Dot net nuke oracle mysqlpekerjaan


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2,000 dot net nuke oracle mysql pekerjaan dijumpai

Hi Vincentius Grerry Dhena P., saya perlu import excel ke mysql, upload gambar dan pdf. Dengan PHP, Ajax, DataTables, Bootstrap. Kalau cocok, mungkin sekalian menyelesaikan projek database yg sedang saya kerjakan. Terimakasih. Salam, Darma

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Kamus data web, memudahkan customer, memilih product yang biasa dibeli. sehingga memudahkan pemesanan kepada supplier yang dituju

$810 Average bid
$810 Avg Bida
7 bida
Website PHP
Tamat left

Membuat website menggunakan PHP dan MySql 1 halaman

$47 Average bid
$47 Avg Bida
6 bida

saya nak mintak tolong siapa siapa yang reti untuk bangunkan website simple yang menggunakan MySql untuk connect data dari lamanweb tersebut

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
2 bida

Merubah dari inputan2 di excel ke sistem (aplikasi desktop windows) Menggunakan C# .NET dan MySQL

$317 Average bid
$317 Avg Bida
5 bida

اريد تصميم وبرمجة موقع قارئ اخباري يعمل بنفس الطريقة التي تعمل بها المواقع المذكورة بالاسفل وان يكون باللغة العربية والا يكون شبية بهذا الموقع او مثل هذا

$2109 Average bid
$2109 Avg Bida
20 bida

membuat 1 halaman reporting menggunakan J2EE+Crystal Report dengan database Oracle.

$72 Average bid
$72 Avg Bida
1 bida

...editorial policy, and write about them. Candidates with initiative will get priority. Please do not apply if your command over English is not good or you cannot adhere to a 12-hour deadline. Freshers are welcome to apply but MUST be able to submit articles which require little editing. An initial paid trial will be conducted before we pick our final candidates. While candidates are free to research the Net, their articles must be original writing, and must be able to pass Copyscape. Payment will be based on number of words finally published and NOT on number of words submitted. Payment includes Upwork fees. We will pay US $2 per 400 published words, and then in multiples, for additional words. If a candidate misses the deadline on 2 occasions, or if we find cases of the slightest...

$693 Average bid
$693 Avg Bida
5 bida

Apakah ada freelancer yang menguasai pengembangan aplikasi Visual Studio C++ untuk Windows CE - Windows Embedded? Saya mengoperasikan sebuah gudang di mana setiap bulannya saya melakukan proses stock opname secara manual (menghitung stock di lapangan dan mencocokannya di database MySQL). Saya ingin sedikit mengautomasi proses ini menggunakan perangkat mobile yang sudah dilengkapi dengan barcode scanner. Perangkat mobile berbasis Windows CE sudah saya beli (bisa saya tunjukkan jikalau kita bertemu). Aplikasi bawaan dari barcode scanner juga sudah ada (bisa saya tunjukkan juga demo scan seperti apa). Aplikasi ini akan distart di gudang saya untuk memulai proses scanner. Yang saya perlukan adalah untuk mengkonek aplikasi ini dengan database saya.

$564 Average bid
$564 Avg Bida
3 bida

Kami mencari developer dengan skill sbb: - Menguasai Apache SOLR dan plugin management - Menguasai MariaDB dan MySql - Menguasai program PHP, HTML dan Ajax

$487 - $975
$487 - $975
0 bida

Hello partsgr12. My skills: Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL PHP, JScript Pentaho (PDI, PSW, PRD, CDE) Saiku Analytics

$160 Average bid
$160 Avg Bida
3 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

$1600 Average bid
$1600 Avg Bida
1 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini. Terima kasih

$500 - $500
$500 - $500
0 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

$500 Average bid
$500 Avg Bida
1 bida

1. Saya tidak menguasai bahasa Inggris, tetapi Saya menguasai bahasa C#, JAVA, MySQL dan beberapa lainnya. 2. Saya bukanlah seorang Pro dalam kehidupan, tetapi Saya adalah seorang Pro dalam bidang yang saya geluti. 3. Yang saya buat bukanlah permainan berkelas tinggi, melainkan permainan yang dapat dimainkan berbagai kelas. 4. Setiap orang mungkinakan berpikir kedepan untuk masalah merkea, tetapi Saya hanya berpikir bagaimana cara kerja dunia. Jadi, Apakah itu Anda? Saya bertanya, apakah Anda meragukan Saya? Jika ya, kenapa kita tidak melakukan sedikit peregangan?

$361 Average bid
$361 Avg Bida
1 bida
$150 - $150
0 bida

Saya ingin membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Saya perlu orang yang sudah terbiasa membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Yang menjadi tujuan utama saya adalah kecepatan untuk menghasilkan laporan2 dan fleksibili...Financial Accounting. Saya perlu orang yang sudah terbiasa membuat aplikasi Financial Accounting. Yang menjadi tujuan utama saya adalah kecepatan untuk menghasilkan laporan2 dan fleksibilitas untuk Master Data Chart of Account dalam arti panjang dari Chart of Account bisa dinamis tanpa perlu merubah coding program. Yang saya perlukan adalah : 1. Desain database untuk Financial Accounting (mySQL based) 2. Query untuk menghasilkan laporan yang diinginkan : - Laporan Jurnal - Laporan General Ledger - Laporan Trial Balance - Laporan Balance Sheet - Laporan Pro...

$180 Average bid
$180 Avg Bida
1 bida

Kami memerlukan developer untuk mengerjakan backend website dengan .net Design dan HTML/CSS sudah siap untuk di implementasikan. Deadline project adalah end of this month (Nov 2014) Jenis wesbite adalah company profile, backend/CMS yang di perlukan hanya untuk update content website berupa gambar dan text.

$847 Average bid
$847 Avg Bida
6 bida
Manual RSS
Tamat left

Membuat RSS yang mengambil dari dari MySQL yang di isi secara manual ( CRUD ) dan atau melalui upload file CSV ke MySQL.

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bida

Job Desk : Membuat Chart yg terdapat dalam Lampiran dengan Pemprograman PHP dan database Mysql. Call / SMS : 089618801993

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Assalamualaikum, saya bernama Deni Gunawan sekolah di SMKN 24 Jakarta Kelas 2 Jurusan RPL, saya ingin mencari pekerjaan freelancer yang tentunya dapat menghasilkan uang dan tidak terlalu rumit untuk seorang pelajar. Saya dapat melakukan entry data baik Word, Excel, Access, MySql, Powepoint. Saya juga dapat membuat program program sederhana. Bagi yang berminat silahkan sms/tlp ke 089652237413

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

$32 - $1300
$32 - $1300
0 bida

membuat design berbagaqi bentuk baik 2D dan 3D menggunakan PHP, GRAPHIC DESIN, LOGO, MySQL, COREL DRAW, arena, robocell, autocad, DLL. diperuntukan juga bagi perusahaan bersekala kecil menengah yang membutuhkan design produk atau berkenaan dengan design lainnya.

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
1 bida

ERP, Bikin auction online, dll Jika tertarik sms/telp 08119403563 (Hendrik) Sertakan gaji yang dikehendaki !

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

Pembuatan Web Game online Poker dan feature featurenya selangkapnya kontak saya Frelance dapat mengerjakannya sesuai waktu yang ditentukan Refrence Gambling Poker : , , ,

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya ingin Anda membuat aplikasi dengan .NET C# yang dimana aplikasi tersebut dapat mengukur suhu komputer yang saya pakai.. Dan Saya menginginkan dalam bentuk Source code... Sangat mendesak.. dan low budget..

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
2 bida

Plant Inventory Management System and SCADA System Scope Plant Inventory : 1. Mampu membuat Bussiness Process Model 2. Mengaplikasikan BPM ke Java/XML dan mengintegrasikan ke SAP system 3. Menguasai Database Server, SQL/Oracle 4. Menguasai Network LAN/WAN, Client+Server, Hardware Scope SCADA System : 1. Menguasai SCADA Programming, Prefered is Siemens SCADA Software 2. Mampu mengintegrasikan SCADA dengan Plant Inventory Management Syste

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Avg Bida
4 bida

Oom derry, saya lihat punya skill di Oracle sama PeopleSoft. Itu kan ERP ya?! Nah, saya kebetulan ingin mengimplementasikan OpenERP di perusahaan teman. Tapi nggak bisa bayar banyak nih. Saya kembaliin aja uang hadiahnya hehehehe. Mau nggak oom? Ya awalan saja sih oom, nanti kalo kita udah lebih deal lagi, kita bicara offline aja hehehe. Ok? Please PM aku di YM dg id yg sama dg idku disini. Trims..

$19 Average bid
$19 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya ingin membuat web api dengan menggunakan java untuk sinkronisasi data antara database mysql dengan mobile apps

$18 Average bid
$18 Avg Bida
4 bida

...parameters. Responsive Design: Fully functional on mobile, tablet, and desktop. Company Profile Page: Information about the company, its services, and mission. Contact Page: Inquiry form, business details, and social media links. SEO Optimization: Best practices to improve search engine ranking. Technical Requirements: Frontend: React.js, , or Vue.js Backend: Node.js (Express) or Django Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB Hosting: AWS, Vercel, or Netlify Security: SSL encryption, secure authentication if needed Skills & Experience Needed: Experience in developing corporate websites with a professional aesthetic. Expertise in search and filtering system implementation. Strong grasp of UI/UX best practices for a classic corporate look. Prior experience in e-commerce or prod...

$66 Average bid
$66 Avg Bida
4 bida

I'm seeking a professional who can assist with generating a report from Oracle Fusion Benefits, either as BI or OTBI. The report should list all dependents who will age out (age>26 years 1 month) in the next 30 days. Key Requirements: - The report must include the employee information, dependent information, benefit plans which the dependent is enrolled in, any employee contribution amount for the plan(s) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with Oracle Fusion Benefits and OTBI reports. - Experience in XML/SQL report generation. - Ability to interpret and filter data according to specific requirements.

$20 Average bid
$20 Avg Bida
9 bida

...compatibility. - **Real-Time Data:** - Leverage websockets or polling mechanisms for live updates (e.g., dashboard charts, notifications). ### Back-End - **API Layer:** - RESTful (or GraphQL) API endpoints to serve data to the front-end. - **Server-Side Technologies:** - Languages such as Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Ruby on Rails. - **Database:** - Relational (PostgreSQL, MySQL) or NoSQL (MongoDB) databases for storing user data, progress, and content. - **Third-Party Integrations:** - **Zoom API:** For scheduling and managing live sessions. - **Payment Gateways:** Secure processing of membership fees. - **Optional Nutrition Data APIs:** For food/calorie database references. --- ## 4. Integration and Interoperability - **Zoom Integration:** ...

$2163 Average bid
$2163 Avg Bida
97 bida

...Implement Meta’s Cloud API to send, receive, and manage WhatsApp messages within our PHP application. ✅ Webhook Development: Set up and manage webhooks to handle real-time message events (incoming messages, delivery reports, etc.). ✅ Message Automation: Develop automation for client queries, notifications, and support messages. ✅ Database & CRM Integration: Store and retrieve WhatsApp messages from a MySQL/PostgreSQL database and link them to user profiles. ✅ Security & Compliance: Ensure compliance with WhatsApp’s policies, GDPR, and data security best practices. ✅ Testing & Debugging: Perform API testing, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance. ✅ Documentation & Training: Write technical documentation and provide training to internal teams. ✅ ...

$609 Average bid
$609 Avg Bida
68 bida

I'm currently facing a critical issue with my MySQL database - I'm unable to connect to it at all. This is causing major disruptions and I need an expert to help me resolve this as soon as possible. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience with MySQL - Proven track record of troubleshooting database connection issues - Ability to work under pressure and respond quickly to urgent requests Please note, I've already double-checked the database name in my configuration files, so that shouldn't be a part of the problem.

$22 Average bid
$22 Avg Bida
25 bida

I need assistance with data entry from scanned PDFs. The project involves entering product data, specifically text descriptions, into a MySQL database. Ideal candidates for this job should: - Have experience with data entry and attention to detail. - Be familiar with MySQL database management. - Have the ability to work with scanned PDFs. Please ensure you have the necessary skills and experience before bidding.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bida
31 bida

I'm having issues with a .NET and C# based desktop application. The executable file is getting hung when running multiple threads, leading to undesired output. Key issues: - The application hangs during multi-threading - Outputs are not as expected The application primarily interacts with the user interface. The operating system in use is Windows Server. Ideal candidate: - Proficient in .NET and C# - Experienced in debugging multi-threaded desktop applications - Familiar with Windows Server environment - Understands user interface interaction in software applications

$9 Average bid
$9 Avg Bida
2 bida

I'm in urgent need of a certified Oracle professional to enhance our RFP for website maintenance and development. The project involves working with an Oracle database, and your credentials will greatly improve our bid. Your role would primarily involve: - Demonstrating certification The main goal of this RFP is to: - Implement New Features: Collaborating with our team to integrate new functionalities into the website. Your qualifications should include: - Certification: You must be an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP). - Experience: 5+ years oracle db experience. - Azure experience is a plus Time is of the essence, so prompt responses and swift action would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

$1850 Average bid
$1850 Avg Bida
18 bida

I'm looking for an expert in machine learning and financial economics to help me replicate a paper. The paper compares several machine learning methods, particularly LASSO, VASA, Random Forest, Elastic Net, Gradient Boosted Regression Trees and Neural Networks, in predicting financial time series. Ideal candidates should be proficient in these machine learning methods and have experience in financial modeling and time-series analysis and R software. Key Requirements: - Expertise in machine learning (particularly LASSO, VASA, Random Forest, Elastic Net, Gradient Boosted Regression Trees and Neural Networks) - Experience in financial modeling and time-series analysis - Ability to code replication of a complex paper - Proficiency in handling and analyzing financial time s...

$414 Average bid
$414 Avg Bida
32 bida

My website is currently experiencing a critical issue - it's not connecting to the MySQL database. I need an experienced freelancer who can troubleshoot and resolve this problem ASAP. Please highlight your relevant experience in your application, particularly any similar issues you've resolved in the past.

$22 Average bid
$22 Avg Bida
65 bida

MUST BE ABLE TO CONNECT USING ANYDESK!!!! I'm seeking an experienced SQL developer to assist with the conversion of my Oracle code to Snowflake SQL. The project primarily involves translating stored procedures and queries. Key Requirements: - Expertise in both Oracle SQL and Snowflake SQL - Proven experience in converting stored procedures and queries - Ability to handle moderate complexity level code - Strong understanding of SQL syntax and features in both platforms The project does not currently involve any specific Oracle SQL features, but a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of SQL functionalities would be advantageous. I look forward to your proposals.

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
5 bida

...and MySQL database deployed on Vercel are facing communication and connection issues. The app operates smoothly in my local environment, but post-deployment, the frontend and backend seem to be out of sync. I'm receiving MySQL errors such as: - #1046 (No database selected): This indicates that my application isn't selecting the database properly during runtime. - #1044 (Access denied): This points towards potential permission issues with my MySQL database. I require assistance in troubleshooting these MySQL connection issues, ensuring all necessary database permissions are granted, and resolving any deployment-related complications to facilitate smooth operation of my app in the live environment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experienc...

$157 Average bid
$157 Avg Bida
18 bida

... Key Features: - An intuitive system for menu browsing, organized by categories (e.g., burgers, drinks). - A seamless cart and checkout process. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing mobile apps using React Native Expo Managed workflow. - Previous work with food ordering systems would be a plus. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles to make the app user-friendly. - Knowledge of Mysql is plus as we will be developing a backend for the app also but that part can be done by myself entirely. We will have design by designer but most of the app would be like Wolt app which you can check on play stores. Simplicity before everything. I do not want to hire an agency, I want a freelancer who is experienced in React Native Expo and I will be working with him/her on the proj...

$2346 Average bid
$2346 Avg Bida
139 bida

I need an expert in PHP to install a script for me. The work is expected to take around 30 minutes. Key Requirements: - The installation will be on a shared hosting environment. - The script will require a MySQL database setup. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in PHP and experience with script installations. - Familiarity with shared hosting environments. - Competency in setting up MySQL databases. Please reach out if you meet these qualifications and can help with this task.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bida
22 bida

Freelance Web Developer Needed – Build a Website Like Project Overview: We are looking for an experienced freelance web developer/team to design and develop a finance-related platform similar to The platform should allow users to create, man...Subscription Plans – Free & premium plans with different feature access ✅ Admin Dashboard – Manage users, documents, transactions, and settings ✅ SEO-Friendly & Responsive – Optimized for mobile and desktop ✅ Security Measures – Data encryption, secure transactions, and GDPR compliance Preferred Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, or Angular Backend: Node.js, Django, or Laravel Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or similar Payment Gateway: Razorpay, Strip...

$621 Average bid
$621 Avg Bida
24 bida

...millions of users with top-tier performance. ✔️ Security & Compliance – Full compliance with HIPAA & GDPR for secure medical data handling. ✔️ Multi-Platform Availability – Web, iOS, and Android apps with high responsiveness and real-time features. ? At Least Required Technologies Preferred: ? Frontend: React.js / Vue.js / ? Backend: Laravel (PHP) OR Django (Python) OR Node.js ? Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL / Firebase ? Video & Chat: Twilio / WebRTC / Agora ? Security: Cloudflare + SSL + Laravel Security Features ? Hosting: AWS / DigitalOcean / GCP ? Selection Criteria: ? Your team must explain how this platform will be FAR BETTER than ? Attach any files, wireframes, prototypes regarding this Project ONLY that showcase your approach or desig...

$43305 Average bid
$43305 Avg Bida
45 bida

...development of a Real Estate Listing Scraper. This project aims to automate the monitoring of property listings across major real estate portals in Spain (Idealista, Fotocasa, Trovimap), ensuring timely notifications of new opportunities. Requirements: Strong experience in Python for backend development. Web scraping expertise using tools like BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, or Selenium. Database management with MySQL/MariaDB, including data handling and optimization. Socket communication between clients and the server. Telegram API integration for real-time notifications. Knowledge of multi-threading and efficient data processing. The project is structured around a server-client architecture, where: The server manages listings, interacts with the database, and sends notifications. The ...

$183 Average bid
$183 Avg Bida
54 bida

I need an expert in PHP to install a script for me. The work is expected to take around 30 minutes. Key Requirements: - The installation will be on a shared hosting environment. - The script will require a MySQL database setup. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in PHP and experience with script installations. - Familiarity with shared hosting environments. - Competency in setting up MySQL databases. Please reach out if you meet these qualifications and can help with this task.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Avg Bida
30 bida