Ruby and Java support

Ditutup Disiarkan 2 tahun lepas Dibayar semasa penghantaran
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Need job support in Ruby and Java experience in AWS

Daily 2/3 hours working

Est time zone

Monthly pay 20 to 30k rupee

Java Ruby on Rails Ruby Amazon Web Services Golang

ID Projek: #34180564

Tentang projek

10 cadangan Projek jarak jauh Aktif 2 tahun lepas

10 pekerja bebas membida secara purata ₹28550 untuk pekerjaan ini


Greeting, Dear client. I have read your job description carefully. It looks like you need and expert in web development to help you. As you can see on my reviews I have good experiences with ruby on rails. I can start Lagi

₹25000 INR dalam 7 hari
(2 Ulasan)

I can gurantree for good product. Hey I'm interested in your project, I have read out your requirements. We have 5+ year experience. We have worked on similar projects to What You are looking for. We Have A Variety of Lagi

₹25000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

Hi Greetings! I am available right now for the project discussion and can start the project on an immediate basis. I have understood your project requirement I have7++ experience in design and development. I can ha Lagi

₹37500 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

I can gurantree for good product. Hey I'm interested in your project, I have read out your requirements. We have 5+ year experience. We have worked on similar projects to What You are looking for. We Have A Variety of Lagi

₹25000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

Because i am the best option for this project and i will do my best to make this project success………..

₹35000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

I have been working as Java developer. I have experience in Amazon web services like ECR, EC2, S3 bucket, Lambda functions.

₹25000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)

I have professional experience to work with Web Applications, Mobile Apps and Desktop Software development. My professional skillfulness: • Spring Boot: I have been working Backend and Frontend with single or Multi Lagi

₹25000 INR dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)