Affiliate program pays dailypekerjaan
Upload program arduino yang sudah saya sediakan menggunakan laptop di lapangan kerja dan trial program domisil jakarta barat
Saya mahu bina inventori management system menggunakan Microsoft excel
Pembayaran fee berdasarkan jumlah peserta yang diperoleh dengan persentase
1) Kongsikan pautan affiliate satu mobile ecommerce seperti ini: pada media social seperti Facebook groups, Telegram groups dan lain-lain untuk dapat signup percuma.
memprediksi saham menggunakan algoritma genetika dan genetika adaptif
proyek penggajian pada karyawan swalayan, yang berisi data pada karyawan, seperti nik, nama, jabatan, jumlah hari masuk, hari kerja, masa kerja, gaji pokok, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan masa kerja, tunjangan makan, bonus, lembur, kas bon, potongan, denda dan lain-lain. serta sistem program absensi menggunakn sidik jari dan scan barcode (barcode tidak boleh di ketik manual di sistem) master user mencakup semua laporan karyawan
Daily reporting apps yang boleh update dan lihat report secara online guna apps, ada juga function untuk hantar report dan sedikit chart
Pembutan program dari bahasa pemerogaman c# misalnya : prohram absensi, program kasir dll
Write a trade copier for MT4, able to copy trade from demo to real, same broker, runs on VPS
Untuk membantu Sistem Informasi pembayaran apapun
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser d...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser d...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
Need 400 vote in facebook app... daily Reffal:
Saya mencari pakar php untuk membantu/lead/mengajar beberapa fungsi php contoh : cara nak bangunkan sistem affiliate. saya akan develop sepenuhnya dan jika ada masalah... saya akan terus rujuk kepada anda dan mengajar cara nak selesaikan semua masalah php sila PM saya untuk pertanyaan dan kepada sesiapa yang betul-betul berminat
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
Harap anda boleh bantu saya bina website affiliate program yg berasaskan iklan. Website tersebut adalah website pengiklanan seperti tetapi utk beriklan di situ, seseorg perlu daftar sebagai ahli dgn membayar yuran bulanan. Kemudian mereka boleh mencari downline utk beriklan di sana dan mendapat komisyen atas yuran bulanan downline tersebut. Di website mesti ada ruangan register dan log in ahli dan di ruangan ahli mesti boleh lihat senarai downline, profile peribadi, komisyen dan lain2. Setiap ahli boleh dpt referal link utk promosi kpd org lan. Then setiap bulan mereka harus renew yuran tersebut. Jika tidak iklan akan disekat. Boleh kah anda bantu saya. Boleh bg contoh template yg sesuai. Saya nk sebut harga. Hosting kena cari sendiri atau mcm mana?
We are an event company that is looking for people to work for us full time and part time. We offer attractive daily/weekly/monthly salary based on which position you are looking for. We also offer contracts for people who are looking for long term part time jobs. Part Time Promoter We have event constantly every weekend so we need a lot of profile for part time promoters. Promoters usually do sampling at shopping malls. We also have interesting adhoc event that we manage other than sampling. We manage events for F&B company and we have varieties of brands that we are working on currently. Full Time Promoter This position is offered to people who are looking for a relax jobs where they do not have to be in the office all the time. Schedule will be given one week ahead f...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
Dengan membayar Rp80.000,- kita sudah bisa berbisnis dengan cara bershodakoh hanya saja kita harus rajin menyebarkan brosur untuk orang-orang membacanya carannya mudah sms layanan kami 0877 3161 5563
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
Daily: Posting minimal 3 Thread per hari kerja (Thread yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai Hot Thread) Sundul Forum Thread KasKus 3x sehari. Menanggapi posting thread. Buat 3 kalimat promosi, sapaan untuk posting ke forum dan website.
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
PROGRAM BENGKEL, untuk bengkel yang memrlukan program untuk pengadaan spare part dan lain-lain dan juga dapat mendata baran apa yang kurang dan lebih
...dibutuhkan pada 2 website , dengan jenis product yg sama perbedaannya adalah web pertama ditujukan untuk retail dengan jumlah product yang byk (product pada job ke-1) web lainnya ditujukan kepada resell, hanya bbrp puluh sampai 100 product (bisa saya masukan sendiri apabila freelancer tidak bersedia) seharusnya job-2 ini mudah, plg hanya membutuhkan waktu 30mnt / hari (sabtu minggu libur) mengingat daily product baru dan out of stocknya tidak seberapa byk, usually hanya 10-30 product budget untuk job ke-2 ini adalah 300rb/bulan, kl ada yg mau lebih rendah jg boleh =p , pembayaran melalui bca/mandiri , kriteria yang saya perlukan adalah : -jujur, dan tidak merusak isi website -mau menerima kedua job tanpa memilih salah 1 -pengetahuan dasar pada pengoperasian browser dan browsin...
I'm seeking a talented and creative web developer and writer to help me set up a personal blog. The blog will primarily focus on sharing my daily life experiences. Key Responsibilities: - Create a user-friendly, engaging blog site - Write casual and conversational content based on my daily life - Include multimedia elements to enrich the content Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web development and design - Content creation and blogging - Understanding of casual, conversational writing style
mi serve un EXSPERT advisor che deve riuscire a bloccare un altro EXSPERT advisor dopo aver raggiunto un determinato profitto giornaliero . I need an EXSPERT advisor who must be able to block another EXSPERT advisor after reaching a certain daily profit .
I am looking for a skilled developer to create a program that extracts text from Korean, Japanese, or Chinese comics and translates it using external AI services via APIs. This program will act as a bridge, utilizing existing AI tools for text recognition and translation. Key Features: Text Extraction: Extract text from comic files, including speech bubbles, captions, and annotations. Handle various formats such as scanned images, PDFs, and digital comics (e.g., PNG, JPG, WEBP, ePUB). Translation Integration: Use APIs from AI-based services (e.g., Google Translate, DeepL, OpenAI GPT) for translating the extracted text. Ensure seamless integration with third-party AI services. Supported Input Formats: Image files: PNG, JPG, WEBP. Document files: PDF, scanned images, DOC. ...
...Hours Available between 10 AM and 7 PM EST. Compensation $2–5/hour Job Description We are looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to manage scheduling and booking requests for our music and tutoring business. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills, strong communication abilities, and the initiative to handle tasks independently. Responsibilities: Daily Tasks Check and respond to booking requests. Update and maintain the calendar with confirmed appointments. Send appointment reminders to clients. Handle rescheduling or cancellations promptly. Weekly Tasks Review the upcoming week’s schedule for conflicts or gaps. Prioritize bookings for high-value clients. Provide a summary of all scheduled sessions and pending request...
I need a Python-based web scraper to collect comprehensive product information from various Australian websites including , , , , and The specific data points I need include: - Product names and prices - Product descriptions and reviews - Product availability and stock levels - Images The scraped data should be delivered in a JSON format on a daily basis. Ideal skills and experience for this project: - Proficiency in Python, particularly in web scraping libraries such as BeautifulSoup and Scrapy - Experience in scraping e-commerce sites - Knowledge of JSON and data structuring - Ability to set up a daily automated scraping task Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. loaded, such as chassis, trim, color, model, make, year, and other information that goes in the forms. After filling out the forms, the user must select a day on the calendar to be able to carry out the physical inspection of their vehicle on a calendar that will show the available days and that is configurable for the ADMIN. It must also include a Payment Gateway for Stripe so that the user pays the service fee before selecting the appointment on the calendar. The option of payment on delivery will also be given in order to complete the process of filling out the forms. The Dealer user will have the same permissions but can register more than 1 vehicle regardless of the quantity. The Technical user will have the function of checking the Appointment calendar and when enterin...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional to run an affiliate Google Ads campaign for my website, WarriorPlus. The primary objective is to generate sales and leads for various digital products listed on the site. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with affiliate Google Ads - Ability to show past campaign results - Familiarity with digital products - Skills in targeting and optimizing ads for lead generation Please note, the target audience for these digital products has not been specifically defined, so flexibility and creativity in ad targeting will be crucial.
I am seeking a skilled web developer with expertise in the MERN stack. The project involves creating an innovative health tracker website that isn't already existing, but shares some similar elements. The website should incorporate the following core features: - Activity Logging: Users should be able to log their daily activities, from physical exercise to dietary habits. - Health Metrics Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard that visualizes users' health metrics over time. - Personal Goal Setting: A feature that allows users to set and track their personal health goals. This description is given by only You may change the topic by yourself. What I want is a mern stack project that uses certain good functionalities but is not the exact something which is ex...
I am in need of an Administrative Assistant who is fluent in German for email management and correspondence tasks. The ideal candidate should possess the following skills and experience: - Fluent in German - Proficient...correspondence tasks. The ideal candidate should possess the following skills and experience: - Fluent in German - Proficient in email platforms such as Wordpress, Jira, Outlook, and Hupspot - Excellent communication skills - Strong organizational skills - Ability to manage and prioritize tasks efficiently The Administrative Assistant will be responsible for managing and responding to emails on a daily basis, as well as scheduling appointments and organizing files as needed. The candidate should be able to work independently and possess a high level of attention ...
I need a tool that can clean my computer from junk files and cookies, cache, etc Desired Programming Language: C# (preferred) * Do not bid if you have under 3 reviews, you will be ignored * Need Source Code when Job is Complete, After any Bug fixes, and Updates * Milestone release upon completion of project & is bug free. * Please post "I've read everything" when applying, so I'll know you actually read this and give you priority response. * I'm looking for best deal possible.
Step 1: Key Variables Include the following inputs and calculations: Dates: Check-Out and Check-In Pricing: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, 3-Month Rates Charges: Fuel Surcharge, Damages, Cancellation Fee Mileage: Allowance, Actual Mileage, Excess Mileage Charge Payment: Deposit, Payment Amount, Card Fee Outputs: Total Cost, Refund/Outstanding Amount Step 2: Excel Layout Design an Excel sheet with the following structure: Description Input Formula/Explanation Check-Out Date 01/10/2025 User input Check-In Date 01/25/2025 User input Rental Duration (Days) =B3-B2 Rental Type Daily/Weekly/Monthly/3-Month Dropdown using Data Validation Daily Rate $50 User input Weekly Rate $300 User input Monthly Rate $1,000 User input 3-Month Rate $2,800 User input Rental Cost Formula depends ...
...highly motivated and detail-oriented individual for the role of Internet Link Poster. The primary responsibility is to post specific links all across the internet on a variety of websites, forums, platforms, and communities. You must find suitable locations to post these links and ensure they are relevant, well-placed, and stay permanently online. Only links that remain live will count toward your daily target of 160 links. This full-time position will become easier with practice as you learn to identify the best posting opportunities efficiently. Key Responsibilities 1. Posting Links Across the Internet: You are responsible for posting links on different websites and platforms every day, including but not limited to: Online forums and communities. Blog comment sections and arti...
...highly motivated and detail-oriented individual for the role of Internet Link Poster. The primary responsibility is to post specific links all across the internet on a variety of websites, forums, platforms, and communities. You must find suitable locations to post these links and ensure they are relevant, well-placed, and stay permanently online. Only links that remain live will count toward your daily target of 160 links. This full-time position will become easier with practice as you learn to identify the best posting opportunities efficiently. Key Responsibilities 1. Posting Links Across the Internet: You are responsible for posting links on different websites and platforms every day, including but not limited to: Online forums and communities. Blog comment sections and arti... of Virtual Assistants (VAs), manage tasks and deadlines, and assist with executive-level administrative responsibilities. This role requires excellent communication, leadership, and multitasking skills. Key Responsibilities: Project Management: Oversee and coordinate the daily activities of a team of VAs. Track project progress, assign tasks, and ensure deadlines are met. Use project management tools such as Asana, Trello, or ClickUp. Executive Support: Manage my calendar, schedule meetings, and organize daily priorities. Respond to emails, draft correspondence, and maintain organized records. Team Leadership: Act as a point of contact for the VA team. Monitor performance and provide constructive feedback to ensure quality work. Reporting & Updates: Provide r...
Seeking Leads: Professional Commercial and Industrial Cleaning Services As the owner of multiple cleaning businesses serving Greater Vancouver and Alberta, I am actively seeking leads for businesses in need of reliable, high-quality cleaning services. What We Offer: Specialized Cleaning Services: Expert daily maintenance, deep cleaning, and post-event cleaning for office buildings, retail spaces, and industrial facilities. Eco-Friendly Solutions: We prioritize sustainability by using eco-conscious products and environmentally responsible practices. Professional Expertise: Our highly trained, flexible team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results tailored to each client’s unique needs. If you have leads or know of businesses in these regions requiring top-tier clea...
I need help with my WHMCS billing software. I have already set up the software and the Affiliate page, but I'm struggling to create and place the proper "Affiliate Sign Up" links. Additionally, I would appreciate suggestions for improving my affiliate program. Key Tasks: - Create and place affiliate sign-up links - Suggest improvements for the affiliate program - Ensure all existing affiliate links work correctly - Match the design of the links with my website's current theme Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with WHMCS billing software - Strong knowledge of affiliate program setups - Web design skills to match existing theme
I am in need of a skilled web scraper who can collect product information from 6 to 10 different websites on a daily basis. Key Requirements: - Daily web scraping of product data from multiple websites - Delivery of scraped data in a structured format - Ability to manage and handle data from multiple sources Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and software - Strong data analysis skills - Experience in handling large data sets Please note, this is a daily task and requires consistency and reliability.
We're a real estate company seeking an expert photo editor with a quick turnaround time. We have an in-house photographer, but the demand for high-quality edited photos has outstripped our current capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Edit 50-75 photos per job, typically received daily - Color correction and lighting adjustment - Lens correction and straightening lines - Enhance images to attract clients and potential buyers Requirements: - Expertise in Lightroom or equivalent cutting-edge software - Experience in real estate photo editing preferred - Ability to deliver within a 24-hour timeframe We're open to your professional suggestions for style and presets. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly if you have experience with real estate photo...
...Installation and Initial Setup: Install the Frezka salon management system on our server. Configure the system to operate under our brand name, Lotus Flower. Ensure proper integration and functionality for multiple branches. Customization Requirements: Expense Management: Add a module to track and manage expenses for each salon branch separately. The module should: Allow branch managers to input daily/weekly/monthly expenses. Provide expense reporting for each branch. Stock Management System: Enhance the system to track service-related stock usage. The module should: Maintain a stock inventory for each branch. Automatically deduct stock quantities after a service is completed and billed (e.g., deduct 200 mg of protein from a 1000 mg stock after a hair protein service). Provide ...
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can help me build a comprehensive report showing Actuals vs Budget vs FC vs PY. The report will primarily serve as a financial overview tool and needs to be updated daily. Key requirements include: - Proficient in Excel with advanced skills in data analysis and visualization. - Experience working with internal databases and external data feeds. - Ability to understand and interpret financial data. - Capability to create automated daily updates for the report. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...products such as period underwear, period swimwear, menstrual cups and reusable pads. We are have a team of over 10 young people, who are passionate about what we do, and we are looking for someone talented like you! We are looking for a person who can manage our Meta Ads campaigns. An advanced level of knowledge is required. Some of the tasks that will need to be done are the following: - Daily optimization of the meta ads manager & scaling. - KPIs reporting (weekly and monthly). - UGC management for the videos we will use as ads. - Competitor analysis so we can look for way of improving. All the tasks to be performed include a previous training so that you know how and when you have to perform the tasks. We need a versatile person who can adapt to the tasks we ne...
I'm currently facing limitations with outgoing emails on Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). Specifically, I have low sending limits which are causing delivery issues. I need assistance with the following: - Setting up a new Google Workspace account that has a higher sending capacity. - Optimizing this account to meet my daily email requirements. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Google Workspace, particularly in resolving email sending issues. A deep understanding of Google’s email policies and limitations is crucial. Excellent communication skills, patience and a problem-solving mindset are also key to ensuring a smooth and efficient process.