Freelance google app engine jobs armeniapekerjaan


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    2,000 freelance google app engine jobs armenia pekerjaan dijumpai

    input data di office, pemasaran online, design, dll

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    saya ingin bekerja online di freelance

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Kami bergerak di bidang percetakan kartu undangan dan membuka kesempatan freelance untuk membantu pengerjaan desain kartu undangan mengikuti keinginan klien dengan dibantu oleh panduan dari kami juga. Bagi yang tertarik & berminat, bisa mengirimkan portfolionya kepada kami

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya ingin membuat web seperti google maps

    $3832 Average bid
    $3832 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    bismillahirrahmanirrahim ayo kita mulai langkah baru, sesuatu yang baru supaya tercermin kehidupan yang baru

    $56 Average bid
    $56 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    bismillahirrahmanirrahim ayo kita mulai langkah baru, sesuatu yang baru supaya tercermin kehidupan yang baru

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    bismillahirrahmanirrahim ayo kita mulai langkah baru, sesuatu yang baru supaya tercermin kehidupan yang baru

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Proyek saya adalah : ini tentang saya. dimana, saya ingin memperbagus template blog saya, memperbanyak follower di Google+, membuat youtube yang berkaitan dengan blog travelling saya, meningkatkan jumlah follower di Fanpage saya, mengurus twitter, pinterest.

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Dicari tenaga freelance berpengalaman untuk , contoh bisa diliat pada attach file. bersedia untuk tanda tangan kontrak. Jika bagus akan banyak peluang untuk kerja tahap kerja Pakai Target dan yg digunakan boleh apa saja.

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $748 Average bid
    $748 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    ================================================ STAFF DATA ENTRYUNTUK LULUSAN SMA/K[Bisa Sambil Kuliah/FREELANCE] Tugas Dan Tanggung Jawab: -Control Data/Penyeleksian Data -Input Data Pegawai (Baik Komputer/Manual Book) Kualifikasi: -Pria & Wanita -Usia 18 S.D 40 Tahun -Pendidikan Minimal Sma/Smk Sederajat (Semua Jurusan) hub: 08568445148

    $0 - $0
    $0 - $0
    0 bida

    alex, kenalkan aku bintang. aku bingung gimana hubungin km . ya sudah lewat sini aja aku dari starmachine, anak undip. aku baru di freelancer ini... hehe boleh dong minta saran gmn biar dapet proyek atau tips tips nya njalanin kerja freelance disini terima kasih sebelumnya

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    alex, kenalkan aku bintang. aku bingung gimana hubungin km . ya sudah lewat sini aja aku dari starmachine, anak undip. aku baru di freelancer ini... hehe boleh dong minta saran gmn biar dapet proyek atau tips tips nya njalanin kerja freelance disini terima kasih sebelumnya

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Asslam o alikum jnb mujhe jobs chahye but mein yaha new hun mujhe nahi pta kia karna kise karna hai to help bhi kare aur kam bhi sekhaye han mein website bna dakta hun hun achi tarh

    $457 Average bid
    $457 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Selamat sore, semoga bpk/ibu berkenan untuk memperkerjakan saya freelance terimakasih Best Regards Yudhi guntara SHI

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Avg Bida
    4 bida
    Tamat left

    Selamat sore, semoga bpk/ibu berkenan untuk memperkerjakan saya freelance terimakasih Best Regards Yudhi guntara SHI

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Di cari ahli script PHP dan mengerti tenta API Search Engine

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    perkenalkan saya awal. saya pengelola Wahana Logistik agen jatibunder tanah abang. saat ini saya sedang membutuhkan sales freelance untuk membantu saya menjualkan produk pengiriman paket dan dokumen ke seluruh Indonesia melalui keagenan saya dengan sistem komisi

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    Dicari freelancer untuk mengajar ASP.NET dengan spec berikut: Basic HTML + CSS Basic C# ASP.NET + T-SQL: CRUD Operation Tool: VS2012 atau VS2013 10x pertemuan @3jam/session Jam belajar pagi/siang - Lokasi Yogyakarta Start: 10 Nov 2014

    $106 Average bid
    $106 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Kami membutuhkan editor freelance di studio photo kami. Tugasnya meng-crop photo baju dan mengatur layoutnya untuk diberikan kepada client kami.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Avg Bida
    8 bida

    Kami membutuhkan editor freelance di studio photo kami. Tugasnya meng-crop photo baju dan mengatur layoutnya untuk diberikan kepada client kami.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya ingin mencari freelance untuk mendesign gambar T-shirt yang baru akan dibuat dan dimulai sebagai bisnis on line baru.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    6 bida

    Saya akan mengerjakan semua pekerjaan online ini . dan menyelesakain semua jobs yang di berikan , dan bila melampaui deadline saya sanggup tidak di bayar . saya akan laku kan demi pekerjaan ini

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Pendidikan dari jenjang SMK saya sudah mengenal dunia IT dengan mengambil jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), dengan berbagai macam materi mulai dari software development hingga tes kompetensi dari tim penilai ITS Surabaya. Dilanjutkan dengan menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi negeri di Surakarta mengambil jurusan D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Pekerjaan Freelance yang bisa dijalankan disela kesibukan kampus.

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Avg Bida
    16 bida

    saya ingin menjadi penulis freelance. lebih ke menceritakan kehidupan seseorang. semacam biografi tetapi dalam bentuk novel.

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida
    Tamat left

    cuma ingin kerja freelance dan dapat pengalaman baru

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Avg Bida
    13 bida
    Tamat left

    cuma ingin kerja freelance dan dapat pengalaman baru

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    Dibutuhkan segera untuk marketing freelance perusahaan untuk pengiriman (kurir) undangan, dokumen, surat, billing dsb yang bisa dibawa menggunakan kendaraan beroda 2. Sistematika pembayaran: Sistematika pembayaran akan ditawarkan kepada peminat (kami berikan 2 opsi) - Mengambil berdasarkan markup harga dari kami - Berdasarkan persentase nilai closing yang telah dihasilkan. Untuk tambahan pembayaran: - Insentif akan diberikan ketika closing mencapai target tertentu.

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    saya ingin menulis artikel tentang apapun , dan saya akan melakukan dengan seluruh kemampuan dan pengetahuan saya, tujuan saya hanya ingin mencari pekerjaan di freelance ini dan mendapat penghasilan berapapun itu, untuk membantu membayar kuliah saya di sini

    $10 - $10
    $10 - $10
    0 bida

    ...and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to people who are looking for a relax jobs where they do not have to be in the office all the time. Schedule will be given one week ahead for you to plan your week. All full time promoter are tied to a con...

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hi, I need data entry workers for a simple typing job. requirement : 1: basic internet knowledge. 2: well typing speed . 3: well internet connection. 4: payment method: perfectmoney/ moneybookers/webmoney/gaf/freelancer/oDesk payment time weekly on Monday . Lowest bid should be awarded . For new freelancer its very beauty full chance to have a great review . place a bid here if u interested to know full work details . Thanks

    $204 Average bid
    $204 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    saya bisa menggambar AutoCad 2D dengan mahir dan 3D, bila ada yg butuh tukang gambar secara freelance saya bersedia untuk menggambarkan dengan baik. terimakasih sebelumnya.

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 bida

    bagi yang ingin memperkerjakan saya bikin blog (blogspot) yang langsung saya daftarkena ke search engine google , hubungi saya

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Saya akan bekerja dengan target yang telah ditetapkan. Ini adalah pekerjaan pertama saya sebagai seorang freelance dan saya tidak akan mengecewakan anda apabila anda mempercayai saya dengan memperkerjakan saya.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Cara meng apgrade mio untuk drag 201 meter Maximal 350 cc Time 6.8 detik Biaya maximal 15 juta Mekanik pengalaman minimal 3 tahun

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Bila Anda Seorang Pembicara, Trainer, Guru, atau Seorang Penulis lepas (Freelance), Namun di dalam project ini Anda akan mencadi seorang Tutor, Membawakan materipresentasi atau tulisan Anda ke dalam CD Tutorial secara LIfe, Lebih cepat daripada membuat Buku. Dan Ramah Lingkungn karena tidak menggunakan kertas, melainkan menggunakan media kepingan CD. Profile Anda baik Foto dan Nama Anda akan tertera di dalam setiap Judul yang Anda Buat, Anda akan mendapatkan Kontrak kerja langsung dari Penerbit PT. Elex Media Komputindo (kelompok Kompas Gramedia Group) atas Nama Anda. Fee Pekerjaan Anda akan dibayar dimuka setealh Project Selesai berupa DP Royalty, Anda akan mendapat sisa Royaty setiap Tahun 2 X, tergantung Penjualan produk tersebut laku dipasaran. Anda Akan mendapat training Gra...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    My primary goal is to improve my website's search engine rankings, specifically on Google. I'm in need of a comprehensive SEO service that encompasses On-page, Off-page and Technical SEO. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience with SEO, particularly with improving Google rankings - Expertise in On-page SEO including keyword research, content optimization, meta tags, etc. - Proficiency in Off-page SEO including backlinking, social media engagement, etc. - Deep understanding of Technical SEO including website speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, etc. - Experience in using SEO tools and software for analysis - Ability to create a tailored SEO strategy based on my business needs.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bida
    18 bida

    As a service provider, I am seeking an expert who can help generate over 21 positive Google reviews for my business. The primary objective of these reviews is to build credibility for my service in the market. Your tasks will include: - Creating authentic, positive reviews that emphasize the strengths of my service. - Ensuring the reviews are posted at a steady pace to appear organic and genuine. Skills and experience required: - Prior experience in review generation or reputation management. - Excellent understanding of Google reviews platform. - Strong communication skills to convey the strengths of my service effectively.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    ...languages) ✅ Trivia Quiz for Programmers (Random 10, 15, or 25-question quizzes with a leaderboard) ✅ Job Board (Companies post jobs, recruiters manage profiles) ✅ Freelance Marketplace (Trainers and freelancers can list their services) ✅ Forum & Community (Programmers can discuss tech topics) ? Key Features Needed: AI Code Converter: Users enter code in one language, and it auto-translates Side-by-Side Code Display: Compare code snippets in different languages Quiz System: Time-based scoring, randomized questions, leaderboard User Profiles: Track quiz scores, job applications, and forum activity Job Board: Companies can post jobs, recruiters can manage candidates Freelance & Trainer Listings: A marketplace for trainers and tech freelancers SEO &...

    $1357 Average bid
    $1357 Avg Bida
    55 bida

    ...comprehensive understanding and experience in navigating Google Ads policy, especially around the Circumventing Systems Policy violation. An appeal has already been submitted and not accepted as issue still exists. Key Responsibilities: - Understand the core issue (creation of multiple forgotten accounts recently cancelled). - Advise on best practises to ensure compliance with policies ahead. - Identify what are or is the Circumventing Systems Policy violation. - Sort and fix any and all issues that will remove the suspension. - Lift restriction and suspension of Google Ads Account The project mainly centres around having a service and a product: 1. Dropshipping products 2. Product Ideal Experience: - Prior work in restoring Google Ads accounts - Deep unde...

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Avg Bida
    24 bida

    Google Ads Expert Needed to Teach & Guide Us to Success We’ve been running Google Ads but aren’t getting the results we need, our campaign is currently paused. Instead of hiring someone to manage the campaigns for us, we’re looking for an experienced Google Ads specialist to teach us the best practices and strategies so we can optimize and manage our own ads effectively. We are a mortgage company. What We Need: ✅ A thorough audit of our current Google Ads setup ✅ Step-by-step guidance on improving targeting, bidding, and ad structure ✅ Training on keyword strategy, audience segmentation, and conversion tracking ✅ Hands-on learning sessions where you walk us through making improvements ✅ Best practices for measuring success and making dat...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Avg Bida
    19 bida

    ? Looking for a Freelance Developer for a Legal CRM (Ongoing Project) ? We are looking for a freelance developer to continue the development of an intelligent CRM designed to automate and optimize the management of a law firm. The project has already undergone partial development, and the goal is to extend and complete the system based on existing work. ? Project Description The CRM aims to: ✅ Automate administrative, legal, and accounting tasks. ✅ Centralize case management, payments, and document handling. ✅ Improve communication between lawyers, clients, and administrators. ✅ Ensure data security and GDPR compliance. ✅ Provide analytical tracking of the firm’s performance. ? Development Status The project has already been partially developed, with the backend ...

    $2316 Average bid
    $2316 Avg Bida
    49 bida

    I'm looking for a qualified professional to help set up my Shopify store and manage my Google Ads campaign with the primary goal of increasing website traffic. Additionally, I need assistance importing my existing product listings into the new store. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a fully functional and optimized Shopify store. - Create Google Ads campaign focused on driving traffic to the store. - Import existing product listings from my previous store. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify store setup. - Expertise in managing Google Ads. - Skills in data import and management. - SEO knowledge and digital marketing experience. The project needs to be completed by 1 day.

    $10 Average bid
    0 penyertaan

    Job Title: Webcast Freelance Monitor Company: Premier Global Webinar Platform Location: Fully Remote About the Role: We are partnered with a world-class, global webinar platform and are expanding our team to manage overflow webcasting events. We are seeking freelance Webcast Monitors who are adept with technology, can manage their schedule effectively, and are comfortable working under pressure. Responsibilities: Monitor and support live webinars and webcasts to ensure smooth operation. Conduct pre-event checks and training with presenters to orient them on the webinar process and software. Troubleshoot any issues before and during the event to guarantee a seamless experience. Respond to participant queries during the event, using predetermined responses. Manage time eff...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Google ads for my software training institute business in Tamil Nadu. We focus more on online trainer, but we have office as well for direct training institute Velachery. Full stack Development, software testing, Artificial Intelligence, AWS Cloud, Data Science and Analytics The primary goal is to increase online sign-ups for our training programs. The campaign should specifically target professionals looking to upskill in Full stack Development, software testing, Artificial Intelligence, AWS Cloud, Data Science and Analytics. The monthly ad spend will be $1,000 - $2,000..

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    I’m looking for a digital marketing specialist to enhance my brand’s online visibility and improve the performance of my website and ads. The main focus is on optimizing SEO for my website, managing effective Google Ads campaigns, and helping me understand my target audience to refine future communication strategies. Key Responsibilities: • SEO Audit & Optimization: • Conduct a full audit of my website (technical, content, performance) and implement best practices for on-page and off-page SEO. Google Ads Management: • Create and optimize Google Ads campaigns to maximize ROI, focusing on audience targeting and keyword strategy. Audience Research & Strategy: • Analyze website and social media data to identify my ideal target aud...

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Avg Bida
    57 bida

    ...for a skilled Google Ads professional to run a campaign on YouTube's video search, specifically targeting potential buyers for my software products. The main goal of this campaign is to boost product sales. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a Google Ads campaign optimised for YouTube. - Target both individuals and businesses, as these are my primary customer segments. - Create compelling ads that effectively convey the value of my digital software products. - Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-performing search terms. - Monitor campaign performance regularly and provide detailed reports. - Manage the advertising budget to ensure maximum ROI and efficient spend. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of boosting product sales t...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Avg Bida
    22 bida

    I need an experienced web developer to integrate Google OAuth for user signup on my live web portal. Key Requirements: - Implement Google OAuth for seamless user signup - Capture user's email address and full name during signup - Ensure the integration is secure, efficient and user-friendly Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with OAuth implementation - Proficiency in web development - Strong understanding of security protocols - Excellent problem-solving skills Please note, the integration needs to be compatible with the existing functionalities of the web portal.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Avg Bida
    28 bida