Convert html to xml phppekerjaan


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    2,000 convert html to xml php pekerjaan dijumpai

    Website Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) untuk sekolah

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Avg Bida
    14 bida
    Website PHP
    Tamat left

    Membuat website menggunakan PHP dan MySql 1 halaman

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    ...mesti tampil dengan ongkir dari toko , supaya customer jelas semasa buat order. -Mata wang bisa di set convert rate manual oleh admin (ke MYR) -mesti ada fuction mark up harga untuk admin(percent lumsump) contoh 10% -mesti intergrate dgn API paymentgateway malaysia -order yang di buat dari customer mesti ada info, seperti "pembelian pending "pembelian berjaya" yang boleh admin update manual (process beli admin yang buat, customer cuma place order sahaja) -mesti auto grab info resi/awb/tracking -setelah item2 customer sampai mesti ada fuction/fitur tambahan seperti item inspection/refund/pemulangan -Customer boleh tick item untuk submit untuk postage/post out -Dan boleh memasukan harga ship to malaysia, harga pos berlainan, darat, laut, udara yang boleh admin...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    2 bida


    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 bida

    saya mempunyai sebuah projek api yang tertaut ke alamat tapi hanya dalam bentuk PHP, yang saya inginkan adalah dalam bentuk java.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I have designs for 3 web pages in html form. Can any one make them functional ? I shall provide the logo .

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Avg Bida
    12 bida

    saya butuh sekitar 16ribu gambar dengan 4 jenis mobil ( sedan, suv, mpv, dan bus ). masing" kurang lebih 4000 tiap jenisnya. ukuran gambar harus fix 448 x 448. objek mobil tidak boleh terpotong, objek mobil minimal 50% dari keseluruhan gambar. setelah gambar buatkan annotationnya yang merupakan bounding box keberadaan object. format annotation mengikuti pasval voc. berbentuk xml. boleh menggunakan tools sendiri. atau menggunakan tools yg saya sediakan. cttn: jika tidak sanggup 16rb data bs nego, mungkin 4000 data saja per org yg mana berarti sy butuh 4 org. trims

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bida
    image to html
    Tamat left

    Saya punya mockup image dan perlu dirubah untuk menjadi html dan berfungsi, dengan jquery, css, javascript.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Avg Bida
    15 bida

    Membutuhkan anggota tim lepas (jadi tidak mengerjakan sendiri) untuk membuat aplikasi perhitungan efisiensi untuk sebuah perusahaaan manufacture. Aplikasi sebelumnya sudah ada, tinggal remake ulang menggunakan PHP Codeigniter

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Kami mencari developer dengan skill sbb: - Menguasai Apache SOLR dan plugin management - Menguasai MariaDB dan MySql - Menguasai program PHP, HTML dan Ajax

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 bida

    Halo corneliadebora, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan ...detail melalui obrolan. maf saya org baru... apa boleh saya sedikit bertanya kepada anda.. saya lihat ibu atau kk berasal dari indonesia... saya hanya kurang mengerti,,, setiap saya menawar sesuatu ,,, apa yg harus saya lakukan contohnya tugas yg satu ini Deskripsi Proyek in hiring of data entry contractor to convert pdf files to word documents via manually typing. I will send you the pdf formated text.rn In this project you convert pdf (****20 lac pages of word.1000 word type each page) to a word document.rn Info about text: rn* conversion difficulty level: medium rn* text does not have images - only text apa cuma data pdf... yang harus saya ketik kembali,,, ke word atau ap...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    saya menguasai pemograman html dan php

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $748 Average bid
    $748 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya membutuhkan freelance seorang/team Magento Developer Pekerjaan meliputi: Setup Magento, pemasangan template yg dibeli dari pihak ke3, penyesuaian bahasa dll, penggunaan 2 currency, perubahan layout product image, pemindahan/convert data lama ke baru. Penyesuaian tidak boleh merubah core hanya di module. Estimasi besarnya biaya belum ditentukan menunggu min 3 proposal masuk. Estimasi lama perkerjaan juga belum ditentukan kurang lebih bisa selesai 3 bulan.

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    Halo, Saya lagi ada project untuk convert HTML site ke wordpress theme. HTML-nya bisa diliat dsini

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Halo gan, saya lagi butuh freelancer untuk bantu project Drupal Commerce, Thanks!

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Halo gan, saya lagi butuh freelancer untuk bantu project Drupal Commerce, bias call saya di 0822 3183 7637 Thanks!

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    mengoptimalisasi penggunaan blog seo / web dalam mempromosikan prodak untuk kepentingan bersama dalam bentuk format coding php atau html

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Menguasai HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,FRAMEWORK BOOTSTRAP,CI PENGALAMAN KERJA 1 Tahun nekerja di sebagai web designer

    $526 Average bid
    $526 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    website kami bergerak di bidang jasa reservasi online atau travel online dimana produk kami ada hotel, tiket pesawat, kereta, event/konser, rental mobil & ke depannya akan ada promo tour. kami membutuhkan seorang programmer untuk membantu membangun aplikasi tersebut yang dimana website itu menggunakan API/xml di dalamnya

    $1624 Average bid
    $1624 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    Web Design : Joomla, Wordpress, Opencart, Magento, Prestashop, HTML, CSS, Java Script

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Avg Bida
    11 bida

    ...octa core 1.3 GHz Hisillicon Kirin 920, smartphone ini menghasilkan performa yang tangguh mengalahkan semua ponsel canggih diatas dengan perolehan benchmark AnTuTu sebesar 38.000. Spesifikasi lainnya antaralain Android OS v4.4.2 KitKat, RAM 3 GB, kamera utama 13MP + depan 5 MP, GPU Mali T624, memori 16 GB + micro SD sampai 64GB. - See more at:

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Avg Bida
    5 bida

    information after chat...Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

    $6 - $12 / hr
    $6 - $12 / hr
    0 bida

    saya menguasai Bahasa pemograman website seperti HTML ,CSS , PHP , mySql , Javascript dan Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan Visual Basic atau C++ Saya ingin menjadi seorang webmaster dan juga pembuat aplikasi yang sukses kelak . saya selalu berusaha keras untuk mewujudkannya

    $32 - $1300
    $32 - $1300
    0 bida

    saya akan bekerja di perusahaan anda dengan syarat-syarat tertentu apabila saya melangkar sayarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku saya berhak untuk di pecat

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    saya akan bekerja di perusahaan anda dengan syarat-syarat tertentu apabila saya melangkar sayarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku saya berhak untuk di pecat

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    95% finished website () membutuhkan beberapa penyelesaian point revisi mudah. Download detailnya di : Jika menyanggupi dan penawaran di approve, saya akan memberikan link untuk mendowload website keseluruhan. Terimakasih Salam sejahtera

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya mencari pakar php untuk membantu/lead/mengajar beberapa fungsi php contoh : cara nak bangunkan sistem affiliate. saya akan develop sepenuhnya dan jika ada masalah... saya akan terus rujuk kepada anda dan mengajar cara nak selesaikan semua masalah php sila PM saya untuk pertanyaan dan kepada sesiapa yang betul-betul berminat

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Saya sedang membuat Web Ticketing untuk retail dan ke agenan, disini saya menyertakan API dari system penyedia ticket dan juga API dari Veritrans untuk pembayaran secara online Skema Web saya : Pencarian data maskapai dan kereta api Search >> Booking >> bayar >> Issued Saya juga minta dibuatkan fungsi keagenan sehingga seperti / aero tiket Design (HTML) sudah saya siapkan, saya hanya butuh integrasi API dan keagenan

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    beli paket ini untuk keperluan website anda

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya membutuhkan Aplikasi Desktop untuk transaksi Pulsa / payment melalui server saya yg berbasis web, metode transaksi menggunakan XML dan koneksi menggunakan OpenVPN Gambarannya seperti ini : Ketika aplikasi di mulai, maka aplikasi akan melakukan sambungan VPN ( openvpn ) ke server saya, setelah itu muncul form login, ketika user melakukan login, aplikasi akan melakukan verifikasi data ke server. Setelah login, akan muncul menu transaksi seperti pembelian Pulsa, VoucherGames Online, PLN Prabayar dan juga payment seperti pembayaran tagihan pasca PLN, TELKOM, LEASING dll Berikut saya lampirkan Dokumentasi XML

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 bida

    Plant Inventory Management System and SCADA System Scope Plant Inventory : 1. Mampu membuat Bussiness Process Model 2. Mengaplikasikan BPM ke Java/XML dan mengintegrasikan ke SAP system 3. Menguasai Database Server, SQL/Oracle 4. Menguasai Network LAN/WAN, Client+Server, Hardware Scope SCADA System : 1. Menguasai SCADA Programming, Prefered is Siemens SCADA Software 2. Mampu mengintegrasikan SCADA dengan Plant Inventory Management Syste

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Saya ingin mempunyai website seperti punya orang ini seperti di link ini Turbo Paypal Namun saya minta untuk dibuatkan ada member areanya.

    $841 Average bid
    $841 Avg Bida
    3 bida

    Merubah 4 fungsi dari script, penomoran anggota yg terbalik, print out, download database, dan save and next Error.

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Avg Bida
    2 bida

    200 vote sandra ng

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    I have a small landing page with 4-5 small sections, and I need to convert that into pixel-perfect, responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. I am only looking for a design-to-HTML conversion expert, not a mixed-skill developer. Must be completed by today (7th Feb). Thanks.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    I'm seeking a skilled translator to convert a collection of short stories, totaling over 50,000 words, into Spanish. The stories have a mixed tone, so the translator needs to be adept at handling both formal and casual language. Ideally, you have experience with literary translations and can maintain the original's style and tone in the translated version.

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Avg Bida
    25 bida

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a resume builder website for me. The site should allow users to select from various templates and input their information through a form-based system. Once completed, users should be able to download their resumes as PDFs. Key Features: - Template Selection: A variety of professional resume templates. - Form-Based Inputs: An easy-to-use interface for users to input their personal and professional information. - Download as PDF: A seamless process for users to download their resumes in a universally accepted format. - AI Resume Builder: An AI system that can automatically generate resumes based on user inputs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaS...

    $284 Average bid
    $284 Avg Bida
    14 bida

    We have a WordPress site where we need the data from our contact forms converted into a JSon file. This file will be used for importing into our company database. Forms specifications: - Type: Contact forms - Fields: Our contact forms include Name, Email, Subject, and Message The ideal candidate for this project used for importing into our company database. Forms specifications: - Type: Contact forms - Fields: Our contact forms include Name, Email, Subject, and Message The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficiency in WordPress - Strong skills in JavaScript and JSON - Experience with database management and data importation - Ability to create custom data structures The JSON file needs to be structured in a custom way that is unique to ou...

    $37 / hr Average bid
    $37 / hr Avg Bida
    35 bida

    We are based in Dubai. We need a weekly...Visual Design & Layout: Create the overall design and layout for the report, ensuring it is visually appealing and on-brand. Data Visualization: Convert raw data into clear charts, graphs, and infographics that complement the written analysis. PDF Production: Prepare the final design files and manage the technical conversion to a high-quality PDF format, making sure the file is optimized for distribution (e.g., email, website, or print). Key Skills: Proficiency in graphic design software (such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or similar tools). A good eye for layout, typography, and color schemes that enhance readability. Basic technical skills related to file conversion and optimization for digital distribution. ++ [Remo...

    $292 Average bid
    $292 Avg Bida
    17 bida

    I need help with my single page HTML website that is not displaying correctly across devices. The page has issues with elements overlapping or misaligned, text sizing inconsistently, and images not resizing properly. Key areas for attention: - Header and navigation menu - Main content area Ideal freelancer should have strong skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with proven experience in making websites responsive across mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. I need delivery within 2 hour its simple work

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Avg Bida
    18 bida

    I need a professional to convert my TV broadcast UDP stream into a 1080p HLS video stream. The output should be optimized primarily for Smart TVs. Our requirement is straight forward. At present we have multicast that provide UDP urls which we need to play in Samsung Tizen Smart TVs and the TV do not natively support it so we need to convert it into HLS so we can play it. So we need to build a system that can do the conversion without consuming resource. Key Requirements: - Convert UDP stream from a TV broadcast into an HLS stream - Ensure the output is 1080p resolution - Optimize the stream for Smart TV compatibility Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video streaming technologies - Experience with HLS and UDP formats - Knowledge of Smart TV ...

    $57 - $114
    $57 - $114
    0 bida

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to assist in migrating my PHP application to a full stack JavaScript environment. Key Aspects: - Frontend: The specific JavaScript framework for the frontend has not been decided yet. A strong understanding and experience with React.js, Vue.js, and Angular will be beneficial. - Backend: The backend JavaScript framework is also open for discussion. Extensive experience with Node.js, , or will be advantageous. - Additional Functionalities: There are no specific additional functionalities to be included at this moment. However, the ability to implement user authentication, API integration, or real-time features if needed, will be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and JavaScript - Experience with full st...

    $238 / hr Average bid
    $238 / hr Avg Bida
    58 bida

    I need assistance moving some text 'tags' in a block into a multi-column grid design template. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS - Experience with multi-column grid design - Able to manipulate text tags within a design template Please be prepared to demonstrate relevant experience.

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Avg Bida
    156 bida

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeler who can convert a DXF file into a high-resolution, intricate 3D model in AutoCAD 3D. This model will be used for rendering a presentation, so it needs to be visually appealing and precise. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in converting DXF files to 3D models - Extensive experience with AutoCAD 3D - Strong understanding of high-resolution, intricate detailing - Background in creating 3D models for presentations Please provide examples of previous similar work in your bid.

    $112 Average bid
    $112 Avg Bida
    69 bida

    I need a iOS developer to convert my Android app into an iOS-compatible one. Upon successful conversion, the app should be published on the Apple Store using your developer account. Key Details: - I have the complete source code of the Android app. - The app primarily has push notifications as its main functionality. - The content of the app is static, so no backend server is necessary.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Avg Bida
    20 bida

    I'm in search of an exceptional Commission Only Sales Rep/Person model ensures that expenses directly correlate with Sales Success, with a keen focus on the Personal Development industry, to focus on mindset to boost profit margins. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, source and sell our Course on Personal Development. So we pay you your commission once you Close the sale for £100 if you think this is you, please reach out. Must have excellent control over the English language, would prefer for the freelancer to be in the States or Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Contact and convert cold leads into course purchases - Employ persuasive sales techniques tailored for the personal development niche - Track sales progress and report b...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    I'm looking for a professional who can convert my Flash-based animations into HTML5. These animations will eventually be used for web delivery, so they need to be compatible with all modern browsers and devices. Your task will include: - Converting the Flash animations into HTML5 without loss of quality - Implementing click-based actions and hover effects as per the original animations - Ensuring the end product is fully optimized for usability and accessibility Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience working with both Flash and HTML5 - A strong understanding of web standards and best practices - Previous experience converting animations for marketing purposes Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Avg Bida
    46 bida

    I'm looking for a professional who can convert a PDF into a fully accessible, WCAG 2.1 compliant EPUB. The PDF primarily contains text and images and needs to be optimized for readability on various devices. Key Requirements: - Convert a PDF into a fully accessible EPUB - Ensure the EPUB complies with WCAG 2.1 - Optimize the EPUB for device readability - Incorporate text-to-speech support within the EPUB. - Include navigation aids like a table of contents and page lists. - Add alternative text descriptions for all images and graphics. - Ensure sufficient color contrast for text readability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with EPUB creation - Familiarity with accessibility standards, particularly WCAG 2.1 - Strong understanding of device...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Avg Bida
    16 bida