056 1396 WA: 0852 8456 8237 BBM: 525B 1C0A Line: aditlin

$276 Average bid
$276 Avg Bida
7 bida

saat ini saya membutuhkan jasa penulis lepas dengan cepat. untuk menulis konten di blog saya dengan tema tulisan 1. tentang wisata pantai (50 artikel) 2. tips dan trik liburan (50 artikel) satu terdiri dari 750 kata atau lebih (tidak boleh kurang) satu artikel akan saya bandrol dengan harga Rp. 5.000 artikel harus unik bukan plagiat. kalimat dalam artikel enak di baca. artikel harus call to action kepada pembaca serta artikel harus serta wajib seo friendly. judul artikel yang bikin penasaran untuk membaca.

$0 - $1
$0 - $1
0 bida

Halo corneliadebora, saya melihat profil Anda dan ...diskusikan semua detail melalui obrolan. maf saya org baru... apa boleh saya sedikit bertanya kepada anda.. saya lihat ibu atau kk berasal dari indonesia... saya hanya kurang mengerti,,, setiap saya menawar sesuatu ,,, apa yg harus saya lakukan contohnya tugas yg satu ini Deskripsi Proyek in hiring of data entry contractor to convert pdf files to word documents via manually typing. I will send you the pdf formated text.rn In this project you convert pdf (****20 lac pages of word.1000 word type each page) to a word document.rn Info about text: rn* conversion difficulty level: medium rn* text does not have images - only text apa cuma data pdf... yang harus saya ketik kembali,,, ke word atau apa... mhn maf menggang...

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

1. Ready VPS Hosting includes Google Mod Pagespeed 2. Menerima jasa instalasi, konfigurasi VPS untuk keperluan web server + training Call/Sms : 081804281788

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

bantu saya untuk mengajak orang untuk join ( rekrut ) / buka polis dengan cara menabung di PRUDENTIAL dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : 500.000 = 80 orang 1.000.000 = 40 orang 1.500.000 = 27 orang 2.000.000 = 20 orang more info call me : 081233064433 PIN : 7CDDA8EE

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

$2500 Average bid
$2500 Avg Bida
1 bida

bhi jan ma ap sa 2 minut bat karna chahta hu ap plz mujha msgh kar dana ma ap ko call kar lon ga ...........................................................................................

$2550 Average bid
$2550 Avg Bida
1 bida

Halo gan, saya lagi butuh freelancer untuk bantu project Drupal Commerce, bias call saya di 0822 3183 7637 Thanks!

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
1 bida
video tutorial
Tamat left

membuat video tutorial paypal ( open account , register credit card , rergister bank account , send money , withdrawal , dan lain lain yang umum dibutuhkan ) dengan narasi bahasa english , mandarin ( kalo sanggup dengan narasi bahasa yang lain juga boleh ) untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan call [The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.] / junaidi

$108 Average bid
$108 Avg Bida
1 bida

Job Desk : Membuat Chart yg terdapat dalam Lampiran dengan Pemprograman PHP dan database Mysql. Call / SMS : 089618801993

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Saya membutuhkan yg paham dan pengalaman utk melakukan setting/configurasi asterisk saat ini sdh terpasang akan tetapi masih mengkonsumsi cpu server boros sekali rencanaakan dipakai utk call center dg jumlah agent 100 orang.

$1442 Average bid
$1442 Avg Bida
3 bida

Hallo Bagi yang bisa menguasai wordpress, saya ingin custom WP saya untuk menambahkan widget/sidebar ke beberapa pilihan halaman. hanya itu saja, permasalahanya di theme yg saya pilih tidak support sidebar, jadi harus customization saya kasih fee 200K Bagi yang bisa silahkan sms/call/email saya, perkiraan pekerjaan 1 hari Hanya berlaku sampai hari ini saja (10-05-14)

$32 Average bid
$32 Avg Bida
5 bida

Want to sell Not for swap Samsung Note 3 Original by SME warna black untuk dijual dgn harga RM1500. Warranty ada lagi 9 bulan .Fullset ( charger, earphone, casing, screen protector, box ORIGINAL ) call, msg, whatsapp :0133262021.. COD: Area Johor Bahru

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 bida

I require a one or two page web mailer describing our product and service with links to our website, the mailer should have a professional appearance and impose a call to action. A general understanding of our industry will be provided thru materials and text

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

pls mama me job kerana hatidanne na. poddak kiyala dennako. 0717606090 pls mis call 1k call kerannam oyata. amezon lankacaus ekath kera ath wadak na,tikaitherune

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

Samsung Galaxy s4 superking V4 latest model with 8.86gb internal phone storage ram2gb 15.90gb brighter camera flash the same as ori!! AMOLED HD screen!! and hp is more spread out and hold event... if u cans sale my items in 2 day. i will pay you bugget my ass! FREE SCREEN PROTECTOR DIAMOND, FREE FLIP CASE ORI, 2600MH POWERBANK FREE, FREE Postage IN MALAYSIA ONLY!! RM870 FULL SET. Read maximize: √ Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) √ Air Gesture √ Air Browser √ Air Launcher-accept √ Air call-accept √ Motion settings √ S-Voice √ HD SUPER AMOLED Screen Size √ Speed ​​Internet 4G (HSPA +) √ Video Call √ & Personal Wifi Hotspot √ Bluetooth √ Quad Core Processor √ Original ...

$21 - $176
$21 - $176
0 bida

I'm looking for a talented web and mobile app development team to create a dynamic skill hiring app. The app needs to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms with a seamless user experience and robust functionality. Key aspects of the project include: - User Authentication: The app should support Email and Password authentication. The login process should be secure, user-friendly, and efficient. - Payment Integration: The app will require integration of payment gateways, specifically PayPal and UPI. The payment process should be smooth, reliable, and secure. Ideal candidates for this project should have a proven track record in web and mobile app development, with specific experience in creating and integrating payment systems into applicat...

$142 Average bid
$142 Avg Bida
17 bida

I'm seeking a Python developer who can create a script for me based on a Chinese govt website search. This script should facilitate searching a specific government website through a search bar, allowing for the extraction of text data. The purpose of this project is primarily for data analysis. See sample scripts. See details in doc. Must finish by Thursday. Key Requirements and Responsibilities: - Develop a Python call function that can be used to search the government website. - Script should enable the extraction of relevant text data from the site. - Data should be formatted and saved as a CSV and a txt for easy access and analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and experience with web scraping. - Familiarity...

$138 Average bid
$138 Avg Bida
43 bida

? We’re Hiring: Social Media & Content Specialist (Freelance) ? Are you a creative powerhouse who knows how to grow audiences, create engaging content, and drive leads? Prosper Finance is looking for a freelance Social Media Manager & Content Creator to take our brand to the next level! What You’ll Be Doing: Content Strategy & Management – Plan and schedule engaging social media content across platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok). Reels & Video Editing – Create high-quality, scroll-stopping reels and videos to captivate our audience. Graphic Design – Design professional and eye-catching visuals that align with our brand. Audience Growth & Engagement – Implement strategies to increase followers, boos...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
51 bida
Short Form Video Editor
6 hari left

I'm looking for a video editor to help me edit 40 short-form videos based on 34 unique pieces of content. The editing process will involve creating variations by mixing different hooks, bodies, and a common call-to-action. Video explanation: Project Details: Total Videos: 40 Unique Pieces: 34 (Hooks, Bodies, Call-to-Actions) Editing Style: Alex Hormozi-inspired (clean, engaging, professional) Requirements: No music Simple animations Engaging subtitles Professional and clean look Budget: $100 for the full project If you're interested, send me your portfolio showcasing relevant work. I will contact you if I decide to move forward.

$103 Average bid
$103 Avg Bida
48 bida

...upload a photo of themselves, apply digital enhancements to their smile (such as teeth whitening, alignment, or veneers), and see a preview of their potential results. The goal is to attract more visitors, increase engagement, and encourage bookings at my dental clinic by offering a unique, personalized experience. Tool Details Functionality: Step 1: Photo Upload: Users upload a selfie or portrait photo via a simple interface. Step 2: Smile Customization: Users select from a list of dental enhancements (e.g., whitening, braces simulation, veneer application, tooth reshaping). Step 3: Result Preview: The tool applies the selected enhancements and displays a "before and after" comparison. Step 4: Call to Action: Users can ...

$507 Average bid
$507 Avg Bida
83 bida

We need a developer to integrate and set up two connected AI platforms: 1. Lunara () – A voice AI agent constructor similar to ElevenLabs. Users select AI models (DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0), train them, choose languages, and generate a widget for embedding. The system should support TTS/STT (Azure, Google), voice selection (Kokoro, Speechma), and payment integration (Stripe, PayPal). 2. LunaraFlow () – A call and SMS automation system linked to Lunara. It should integrate with Twilio for incoming/outgoing calls and SMS, allowing AI agents to handle phone conversations. Includes a user dashboard, analytics, and automated campaign management. Key Tasks: ✅ API integrations: DeepSeek, ChatGPT, Gemini 2.0, Azure Speech, Google Cloud

$492 Average bid
$492 Avg Bida
57 bida
Android and IOS App
6 hari left

Looking for someone to help to troubleshooting and upgrade an App to Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. Also testing and publishing it. This is a small app. (No Phone Call)

$122 Average bid
$122 Avg Bida
24 bida
Cloud Call Center Development
6 hari left

1. Infrastructure Requirements: SIP Termination: A physical SIP connection from JIO terminated at our Trivandrum office location. DID Management: A pilot DID to be published for customer calls. Ability to assign direct dialing numbers to agents from the pool of DIDs. 2. Call Handling Requirements: Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Welcome callers with an IVR system. Provide department selection: Press 1 for Support, Press 2 for Sales. Call Queuing: Calls should enter a queue based on the selected department and working hours. Inform the caller of their queue position (e.g., “You are in the 5th position”). If no queue exists, calls should be assigned directly to agents using a round-robin method. Out-of-Business Hours Handling: Auto-att...

$2748 Average bid
$2748 Avg Bida
4 bida

I need a WordPress website that allows customers to purchase eSIMs with a simple, user-friendly shopping experience. Customers should be able to: ✔ Browse eSIM plans and select one ✔ Add to cart and proceed to checkout ✔ Enter their email and phone number (mandatory) ✔ Pay using a secure payment gateway (accepting all major forms of payment) ✔ Receive an email confirmation upon purchase Key Requirements: ✔ WordPress setup with an e-commerce store (WooCommerce or similar) ✔ Mobile-friendly, modern, and professional design ✔ Secure payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, etc.) ✔ Mandatory fields for valid email and phone number at checkout ✔ Backend admin panel for order management ✔ Basic SEO optimization ✔ Speed-optimized and user-friendly UI/UX Order Fulfillmen...

$401 Average bid
$401 Avg Bida
74 bida

I'm seeking a software developer to help me create a comprehensive management system for our chain of tuition centres. This project is for an NGO and aims to computerise all aspects of the centres, from "A to Z". Key Functions: - Student Enrollment: The software should include an online registration form, automated confirmation emails, and a document upload function. - Class Scheduling: The system needs to manage the timetable for different classes and centres. - Fee Management: The software must keep track of fees, payments and outstanding balances. - Teacher Recruitment: It should manage the recruitment process for teachers. - Donor Enrollment: A key component will be managing our donors. - Student Progress Review: The software should f...

$290 Average bid
$290 Avg Bida
41 bida

I'm seeking a seasoned B2B telemarketing team to assist in setting appointments with C-level executives. Ideally, you would have a minimum of 3 years experience in business to business telemarketing and proven strategies to bypass gatekeepers. Key Requirements: - Appointment setting with C-level executives - Partnership with a reliable call center - Quick learner who can adapt to our needs Skills and Experience: - Minimum of 3 years in B2B telemarketing - Proven track record of successful appointment setting - Demonstrated ability to bypass gatekeepers - Experience working with a call center

$155 Average bid
$155 Avg Bida
10 bida

We are looking for a creative and professional tri-fold brochure design for MaxFuel, a leading vitamin and supplement company. The brochure should effectively showcase our range of products and emphasize our commitment to health and wellness. Objectives: Introduce customers to the MaxFuel brand and its values. Highlight key products and their benefits. Encourage customers to visit our website and follow us on social media. Target Audience: Health-conscious individuals interested in dietary supplements, fitness enthusiasts, and adults seeking wellness solutions. Content Details: ALL CONTEND DETAILS IS ATTACHED BELOW: Front Panel: MaxFuel logo, tagline, and a captivating image or graphic related to health and wellness. Inside Panels: Left Panel: Brief history of Max...

$100 Average bid
Ditampilkan Dijamin Dimeterai
25 penyertaan

I'm looking to develop a comprehensive taxi management application, compatible with both web and mobile platforms. The application should have three user interfaces: an Admin interface, a Driver interface, and a Customer interface. Key Features: - Taxi management: Oversee vehicle availability, maintenance schedules, and assignments. - Driver management: Handle driver profiles, schedules, and performance metrics. - Client management: Maintain customer databases and preferences. - Call management: Manage incoming service requests and dispatching. - Zone management: Define operational areas and optimize coverage. - Ride management: Track trip details, statuses, and histories. - Payment processing: Facilitate fare calculations and transactions. - Cost estimat...

$2845 Average bid
$2845 Avg Bida
150 bida

Job Overview: We are seeking an experienced no-code developer to create a web-based prototype of an ERP system tailored for government contractors. The prototype will focus on financial tracking and AI-powered B2B lead generation, enabling contractors to manage finances and identify contract opportunities efficiently. This prototype is for market validation before full-scale development. Applicants must have knowledge of Finance/Accounting ERP systems (SAP, Oracle, ect.) ? Key Responsibilities ? 1. Financial Tracking Features • EAC Module – Implement Estimate at Completion (EAC) calculations. • Trapped Cash Analysis – Identify unbilled and unrecovered costs. • P&L Financial Statements – Track revenue, expenses, and profitabi...

$2559 Average bid
$2559 Avg Bida
22 bida

We’re Hiring a Social Media Ads Expert to Scale Our Brand! Are you a results-driven social media ads manager who can turn high-quality content into high-converting ad campaigns? Do you have experience scaling brands through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn ads? If so, we want you on our team! Who We Are Success Can’t Buy Me Love is a fast-growing brand that helps high-achievers balance success and relationships. Our journal, coaching programs, and digital courses are designed for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to thrive in business without losing the people they love. We provide all the content—we need YOU to build, manage, and optimize our paid social campaigns. What You’ll Do ✅ Create, launch & optimize pai...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Avg Bida
37 bida

I'm in need of a simple modern logo for my lawncare and outdoor services business. The logo should incorporate 'Grass or lawn imagery maybe mountains and trees could be used as well. The name of the Company is Bouvier Property Services and we call it BPS. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator - Photoshop Please ensure your portfolio includes examples of modern and sleek logos.

$29 Average bid
$29 Avg Bida
69 bida

I run a digital marketing agency focused on restaurants, and I'm searching for a freelancer who can call my potential clients and close deals. Your main tasks will include: - Pitching our services, specifically in website design and development - Closing deals with restaurant owners The ideal candidate will: - Have excellent communication skills - Be persuasive and goal-oriented - Have an understanding of the digital marketing landscape, particularly within the restaurant industry Your role will focus on securing projects for us to develop booking/reservation systems. These systems will need to include real-time availability. If you have experience in sales, particularly in the tech or digital marketing sectors, this will be a great advantage.

$86 Average bid
$86 Avg Bida
5 bida

...SEO Agency focused on helping businesses improve their Google rankings. I need a high-performing, Commission-Based Appointment Setter to drive our growth. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Extracting between 500 to 1,000 emails daily from Google Maps, targeting businesses globally. - Sending cold emails using our email system. - Booking 15-20 calls into our calendar every month. In terms of compensation, you'll earn between £100 to £300 per call booked. If a client you helped to connect with us ends up closing a deal, you'll also receive 5% of the deal size. For instance, if we secure a £2,000/month SEO contract, you would earn £100 upfront plus £100 every month thereafter. Please note, this is ...

$444 Average bid
$444 Avg Bida
45 bida

Our Place is a cookware brand based in Los Angeles. We are looking for someone who is fluent or near fluent in Italian to cross-check ~20 pieces of product collateral that were previously translated via AI to ensure total accuracy. Product collateral ranges from 300 - 1,000 words in most instances, with 1-2 outliers over 5000 words. This QA is not only foundational translation but should also have a focus in transcreation, adapting some key brand messages to fit the target market (Italy), often involving creative rewording to maintain the intended tone and impact. Note: we will outline ahead of time which words will stay-is (eg. product names, other technical terms). This is a fast, collaborative project. Those with access and ability to use Slack will take priority ...

$62 Average bid
$62 Avg Bida
73 bida

I'm looking for a proof-of-concept app that integrates flutter with the Android 14 build in system incoming calling screen. Key Features: - Utilize the stock Android 14 design for the incoming call screen, complete with two buttons (reject/accept), an avatar, and caller information. - If the user interacts with the call buttons or ignores the call, this information should be sent back to the Flutter framework for display. - Ability to customize the ringtone. This should be done by passing an audio file to replace the default ringtone with a custom one. - Custom vibration patterns. I want to use a sequence of short and long pulses for the vibration pattern. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Flutter and Android app development - Experience with ...

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bida
22 bida

I'm seeking an experienced telemarketer with a proven track record in appointment setting for sales meetings with individual consumers. The primary goal of this campaign is to set up as many appointments as possible. The clients you will be calling will be selling they house by themselves, on FSBO's platforms, the goal is to call them and book an appointment so that I can go meet the clients and see if I can sell their house on my platform at a better price for them. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in telemarketing and appointment setting - Strong communication and persuasive skills - Ability to engage with individual consumers - Experience in sales-oriented telemarketing - Proven track record of setting successful sales appointments.

$340 Average bid
$340 Avg Bida
22 bida

I am in need of a seasoned Google Ads professional to manage my campaign targeted at generating leads for my medical equipment and ambulance services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Google Ads, specifically the Search Network and Call Ads - Proven track record of lead generation campaigns - Knowledge of the medical equipment and ambulance service industry is a plus - Excellent understanding of Google Ads best practices and strategies

$90 Average bid
$90 Avg Bida
11 bida

...are looking for a skilled web developer & designer to create: 1. A digital membership card design for our cashback program. 2. A landing page to showcase the card benefits. 3. A cashback tracking & referral system with OTP authentication. Project Requirements: 1. Urban Privilege Card Design (Digital Only) • A modern, premium digital card design. • Should include: • Cardholder Name (placeholder) • Cashback Benefits Summary • QR Code linking to the landing page • Brand Colors & Logo (will be provided) • Formats Required: High-quality digital version (JPEG/PNG) + Editable source file (AI/PSD). 2. Landing Page Design & Development • A clean, mobile-friendly web page explaining cas...

$326 Average bid
$326 Avg Bida
24 bida

Hiring UI/UX Designer for SaaS Social CRM System ( Need someone who can using ( ) to build the SaaS Social CRM System dashboard see detail below ) Must Have Experience with Frameworks , Laravel ( ) ( : is a set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks and AI models. Open Source. Open Code. ) We are looking for a UI/UX Designer using ( ) to design a SaaS Social CRM System that enables users to schedule, manage, and automate the publishing of videos, text, and images across multiple social media and e-commerce platforms using AI-powered scheduling and analytics. This system will feature an AI-assisted scheduler

$120 Average bid
$120 Avg Bida
69 bida

The proposed system aims to filter skilled candidates, remove fake applicants, and provide certification through AI-driven assessments. Companies can then select certified candidates directly or conduct further interviews. Note :- Looking for a crowd fund investor for my idea.

$7 - $17
$7 - $17
0 bida