Flex read file text linepekerjaan


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  • flex read file text line
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2,000 flex read file text line pekerjaan dijumpai

Hai Salsabila M., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hai M Nadi F., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
1 bida

Buatkan saya file web judi togel dan saya beri upah

$10000 Average bid
$10000 Avg Bida
1 bida

Salam name is Salehan Ahmad from Singapore. I am leading a Muslim charity group and we are having a project this forthcoming Ramadan. We intend to deliver dry goods to the poor in Singapore before Ramadan. I need a poster for our FB for that purpose and the contents read like this : (this is the main title) Projek Barangan Dapur Ramadan 2021 oleh Sahabat Masjid Singapura dengan kerjasama Kifayah Riders Singapura ~ untuk golongan keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan di Singapura ~ (2nd part) Set barangan dapur yang kami perlukan : - Beras 5kg - Gula 5kg - Minyak Masak 2 liter - Susu Pekat - Sardin - Mee Hoon - Korma - Milo - Kopi - Teh - Sirap Ros - Tepung Cucur - Biskut - Buah Dalam Tin. (3rd part) Mohon hantar barangan anda pada tarikh berikut ini : Sabtu - 13, 20, 27 Mac 2021 Ma...

$36 Average bid
$36 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hai toplinesolutions, saya tertarik dengan profil anda dan ingin tawarkan anda projek saya. Kita boleh berbincang mengenai butirannya menerusi sembang.

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Menulis Laporan Nama: muhammad ihza Cp line: kugateng

$252 Average bid
$252 Avg Bida
1 bida

Mencari luas, perimeter, keamatan dan jarak dlm imej ( file) utk project pengajian

$21 - $176
$21 - $176
0 bida

Saya bergerak dibidang jasa salon poles mobil khusus panggilan DKI jakarta Dgn menggunakan technology nano yg berfungsi melindungi keaslian cat mobil. Sehingga mobil tdk prlu sering msk bengkel poles mobil dan memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000...2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000 Luxury : 1.500.000 poles coating nano ceramic Small : 2.500.000 Medium : 3.500.000 Large : 4.500.000 Luxury : 5.500.000 Sport car : 7.000.000 Khusus utk coating nano ceramic akan mendapatkan GARANSI s/d 2 tahun. More info call : #085248900670 #083875475909 WA #233A23D9 BB Line FB : Smart Evolution

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Halo saya ingin menawarkan jasa pembuatan website dan juga SEO nih gan Harga tergantung dari design yang mau di buat. Apakah anda pernah berfikir jika anda punya website tapi tanpa pengunjung itu bagaikan Esteh manis tanpa dimasukkan gula? Buat apa kalau punya website tapi tidak terpampang di google Jadi saya juga membuka jasa SEO nih buat agan - a...rank 1 google Web Design SEO 1 keyword to rank 1 google Web design and 2 keywords to rank 1 google SEO 2 Keywords to rank 1 google Untuk portofolio lebih banyak silahkan buka disini ya: Jika berminat hubungi saya di: Call/Text: 0852 1056 1396 WA: 0852 8456 8237 BBM: 525B 1C0A Line: aditlin

$276 Average bid
$276 Avg Bida
7 bida
flex banners
Tamat left

flex banners,flex boords,back peting, visting cards, id cards,borcharas

$2568 Average bid
$2568 Avg Bida
2 bida

halo, saya mengundang Anda untuk berpartner dengan kami di UNIXON untuk : 1. Mobile App Developer 2. Website Designer 3. Wordpress Developer 4. 2D designer 5. 3D designer 6. Packaging 7. Video Animasi Flat Design add dan chat portofolio terbaik Anda ke LINE @unixon pakai "@" kami akan mencarikan client untuk Anda. terima kasih.

$83 Average bid
$83 Avg Bida
2 bida

halo, saya sedang membutuhkan admin yang bekerja secara online, bisa bekerja dimana saja.. Namun training tetap dilakukan di Serpong Tangerang Selatan.. job desk : data entry customer service operation control (via internet) Content sharing semua dilakukan secara online.. dapat aktif online sekitar Jam 12:30 - 20:30 boleh dilakukan dalam team tanya2 add LINE account : @copycino

$63 Average bid
$63 Avg Bida
2 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

$500 Average bid
$500 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya senang dengan kata dan kalimat yang inspiratif

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

membuat slogan agar seseorang berhati - hati dengan perbuatannya

$200 Average bid
$200 Avg Bida
2 bida

saya adalah expert di bidang branding slogan.. insya allah bisnis anda akan semakin bersinar dengan slogan yang simple, mudah di ingat dan tak terlupakan

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Membuat slpgan sebagai jargon identitas produk

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Avg Bida
6 bida
Data Entry
Tamat left

...Considering Body Wt.(dry) 0.429 pc. Considering Glaze Wt.(dry) 0.080 Kgs. Per pc. Glazing qty. in Pcs. 1545781 123.662 Date :14-11-2012 Jiggering + Casting Jiggering + Casting Body req. ISO ISO Granulates Req. Total Glaze req. 619.76 Mt. 182.63 Mt. 123.662 MT. Raw material in pipe line Name of raw material HR518 Body recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Body in M.T Granulate recipe % Total raw materials requirement for Granulates in M.T G913 Glaze recipe % Total raw material requirement for Glaze in MT. Grand total raw materials req. in M/T. Raw materials Stock as at 14-11-12 in MT. Balance Raw materials REQUIREMENT in MT. Raw material receiving ...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya bisa menginput data sebanyak mungkin bila diperlukan. Saya telaten dan pekerja keras. Saya bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan sesuai dead line.

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Saya ingin mencari freelance untuk mendesign gambar T-shirt yang baru akan dibuat dan dimulai sebagai bisnis on line baru.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
6 bida

aura merupakan gelombang electromagnetik yang dipancarkanoleh aktifitas dan tubuh manusia,jadi tiap tiap manusia memiliki aura,aura bukanlah hal goib aura seperti suara,anda tidak dapat melihat suara tapi anda tapat mnedengarnya bukan,pada frekquensi tertentu aura pada manu...mengajarkan kepada saya untuk tidak berbohong,kenapa anda harus membayar karena ini termasuk jasa,dan setahu saya tiap tiap jasa berhak mendapatkan bayaran selama itu tidak menipu,kedua saya ini pelajar masa saya harus produktif namun tak menghasilkan? saya menghargai jasa saya untuk 5$ di bayar lewat paypal,anda dapat melihat profil saya di .oh ya saya seorang daouble simian line dan kata orang saya adalah indogo humanis,tapi itu tak merubah apapun ,buat saya yang penting kemampuan bukan gelar.

$50 Average bid
$50 Avg Bida
1 bida

hai gan . saya buka jasa nih. saya membuka jasa design dengan menggunakan photoshop . untuk design spanduk, banner, logo. kenapa saya membuka jasa ini, karna saya di kampus itu anggota PKL senat mahasiswa, dan saya sering mendapat bagian job di dokumentasi . dimana arti dokume...tersebut adalah,mengambil gambar saat acara menggunakan kamera SLR , dan selain itu juga membuat design spanduk,banner,dan brosur. berukuran A4. tapi di ingat ya,.... saya hanya design saja,tidak termasuk untuk cetaknya. karna tidak punya mesinnya hehehhe. for price : banner : Rp. 250.000/design spanduk:Rp.300.000/design brosur: Rp. 200.000/design apabila agan agan berminat , hubungi saya: LINE : nurululfah60 pin BB : 2B846FB5 jangan ragu . segera kerja sama dengan saya yuk . hehehe . terim...

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida
Mind Hacker
Tamat left

ki tuhanu pta hai k mind v hack ho..janda hai... Mind os tra hack ni hunda jiwe facebook account and etc. eh tan jdo appa relax ho k koi chez read krni...ya kise kam nu mann lga k read

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

Project saya ini berkaitan dengan Usaha

$343 Average bid
$343 Avg Bida
2 bida

saya ingin decode/decrypt 1 file yg di encrypt/encode menggunakan ioncube. dan script harus berjalan/work seperti seharus nya

$104 Average bid
$104 Avg Bida
2 bida

Menjual novel-novel karya Ningrum dan majalah NINGRUMAGZ serta pakaian trendy dan modis dari Ningrum Fashion Line

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

kami bergerak dibidang on line reseller,bagi yaang mau jadi reseller kami bisa sms ke 081287223133, terima kasih tresia

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

Butuh Pekerjaan Sebagai Penulis Lepas Untuk Website Sepak Bola atau Portal Pengalaman sempat menulis untuk , , , Untuk Mengisi Waktu Luang , Bisa Bekerja Dalam Dead Line,

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

Indonesia Airsoft adalah Toko On-Line Airsoftgun di INDONESIA. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual Airsoft Auto Electric Gun (AEG), GAS BlowBack (GBB), SPRING Airsoft, dan Asesoris Airsoft Lainnya. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual berbagai merk dari produsenairsoft terkenal diataranya adalah TOKYO MARUI, WESTERN ARM (WA), KSC, HFC, WE, SYSTEMA, STAR, MARUSHIN, MARUZEN, KJW TANAKA dan masih banyak lagi.

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bida

mengedit tulisan yang di ketik oleh seseorang yang perlu di sutting sebelum di cetak atau di terbitkan ,,

$330 Average bid
$330 Avg Bida
7 bida

I need an experienced AutoCAD professional who can modify my design. The project involves: - Detailing updates: I need the detail work to be refined and improved. - Layout adjustments: This includes changing dimensions and relocating elements within the design. - Detailing updates: Enhancing the design by updating layer standards and improving line work. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in structural engineering and experience in AutoCAD design. A keen eye for detail and ability to make precise modifications are essential. Prior work with similar projects will be highly regarded.

$94 Average bid
$94 Avg Bida
26 bida

PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ COMPLETELY Job Title: Growth Marketing Manager (SaaS & AI-Powered Business Solutions) This is a BRAND NEW company - starting from scratch - never ran ads or anything before no current or previous customer ( BRAND NEW) hasn’t event launched yet Location: Remote / Hybrid Job Type: Full-Time / Contract Salary: Competitive, Based on Experience + Performance-Based Bonuses About the Role We are looking for a Growth Marketing Manager to take ownership of customer acquisition, funnel optimization, and paid advertising strategies for our AI-powered business assistant. This role is perfect for someone who thrives in performance marketing, conversion optimization, and digital growth strategies within the Sa...

$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
0 bida

I'm seeking a professional with an architectural plan seal for a commercial building project. Plans are drawn in auto...a professional with an architectural plan seal for a commercial building project. Plans are drawn in auto cad by a retired architect. What we need is the NJ notes page and any minor adjustments the architect would like to make. The scope involves: 1- non-bearing wall removal and the addition of a new wall. 2- Four fluorescent light fixtures remove and new one added. 3- Install a cold-water line for washout sink that will connect to existing drain. 4- Disconnect an existing HVAC vent & relocate cold air return vent in new wall. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Licensed architect with a valid plan seal. - Experience with commercial b...

$404 Average bid
$404 Avg Bida
36 bida

I'm in need of a professional flyer designer who can help me create a modern and sleek flyer to inform people about our service offerings. The flyer should be clean, easy to read, and visually appealing, in line with a modern design aesthetic. Our colors are black, white and gray - very clean. Graphics on Services attachment are just given for reference. Png files of our logo available upon price agreement. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly with flyer design - Strong understanding of modern design trends - Excellent communication skills to understand our service offerings and translate them into an engaging flyer The ideal candidate will be able to take our service details and present them in a clear, engaging, and modern way. Plea...

$73 Average bid
$73 Avg Bida
66 bida

...plan that needs dimensions added to it. The specific dimensions that need to be included are for the rooms, doors and windows, and wall thicknesses. Additionally, I need labels for electrical outlets and room names on the floor plan. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in CAD software - Attention to detail - Experience with architectural design and floor plans - Ability to read and interpret architectural drawings The final annotated floor plan should be provided in AutoCAD DWG format. No specific branding or style guidelines are required for the annotations. The floor plan annotations should use the scale in meters. Please use a standard font for all annotations. Annotations should be in black and white. The project must be completed within today.&q...

$98 Average bid
$98 Avg Bida
15 bida

I need a skilled graphic designer to help with modifying an existing Canva design. The project entails primarily updating text content and font styles within the design. Ideal candidate should: - Be proficient in Canva - Have a keen eye for design - Be able to rewrite existing text, as well as add new text. - Be able to keeping the layout balanced and visually appealing.

$337 Average bid
$337 Avg Bida
79 bida

...create a phone system that can pull text data from a 3rd party website in real-time. The extracted data does not need to be stored on the home server; the focus is purely on the extraction process itself. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Arduino programming, particularly in using it as a Human Interface Device (HID) - Experience in real-time web data extraction - Knowledge of setting up and working with a home server - Ability to work with and extract text data from a 3rd party website - Telephony/VoIP Expertise: Experience with services like Twilio, Asterisk, or similar. - Programming: Knowledge of Python, Node.js, or similar languages to integrate the phone system with the server. - Text-to-Speech (TTS): Familiarity with TTS APIs (e.g., Google Te...

$1264 Average bid
$1264 Avg Bida
41 bida

...users mobile. The user is adding 'emergency email/mobile numbers' inside the app. Web admin should be able to delete/add/edit these numbers incase a user requires a change. I have attached a photo of what we need the backend fields for each user to look like. 2. A Tickets page: This is where tickets are processed. Tickets are emailed and SMS'ed to a client or admin, and should be organized in a READ/UNREAD format, similar to a Gmail inbox. Also rename 'Requests' to 'Tickets'' I have attached a photo of what we need the backend fields for each user to look like. 3. A page with just 2 fields required. EmergencyDefaultMobile and EmergencyDefaultEmail. These 2 fields are the to be set on ALL accounts created. By default, these are the emerg...

$99 Average bid
$99 Avg Bida
36 bida

I'm looking for a developer to create a simple inventory report generating application. This should be a dual-platf...- The app should track current stock quantity against previous quantities, calculating the difference as sales. - It should also account for purchases. - A focus on available stock entries to compute sales, rather than stock entries. - Input stock quantities will be provided in Excel format. Additional Requirements: - The app should generate reports inclusive of specific graphs: Bar charts and Line graphs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in cross-platform app development (Web + Windows/Mac) - Strong experience in data visualization and generating reports - Proficient in Excel data handling and integration - Previous experience in developing inventory management sys...

$135 Average bid
$135 Avg Bida
8 bida

I'm seeking a fashion designer for a young adult-focused, casual wear clothing line with a street style aesthetic. Your expertise in blending comfort and trendiness is key, as we aim to deliver appealing, wearable pieces for the modern, urban young adult. Ideal candidate should possess: - Strong portfolio in casual, street style - Understanding of young adult fashion trends - Experience in designing for a clothing brand - Ability to deliver on-brand, quality designs - In-depth knowledge of fabrics and materials suitable for casual wear - Experience in creating patterns and technical drawings - Strong understanding of color theory and its application in fashion - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop The collection should feature T-shirts and...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Avg Bida
18 bida

I'm seeking a Virtual PA to assist me with admin. Must be very good on PC including various software including Microsoft, canva and CRMs. Ideally video editing as well. Must be able to read, write and speak English to a good level. Trustworthy and able to meet on teams. Looking for a regular partner. Please bid with yourly rate. There is will some weeks with numerous hours and some with none. So please bid an hourly rate so we can be flexible.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
37 bida

...go live on my website. The content is already created, but I need someone to: Task Overview: ✅ Align Questions & Lines Properly – Ensure all text, lines, and questions are spaced correctly and neatly formatted. Converting to PDF sometimes shifts alignment, so consistency is key. ✅ Maintain Illustration Consistency – Illustrations should match the cartoon-style I’ve used, with simple characters, soft shading, and clean outlines. ✅ Apply “Rights Reserved” Notice – This must be included on each page as per my existing worksheets. ✅ Use Canva for Editing (Preferred) – Canva is my preferred tool for this, but I’m open to other software as long as the line spacing and formatting remain consistent. ✅ Trial Task – 2 Free W...

$53 Average bid
$53 Avg Bida
39 bida

...its integrity. - Ensure the logo is compatible across various digital platforms including social media and websites. The logo should convey our core values of empathy, passion, and collaboration, as well as our brand’s focus on personal stories and deep connections with clients. The “MDD” should be prominent yet artistically rendered, with a minimalist approach and perhaps a subtle variation in line thickness. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation, particularly with vector-based software. - A strong portfolio demonstrating modern and minimalist design. - Experience in creating emotionally resonant and story-driven designs. - Ability to incorporate subtle details into a clean, minimalist aesthetic. Please, only apply if you can prov...

$22 Average bid
$22 Avg Bida
42 bida

Attached is a 44 page PDF with some marked History questions and handwritten student responses in English. I need the questions and responses converted to text and put in a spreadsheet. I have done the first one in a google sheet here: Note, you can use AI for this, but some of the student responses will need to be checked because AI can fail with bad handwriting. All of the handwritten responses need to be transcribed accurately. Thanks, Rob

$104 Average bid
$104 Avg Bida
55 bida

I need a fresh, minimalistic and clean Shopify store set up to showcase my jewellery. The store should be: - Visually appealing, modern and user-friendly, in line with my brand guidelines. - Integrated with a new UX/UI theme to enhance customer engagement. - Compatible with all major browsers and devices. - Optimized for performance and SEO-friendly. Experience in Shopify, UX/UI design and e-commerce is crucial. Immediate delivery is required.

$145 Average bid
$145 Avg Bida
85 bida

I need assistance with a text JEPG that requires basic Photoshop editing. The task involves: - Correcting spelling errors in specific paragraphs of the document. Ideal candidate should be proficient in Photoshop and have a keen eye for detail, particularly in spotting and correcting spelling mistakes.

$18 Average bid
$18 Avg Bida
35 bida

I'm looking for a desktop application tailored for the manufacturing sector, primarily focused on Production Tracking, Quality Control, and Bill of Material Control. Key Features: - Production Tracking: The app should facilitate real-time monitoring of the production line, manage work orders, and allocate resources efficiently. - Quality Control: The app should incorporate quality control checkpoints at defined process stages to ensure product quality throughout the production cycle. - Bill of Material Control: The app needs to manage and track the bill of materials during production. - The app should feature inventory management capabilities to track raw materials and finished goods. - Offer customizable dashboards so users can tailor their interface to display relevan...

$1020 Average bid
$1020 Avg Bida
6 bida

I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can assist me. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily photo editing - Corporate style video editing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop is a must - Experience in corporate video editing - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines - Good communication skills

$13 Average bid
$13 Avg Bida
10 bida