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Jhonatan Erick V.



Software developer

$35 USD / Jam
Bolivia (11:34 PG)
Menyertai pada Disember 1, 2017
$35 USD / Jam
My name is Jhonatan Erick Villanueva Zubieta. I'm software developer with more than 10 years of experience. I've worked with many languages like JavaScript, python. java, c#. I used many framework/libraries like node.js, typescript, angularjs, jquery, angular-material, bootstrap, express, mongodb, MySQL, postgresql, react js with redux and material-ui. I've worked more with JavaScript both front-end and back-end, more de 8 years. Also, I worked in OS linux, raspbian. I speak Spanish. English intermediate I have an account in github as jinvillaz and linkedin with my full name.
Perubahan disimpan
4.7 · 8 Reviews
Jumpseller $800 USD
Jhonatan es un profesional muy responsable y dedicado al proyecto. Excelente comunicación y profesionalismo demostrado.
Johanna S.
Santiago, Chile
4 tahun yang lalu
Jonathan es muy proactivo y entendio desde el principio la asignacion aceptando el reto de modificar la aplicacion sorteando las dificultades y corrigiendo cualquier detalle.
Nancy Q.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
4 tahun yang lalu
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Excellent developer, he met the requirement even encountering obstacles and complexities along the way. Good communication at all times. Great experience.
Moises Rafael M.
Huixquilucan, Mexico
4 tahun yang lalu
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Un gran profesional que fue muy rápido en su ejecución y muy atento con sus explicaciones. Se nota que tiene gran experiencia en su trabajo. Sin duda volveré a contar con el proyectos futuros.
Miquel R.
Paüls, Spain
4 tahun yang lalu
Avatar Pengguna
cambio stock $250 USD
Jonathan solucionó cada requerimiento, muy profesional y comprometido con su labor, lo recomiendo 100%
Guillermo U.
Iquique, Chile
4 tahun yang lalu
Freelancer fullstack developer
Dis, 2022 - Sekarang
1 tahun, 11 bulan
Dis, 2022 - Sekarang
1 tahun, 11 bulan
I worked with javascript, typescript, nodejs, reactjs.
Dis, 2022 - Sekarang
1 tahun, 11 bulan
Fullstack developer
Sep, 2021 - Okt, 2022
1 tahun, 1 bulan
Sep, 2021 - Okt, 2022
1 tahun, 1 bulan
• Work in JavaScript stack with Node.js, React, Redux, Mongo dB, and as language typescript, PostgreSQL, rabbitmq, puppeteer, and AWS for running the App. • Create rest API for integrating with the third party. • Create rest API for authentication with a bearer token and firebase. • Create microservices to keep updating the local database • Create logic to handle queue process with Rabitmq. • Integrate some local functionality. • Add coding standard with eslint, prettier and husky.
Sep, 2021 - Okt, 2022
1 tahun, 1 bulan
Senior fullstack developer
Mei, 2021 - Sep, 2021
3 bulan, 30 hari
Mei, 2021 - Sep, 2021
3 bulan, 30 hari
• Responsibilities include software development and direct communication with the client company. • Worked in JavaScript stack with Node.js, React, Redux, Mongo dB, and as language typescript. • Built components, views, and pages from Figma. • Integrated redux and services with Rest API. • Improved the quality of views with gatsby, React, and grahpql. • Added coding standard with eslint, prettier and husky. • Improved the unit test.
Mei, 2021 - Sep, 2021
3 bulan, 30 hari
Universidad Mayor de San Simón
2004 - 2012
8 tahun
Ingenieria de Sistemas
2004 - 2012
8 tahun
JavaScript - Level 1
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