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Cara Reset Printer Canon MP258 : 1. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang. 2. Tekan Tombol STOP/RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan tombol POWER dan tahan. 3. Tombol POWER masih ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. 4. Lepas ...halaman dengan tulisan " D=000.0 " 12. Klik " EEPROM Clear ". 13. Kemudian klik " EEPROM ", dan printer akan print hasil Resetter MP258. Salah satu barisnya tulisannya sbb: "TPAGE(TTL=00000 COPY=00000)" 14. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tombol POWER. 15. Dan Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 sudah siap digunakan kembali . Selesai... Sekian dari artikel Cara Reset Canon MP258 dan Downloa...
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...of how psychology affects your life and how you may be able to use it in the future. (5-6 total pages) All papers are submitted through the Turnitin software to check for possible plagiarism and should follow these guidelines. APA style Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt. APA format (1 inch margins, double-spacing, indention of paragraphs) Next is a template for you to use when you do your paper. Download the template and use if for your paper. Applications of Psychology Paper TemplateDownload Applications of Psychology Paper Template Lay-out of Paper Title Page Content – Minimum of 5 to 6 pages in length (Content does not include the title page and references page.) In-text citations in APA style References page where your resources are listed in APA style. Next is a...
I have a Canva file with a phone frame and a video inside of that frame. It is on a white canvas background. When I download and add to my Elementor website, the video play area at the file's base appears. I need that whole white background and area at the bottom removed from the downloaded MP4. If that is not possible, I need guidance on alternative solutions. If, after looking it over, there is a better way to make this look overall for use on the home page, I welcome suggestions. Key Requirements: - Replace the white background with a transparent one. - Remove the video playing section or help with an alternative solution - No additional effects or edits to the video are needed? Based on capabilities. - The final video should be saved as an MP4. Ideal Skills: - Proficient...
I need a skilled developer who can gather comprehensive trading data from various free sources and convert it into a REST API and Web Sockets for easy data retrieval. The data should encompass: - Forex - Cryptocurrency - Metals - Indices - Oils Preferred data sources are Yahoo Finance, Alpha Vantage, CoinGecko and any other reliable free source. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficiency in API development - Experience with data collection and manipulation - Familiarity with trading data - Knowledge of the mentioned data sources Please provide a bid only if you have the required skills and experience.
...(teachers, students, and parents) can browse, filter, and access educational presentation templates. The project will include: ✅ User-friendly UI/UX with a modern, engaging design ✅ Library system to categorize presentations by grade level, subject, and type ✅ Search & filtering for quick access to presentations ✅ Integration with Canva (users should be able to open templates directly in Canva) ✅ Download options (PDF/PPT) for users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving favorite presentations) ✅ SEO optimization for visibility ✅ Newsletter signup & basic analytics tracking ?️ Tech Stack Preference: We are open to suggestions but prefer using: ? WordPress + Custom Plugins (Fast development, easy maintenance) ? / React + Firebase (For high ...
Busco alguien que ojalá conozca estos plugins pero por sobretodo que se maneje bien en PHP y a nivel de programación en el mundo WordPress. Tengo a medio montar un sitio multilingue pero estoy con problemas para que funcione el sistema de descargas, que está basado en Download Manager Pro. Espero que sea una asesoría específica para resolver problemas puntuales como que se pueda ver las plantillas de descarga por idioma y que las búsquedas de descarga también sean por idioma. Adjunto algunas pantallas para que se hagan una idea y respondo las consultas que haya. Es importante que las modificaciones que se pueda necesitar realizar en los plugins o en Wordpress aseguren que estos continúen actualizables, que no se pierda la com...
...After calculation, pre-final ATC values are sumed with leftovers after IDCCa and final ATC values are show "Final values " for every border. ‘PTDF’ means a power transfer distribution factor; 'CNE’ means a critical network element; I need explanation how it is calculated. I tried something but results are not the same. As second I need python script that will be able to download Final Domain from JAO API and other if needed values and will return exactly same ATC values as they have as result of IDCCb calculation. The Python script should output the final ATC values in JSON format. The explanation should outline a step-by-step process of the ATC calculation. Include a detailed, step-by-step explanation of each part of the ATC cal...
I'm seeking a skilled developer who can create a program to download odds data from Bet365 on a daily basis. The match statistics should be saved in XML format. Key Requirements: - Proficient in data scraping and API usage - Experience with XML and data handling - Ability to create a dependable, daily automated downloader from Bet365
I'm seeking a talented interior designer with ...of client needs - Proficiency in lighting design to enhance mood and functionality I'm looking for someone who can bring creativity, practicality and a touch of the unexpected to this project. The project should be completed within 1/2 month. Please consider including custom furniture for the furniture situation. The budget for this contest is $150 based on existing plans provided to download. Please beware that the building will consist of total of four flats - nonetheless, we now want to start w/ this small space which will be rented out as longer term AirBnB or furnished business Apartment. Please provide your plans as well as 2/3D renderings The design should incorporate a color scheme that includes ligh...
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...professional who can tap into the Forex trading sector, with a specific focus on the Saudi Arabian market. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and attract potential Forex trading clients - Utilize effective strategies to generate quality leads primarily through social media marketing and paid advertisements - Provide detailed reports on lead performance and conversion rates, including lead contact details and source of the lead Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in Forex lead generation - Deep understanding of the Saudi Arabian market and its audience preferences - Proficiency in social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok - Experience in generating verified and high-converting leads - Knowledge of compliance and regulations r...
Must be able to create chibi caricatures of important people and historical scenes for coloring. Examples below of Chibi images. Prior experience required ,small,lustre,wall_texture,product, History and War.
...Strong expertise in handling random, non-linear sales patterns ✔ Ability to connect the forecasting model to our API ✔ Experience with Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, XGBoost, LightGBM, SARIMA, Prophet ✔ Understanding of warehouse inventory forecasting is a plus ⏳ Project Timeline & Deliverables ✔ Phase 1: Data analysis, preprocessing, and model selection ✔ Phase 2: Train ML/DL models using our historical sales & inventory data ✔ Phase 3: API integration with our in-house system for real-time predictions ✔ Phase 4: Model evaluation & accuracy improvement ⏳ Expected Completion: 3-4 weeks ? Budget ? Competitive – Open to discussion based on experience & deliverables. If you are confident you can develop a highly accurate forecasting solution, apply with: ✅ Your...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create an e-commerce website for my t-shirt business. The primary goal of the site is to facilitate online sales of our unique t-shirt designs. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: A seamless shopping cart experience is a must, allowing customers to easily navigate their purchases. - Downloadable Pictures: Customers should be able to download pictures of the t-shirts, which could be used for sharing on social media or simply for their personal collections. Payment Methods: - Credit/Debit Card: The site needs to be equipped to handle secure credit and debit card transactions. - PayPal: Integration of PayPal as a payment option is also necessary for customer convenience. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in e-commerc...
...article. How to Review a Scholarly Journal ArticleLinks to an external site. Instructions Complete the following steps: Review the article linked below. Scholarly Article Analysis Once the link opens, click on the PDF full article link in the upper left corner to see the complete article. Complete the assignment using the template linked below. Once you click on the link, you will have to download the file so that you can complete the template. Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment TemplateDownload Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment Template The following sections of the article will be used to find the information required to complete the assignment. Remember to use the template to complete the assignment. Article Information. At the very beginning of the article, you ...
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...article. How to Review a Scholarly Journal ArticleLinks to an external site. Instructions Complete the following steps: Review the article linked below. Scholarly Article Analysis Once the link opens, click on the PDF full article link in the upper left corner to see the complete article. Complete the assignment using the template linked below. Once you click on the link, you will have to download the file so that you can complete the template. Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment TemplateDownload Scholarly Article Analysis Assignment Template The following sections of the article will be used to find the information required to complete the assignment. Remember to use the template to complete the assignment. Article Information. At the very beginning of the article, you ...