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Carlos Augusto O.
Graphic designer, Visual communication specialist.
$15 USD / Jam
Venezuela (4:28 PG)
Menyertai pada Jun 22, 2015
$15 USD / Jam
Graphic Designer and professional illustrator passionate about the arts, with experience in the creative world for 13 years, he used design programs as a creative tool to develop concepts with global impact. always uniting the functional with the aesthetic so that each graphic project has an acceptance in the market
Among many knowledge that through experience and studies I have learned, I can offer you the following services. Design of:
* Logo * Web banner
* Illustrations * Triptychs
* Brochure * Posters
* Animamciones * Web advertising
* Press advertising * Magazine advertising
* Book Cover * Presentation card
* Object in 3D * Character design
* Wallpaper design * Birthday cards
* Wedding invitation * applications sample in actionscrip3.0
* And more