Aws iot analytics data storepekerjaan
Saya akan mendefinisikan tentang IoT di era jaman sekarang yaiu enerasi milenal
project singkat untuk setup apache web server sesuai dengan keterangan PDF yang diberikan. Termasuk performance testing dan juga mengimplementasikan load balancer
saya nak membangunkan sesebuah website yang mesra pengguna kerana itu akan jadi lebih mudah untuk tarik perhatian pelanggan
Ini adalah projek akhir tahun saya untuk diploma. Saya bercadang untuk membuat online mensa (cafeteria) system berdasarkan applikasi di apple store dan playstore.
saya ingin membuat sebuah ebook store. seperti wayang force, inbook, qbaca dll.
Logo berbentuk idealis bertuliskan SUPER SMART STORE
Logo berbentuk idealis bertuliskan SUPER SMART STORE
Projek simpel hanya setting email notifikasi woocommerce menjadi semi online store
Saat ini, kami memiliki produk berupa aplikasi website ( online store ) dengan konsep baru : SP3 ( System, Product , Packaging, Post ) artinya : 1. kami mempersiapkan sistem dari profile sampai dengan pembayaran 2. kami mempersiapkan puluhan ribu produk dari puluhan kategori yang siap untuk dijual 3. kami mempersiapkan operasional mulai dari call center, pengemasan barang, stok barang sampai dengan pelabelan barang 4. kami mempersiapkan pengiriman produk , langsung sampai tujuan customer. So, dengan potensi yang luar biasa, market yang besar dan yang paling penting sampai saat ini masih sulit menemui kompetitor, kami yakin di tangan individu yang tepat ( senior, professional, berkarakter, network yang luas ) , pasti produk ini akan bombastis.. Jika anda adalah individu ter...
online store dengan konsep multi vendor yang siap digunakan untuk berbelanja secara online.
Saya ingin membuat Aplikasi Ebook untuk Android saya berikan contoh " "
membuat aplikasi spt medsos dan chat. dan applikasi dpt di download d google play dan apps store
Hello partsgr12. My skills: Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL PHP, JScript Pentaho (PDI, PSW, PRD, CDE) Saiku Analytics
Salam kenal, Saya Adam dari Madfal Studio, ini list game Madfal Studio sebelumnya : saya ingin mengajak collab 2D Artist untuk membuat game dengan tema ramadhan yang sebentar lagi.. :) jadi kita Share revenue 50:50 untuk jenis art nya yg flat unyu2 :3 semacam ini : jika berkanan bisa langsung contact saya di : super terima kasih
ada yang pernah menggunakan amy theme?
...utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka free...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka free...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
proyek ini adalah proyek bebas. di proyek ini bisa dilakukan proses marketing apapun. barang yang djual apa saja boleh, bebas yang penting jelas. bagi yang mau menjual prodak boleh langsung konfirm, setelah itu akan dicarikan customer. anda yg menjual produk tidak perlu repot2 memasarkan, anda hanya tinggal duduk manis sambil menunggu penjual menawar produk anda.
ingin membuat store yg bisa bebas menjual apa saja. saya hanya mengatur toko dan yg mau menjual barang siapapun boleh. saya tidak ikut andil dalam pemasaran, saya hanya menyiapkan pasar untuk yg mau transaksi jual beli barang. barang yang dijual belikan bebas, apapun bisa diperjual belikan disini. tnpa ada batas ketentuan. dan saya bisa dapat beberapa % dari transaksi tersebut.
membuat web store seindah mungkin, senyaman mungkin serta seringan mungkin. agar para calon pembeli dapat memilih barang senyaman mungkin serta membuka web secepat dan seringan mungkin
melayani para konsumen yang membutuhkan jasa sponsor2 secara online 24jam non stop.. silahkan hubungi jika berminat
...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...
...collection, and transmission of data from BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices. The app must be compatible with both Android and iOS and include an admin portal for user management and monitoring. The project should include hosting recommendations and full submission to the App Store and Google Play. Core Features & Requirements 1. User Interface & Onboarding • Splash Screen: A branded introductory screen displayed when the app is launched. • Terms & Conditions (T&Cs): A mandatory agreement page where users must accept the terms before proceeding. • User Registration & Login: o Email-based sign-up and login (optional social login). o Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security (if required). o User roles (e.g., Admin, Standard Us...
I'm in need of an expert to enhance both my Laravel backend and Flutter mobile app. Laravel Backend Enhancements: - New Features: I need improvements in user management as well as data analytics capabilities. - Performance Improvements: The current performance level is not satisfactory. It needs to be optimized for better speed and efficiency. - Bug Fixes: There are some existing issues that need to be resolved. Flutter Mobile App Enhancements: - UI/UX Improvements: The app's interface needs to be more user-friendly and visually appealing. - New Functionalities: I need the addition of some new features to keep the app engaging and competitive. - Bug Fixes: Similar to the backend, there are some bugs that need to be fixed. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proficiency in ...
We are seeking a Senior Python Developer to design, develop, and optimize backend services for a high-performance web application. The ideal should have expertise in FastAPI or similar Python frameworks, experience with MongoDB or equi...understanding of MongoDB (or similar NoSQL databases like DynamoDB, CouchDB, etc.). ● Proficiency with RESTful API design, WebSockets, and asynchronous programming. ● Experience with authentication and security protocols (JWT, OAuth2, OpenID Connect). ● Familiarity with Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD pipelines. ● Knowledge of cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Azure is a big plus. ● Prefer to have experience with reference date (Asset data services) ● Familiarity with popular Python frameworks such as Django, Flask or Pyr...
We are looking for a skilled developer to integrate MoveMusic REST APIs into a simple front-end interface. The goal is to create a functional web-based platform that allows users to manage music distribution, including artist and track management, authentication, and digital music delivery. Project Scope...authentication, artist profiles, track uploads, and distribution. User Authentication: Implement JWT-based authentication to manage user sessions. Artist & Track Management: Enable users to create, update, and manage artist profiles and music tracks. File Uploading: Implement an upload mechanism for music files using signed URLs. Distribution Management: Integrate features for track releases and music store distribution. Financial Reports: Fetch and display financial statemen...
Sila Dafter atau Log masuk untuk melihat butiran.
...and enhance our existing analytics dashboard that processes revenue and expense data for mobile applications. Project Overview: - Dashboard processes CSV revenue files and Excel expense files - Combines data to gen erate comprehensive reports - Uses React.js with Material UI for frontend - Handles multiple file formats and data transformations Technical Requirements: 1. Strong experience with: - React.js - Material UI (MUI) - Excel/CSV file processing (, Papa Parse) - JavaScript/ES6+ - Git version control 2. Must be able to: - Understand existing codebase - Debug data processing issues - Add new features - Optimize performance - Ha...
...should be able to share their experiences and opinions about the books. - Secure Payment Gateway: A robust, secure, and user-friendly payment system is crucial to ensure safe transactions. - Search and Filter Options: These features should allow customers to easily navigate and find their desired books. - User Wishlist: Allow users to save books to their wishlist for future purchase. Special Book Store Features: - E-book Integration: The site and app should support E-book sales and downloads. - Author Profiles: Each book should feature a profile of its author, including a biography and other works. - School-wise Set of Books: A unique feature where books are categorized based on school curriculums. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in e-commerce...
...collect ad data and display it on a dashboard. The tool should allow me to apply filters such as: • Keyword/Term Search • Landing Page URL • Date Range • Ad Type (Image, Video, Carousel, etc.) • Language • Country Key Features: 1. API Integration: Fetch real-time ad data from Facebook & TikTok Ads Libraries. 2. Dashboard UI: A clean, user-friendly interface to view and filter data. 3. Filtering System: Apply advanced filters to find specific ads. 4. Data Export: Ability to download filtered data in CSV/Excel. 5. Ad Preview: Show ad creatives, captions, and engagement metrics. 6. Login System: Secure access with user authentication. Tech Stack Preference: • Backend: Python (FastAPI) / Node.js •...
Unable to login to admin panel for opencart. shows blank page. Need fix. site hosted on AWS. I need access to admin panel.
...Address and Delivery Rules: • Cuban Vendors: • Must provide city and state details. • Specify if products are available for delivery, pickup, or both. • If offering delivery, vendors must set delivery rates and specify cities they can serve (as there are no internal delivery companies in Cuba). • U.S.-Based Vendors: • Must integrate with FedEx, UPS, and USPS for shipping rate calculations from their store to the admin warehouse. • Ship products to the admin warehouse within a specified timeframe. • Manage Listings and Orders: • Vendors can upload products, manage inventory, and view sales reports in their dashboard. • Orders must be shipped to the admin warehouse (or prepared for delivery) as per the timeline. Key Features: •...
I'm looking for an experienced IoT mobile app developer who can create a feature-rich IoT control app for both Android and iOS. This app will connect to various IoT devices such as smart switches, water pump controllers, and fan controllers. Also need to build the framework for the microcontroller. So the app can control smart devices. Core functionalities: - Device Control: Users should be able to operate their IoT devices through the app. - Status Monitoring: The app should provide real-time updates on the status of connected devices. - Configuration Setup: Users should be able to set up and configure their devices by scanning a QR code. Design: The app should have a feature-rich design, providing users with an intuitive yet comprehensive interface. ...
...operating system that encompasses various functionalities, including: - Accounting and finance management - Inventory and supply chain management - Field Service - Subcontractor Management - Manufacturing - Shipping - Product Movement - Material take offs - Estimating and Bidding - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for tracking customer interactions and sales - Comprehensive reporting and analytics for real-time business insights - Document management system for storing and retrieving project documents - Procurement management for purchasing goods and services efficiently - Project management tools including Gantt charts, task assignments, and progress tracking - Quality control features to ensure product and service standards are met The system should be user-friendly and...
I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to create a modern and sleek real estate website for me. The site should include: Key Pages: - Home page - About Us - Contact Us - IDX Feed - Lead capture page - Property search page Lead Capture Form: The lead capture form should be able to: - Send Email notifications - Store leads in a CRM - Send automated responses Ideal skills for this project include experience with IDX integration, web development, CRM setup, and creating lead capture forms. A portfolio showcasing modern and sleek website designs will be highly advantageous.
...optimize the management of a law firm. The project has already undergone partial development, and the goal is to extend and complete the system based on existing work. ? Project Description The CRM aims to: ✅ Automate administrative, legal, and accounting tasks. ✅ Centralize case management, payments, and document handling. ✅ Improve communication between lawyers, clients, and administrators. ✅ Ensure data security and GDPR compliance. ✅ Provide analytical tracking of the firm’s performance. ? Development Status The project has already been partially developed, with the backend architecture and some core features implemented. The current codebase includes a .NET 8 Web API backend and a VueJS frontend. The developer will need to review the existing work, integr...
I'm looking for a qualified professional to help set up my Shopify store and manage my Google Ads campaign with the primary goal of increasing website traffic. Additionally, I need assistance importing my existing product listings into the new store. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a fully functional and optimized Shopify store. - Create Google Ads campaign focused on driving traffic to the store. - Import existing product listings from my previous store. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify store setup. - Expertise in managing Google Ads. - Skills in data import and management. - SEO knowledge and digital marketing experience. The project needs to be completed by 1 day.
Elegance Homes is a fast-growing short-t...and video editing tools (e.g., Canva, CapCut, Adobe tools). Monitor trends in the short-term rental and travel industry to create relevant and timely content. Assist in managing and updating our website (basic knowledge of website management is a plus). Plan and implement paid ad campaigns to drive bookings and increase visibility. Track and analyze social media performance using insights and analytics tools to optimize content. Engage with the audience, respond to comments, and build an active community around Elegance Homes. The intern should focus mainly on Instagram and Facebook to enhance our digital presence. The expected duration of the internship is 3 months. The intern should focus on boosting engagement rates on our social media ...