Freelancing rate for business developmentpekerjaan
Saya perlu laman sesawang baharu Mereka bentuk dan membinakannya Laman sesawang perniagaan kecil Saya cuba bermula dari sini. Untuk berjaya saya arap semua dapat menolong saya.
Apl Android Saya perlukannya direka bentuk dan dibina Buat app syarikat
Saya membutuhkan website baru Membuat dan mendesainnya Blog Blog yang bagus harus diisi dengan konten-konten yang menarik seperti tips, motivasi, belajar pengalaman, dan lain-lain.
Saya membutuhkan website baru Membuat dan mendesainnya Lainnya atau tidak yakin Saya mau buat website dgn joomla ekstension easysocial
Saya membutuhkan website baru Lainnya atau tidak yakin Toko online Saya ingin membuat web toko online seperti halnya lazada, buka lapak, tokopedia. Terimakasih
Agar rumah semakin menarik dilihat dan menjadi inspirasi oleh orang lain
Kami mencari penulis artikel berita seputar dunia entertainment dan hiburan untuk kategori...salah satu topik artikel yang kami minta. No proposal no response! Kami akan pertimbangkan kualitas dan gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel dalam proposal tersebut. Untuk penawaran awal rate per artikel yang kami berikan adalah Rp. 12.500,- per artikel. Sehingga jika 6 artikel x 12.500 = 75.000,- / hari x 7 = 500.000/minggu. Akan kami coba lihat dulu hasil pekerjaan selama seminggu atau 2 minggu. Jika bagus dan sesuai dengan harapan kami, akan kami lanjutkan penulisan artikel berita secara rutin dengan rate Rp. 15.000 s.d 20.000 per artikel. Jika cocok dengan rate yang diminta, pekerjaan akan bisa langsung dimulai dan dikerjakan secara rutin dan berk...
Here is a link I need the all the company names and websites . dont need the company which doesnt have its own website. NO DUPLICATE RECORDS Prepare sample, your quote (flat rate not hourly) and time duration to complete this link. before bidding. I guess it is very small work for the expert scrapper. Thank you Thank you.
sebuah konsep yang akan menembus dan mampu bersaing dalam sebuah masa era moderisasi
Surat Lamaran Kerja Mataram, 27 Juli 2015 Kepada Yth : HRD BAIDURI ENERGI (BBE) Mataram Dengan hormat, Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini : Nama : Sulman Haris Tempat, Tgl. Lahir : Mataram, 16 Desember 1995 Alamat : Jl. Meninting X, Gubug Mamben No. Telp/HP : 083129148145 Pendidikan : SMA Melalui surat ini saya ingin mengajukan lamaran kerja di perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu pimpin sebagai Staff. Saya mampu mengoperasikan komputer , mampu berbahasa asing, saya mempunyai semangat, integritas tinggi, ulet dan kompeten dan saya siap untuk memberikan dedikasi dan kompetensi baik waktu dan tenaga saya apabila diperlukan dan sangat besar harapan saya agar dapat diberikan kesempatan wawancara maupun tes lainnya. Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya juga melampirkan:...
მოგესალმებით, გვსურს პროგრამის შექმნა და ვეძებთ პროგრამისტს, მomწერეთ მეილზე თქვენი საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია , ბიუჯეტი მაღალია პროგრამის სირთულიდან გამომდინარე, zurab.pertaia.1@
მოგესალმებით, გვსურს პროგრამის შექმნა და ვეძებთ პროგრამისტს, მomწერეთ მეილზე თქვენი საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია , ბიუჯეტი მაღალია პროგრამის სირთულიდან გამომდინარე, zurab.pertaia.1@
Labas, skype mano: pleskus48 Emai: domasples@ turiu tau darbo ir ilgalaikio. Noreciau dirbt su lietuviu, todel radau tave
sodiufh sdipufh ispuhf sdiufh dsiuhf psdiufgh psdiugfh pdiagsf yusgf pasudgfpasuidygfaupsydgf ausdyfg ausydfa
Need you to go on website for a certain geographic area and then find e-mail addresses and mailing addresses (where there isn't an e-mail address) from websites associated with the main website. Have done this myself before and will pay up to $8 for each 50 that I am looking for. I will give you the size of the area and have video to show you how. Not much more than going to main site, clicking on website, looking for contact e-mail or mailing address, and then putting them into a spreadsheet that I will provide. The size of this is approximately 421.
Saya mengundang tenaga pemasaran manapun, untuk menawarkan kepada calon client atau siapapun, jasa Motivator atau Trainer. Untuk kurun waktu tanggal 13,15,16 bulan Januari 2014 ini. Motivasi dengan rate Rp. 15.000.000 / 1 jam (JABODETABEK)) & Rp. 20.000.000 / 1 jam (luar JABODETABEK), Untuk Rate Training Rp. 1.750.000 / pax (minimal peserta 10 orang) / hari. Profile pribadi saya dapat dilihat di Syarat proyek ini adalah : MENJUAL SAMPAI CLOSING DEAL!!! Jika sudah CLOSING DEAL, baru FEE DIBAYARKAN
Kami butuh segera web developer untuk membuat website company profile dengan design parallax, responsive design, HTML5 (untuk video) dengan beberapa animasi sudah ada, yang dibutuhkan adalah membuat design tersebut menjadi website. Referensi untuk website: Jadi ketika klik suatu link, muncul page berikutnya di sebelah kanan/kiri. Referensi untuk page portfolio (terdiri dari beberapa video): Ketika 1 video di klik, video tersebut akan pop out dan bisa full screen. Waktu penyelesaian : 30 hari
This job can be done either manually or with a macro and is very easy but needs to be done accurately and involves joining different files together.. It may mean you have to add new columns but this test will show if you understand I have lots of files to join Please prove to me that you can do this job and bid your $$ rate per hour.
EA dengan strategy kalo trade pertama dengan lot 0.01 kalah, trade kedua dibuka dengan lot 0.02, kalo trade kedua kena stop loss, trade ketiga dibuka dengan lot 0.03, dan seterus nya sampe total dari semua trades ini positive dan mengenai target profit.
- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others
I'm seeking a developer to create an interactive program for The Self-Mastery Program, aimed at promoting self-reflection, personal responsibility, and emotional regulation among incarcerated youth. Program Details: - The program will cover six sessions, each with a distinct theme: identity and values, emotional intelligence, decision-making, anger management, overcoming past mistakes, and accountability. - Each session will be delivered through interactive quizzes, which will include multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. - A key component of the program is tracking the user's progress, which will be done through progress reports. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating interactive educational programs. - Proficiency in developing quizzes with various q...
...seeking a seasoned graphic designer to craft a distinctive business card and coordinating letterhead. The design should resonate with a classic, bold, professional style, unique yet stand out to leave a memorable impression on potential clients and colleagues. Key Design Elements: - Adhere to a classic and professional style - Incorporate specified color palette: #C5722E, #FOE8DD, #869091 - Ensure design is suitable for a business context - Create visually appealing and functional design Business Card Content: - My name - Job title - Contact information - Company logo and tagline - Social media handles - Website URL Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in graphic design, particularly in creating business stati...
1. **Manual Form ** (values Name, Gender, college course, year, lead source, date, bed type, client budget, quoted fee, ) 2. **Lead Listing** (Hide/Collapse for wollowup & Form popup for Editing, Duplicate lead Count, Search/Arrange leads, Lead Scoring Parameters based on Client response, Lead Profile) 3. **Lead Follow-up & Lead Status** 4. **Dashboard for Daily Tasks** 5. *Statistics* - Count-Conversion-Visits- Lead Sources-Conversion Rates-Visit Rate, Agent performance 6. *Login* 7. Round-Robin *Lead distribution* to agents * Color Coding pf leads. Lead Stage. Lead Status Show in listing, Chat Templates * 1-click dialer (mobile view lead to dial directly without entering number by seeing in laptop) Inventory Management; * Building Name * Room ...
I'm seeking a developer who can create a customizable, open-source ticket management system for me. The software should support both the manual entry of client data and the uploading/exporting of .xlsx files. It must also be able to notify users via email and in-app alerts when certain milestones are reached. Key Requirements: - The system should allow for moderate customization of user data fields. - It must support client data reporting as well as the ability to delete data. - A user-friendly interface for managing the ticket system is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing with open-source software. - Experience creating ticket management systems. - Excellent understanding of .xlsx file integration. - Familiarity with designing customizable soft...
Brochure, Business card for 100$, Description for chart
I'm looking for an experienced iOS developer to create an application for a towing company. This app will handle various data management tasks and facilitate job assignments. Key Features: - The app must be able to store, retrieve, update, and delete data related to user information, job details, and vehicle information from a MySQL database. - A crucial feature is the ability to send a push notification to the iOS user when a new job is assigned to them. - The app should also handle user authentication and ensure secure access to the system. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in iOS app development - Experience with MySQL database - Knowledge of implementing push notifications in iOS apps - Skills in user authentication systems - Understanding of data management in mo...
I am seeking a skilled professional to assist in launching a casual wear clothing brand based in Canada, targete...adults. The brand will focus on vintage and retro styles, so a strong understanding and appreciation of these aesthetics is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive business plan. - Create unique, appealing vintage and retro designs. - Conduct market research to understand current trends and preferences among the target audience. - Assist with brand development and marketing strategies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of vintage and retro fashion. - Experience in casual wear design. - Strong business acumen and market research skills. - Proven track record in brand development. - Excellent understanding of teen ...
We are seeking a skilled <span class="highlight">developer</span> to create an innovative application that facilitates collaboration among musicians
In need of a skilled graphic designer who can create a modern and sleek logo for my baking business. The color scheme is gold and black. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator /photoshop or similar software (if you dont have one , tell me and i can provide you with one ) Experience: - Proven experience in designing modern and sleek logos - Portfolio showcasing previous work with luxurious brands or color schemes - Experience in the food industry is a plus.
Hi, accept this quote and create the milestone. Thank You
...and affiliate partnerships. The goal is to provide a seamless, engaging experience for fitness enthusiasts looking to optimize their performance and well-being. Key Requirements: Secure member login and registration system Content access control for exclusive subscriber resources Seamless integration of affiliate marketing links Ability to host articles, blog posts, and downloadable resources Ideal Skills & Experience: Expertise in e-commerce and membership site development Experience building affiliate marketing websites Strong knowledge of content management and subscription systems Proficiency in web security protocols Please share examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I'm looking for a developer who can create a us...
I'm seeking a professional to enhance my PowerPoint presentation tailored for a business proposal. The presentation needs to be engaging and visually appealing to potential investors. Key Requirements: - Enhance the PowerPoint with relevant videos, photos, and charts/graphs - Create an investment proposal section - Make the presentation suitable for a business proposal context Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PowerPoint - Experience with creating business proposals - Ability to source and integrate multimedia elements effectively - Understanding of how to present financial projections and market analysis visually
I'd like to request a quote for "تطوير موقع تعديل الموقع تعديل المحتوى عمل land page تحسبن معدل conversion rate موقع عربي و انجليزي امكانية رفع الصور استخدام ثيم بريميوم ( ساقوم انا بشراءه) استخدام icons لتحسين عملية تصفح الموقع موقع سريع وفعال خيارات التقيمات بالاضافة الى التحسين بشكل عام". My budget is $30 - 250USD.
I need a comprehensive report based on two tasks: 1. A detailed analysis of Qlik's e-book "Turn your Excel Reports into Stunning Dashboards." This should include what you learned and insights on data visualization, dashboard design, and excel integration. 2. An exploration of a business application from the Microstrategy website. You'll need to choose an industry, select a business application, and write a report on the insights gained from the associated video. The final report should be 4-5 pages long, formatted in APA style, and include at least three references. Ideal candidates will have strong skills in data analysis, report writing, and familiarity with APA formatting. Experience with Qlik and Microstrategy is a plus.
I'm seeking a professional web developer to revamp my site, The primary objective is to boost the conversion rate, particularly through an improved landing page. Key Tasks: - Adjust the current website and content - Develop a new landing page - Optimize the overall conversion rate - Make the site bilingual (Arabic and English) - Enable image uploads - Implement a premium theme (which I will purchase) - Use icons to enhance site navigation - Ensure the site is fast and efficient - Incorporate rating options In addition to the above, a general enhancement of the site is necessary.
I'm looking to build a Wholesale products marketplace website. The key features that this platform must include are: - Comprehensive API integration for real-time inventory management - marketplace - functionality to have multiple sections for the website incase we need to expand sections The back-end technology for the API integration is yet to be determined. Your expertise in providing a suitable recommendation would be highly appreciated. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in marketplace website development, particularly for digital products. Proficiency in API integration is crucial. A solid understanding of user review systems, e-commerce features, and digital product delivery mechanisms will set your ...
...working on brand launches? We’re looking for a proactive Virtual Assistant to help us execute our go-to-market strategy for our wellness brand. This role is not a simple administrative position—we need someone who can think critically, leverage AI for efficiency, and execute growth-driven strategies. You will work directly with the Founder/CEO and collaborate with our creative and digital teams to ensure a seamless product launch and marketing rollout. ⸻ Key Responsibilities E-Commerce & Amazon Expansion • Lead the Amazon launch process, including product listings, PPC optimization, and A+ Content. • Research DTC and retail expansion opportunities to grow the brand’s reach. AI-Driven Workflow & Automation • Leverage A...
I'm seeking a proficient developer to create an AI agent for my karaoke app. Key Features: - The AI should be capable of song recommendations based on trending songs, utilizing streaming platform data for recognition. - It should ensure lyrics synchronization with the music. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI development. - Experience in creating music-related applications. - Knowledge of streaming platform data analysis. - Proficiency in ensuring seamless lyrics synchronization.
I'm in need of a skilled Python developer to create a simple web-based Maze game. While the specifics of the game type have not been decided, I'm open to ideas and suggestions. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python, particularly for game development - Experience with web-based applications - Creative game design skills - Good communication for idea sharing and collaboration Please include examples of your previous work in game development with your proposal.
I'm in need of a seasoned web developer to craft a sleek, modern and minimalist e-commerce website using the Magento platform. The site ...basic e-commerce functionalities, I also want the site equipped with: - Product reviews and ratings - A Wishlist feature - Live chat support The ideal candidate should boast a rich experience with e-commerce platforms, particularly Magento, and have a strong portfolio of previous web development projects to showcase. Knowledge of SEO best practices is essential to ensure the site ranks well and attracts organic traffic. Excellent communication skills and a meticulous attention to detail are paramount for this project. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality websites and exceptional user experiences, I would be eager to...
I'm seeking an expert in designing and developing fully autonomous and autonomic intelligent systems. The primary focus of this project is on industrial automation. Key Responsibilities: - Crea...designing and developing fully autonomous and autonomic intelligent systems. The primary focus of this project is on industrial automation. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of a system aimed at industrial automation. - Incorporation of advanced features for data analysis, decision-making, and self-adaptation. - Ensuring the system operates at a fully autonomous level. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in AI and machine learning. - Experience with industrial automation systems. - Proficiency in system design and development. - Capability to create self-healing...
I'm planning to start a retail focused marketing consulting business. I need a detailed project description that outlines the business plan and the key components that will make this venture successful. Key Requirements: - A comprehensive description of the retail consulting business. - Identification and analysis of the necessary human resources (SDM) required for effective business management. - A clear articulation of the intent and objectives of the business, demonstrating how a positive mindset and goals can lead to success. Ideal Skills: - Business consultancy experience, particularly in the retail sector. - Strong human resource management skills. - Excellent strategic planning capabilities. - Deep understanding of marketing p...
I'm looking for a skilled software developer to create a tailored business management software for me. Key functionalities of the software will primarily focus on: - Accounting and Finance Tracking: The software needs to have robust features for tracking our financial activities, managing expenses, revenues, and projecting future financial scenarios. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in software development, particularly in creating business management tools. Experience in developing accounting and finance software is a plus. Please, when bidding, provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I am looking for a skilled developer (or a development team) to build an AI-powered platform that automatically creates Shopify stores based on user-provided text descriptions, with Canva API integration for generating logos and designs. The idea is similar to , but specifically for Shopify store creation. For example, a user enters: “I want a sportswear store with a blue theme and popular products in this niche.” Then, the system will automatically: ✅ Create a Shopify store via Shopify API. ✅ Select a suitable template and design based on the description. ✅ Generate product descriptions, shipping policies, and FAQs using AI. ✅ Suggest a store name, logo, and color scheme. ✅ Integrate with Canva API to generate logos and store designs automa...