Xcart programmers mukilteo wapekerjaan


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    2,000 xcart programmers mukilteo wa pekerjaan dijumpai

    Kami mencari P...Gaji 18% value NDP (jika member LOSE) Gaji 5% value NDP (jika member WIN) Hunter no pay Minimal Klaim Gaji 10 Ndp Jam payment jam 14.00 -18.00pm Rules ✅ wajib slot only ✅ Minim depo 50k ✅ Tidak boleh ada kesamaan data dan nama rekening ✅ 1 data hanya boleh bikin 1 akun ✅ Tidak boleh main casino/slot clasik lainya ✅ Member daftar menggunakan referal di kenakan to 2x dan wo 1x ✅ Usahakan nomer WA member wajib aktif. ✅ apabila lebih dari 50% yang ga aktif maka gaji akan di potong 50%. ✅ Dilarang phising web. ✅ Member ambil bonus di kenakan to saldo 5x. ✅ Ketauan depo antar promotor gaji di potong 50% ✅ Usahakan kasih redepo yak. ✅ 3 hari tidak ada Rdp sebanyak 30%, gaji di potong 50% dan ganti promotor ✅ Payment aman selagi kerja kalian bagus

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Halo pak, sya serius ada projek seo unt di bidang usaha black, apakah bapak berminat? Apabila berminat bs minta wa, telegram, tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Halo pak, sya serius ada projek seo unt di bidang usaha black, apakah bapak berminat? Apabila berminat bs minta wa, telegram, tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hai Salsabila M., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hai M Nadi F., Saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek Saya. Boleh minta wa, telegram atau line. Tq

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida


    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Hi Wahyu Tirta M., Saya sedang mencari seorang spesialis SEO Apakah anda tertarik mengembangkan website via SEO? Jika ya, mohon hubungi saya via wa di 083808022756

    $1500 Average bid
    $1500 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    1) Membuat akun di gravatar (nantinya akun akan dihubungkan ke website sebagai penulis) 2) Menulis artikel 1000 kata sebanyak 5 artikel, berjudul 1. Tipologi dalam pers. 2. Penggunaan bahasa jurnalistik dalam media. 3. Sejarah jurnalistik. 4. Macam-macam pers beserta wilayah sirkulasinya. 5. Definisi dab ciri-ciri komunikasi masa. 3) Setiap artikel WAJI...Tipologi dalam pers. 2. Penggunaan bahasa jurnalistik dalam media. 3. Sejarah jurnalistik. 4. Macam-macam pers beserta wilayah sirkulasinya. 5. Definisi dab ciri-ciri komunikasi masa. 3) Setiap artikel WAJIB mencantumkan sumber referensi atau daftar pustaka yang ditulis diakhir artikel. 4) Setiap artikel WAJIB lolos ceck plagiarism di atau copyscape. 5) info lebih lanjut hubungi WA 082265177432

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    1) Membuat akun di gravatar (nantinya akun akan dihubungkan ke website sebagai penulis) 2) Menulis artikel 1000 kata sebanyak 5 artikel, berjudul 1. Tipologi dalam pers. 2. Penggunaan bahasa jurnalistik dalam media. 3. Sejarah jurnalistik. 4. Macam-macam pers beserta wilayah sirkulasinya. 5. Definisi dab ciri-ciri komunikasi masa. 3) Setiap artikel WAJI...Tipologi dalam pers. 2. Penggunaan bahasa jurnalistik dalam media. 3. Sejarah jurnalistik. 4. Macam-macam pers beserta wilayah sirkulasinya. 5. Definisi dab ciri-ciri komunikasi masa. 3) Setiap artikel WAJIB mencantumkan sumber referensi atau daftar pustaka yang ditulis diakhir artikel. 4) Setiap artikel WAJIB lolos ceck plagiarism di atau copyscape. 5) info lebih lanjut hubungi WA 082265177432

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    apabila anda mempunyai pengalaman untuk menghandle ads di google khususnya SEM , yang sekarang sdg berjalan silahkan menghubungi [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin] ( wa)

    $381 Average bid
    $381 Avg Bida
    9 bida

    Saya butuh dibantu untuk laporan keuangan bidang organisasi nirlaba. Jika berminat boleh hubungi saya di wa [removed by Freelancer.com Admin] untuk info selanjutnya. Terimakasih

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Saya bergerak dibidang jasa salon poles mobil khusus panggilan DKI jakarta Dgn menggunakan technology nano yg berfungsi melindungi keaslian cat mobil. Sehingga mobil tdk prlu sering msk bengkel poles mobil dan memudahkan anda dlm hal perawatan mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 ...mobil.. Kami ada 2 kategori pilihan paket poles mobil poles full paket : Small : 800.000 Medium : 900.000 Large : 1.000.000 Luxury : 1.500.000 poles coating nano ceramic Small : 2.500.000 Medium : 3.500.000 Large : 4.500.000 Luxury : 5.500.000 Sport car : 7.000.000 Khusus utk coating nano ceramic akan mendapatkan GARANSI s/d 2 tahun. More info call : #085248900670 #083875475909 WA #233A23D9 BB Line FB : Smart Evolution

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 bida

    Halo saya ingin menawarkan jasa pembuatan website dan juga SEO nih gan Harga tergantung dari design yang mau di buat. Apakah anda pernah berfikir jika anda punya website tapi tanpa pengunjung itu bagaikan Esteh manis tanpa dimasukkan gula? Buat apa kalau punya website tapi tidak terpampang di google Jadi saya juga membuka jasa SEO nih b...keywords to rank 1 google Web Design SEO 1 keyword to rank 1 google Web design and 2 keywords to rank 1 google SEO 2 Keywords to rank 1 google Untuk portofolio lebih banyak silahkan buka disini ya: Jika berminat hubungi saya di: Call/Text: 0852 1056 1396 WA: 0852 8456 8237 BBM: 525B 1C0A Line: aditlin

    $276 Average bid
    $276 Avg Bida
    7 bida

    Sebagai support, Anda diharapkan mampu melakukan diskusi dengan klien baik melalui telepon ataupun tatap muka. Diskusi ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akan saya beritahukan selanjutnya apabila Anda menyanggupi pekerjaan ini. Untuk proyek yang akan saya berikan, Anda diharapkan mampu melakukan diskusi dengan 25 orang dalam industri yang berbe...Panduan diskusi akan saya berikan, dan apabila Anda membutuhkan training lebih lanjut untuk hal ini, akan saya berikan. Apabila Anda memenangkan bid ini dan bisa menyelesaikan sesuai tenggat waktu yang saya berikan, saya akan memberikan Anda proyek lain yang akan dikerjakan selama total 5 bulan (tiap proyek mempunyai waktu 1-2 bulan). Untuk pertanyaan bisa diajukan disini atau melalui nomor WA yang akan saya berikan mel...

    $342 Average bid
    $342 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    Saya ingin membuat aplikasi mobile sederhana yang berbasis android studio. Tujuannya adalah untuk pembelajaran buat saya sendiri. Aplikasi ini setidaknya mempunyai fungsi - fungsi sebagai be...studio. Tujuannya adalah untuk pembelajaran buat saya sendiri. Aplikasi ini setidaknya mempunyai fungsi - fungsi sebagai berikut : 1. Multi User 2. Menginput data-data : text , tanggal , combo box , radio button, lokasi , merekam suara, images , tanda tangan user. 3. Melakukan sinkronisasi dengan database. 4. Mengeluarkan output : Mencetak. 5. Mampu membuat Alert / Notifikasi : email , SMS, WA ( bisa nggak ya ? ). Proyek ini betul-betul hanya untuk pembelajaran buat saya pribadi. Jadi lebih bagus lagi kalo sudah ada aplikasi jadi yang memenuhi item2 di atas tinggal di ajarkan k...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Salam kenal, saya Moudy Yunora, Head of Production di SSR Jakarta, kami membutuhkan Flash Animator untuk membuat video animasi seperti video berikut: Namun dengan Gaya Design: Flat Design Long Shadow. Jika berkenan, hubungi saya via email: @ WA:0813.1488.1099 Thanks.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Avg Bida
    1 bida

    Menulis Artikel Untuk Website : WA kalo minat : -0856 -2892 -368

    $6 - $20
    $6 - $20
    0 bida

    I need a native arabic speaker who can record the following words as mp3 with his own voice. Bismillahir rahmanir rahim La ilaha illalah muhammadan rasulullah allhamdullilah subhanallah allahu akbar la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah astaghfirullah ONLY BID IF YOU CAN DO IT!

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    Indonesia Airsoft adalah Toko On-Line Airsoftgun di INDONESIA. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual Airsoft Auto Electric Gun (AEG), GAS BlowBack (GBB), SPRING Airsoft, dan Asesoris Airsoft Lainnya. Kami Menyediakan / Menjual berbagai merk dari produsenairsoft terkenal diataranya adalah TOKYO MARUI, WESTERN ARM (WA), KSC, HFC, WE, SYSTEMA, STAR, MARUSHIN, MARUZEN, KJW TANAKA dan masih banyak lagi.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bida

    ...a CAD model I provide to machine a part from metal intended for a medical device. We unexpectedly lost our programmer. We have 2 complex jobs for aluminum housings for handheld, powered, medical devices - drill/reamer/saw. These are organic shapes with tight tolerances down to bores at .0005" We are looking for temporary help and if the fit is right a permanent position. We are located in Fife WA. We are a contract manufacturer that specializes in Orthopedic surgical equipment and tools. We use Mastercam. We have models We are running on running the job on Matsura MX-520's I will provide models once we get through the introductions and technical requirements. These are customer owned models, and I can't just shotgun them to the internet. Key Responsibiliti...

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr Avg Bida
    72 bida

    ...have an application similar to the Uber application for transportation services. I have a problem with Google Maps bills, as my bills reach more than a thousand dollars every month, knowing that we are in the trial phase, and in the first two days of operation, the bills reached 1400 dollars, although the prices of all trips did not exceed 200 dollar . I think there is a mistake made by the programmers in the company's team and they did not reach any solution. Our application was programmed in React Native language. We reduced the number of requests in the distance matrix and reduced the number of requests and now the work for the captain is if he uses the maps outside the application, however the bills are still high, especially the distance matrix. I'm seeking a ...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Avg Bida
    119 bida

    WA P10.2 Invoice Import another service ~ 70 MA P19 New ERP Connection with TESAE ~ 70 MA21 Wrong Time on checkin out ~ 20 MA24 Tracking issue ~ 40 WA21 Responsive Pins ~ 60 MA22 Upgrade to current EXPO ~ 40

    $312 Average bid
    $312 Avg Bida
    1 bida
    AppleScript pro
    4 hari left

    No negociation on price - Put the price to do the job - NO NEW FREELANCERS I'm looking for an AppleScript that aut both images and text messages via WA to a list of contacts. The list will be manually copied and pasted from Google Sheets, so the script needs to be straightforward and user-friendly. Key Requirements: - The script needs to work on macOS Sonoma 14.3.1. - The script should handle sending both images and text messages. - It should be easy for me to manually copy and paste contacts from Google Sheets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in writing and debugging AppleScript. - Familiar with WA interface on macOS. - Experience with Google Sheets and understanding of its structure. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $422 Average bid
    $422 Avg Bida
    6 bida
    AppleScript for Messaging
    4 hari left

    No negociation on price - Put the price to do the job - NO NEW FREELANCERS I'm looking for an AppleScript that aut both images and text messages via WA to a list of contacts. The list will be manually copied and pasted from Google Sheets, so the script needs to be straightforward and user-friendly. Key Requirements: - The script needs to work on macOS Sonoma 14.3.1. - The script should handle sending both images and text messages. - It should be easy for me to manually copy and paste contacts from Google Sheets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in writing and debugging AppleScript. - Familiar with WA interface on macOS. - Experience with Google Sheets and understanding of its structure. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    No negociation on price - Put the price to do the job - NO NEW FREELANCERS I'm looking for an AppleScript that automates sending both images and text messages via WA to a list of contacts. The list will be manually copied and pasted from Google Sheets, so the script needs to be straightforward and user-friendly. Key Requirements: - The script needs to work on macOS Sonoma 14.3.1. - The script should handle sending both images and text messages. - It should be easy for me to manually copy and paste contacts from Google Sheets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in writing and debugging AppleScript. - Familiar with WA interface on macOS. - Experience with Google Sheets and understanding of its structure. Looking forward to your proposals.

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Avg Bida
    5 bida

    I'm seeking a professional team of programmers for a comprehensive crypto simulator project. This is an engaging, interactive gaming experience set within a virtual reality environment. The project incorporates the development of a unique crypto token, NFT functionality, and seamless VR integration. Key Project Aspects: - Virtual Reality Integration: The simulator should provide an immersive and interactive gaming experience. - Crypto Token Development: A unique crypto token needs to be created for use within the simulator. - NFT Functionality: Incorporating non-fungible tokens into the gameplay is a crucial aspect of this project. The ultimate goal of this project is to create a captivating PC-based gaming experience that stands out in the current market. Ideal Candidate:...

    $111111 Average bid
    $111111 Avg Bida
    19 bida

    Saya mencari seorang ahli content creator untuk meningkatkan engagement di WA dan Facebook saya. - Konten yang perlu dibuat meliputi teks, gambar, dan video. - Tujuan utama dari konten ini adalah untuk meningkatkan interaksi follower dengan akun saya. Idealnya, freelancer yang melamar adalah yang memiliki pengalaman dalam pembuatan konten media sosial yang kreatif dan menarik.

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Avg Bida
    1 bida
    Membaca apa saja
    2 hari left

    ...akhirotu khoirullaka minal ula,wala saufa yu'tika robbuka wama qola,fa ammal yatima fala taqhar,wa ammas saila fala tanhar,qa amma bini'mati robbika surat al insyiroh: Alamnasyroh laka shodrok,wawado'na angka wizrok,alladzi angqodhodzohrok,warofa'na laka dzikrok,fa innama'al 'usri yusro,inna ma'al 'usri yusro,faidza farogtafangsob,waila robbika surat at tinn: Waththini wazzaitun,wathurisinin,wahadzal baladil amin,lawodkholaqnal ingsana fi ahsani taqwim,tsumma rodadnahu asfala safilin,illalladzina amanu wa 'amilidhsholihati falahum ajrun goiru mamnun,fama yukadzdzibukA ba'du biddin,alaisallahu biahkamil surat al zalzalah: Idza zulzilatil ardu zilzalaha,wa akhrojatil ardu atsqolaha,waqolal ingsanu malaha,yauma idzin...

    $309 Average bid
    $309 Avg Bida
    16 bida

    I'm looking for a web developer to professionally craft our company website. The site s...multiple functionalities, as well as an interactive avatar for user assistance. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an informational company website with a creative and vibrant design - Implement a professional-grade chatbot with capabilities for customer support, lead generation, and FAQs/information retrieval - Integrate an interactive avatar for user assistance Furthermore, I need Python/Java programmers who can manage projects involving AI interactive avatars and Real-time voice-text solutions in both English and Arabic. Ideal Skills: - Web Development - Python/Java Programming - AI Integration - Chatbot Development - Interactive Avatar Implementation - Bilingual (English/Arabic) Soluti...

    $1184 Average bid
    $1184 Avg Bida
    140 bida

    ...visually compelling, and communicate our message of high-quality premium rice clearly. Ad Content Product Name: Anon Rice Product Description: Premium Fragrant Rice Motto: Taste The Quality, Feel The Difference Quality: 100% Natural Package Size: 25Kg Price Per Bag: €40 Offer: Buy 50 Bags, Get 1 Bag Free Cooking Facts: - Suitable for cooking rice - Suitable for baking Mkate wa Sinia - Suitable for baking Mkate wa Goudgoud Rice Cooking Tips: 1. Rinse: Rinse 1 cup of rice under cold water until it runs clear. 2. Boil Water: Bring 1.3 cups of water to a boil, adding a pinch of salt and a bit of oil if desired. 3. Add Rice: Add rinsed rice to boiling water, stir once, then cover and reduce heat. 4. Simmer: Let the rice cook for 15–20 minutes (or until water is ab...

    $10 Average bid
    34 penyertaan

    Hello dear programmers, about half a year ago I bought a custom website on a well-known freelance platform, it initially worked, but after a couple of months, when launching via npm start, errors began to occur and the website stopped launching. ⚠️ In this application, I attached the source code of this website inside the archive, before giving a response, check if you can fix the errors when launching via npm start. If you can fix it and you have time for this, I will be glad to cooperate!

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Avg Bida
    83 bida

    We develop and run a software platform for Contact Centers (CC). Now we want to integrate our ticketing system with WhatsApp messaging (WA). The end goal is this: Our clients can integrate their WA number into our platform. WA messages from any person (part C) to the client become tickets in our CC. Using our platform an agent can respond to this message to part C with a WA-message. See details in attached specification. Thanks, /Dan Erik Ollas, ServIT

    $514 Average bid
    $514 Avg Bida
    62 bida

    I'm in need of a meticulous full-stack web developer with a strong background in UI/UX design. The primary goal is to create a modern, minimalistic, and polished lead generation website that stands out from the competition. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating on basic components of the site. - Developing a clean, professional design. - Implementing simple static pages with contact forms. This project is not complex, but I value quality and attention to detail. I am looking for someone who can build an ongoing relationship with me to help develop my online presence over time. Please note, I do not want the site built in WordPress. I look forward to your proposals!

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Avg Bida
    156 bida

    I need assistance with posting ads to sell my car. I have both photos and descriptions ready for the car ad, but I need someone to suggest and use car selling websites and Facebook groups to reach potential buyers. Ideal Skills: - Experience in online car sales - Proficient in social media marketing - Excellent communication skills Please provide a comprehensive plan on h...Experience in online car sales - Proficient in social media marketing - Excellent communication skills Please provide a comprehensive plan on how you intend to help me sell the car. Thank you. The focus will be on posting ads in local listing websites and social media groups specific to your area. The focus will be on posting ads in local listing websites and social media groups specific to your state. WA an...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Avg Bida
    25 bida
    Graphic Design
    Tamat left

    GRAPHIC DESIGN. About Us  Quality Publishing, specializing in WA maps, posters, and books, with over 40 years of experience. We ongoingly(quarterly) have graphic design task that we wish to farm out to other designers. If you are proficient with creative suit and would like such work please make contact and we will supply job sample and ask you to quote.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Avg Bida
    25 bida

    ...user Admin bisa mengelola semua data pelanggan, dan admin bisa melakukan pengiriman pesan Whatsapp (WA) lewat aplikasi ke pelanggan, sales office, sales lapangan dan teknisi (cara pilih); - Cronjob : Broadcast Pesan Whatsapp. Kriterianya pelanggan yang dikirimi pesan adalah semua pelanggan yang tagihanya 7, 5, 3 hari sebelum jatuh tempo tagihanya dan pada saat hari H jatuh tempo, dan juga pelanggan yang sudah terisolir pada hari pengiriman. - Page Whatsapp : Melihat semua Pesan yang berhasil dan gagal baik yang Broadcast secara otomatis oleh aplikasi ke nomor Whatsapp pelanggan melalui cronjob maupun yang dilakukan manual, dan Admin bisa juga melakukan manual proses utk mengirimkan pesan WA sesuai dengan tujuan (pelanggan, sales office, sales lapangan dan teknisi (cara pil...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Avg Bida
    2 bida
    Trophy icon Logo and Style Guide Creation
    Tamat left

    I'm looking for a skilled designer who can create a logo and a comprehensive style guide for my brand. The primary purpose of this logo ...colours. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven graphic design experience - Ability to create a cohesive style guide - Proficiency in modern design software - Strong understanding of brand identity - Excellent communication skills to understand and implement my vision. Full logo for PERTH PICKLEBALL CENTRE A brand new exclusive pickleball centre in Perth, Western Australia (WA), Australia. a colour palette and style guide to be used on website, social media, merchandise, clothing, logos at facility. style of a Hamptons Tennis Club/Country Club. prefer the logo to be circular. have to be vector, pdf, jpeg, able to...

    $76 Average bid
    625 penyertaan

    I run a small part time business from a personal abn running sport leagues and adult sessions social seasions in WA australia. Running adult leagues and adult football sessions. I engage currently 5 sub contractors (referees/hosts) working for around 1.5 -3.5 hours each a week. I want to make sure im compliant in regards to my current set up, focussing on sham contracting and other compliance potential issues such as health and safety. Id like to look at fair work and safe work to make sure Im fully compliant. Audit and find any weaknesses and rectify by providing me correct documentation and advice i need to keep my business safe. Also advise if person would have a strong case in court . I have allegations against me for numerous things that relate to fair work and safe wor...

    $248 Average bid
    $248 Avg Bida
    12 bida

    I have around 5 part time subcontractors engaged 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours a week each. This is in WA australia. I need to be bullet proof compliant In regards to fair work and safe work and any other work place issues. I have some allegations against me which I need to rebuff to avoid going to court. I need to know whether the person has grounds to even take me to court. person has served me court notice and a date for mid Jan 2025. I believe the person wants to avoid court. Need this to be dealt , please give advice and actually deal with the situation as you see fit. Anaylis , defence, Letters, mediation, etc? See below the accusations from a former subcontractor . Damage to my Vehicle While transporting an employee for work-related tasks . Breaches of the Fair Work Act 200...

    $529 Average bid
    $529 Avg Bida
    18 bida

    I'm looking for a comprehensive training program focused on practical applications of Kubernetes with Helm, YAML, and Kustomize. The training should be aimed at advanced-level programmers and cover deep dives into YAML and JSON. Key Areas of Focus: - Extensive hands-on practical applications with Kubernetes - In-depth training on writing Helm charts - Intensive training on creating and managing Helm charts - Deep exploration of YAML and JSON - Practical use of Kustomize Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert level knowledge and experience with Kubernetes - Advanced programming skills - Proficiency in creating and managing Helm charts - Deep understanding of YAML and JSON - Prior teaching or training experience in advanced programming

    $177 Average bid
    $177 Avg Bida
    15 bida
    $175 Avg Bida
    6 bida

    Project Description Calling all programmers, engineers, innovators, and dreamers! This is an open competition where anything goes—your only goal is to enhance an advanced Python-based optimization tool for ramjet engine design. Whether you’re using Python, AI tools, custom algorithms, or sheer ingenuity, it’s your final product that matters. The tool is built for Mach 2.5 supersonic combustion, modeling real gas effects and compressible flow physics. Your mission: 1. Make Simulations More Accurate: Improve the physics, modeling, and reliability. Optimize Performance: Use innovative methods to identify high-performing designs. 2. This is your chance to showcase your skills, creativity, and innovation. The best final solution wins, regardless of the process you us...

    $15 Average bid
    3 penyertaan

    ...GREAT DESIGNER. Someone who has both the technical expertise to put images on a website AND someone who can create the Vision itself only from the marketing/brand vision and the assets at hand. We need to be able to communicate WHAT the CONCEPT of the site is AND GIVE THE ASSETS, and you be able to take it to the finish line from there by creating the look and feel and functionality (we have programmers that can help you with that part --- but you must be able to convey what those design elements are and produce them). We are looking for a "developer/builder," not an "assembler." We need: Fishbowl x Wooconmmerce Expert - ability to fully integrate fishbowl and woocommerce - enable meta data mapping in order to import detailed information on orders, produ...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Avg Bida
    83 bida

    I'm looking for a freelancer to create a new application/portal using CLASSIC ASP (vbs...Unnecessary images, files, libraries, ... must be removed. The source code is required to have a good level of comments, to allow bug-fixing, code maintenance and possibly future evolution. Bonuses are provided at the end of the project for compliance with the timing and quality of the software. Please, no ask «me what is your budget for this project?» ----- Timing ----- Proposals from programmers who do several activities in parallel will not be accepted: the quality of work could be low. Start as soon as possible - daily update is requested (showing progress), to avoid time loss and misunderstandings about requirements. Without daily update with project progress, pr...

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Avg Bida
    43 bida

    ...Timeline: The project duration is one month, with the possibility of an extension based on progress and requirements. Payment Structure: Payment will be in the form of profit-sharing. Profit-sharing duration: Up to the first three months post-release. All contributors will receive a fair percentage of the game's profits based on their role and contribution. Roles Needed: Game Developers: Programmers with experience in Unity or Unreal Engine. Game Designers: Create engaging mechanics, levels, and UI/UX design. 3D Model Artists: Model and texture animals, environments, and props. Sound Designers & Composers: Develop the game’s audio and background music. UI / UX designer: Design UI for game. QA Testers: Ensure the game runs smoothly and is bug-f...

    $685 Average bid
    $685 Avg Bida
    4 bida

    I'm looking for an architect with experience in designing rammed earth, solar passive, and modern sustainable homes. This home is to be built in Bridgetown, WA. It should be a modern, sustainable, solar passive design. Key features of the design will include: - Rammed Earth walls: The home will primarily be constructed using rammed earth. The architect should have a thorough understanding of the properties and benefits of this material. - Eco-friendly materials: The use of sustainable and eco-friendly building materials is a must. - Solar passive design: The design needs to incorporate solar passive principles to maximize energy efficiency and comfort. In terms of architectural elements, I'm interested in: - An open floor plan: The design should facilitate a spacious...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Avg Bida
    27 bida

    ...Lock Project – Fixed Payment of $100 USD We are hiring programmers to work on an IoT-based door lock project for $100 USD. Only programmers who agree to this fixed payment will be hired immediately. Please note: no hardware costs will be covered. We only require your coding expertise. Project Title: Secure Communication Protocol and Encryption in IoT Door Lock Components to Work With: 1. Raspberry Pi 4 2. Solenoid Lock 3. Jumper Wires 4. Relay Module Project Requirements: This project focuses on secure communication and encrypted database protection for a door lock system. •Website Design: Simple but fully functional and user-friendly. •Focus on Functionality: Prioritize features over aesthetics. •No Hardware Costs Covered: Programmers must ...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Avg Bida
    33 bida

    Loading facilities on pickup: Hand Loading 12kg. Loading facilities on dropoff: Hand Loading 12kg. Special loading/unloading instructions: Box is light (12kg), just oversized for standard postage. Customer would like it to City Beach WA by 6th December if possible. Please send a message if you have any questions regarding this load, otherwise feel free to send me the quote on Loadshift. The box dimensions are 120cm x 25cm x 95cm. Vehicle for transport should be a van or truck.

    $19 - $161
    $19 - $161
    0 bida

    ...php/login/index/1 and then access the sales module. 1) This must be compatible so that you can print from Bluetooth printers. It is a POS software but natively. 2) We need the entire sales module complete with all the functions. So before bidding, enter the link above and look at the functions that the sales module has. When you access it, click on Login and it does not ask for a password. We are PHP programmers but we do not have experience in apps. Source code, documentation, apps must be included and how the development was done must be shown so that we can modify it later. You must be able to speak in Spanish. ***Write me to the chat. How long will it take and what would be the best architecture to do it?...

    $587 Average bid
    $587 Avg Bida
    31 bida