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Hai electrolime, saya tertarik dengan profil anda dan ingin tawarkan anda projek saya. Kita boleh berbincang mengenai butirannya menerusi sembang. Can you make a 1 min 2d animation flash?
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Salam kenal, saya Moudy Yunora, Head of Production di SSR Jakarta, kami membutuhkan Flash Animator untuk membuat video animasi seperti video berikut: Namun dengan Gaya Design: Flat Design Long Shadow. Jika berkenan, hubungi saya via email: @ WA:0813.1488.1099 Thanks.
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Design a simple and very nice composition of flash video. Required a detail from client to find out the best project can be produce my myself. Time is major factor since I am a full time student in computer give co-operation and be the best deal. Melakukan rekaan ciptaan flash maklumat terperinci tentang projek daripada klien agar menghasilkan satu project yang adalah satu faktor utama kerana saya seorang pelajar sepenuh masa dalam komputer berikan kerjasama supaya dapat berikan perkhidmatan yang baik.
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Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,
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tutorial lengkap adobe flash cs 3 mulai awal hingga akhir dalam bentuk e-book dan akan saya kerjakan dalam waktu 3 hari.
Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,
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Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan refrensce ,
Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan
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Samsung Galaxy s4 superking V4 latest model with 8.86gb internal phone storage ram2gb 15.90gb brighter camera flash the same as ori!! AMOLED HD screen!! and hp is more spread out and hold events dimana2 place! SPED 4g internet! visit my fanpage - >> if u cans sale my items in 2 day. i will pay you bugget my ass! FREE SCREEN PROTECTOR DIAMOND, FREE FLIP CASE ORI, 2600MH POWERBANK FREE, FREE Postage IN MALAYSIA ONLY!! RM870 FULL SET. Read maximize: √ Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) √ Air Gesture √ Air Browser √ Air Launcher-accept √ Air call-accept √ Motion settings √ S-Voice √ HD SUPER AMOLED Screen Size √ Speed Internet 4G (HSPA +) √ Video Call √ & Personal Wifi Hotspot &r...
saya bisa membuatkan anda Flash untuk periklanan sebuah toko di worldcloud, beri nama toko dan maksud bidangnya ,saya akan membuatkannya dan siap di terbitkan di web anda Terimakasih bil;a kurang jelas bisa inbox Langsung ke email saya
Tenho uma distribuidora de bebidas e alimentos, preciso de uma logo nova e moderna, nome da empresa e Dibepal, segue em anexo a minha logo e a logo de um concorrente que eu gosto do estilo, preciso de modelos para preto e branco, vetores, vou usar em carros, caminhoes e camisetas
Requisitos: Preferencialmente morar em Brasília. Usar iPhone. Ser organizado. Ter habilidade em vendas. Ter experiência prévia em vendas. Aprender rápido. Ter pelo menos 2h disponíveis por dia para se dedicar O que você vai fazer: Fazer captação de leads ativos para minhas empresas de agência de social media e aulas de inglês. Realizar follow-up com os leads. Marcar calls do cliente comigo. Preencher uma planilha de acompanhamento no Google Sheets para registrar e monitorar o progresso dos leads. Participar de reuniões semanais comigo para adaptação e alinhamento. Enviar um relatório geral semanal das atividades feitas e do tempo gasto (buscando equilíbrio entre tempo e...
I'm seeking a professional English-Cambodian interpreter for my job interview for no longer than 2 hours. Key Requirements: - Fluent in both English and Cambodian, with superior interpreting skills. - Punctuality and professionalism are a must. - Able to convey both spoken and unspoken elements of the conversation accurately and respectfully. Please note this is an in-person role...English-Cambodian interpreter for my job interview for no longer than 2 hours. Key Requirements: - Fluent in both English and Cambodian, with superior interpreting skills. - Punctuality and professionalism are a must. - Able to convey both spoken and unspoken elements of the conversation accurately and respectfully. Please note this is an in-person role, and the service is required in the Houston, ...
Estamos em busca de um(a) profissional para atendimento ao cliente via WhatsApp, com foco em agendamentos e acompanhamento de leads. O trabalho será remoto, utilizando Trello para organização de tarefas e Calendly para agendamentos. O que oferecemos: Leads gerados automaticamente por tráfego pago e ferramentas de automação (sem necessidade de prospecção ou pesquisa manual) Suporte para aprendizado das ferramentas Trello e Calendly Pagamento fixo + comissões + bônus por desempenho Trabalho remoto e flexível Atividades: Atendimento via WhatsApp (pré-vendas e suporte) Agendamento de reuniões pelo Calendly Organização de tarefas e follow-ups no Trello Garantir a confi...
I'm looking for a skilled animator to create a whiteboard style animation featuring a Santa Claus and various other characters....create a whiteboard style animation featuring a Santa Claus and various other characters. Project Focus: - The primary aim of this project is to entertain children. The animation should be engaging, fun, and appealing to a young audience. Character Style: - All characters should be drawn in a cartoonish style. I am looking for a professional who can create vibrant, lively characters that will hold children's interest. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in whiteboard animations or similar video drawing techniques - Experience creating content aimed at children - Ability to create and animate in a cartoonish style - Strong storytelling skills to keep ...
I need to make next VR content for multy player in Unity or other suggested program as following covering as much swimming movies - Breaststroke - Butterfly -Backstroke - Fron Crawl - Trudgen - Butterfly - Sidestroke • Virtual swimmer - to swim in the standard way (the correct way) which means to move his arms, head and legs in the most accurate and correct way . • Each student wearing the headset can see the virtual swimmer and follow him ( the student will be laying on a table and moving his arms as swimming to give him the feeling like he is in the water and swimming. • The teacher can control the movement of the virtual trainer for all students at same time, he can pause the trainer at certain point or angle to focus on some information and can navigate all direct...
Estou em busca de um freelancer com experiência em edição de vídeos e criação de anúncios para plataformas como YouTube e Facebook, voltados para a divulgação de produtos encapsulados. A proposta é editar criativos que chamem a atenção do público e gerem engajamento. Detalhes do Projeto: Valor: R$300,00. Primeiro Trabalho: Entrega de 5 anúncios (ads) com 4 variações de início para cada anúncio, totalizando 20 vídeos com duração média de 2 minutos. Prazo: 2 dias para a entrega do material completo. Possibilidade de Projetos Futuros: Se o trabalho inicial for satisfatório, há chance de fechar mais trabalhos r...
Preciso converter um website feito em HTML5, Tailwind CSS, JS para uso em Wordpress e estruturado com UX_Blocks do tema Flatsome. É sobre template kits da envato elements, que dem ser convertidos para suporte wordpress e editáveis com tema flatsome. As seções podem ser convertidas dentro de ux_blocks para depois consolida-las em uma página, se preferir. No entanto é necessário que as areas que contenham textos e imagens precisam ser convertidos para o padrão flatsome [ux_image] e [ux_text]. O menu deve ser desenvolvido à partir do próprio tema, aplicando as estilizações globais do template kit. As cores globais, tipografias e demais estilos que forem possíveis aplicar diretamen...
I'm seeking a talented packaging designer who can create an innovative, eye-catching design for a plastic bottle that will hold a cosmetic product. Key Responsibilities: - Design a functional and aesthetic plastic bottle for a cosmetic product - Ensure the design adheres to industry standards and regulations Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with packaging design, particularly for cosmetic products - Proficiency in design software - Knowledge of industry standards for packaging design - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills Please include examples of your previous packaging design work in your proposal.
I need a professional PCB designer for my environmental monitoring device. It will include 4 sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), an MCU, ESP32, and possibly a flash and memory module. The PCB must support a USB-C connection with a capacity of up to 3A, a battery management system (BMS), and a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a multilayer mixed signal PCB. - Select the appropriate MCU based on the project specifications. - Ensure the design supports all specified components. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in multilayer mixed signal PCB design. - Proficient in selecting suitable MCUs. - Familiar with designing for environmental monitoring devices. Timeframe: The project is time-sensitive and needs to be completed within 3 days. Further details will be provided upon ...
Hello, I am reaching out because I believe my journey and discoveries hold a message that needs to be shared. For the past three years, I have felt an unshakable connection to Mary Magdalene—a connection that began with a seemingly random photograph taken of me in Rome by my ex-partner. At the time, I was only vaguely aware of Mary Magdalene’s story, but as my spiritual path deepened, I found myself continuously drawn back to my image, noticing striking similarities between my posture, surroundings, and her depiction in The Last Supper—a revelation that unfolded after I was ‘guided’ to watch The Da Vinci Code. These parallels extend beyond mere physical resemblance. The details within the painting—the positioning of hands, the background lines, ...
I need someone to revive an online flash game that has been shut down. The necessary SWF and JSON files will be provided. Key Requirements: - Platform: The game needs to be playable on either a web browser or as a desktop application. - Technology: It's not necessary to convert the game to a different technology, but I am open to suggestions if it enhances performance or compatibility. - Content: The game should remain unchanged in terms of content and functionality; it needs to be identical to the original. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with SWF and JSON files. - Experience in game development and reviving games. - Skills in making games compatible with web browsers and desktop applications.
Estou buscando um freelancer talentoso para criar minha loja online do zero, especializada em vendas de roupas e acessórios. Quero uma plataforma que seja atraente, fácil de usar e otimizada para motores de busca e dispositivos móveis. - Criação de um layout personalizado que reflita a marca e o público-alvo - Sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo para fácil atualização de produtos - Integração com métodos de pagamento seguros e opções de envio - Otimização SEO para melhorar a visibilidade nos motores de busca - Design responsivo para garantir uma experiência de usuário impecável em dispositivos móveis - Recursos de compartilhamento...
I'm looking for a creative designer who can help with the design of a sweets box for retail purposes. The box will hold a variety of sweets, so it needs to be functional as well as visually appealing. Key Requirements: - Experience in product packaging design, particularly for sweets or confectionery. - Strong understanding of retail packaging requirements. - Ability to create a design that is both appealing to customers and practical for holding a variety of sweets. Please include relevant samples of your previous work in your bid.
I am in need of experienced and Microsoft Certified Trainer who can provide comprehensive training on multiple Microsoft technologies including Azure, AI, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365. Must hold a current Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certification. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct engaging and informative training sessions - Tailor content to suit a range of skill levels - Provide hands-on demonstrations and practical exercises - Assess and track progress of participants Ideal Skills & Experience: - Microsoft Certified Trainer - Extensive knowledge and experience with Azure, AI, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365 - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to simplify complex concepts - Experience in delivering training...
1- Interface inicial do jogo Com um chat que traduza automaticamente o idioma escrito pra quem está lendo.. 2 - Uma loja em game com 12 slots de categorias para que eu possa vender 12 diferentes tipos de coisas separadamente 3 - Um inventário com 8 slots diferentes para armazenar 8 tipos diferentes de itens 1. para Armas: Sword, Machados e cajados. 2. para Armaduras: armaduras e mantos 3. para Characters: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os characters que ele já possui 4. para animal de estimação: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os animais de estimação que ele já possui 5. Para Escudos: Escudos 6. Para runas: será um tipo de equipamento apenas para dar mais atributos 7. Para amu...
...orders, payments, and returns. ? 2. Essential Customizations for the MVP ? 2.1 Payment Management and Fund Hold ? Objective: Hold payments for 14 days after delivery confirmation to prevent fraud and disputes. ? Requirements: ✅ Integration with Stripe Connect or PayPal Adaptive Payments to manage split payments. ✅ Automatic fund hold for 14 days after delivery confirmation, with auto-release if no disputes arise. ✅ Automated fund release if no issues are reported within the specified period. ✅ Deduction of marketplace commission before releasing the payment to the vendor. ? 2.2 Carrier API Integration for Tracking and Automation ? Objective: Track shipments to automate the 14-day payment hold period calculation. ? Requirements: ✅ Integration with carrier AP...
Procuro um especialista em word para realizar um pequeno projeto. Será necessário reunir virtualmente, além de ser também necessário comprovar experiência.
...justice • Destroy white supremacy • Free Palestine The protestor holding the Sharia law placard should be wearing a keffiyeh Concept 2 Rioters burning buildings, as in the attached image Concept 3 Black-clad rioters kicking a statue face down on the ground as in the attached image. The statue should be recognisable as George Washinton or Christopher Columbus, The four main rioters should each hold a flag depicting either: • Palestine, or • Hammer and sickle, or • Antifa, or • China The rioterr with the Palestine flag is to be wearing a keffiyeh Each concept should have, hovering in the background as if monitoring the scene, images of leaders of Iran (Ali Khameini), North Korea (Kim Jong Un), Russia (Vladimir Putin) and China (Xi Jinping). Key R...
I'm searching for a seasoned Unity 3D Game Developer to create a 4v4 multiplayer cyberpunk fighting game, reminiscent of Valorant and Free Fire's Clash Squad mode. The game is to be developed for PC, played from a first-person perspective, utilizing dedicated server multiplayer networking. Key Responsibilities: - Develop fast-paced combat scenarios - Implement futuristic weapons and unique abilities - Design small, immersive cyberpunk arenas - Handle multiplayer networking - Optimize combat mechanics and UI - Ensure performance optimization The ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in Unity 3D - Proven track record with multiplayer game development - Strong understanding of combat mechanics and UI design - Ability to optimize perfor...
...sociais e de governança. Pode ser desagregado em: Dimensão Ambiental (E): Emissões de carbono, eficiência energética, uso de recursos renováveis. Dimensão Social (S): Políticas de diversidade, inclusão social, impacto comunitário. Dimensão de Governança (G): Transparência, estrutura de conselho, práticas anticorrupção. - Rotatividade do Portfólio: Frequência com que os ativos do fundo são negociados, representando eficiência operacional. - Ativos Sob Gestão (AUM - Assets Under Management): Tamanho do fundo, refletindo a escala de suas operações. Outputs (Saídas): - Retorno Financeiro: Pode ser medido po...
...10% to the loser as a consolation prize 50% taken by the platform as a fee C. Digital Wallet & Financial Transactions In-app wallet that allows users to deposit and withdraw money. Support for multiple payment methods like credit cards, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies (if applicable). Secure financial management with user identity verification to prevent fraud. D. Room Types & Multiplayer Gaming Public Rooms: Open for anyone to join and watch challenges. Private Rooms: Created through private invitations for selected users only. Tournaments: Ability to host periodic tournaments with predefined rewards. E. Social Interaction & Community Features Text and voice chat during gameplay. Ability to follow other players, send friend requests, and join to...
Sou apaixonado por histórias e especializado em ajudar autores a refinar suas obras! Com um olhar atento e construtivo, ofereço feedback detalhado sobre narrativa, desenvolvimento de personagens, ritmo, coerência e muito mais. Meu objetivo é ajudar você a transformar sua história na melhor versão de si mesma, mantendo sua voz única. Trabalho com diversos gêneros, desde ficção e fantasia até romances e não ficção. *"Um bom livro é feito não apenas de boas ideias, mas de revisões e aprimoramentos constantes."* Entre em contato e vamos conversar sobre seu projeto! ✍️✨
...sociais e de governança. Pode ser desagregado em: Dimensão Ambiental (E): Emissões de carbono, eficiência energética, uso de recursos renováveis. Dimensão Social (S): Políticas de diversidade, inclusão social, impacto comunitário. Dimensão de Governança (G): Transparência, estrutura de conselho, práticas anticorrupção. - Rotatividade do Portfólio: Frequência com que os ativos do fundo são negociados, representando eficiência operacional. - Ativos Sob Gestão (AUM - Assets Under Management): Tamanho do fundo, refletindo a escala de suas operações. Outputs (Saídas): - Retorno Financeiro: Pode ser medido po...
I need a professional to draft a comprehensive Texas divorce decree for court submission. The decree needs to cover multiple facets, including: - Child custody arrangements - Property division details - Spousal support terms Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with family law and divorce decree drafting, particularly in Texas. You should be adept at articulating legal terms clearly and concisely, and ensuring that the decree meets all necessary legal requirements for court submission.
I'm seeking a professional who can create a compelling business presentation for me. The primary aim of this presentation is to secure new clients, so it needs to be persuasive, clear and well-structured. Key Elements: - Company Overview: This segment will need to be particularly engaging, as it sets the stage for the rest of the presentation. ...well-structured. Key Elements: - Company Overview: This segment will need to be particularly engaging, as it sets the stage for the rest of the presentation. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong background in business presentations, with a track record of successful client acquisition pitches. Excellent design skills and a knack for storytelling will be crucial in order to capture and hold the attention of pot...
...(photos/videos). - Track orders and view purchase history. - Receive SMS/email notifications for important updates. - Manage saved addresses, payment methods, and notifications. - Contact customer support via a built-in system. Features & Functionalities 1. Discounts & Promo Codes - Admin and vendors can create promo codes (fixed/percentage-based discounts). - Time-based discounts (seasonal sales, flash sales). - Bulk purchase discounts (e.g., Buy 2 Get 1 Free). - First-time user discounts. 2. Returns & Refund System - Customers must upload photos/videos when requesting a return. - Vendors can accept/reject return requests. - Partial refund option available. - Vendor/admin decides who pays for return shipping. - Customers can request a replacement instead of a refu...
I am seeking native speakers of Hebrew, German, French, and Russian to record casual conversations. The primary purpose of these recordings is for training AI models. Key Requirements: - Native speakers of Hebrew, German, French, or Russian. - Ability to hold casual conversations. - Understanding of the purpose of the recordings for AI training. Ideal Skills and Experience: no need in recording conversations. - no need Understanding of AI training processes. - Ability to speak in a clear and understandable manner. and being only native enough
Job Title: PCB Design & Manufacturing Files for AI Wireless Flash Drive with Fingerprint Security & Wireless Charging ? Job Description: I need a professional PCB designer to finalize and provide manufacturing-ready files for an AI-powered wireless flash drive with biometric security, wireless charging, and high-speed USB-C data transfer. The PCB must be compact, cost-optimized, and ready for mass production using cost-effective components while maintaining high performance. ? Deliverables (Final Files Required) ✅ Schematic & PCB Layout (Altium Designer preferred, or KiCad if needed) ✅ Gerber Files (Fully manufacturing-ready for JLCPCB, PCBWay, etc.) ✅ NC Drill Files (For accurate hole placement & manufacturing) ✅ Bill of Materials (BOM) in XLS/PDF (With...
I'm developing...Android app and need it to be integrated with Facebook for login and inviting friends to play. The app should also support Google login as an alternative authentication method. Key Features: - Facebook Integration: Users should be able to login using their Facebook accounts and invite their friends to play. - Google Login: Provide an additional authentication method with seamless integration. - Multiplayer: The app should support playing with random opponents as well as Facebook friends. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Android app development, particularly with game apps. - Strong skills in integrating social media platforms into apps. - Experience in implementing various login methods in Android apps. - Knowledge of Ludo game mechanics w...
Somos uma empresa brasileira de venda de cafés especiais e locação de máquinas de cafés para B2B. Após dez anos de fundação, gostaríamos de fazer um rebranding da marca. Queremos deixá-la com u...máquinas de cafés para B2B. Após dez anos de fundação, gostaríamos de fazer um rebranding da marca. Queremos deixá-la com um toque mais moderno, que tenha um ar mais de laboratório, tecnológico. Gostando dos tons preto e branco. Queremos atualizar não só nossa logomarca, mas também um manual para postarmos nas redes sociais com identidade, novos uniformes e principalmente novas embalagens dos cafés em grãos. Este é ...
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