Average rates proofing 100 word documentpekerjaan
Buku semasa saya ialah kira-kira 30,000 perkataan, dengan belanjawan antara $2-$3 setiap 100 perkataan. Jika kita mendapati kerja bersama saling menguntungkan, belanjawan untuk projek masa depan akan meningkat dengan ketara. Saya akan memberikan anda garis besar buku terperinci, dan sumber yang boleh anda gunakan untuk penyelidikan tambahan, jika perlu. Pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan berkebun hidroponik adalah satu kelebihan. Saya sedang mencari seorang penulis yang berminat untuk menanam buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran tanpa tanah, dan yang boleh mengambil maklumat teknikal "cara" dan menyampaikannya dengan cara yang menarik dan menarik. Keperluan asas: ---Semestinya tiada plagiarisme ---Mestilah penutur asli Sepanyol dan mempunyai penguasaan tatabahasa Sepanyol dan...
Saya membutuhkan data mengenai donasi yang dilakukan pada 1 bidang (akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut) yang terlaksana selama 2018-2021 di Indonesia. Data berupa profil penyumbang, penerima, lokasi, jumlah, perusahaan, sumber dana, dll. Projek akan terlaksana dalam 1 bulan. Output Data berupa tabel .csv atau .xlsx excel document. Ideally you are indonesian, because the web scraping job is scraping indonesia news article,company website, and open source indonesia data provider.
1. Buat artikel sesuai content plan yg sdh dbuat 2. Jumlah 12 artikel per bulan. minimal 500kata. 3. Artikel source juga sudah disediakan 4. Tidak perlu mencari content visualnya (foto), cukup berikan textual dalam bentuk office word 5. Ada tiga kategori blog, masing2 buat 4 artikel tiap bulan (total 13/bln), yaitu : Leadership, Staff Development & management, self Development
Pemadam kebakaran HUT damkar ke 100 th. Pantang pulang sebelum padam
Membuat artikel tentang tema kampus sebanyak 100 artikel 1000 kata
Dibutuhkan penulis artikel SEO dengan niche social media. Minimal 1 Artikel terdapat 500 kata. Artikel boleh tentang apa saja yang menyangkut sosial media. Baik itu tips, trik, tutorial, artikel viral, dll. (Dilengkapi gambar) Sosial media : Fb, IG, Twitter, YT
Topik: Berita Indonesia Update Bahasa: Indonesia Panjang artikel (kata): kurang lebih 100 kata Judul: 3-8 kata Isi: maks 10 kalimat, tiap kalimat maks 8 kata * materi tulisan diusahakan di riset terlebih dahulu di google trend
1. Saya akan beri contoh komen yang akan digunakan. 2. Anda copy dan paste di ruangan komen2 post yang juga saya berikan dan anda cadangkan (yang relevan) 3. Copy link post yang telah dikomen tadi dan masukkan ke dalam Ms Excel 4. Email kepada kami laporan tersebut 5. Kami bayar RM30 untuk setiap 100 komen yg siap terus ke akaun anda!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
I need an iPhone/iPad app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Freelance side income Available only Malaysia Available only can speak Malaysia Jutawan App hebat! Duit masuk tak henti-henti dalam bank, kejap 100 kejap 200. Mana datang pun tak tau. Rupa-rupanya begitu mudah sebenarnya buat duit di dunia ini. Formulanya hanya satu– gunakan aplikasi ajaib ini sahaja! Itu saja... Kalau you all masih baru dalam dunia Internet ini. Nasihat saya ialah untuk mendengar dan mengikuti Mohd Afiq Danial ini. Tunggu apa lagi, dapatkan sekarang!
Pick up document from Malacca (Lot 5, Batu Berendam Free Trade Zone Phase III, Batu Berendam, 75350 Melaka, Malaysia) send to No 578 , Jalan Idaman 3/7 Taman Desa Idaman 81400 Senai Johor Malaysia
Membutuhkan seseorang yang dapat merubah macro dari microsoft office pada word, ke libre office pada linux. Fungsi macro yang sudah di buat di microsoft office adalah menambahkan garis horisontal pada tempat kosong di sebelah kanan tulisan, dan penambahan garis vertikal pada sebelah kiri tulisan. Macro pada microsoft office sudah berfungsi 100% dan kita ingin agar bisa berjalan juga di libre office pada linux.
Halo corneliadebora, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan kepada Anda untuk proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan semua detail melalui obrolan. maf saya org baru... apa ...atau kk berasal dari indonesia... saya hanya kurang mengerti,,, setiap saya menawar sesuatu ,,, apa yg harus saya lakukan contohnya tugas yg satu ini Deskripsi Proyek in hiring of data entry contractor to convert pdf files to word documents via manually typing. I will send you the pdf formated text.rn In this project you convert pdf (****20 lac pages of word.1000 word type each page) to a word document.rn Info about text: rn* conversion difficulty level: medium rn* text does not have images - only text apa cuma data pdf... yang harus saya ketik kembali,,, ke word ...
Translate Belarusian 1250 word stucture site
membantu mengisikan data data word excel, dan membuatkan presentasi untuk powerpoint adar lebih menarik
Mengubah atau mengetik ke dalam Program Ms. Word yang berawal dari PDF, PowerPoint, dll. Segala hal tentang mengetik saya suka
Lulusan S1 Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, lancar menggunakan Exel, Word, dan sebagainya. mempunyai akses interner 24 Jam.
membuat filling document supaya tidak ada kehilangan,dan membuat rapi data perusahaan didalam satu folder
saya bisa mengerjakan inpput data entry di ecxel ataupun word, saya bisa mengerjakan pekerjaan yg saudara berikan kepada saya
mentalah 100$ wegasdhgfjhgjkojhogbds'g'dugdhjs;guydiojhgnajgdbo;jaogpijdgl;khg;djfgpdugpidjg'pdsihgn'p;djgpd[s]iuhjgdpsk;gjn'dshg'[dsuhgpdskg[adjshgaidshg[jadg[pihdpgikapgju[aijg[djgh[fhgsdgkadg]ohdghj[dogjhpdngdngl'dngagadgd
saya membutuhkan asisten virtual pribadi yang siap mengurusi -sebuah blog portofolio kecil, berbasis wordpress -pengurusan pesanan (order) dari blog tersebut - kebutuhan personal saya sendiri seperti : pembelian online mencari informasi di internet pemesanan barang/taxi/hotel/transport dll. Saya mencari asisten yang mengerti dasar2 Wordpress, excel, word, dan terbiasa mengurusi bagian asistensi klien terima kasih
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
Islamic Quranic poster ( surah Al mulk ) & same content on 4 page pdf the poster will have introduction and notes & hadith about Surah Al mulk at top ~ then all 30 ayats in beautiful format with special reading transliteration (( under each quranic word will be the transliteration in english small words but these will be in reading order right to left *pls see attached example ) the poster must be beautiful with Islamic style art around border - clean artistic fresh modern look fonts to be all formatted and align to perfection the same content must be put on 4 page doc (1 page intro hadith and notes which i will provide ) the 10 ayahs on each page ( 3 pages ) this will also need to be beautiful file format to be specified shortly ( pdf / etc ) will nee...
segala sesuatunya akan dijelaskan melalui mesenger
...project, which will require translators in many languages. I NEED THREE TRANSLATORS PER EACH LANGUAGE (Translation will be mostly English to "language"). If you see the language that you speak on the list, please email me a short message with your rates and your name, like this: Albanian -- John Doe -- .05 per word SEND TO: Helena@quicktranslationsolutions FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, so don’’t wait: the three first translators will be evaluated first--I will be contacting you next week. There is still a selection process involved (your credential, rates, etc.), but we'll start with the first three. LANGUAGES: Albanian Amharic Arabic Burmese Farsi (Persian, Dari) French Hindi Hmong Ilocano Japanese Marshallese Nepale...
...job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kri...
nak ea pending oder buy stop dan sell stop serentak yang boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell...boleh set stat price contoh stat price 123.000, jarak dari stat price boleh adjust contoh 10pip 123.100 buy stop 122.90 sell stop,layer buy stop dan sell stop boleh adjust contoh boleh set buy stop 20 layer sell stop 20 layer ,kemudian jarak diantara buystop dari layer ke layer boleh adjust begitu juga sell stop, kemudian boleh set take away profit jika pending oder terbuka boleh set profit contoh 100 ea akan close semua ...
Yang berdekatan dengan pembuatan dan pengelompokkan data, mengetik, pemasukan data excel. Membawa, memberikan dan memberitahu hasil dari data secara rahasia, mencari informasi dan melakukan web search.
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
saya menginginkan entri / input data ke dalam microsof office excel,..... dan mengedit data dalam ms word
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
"MESIN PENCACAH KOMPOS Fungsi : - Mesin ini berfungsi untuk mencacah berbagai bahan (non food) untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos, dll. Spesifikasi : - Kapasitas : 500kg/jam - Dimensi (pxlxt) : 1000 x 600 x 1000 mm - Material Rangka : Mild Steel UNP 100 - Material Body : Plate SPHD 3 mm - Penggerak : Diesel 16 PK Dong Feng - Bahan Bakar : Solar - Finishing : Cat"
...dengan job ke-2 pekerjaan ke-2, update product baik menghapus product out of stock, menambahkan product baru ataupun menambahkan deskripsi / diskon pada product apabila dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteri...
...leads. Target Audience - My target audience is quite diverse. It includes various age groups and genders, with a wide range of interests and behaviors. Additionally, they are located across different regions and hold various occupations. Tone & Style - The campaign should be professional yet approachable, striking a balance that appeals to a broad audience. Deliverables - A detailed strategy document outlining the campaign's different components. - Suggested content for various platforms, tailored to engage the target audience. - Key performance indicators to measure the success of the campaign. Additional Notes - I have a flexible budget and am open to investing in this project to ensure its success. - I would appreciate timely updates and communication throughout...
Job Post: E-Guide Designer Needed (1-Day Project) Project Title:Design a Beautiful and Professional E-Guide for The Inner Child Sanctuary Description: I am looking for a skilled and creative designer to transform my completed e-guide into a visually appealing, professional, and engaging document. The guide, titled "The Inner Child Sanctuary: A Practical Guide to Healing with Compassion," is approximately [insert number of pages/word count] and needs to align with the themes of healing, compassion, and self-discovery. Tasks: the provided guide content to understand the structure and themes. Create a cohesive, professional layout with consistent formatting (headings, fonts, colors). an eye-catching cover page that reflects the themes of the guide. readability wi...
I'm seeking a professional photographer for our reunion in East Troy, Wisconsin. The event will take place in a combination of indoor and outdoor settings. Key Responsibilities: - Capture group photos throughout the event - Candid shots to document the day - Portraits of attendees upon request - Video coverage of a music performance, broken down into multiple short clips Ideal Skills: - Experience in event photography and videography - Ability to capture candid moments and group photos - Proficiency in shooting and editing short video clips - Good communication skills for coordinating with attendees Please include samples of your previous work in similar settings.
...expertise in training and fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) and integrating advanced Text-to-Speech (TTS) APIs. Responsibilities: Train and fine-tune large language models (LLMs) for specific use cases. Implement and optimize Text-to-Speech (TTS) solutions for high-quality output. Collaborate on project requirements and deliverables. Troubleshoot and debug AI/ML-related challenges. Document and present the project outcomes. Requirements: Proven experience in training and fine-tuning LLMs (e.g., GPT, BERT, or similar). Proficiency in using Text-to-Speech APIs like Google TTS, Amazon Polly, or similar. Programming skills in Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or equivalent frameworks. Experience with data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment. Excellent probl...
I'm looking for an experienced Pine Script programmer to create a version 6 code for TradingView. This code will implement the following: - Draw a Simple Moving Average (SMA) with a period of 20 on the main chart (overlay = true). - Draw two Exponential Moving Averages (EMA), one with a period of 5 and another with a period of 25, below the main chart (overlay = false). - Draw an upward arrow if one the the two conditions was fulfilled: a. If the last closed candle's EMA(5) has crossed above EMA(25) while the closing price of that candle is already above the SMA(20), or b. If the closing price of the last closed candle is above the SMA(20) while the EMA(5) of that closed candle is above EMA(25). The default colors for the indicators are: - EMA(5): Blue - EMA(25): Ora...
I am seeking a skilled designer/engineer to improve the functionality and visuals of a waist belt for running with a dog. The primary focus is on creating a more secure fit and developing a better leash attachment mechanism and also visuals. Key Areas of Focus: - Design a waist belt that fits securely during various activities, from urban runs to hiking on...a superior leash attachment mechanism that enhances the belt's usability and reliability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Product design experience, particularly with outdoor or athletic gear. - Strong understanding of functionality-focused design. - Proven track record of creating secure and durable products. - Experience with designing for urban, trail, and park environments. Please see the document attached below. Re...
Looking to move the following website from Wordpress to SquareSpace. I already have an established site on Wordpress, with links displayed on search engines like Google or Pinterest. So, we need to make sure that if someone clicks a link to an old page, they’re going to end up on the appropriate post page on the new website.
...and ensuring a tailored approach to each sales opportunity. Follow up consistently with leads, guiding them through the decision-making process and closing deals successfully. Collaborate with the marketing team to align outreach efforts with product developments and promotional strategies. Track and monitor sales performance, analyzing metrics to optimize your approach and increase conversion rates. Requirements: Proven experience in sales (preferably within the Forex, financial products, or technology space). Strong ability to engage, negotiate, and close sales with high-level institutional clients. Exceptional communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to present complex products in an accessible and compelling way. Highly motivated, results-oriented, and...
...**Sections:** - **Header:** Displays the College Name, Location, and Accreditation information. - **Image Slider:** Large carousel featuring images of the campus, facilities, and events. - **Tabs for Information:** - **Courses Offered:** Lists all courses with eligibility and fees. - **Fees Structure:** Table format showing detailed fees. - **Placement Statistics:** Information on previous placement rates and top recruiters. - **Facilities:** Icons and descriptions for hostels, labs, libraries, and sports facilities. - **Reviews & Ratings:** User-generated reviews with a star rating system. - **Apply Now Button:** Large button at the top and bottom of the page, redirecting to the application form. --- #### **4. Course Information Page** **Sections:** - **Overview...
The format we gave you genarate document (look attached file below) in the same format, give promt to AI to make our new document in which we need to develop a new website. AI generates content but in the same format. Key Requirements: - The AI should generate textual content specifically for the Product/Service descriptions section of the website. - The tone of the content should be formal, suitable for a professional audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in using AI tools for content generation. - Excellent understanding of formal tone and style in writing. - Experience in web content creation, especially for Product/Service descriptions.
...the spreadsheet. - Type of Data: The extraction will only pertain to text data. - Structure: The text data in the PDFs is well-organized with clear sections, making the extraction process straightforward. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficient in data entry and spreadsheet management - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with PDF data extraction I have attached a sample PDF document and Spreadsheet with the first section of data already extracted from the PDF into the relevant worksheet. I have also created a video demonstrating what is required: :v:/g/personal/ceo_kurrajongnursinghome_com/EWhs_Gxl8zFIn42gq0CSv18BnrEmd1xb1HHyr2P8vA5eBg?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzIiwicmVmZXJyY
I'm in need of a professional with experience in PDF editing and creation. The project involves taking a document and making it into an interactive PDF. Key Requirements: - Data Entry: The project requires entering text data into the PDF. - Interactivity: The PDF needs to be interactive, featuring fillable text fields. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PDF editing software (e.g., Adobe Acrobat) - Detail-oriented with excellent data entry skills - Experience creating interactive PDFs - Able to ensure the final product is user-friendly and meets all specified requirements
...design. Only submit with your past work. check attached document I'm seeking a talented game designer to create a simple, yet captivating, helicopter game for mobile devices. This game will mirror the mechanics of Flappy Bird, with the main character navigating from left to right and overcoming various obstacles. Key aspects of the project include: - Aiming for a realistic graphic style - Implementing a control method based on touch gestures Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in mobile game design - A strong portfolio of realistic graphic style games - Proficiency in designing intuitive touch control systems for games Start your proposal with the word Helicopter Please refer to the attached document for further details. I...