As a professional linguist with extensive experience in R programming and academic research, I am well-equipped to undertake your university project on text processing and corpora analysis. I have a solid understanding of statistical techniques such as Chi-square, Correspondence Analysis, Loglinear Analysis, and Logistic Regression, which are crucial for analyzing research questions related to the representation of women in magazines and the near synonymy of epistemic markers. I will meticulously apply these techniques to your annotated data, ensuring robust study designs and insightful interpretations of results.
Using LaTeX with the ACL conference template on Overleaf, I will craft concise and precise reports following the IMRaD structure. For the statistical analysis, I will document the R history to provide transparency and facilitate understanding in case of any issues. Additionally, I will carefully choose and analyze corpora from Davies BYU or Sketch Engine, conducting collocation studies tailored to the research questions at hand. My reports will include clear explanations of search terms and interpretations of results, focusing on relevance rather than exhaustive lists of collocates.
I am committed to upholding high standards of professionalism, ensuring language accuracy, and demonstrating proficiency in LaTeX formatting. By meeting these criteria, I aim to deliver exceptional quality work that meets your project requirements and exceeds academic expectations.