Menulis sebuah aplikasi Android
$900-2000 USD
Dibayar semasa penghantaran
Saya ingin membuat aplikasi seperti "grab bike dan grab car" (disatukan). Jika berkenan boleh hubungi saya.
Terimah kasih
ID Projek: #9270624
Tentang projek
21 pekerja bebas membida secara purata $1407 untuk pekerjaan ini
Hello Dear. I have already build many apps like app you want. I have experience with Social app Video/Radio app, Spy app, Guard patrol system based on Nfc Read/Write , Location trace based on GPS, Routing app based Lagi
Hi I would like to participate in developing your project. I think I have experience in Android projects. I have already developed Android apps. You might have read this in my profile. Please send me your detail r Lagi