What is the crossover rate for these two projectspekerjaan


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Tapis mengikut:
Status Pekerjaan
2,000 what is the crossover rate for these two projects pekerjaan dijumpai
$31 Avg Bida
24 bida

Membuat dan mengedit video anda menjadi lebih istimewa.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
7 bida
$20 Avg Bida
1 bida

Buat website buying agent, source dari tokopedia, bukalapak, shopee id, lazada id, mataharimall,blibli -Sekali dengan web design/clean/mudah -Result mestilah real time, jika harga berubah di toko, dalam website juga pun mesti berubah, mesti tampil dengan ongkir dari toko , supaya customer jelas semasa buat order. -Mata wang bisa di set convert rate manual oleh admin (ke MYR) -mesti ada fuction mark up harga untuk admin(percent lumsump) contoh 10% -mesti intergrate dgn API paymentgateway malaysia -order yang di buat dari customer mesti ada info, seperti "pembelian pending "pembelian berjaya" yang boleh admin update manual (process beli admin yang buat, customer cuma place order sahaja) -mesti auto grab info resi/awb/tracking -setelah item2 customer sampai mesti ada f...

$500 Average bid
$500 Avg Bida
2 bida

Hi Anis Amira A., boleh whatsapp i 0132752815 utk rate copywriting tak?

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi Anis Amira A., boleh whatsapp i 0132752815 utk rate copywriting tak?

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

robot control, MATLAB simulink

$19 Average bid
$19 Avg Bida
3 bida

Kami adalah seseorang yang ingin memotivasi bukan seorang motivator. cara kami dan cara anda juga

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

Saya memerlukan design antenna 2.4ghz microstrip antenna bersama metamaterial

$138 Average bid
$138 Avg Bida
2 bida

Hi Hasmanizam M., saya mencari freelancer untuk design logo bagi projek saya untuk permulaan pengeluar makanan. boleh saya dapatkan khidmat tuan dan berapa rate tuan untuk 1 logo?

$17 Average bid
$17 Avg Bida
1 bida

Assalammualaikum. Ekonomi tak stabil? PTPTN tak cukup? Student yg berminat nk berniaga? Nak cari duit bayar ptptn? Nak kerja dari rumah? Nak rasa hidup mewah dengan menolong orang lain jugak? JOM START BUSINESS DENGAN PHYTOSCIENCE!! Ini bukan scam, ini bukan main-main. Berminat sila whatsapp 'Phytoscience' ke 0137655190!! Special ke org ganung! Orang Terengganu mari pakak join! Free coaching dkt area McD Kuala Terengganu! Student mmg dialu-alukan sangat2. ini mungkin boleh mengubah hidup anda.

$11 - $17 / hr
$11 - $17 / hr
0 bida

Kami mencari penulis artikel berita seputar dunia entertainment dan hiburan untuk kategori...salah satu topik artikel yang kami minta. No proposal no response! Kami akan pertimbangkan kualitas dan gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel dalam proposal tersebut. Untuk penawaran awal rate per artikel yang kami berikan adalah Rp. 12.500,- per artikel. Sehingga jika 6 artikel x 12.500 = 75.000,- / hari x 7 = 500.000/minggu. Akan kami coba lihat dulu hasil pekerjaan selama seminggu atau 2 minggu. Jika bagus dan sesuai dengan harapan kami, akan kami lanjutkan penulisan artikel berita secara rutin dengan rate Rp. 15.000 s.d 20.000 per artikel. Jika cocok dengan rate yang diminta, pekerjaan akan bisa langsung dimulai dan dikerjakan secara rutin dan berk...

$43 Average bid
$43 Avg Bida
8 bida

Saya ada kerja sedang berjalan yang berkaitan dengan projek kami sebelum ini 'Urgent!!! Postcard or flyer design ## Consider to close it early if found what we want##'

$30 - $30 / hr
$30 - $30 / hr
0 bida

Hi rajinish1579 saya ingin bergabung dengan agen digital anda. dimana saya bisa mengembangkan ide ide kreatif dan brilian untuk perkembangan dunia digital harap bisa bergabung dngan agen ini.

$515 Average bid
$515 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi rajinish1579 saya ingin bergabung dengan agen digital anda. dimana saya bisa mengembangkan ide ide kreatif dan brilian untuk perkembangan dunia digital harap bisa bergabung dngan agen ini.

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida

Here is a link I need the all the company names and websites . dont need the company which doesnt have its own website. NO DUPLICATE RECORDS Prepare sample, your quote (flat rate not hourly) and time duration to complete this link. before bidding. I guess it is very small work for the expert scrapper. Thank you Thank you.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

Saya penulis novel, jika ada yang berminat khusus untuk artikel atau tulisan singkat tentang produk dan sebagainya. Untuk penulisan buku, bisa di diskusikan kembali meskipun kemungkinannya kecil. Photographer, yang pengen di jepret call me. Blogger, ada produk yang harus di upload? Saya bisa terapkan pada website dan fan page saya. Dating? Ya, saya single dan bersemangat.

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

es - Spanish nl - Dutch pt - Portuguese cs - Czech de - German fr - French it - Italian hu - Hungarian no - Norwegian - pl - Polish - sv - Swedish - tr - Turkish - el - Greek ar - Arabic hi - Hindi vi - Vietnamese sr - Serbian iw - Hebrew ko - Korean zh - Chinese

$31 Average bid
$31 Avg Bida
15 bida
Tamat left

Membuat expert advisor sederhana untuk MT4 dapat di aplikasikan untuk semua time frame dengan indikator EMA ... buy logic EMA dengan period yg lebih kecil ( contoh EMA 5 /EMA fast ) memotong keatas EMA dgn periode yg lebih besar ( contoh EMA 10 /EMA slow ) eksekusi buy tunggu konfirmasi harga open 1 bar berikutnya EMA 5 tetap diatas EMA 10 , 2. open sell logic kebalikannya (open buy logic) ( contoh EMA 5 cross down EMA 10 ).. 3. close buy logic EMA fast memotong kebawah EMA slow..konfirmasi close buy tunggu 1 bar berikutnya EMA fast tetap dibawah EMA atau stop loss /take profit (extern) done..lanjut eksekusi open sell logic 4..close sell logic kebalikannya ( close buy logic ) loss dan Take profit dapat di ubah ( extern ) frame extern periode extern

$12094 Average bid
$12094 Avg Bida
2 bida

membuat sesuatu yang menarik .

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Pembuatan logo dengan keahlian khusus dan ahli memerlukan kemampuan berfikir dan kreatifitas untuk membuatnya

$65 Average bid
$65 Avg Bida
3 bida

Pembuatan logo dengan keahlian khusus dan ahli memerlukan kemampuan berfikir dan kreatifitas untuk membuatnya

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
1 bida

ini buku yang bukan untuk di baca

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion Chat discussion

$80 Average bid
$80 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya mengundang tenaga pemasaran manapun, untuk menawarkan kepada calon client atau siapapun, jasa Motivator atau Trainer. Untuk kurun waktu tanggal 13,15,16 bulan Januari 2014 ini. Motivasi dengan rate Rp. 15.000.000 / 1 jam (JABODETABEK)) & Rp. 20.000.000 / 1 jam (luar JABODETABEK), Untuk Rate Training Rp. 1.750.000 / pax (minimal peserta 10 orang) / hari. Profile pribadi saya dapat dilihat di http://www.benysudarmaji.com. Syarat proyek ini adalah : MENJUAL SAMPAI CLOSING DEAL!!! Jika sudah CLOSING DEAL, baru FEE DIBAYARKAN

$975 - $1950
$975 - $1950
0 bida

saya akan bekerja membuat semua yang ada menjadi lebih menarik bekerja dengan baik . dan semangat selalu.

$97 Average bid
$97 Avg Bida
1 bida
The Guardian
Tamat left

Iklan kan IKLAN anda disini dan saya akan menyarankan serta memperluaskan kepada seluruh DUNIA MAYA di seluruh dunia.... Saya akan berusaha semampu saya agar anda puas dan saya pun senang. hehe ^^

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bida

This job can be done either manually or with a macro and is very easy but needs to be done accurately and involves joining different files together.. It may mean you have to add new columns but this test will show if you understand I have lots of files to join Please prove to me that you can do this job and bid your $$ rate per hour.

$18 Average bid
$18 Avg Bida
7 bida

- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others

$199 Average bid
$199 Avg Bida
3 bida
$15 / hr Avg Bida
27 bida

I'm searching for persuasive salesmen with a knack for closing deals. The focus will be on selling advertising solutions to corporate clients, primarily via email, phone calls or face to face. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven sales experience, especially in the advertising sector - Exceptional email communication skills - Ability to understand and cater to corporate needs - Track record of closing deals - Proficiency in sales strategies and techniques Your task is to be able to sell squares on the website. Each square is for sale at 100$/ Year. Each square is 10x10 pixels. There are 10,000 slots available for sale. Commission rate is 50%. You will get paid depending on your performance ...

$280000 Average bid
$280000 Avg Bida
5 bida
Renders for the architecture
6 hari left

I need renders for the architecture

$315 Average bid
$315 Avg Bida
42 bida

I have drafted and printed few copies of the book pages. I need feedback from someone having extensive experience with drafting print version book to finalize the style which is readable and appealing to UK, US, European readers.

$8 Average bid
$8 Avg Bida
1 bida

We are seeking dedicated and detail-oriented research assistants to conduct an in-depth content analysis of the annual reports, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) disclosures, sustainability reports, and media announcements by CEOs of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies about Black Lives Matter (BLM) activities. This role requires critical analysis, meticulous organization, and excellent communication skills to compile and present findings in a structured and comprehensive manner. Required: Candidate(s) are required to submit a quote for expected rate per week and the total amount they expect for the entire project to finish. The data collection should be completed within 4-8 weeks.

$2066 Average bid
$2066 Avg Bida
31 bida

I'm looking for a talented comic page artist who specializes in Western style work to illustrate a moderate to highly detailed, 1-5 pages NSFW comic section. This is pornographic in nature and over-the-top! Some sex, gore, bdsm, cannibalism, human mutants and more all in a post-apocalyptic reformation setting. This project has four artists currently working on pages. There would be a model sheet provided. Page rate negotiable. Black and white line art only, halftones if you insist on adding it due to your style. I would send page rough of blocking and detailed notes. Would expect a rough page back before starting on final ink, unless you are all digital. No rush on turnaround. Payment per page in advance when my rough delivered. Ideal Skills: - Extensive e...

$81 Average bid
$81 Avg Bida
27 bida
Answer Two Questions for $15
6 hari left

I need a web developer to answer these questions for me: 1- How to apply Google Pay, Apple Pay, and interac e-Transfer so that our users can use them, in addition to PayPal and credit and debit cards 2- Is that possible at all? 3- What are the APIs for that (that I need to give to the web developer)?

$13 Average bid
$13 Avg Bida
13 bida

I'm looking for a doctorate level statistician to assist with mixed-methods data analysis. My project involves analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, sourced primarily from surveys and interviews. The study explores business opportunities in the healthcare industry. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze quantitative data gathered from surveys, using SPSS including conducting reliability analysis (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha). - Analyze qualitative data gathered from interviews, including conducting thematic analysis. - Provide insights and interpretations from the mixed-methods analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mixed-methods research. -Expertise in quantitative analysis (e.g., SPSS). -Proficiency in qualitative analysis (...

$202 Average bid
$202 Avg Bida
20 bida

...game data analyst with a strong focus on player behavior analysis. Here is the description of the task - For all exercises, there is no limit on the scope.I want you to focus on your analysis skills; that's why the dataset divided by the different events in the game. The dataset includes information on player actions, time spent in the game, purchases, and other relevant metrics. Your task is to analyse the dataset and provide insights that could be valuable for game developers and designers. 1) TASK 1- SQL You know that retention is really important in the gaming industry. We are worried about our gameplay in one of our games. We think that if people don't c...

$29 Average bid
$29 Avg Bida
10 bida

More details: What specific elements do you want to include in the redesigned waiting room? Automotive-themed decor, Comfortable seating, Refreshment station. What color scheme are you envisioning for the waiting room? Dark and sophisticated What type of seating arrangement do you prefer? Individual chairs or coutches Theme: modern, luxury, high end shop. I have attached some pictures of my waiting room. can you redesign my waiting room in a different them?

$101 Average bid
Ditampilkan Dijamin
25 penyertaan

I am launching a new clothing line called M@B (Mediocre at Best) and need a talented designer to bring the brand to life. The project will include logo design, branding, and initial apparel concepts. The style should be bold, modern, and slightly irreverent, embracing the idea of "mediocre" with an ironic or playful twist. More details: What emotion or message do you primarily want your brand to convey? Humor What kind of humor best represents your brand? Satirical Which design style do you prefer for the logo featuring your bulldog? Abstract

$86 Average bid
$86 Avg Bida
105 bida

1. General Requirements • The website should be functionally similar to Sixt.de. • It must be modern, fast, and optimized for mobile devices (responsive design). • The design is based on an already created template and must be implemented exactly as specified. • All content (texts, images) should be easily editable via an admin panel. • The website should be based on WordPress or an alternative CMS that is flexible and scalable. 2. Core Features 2.1. Calendar and Booking System • An integrated calendar system that allows real-time bookings. • Admin access to manually add, edit, or delete bookings. • Dynamic pricing models, including: • Discount for bookings longer than X days (e.g., low...

$1656 Average bid
$1656 Avg Bida
56 bida

...some refinements/enhancements to make it stand out more, while maintaining it's core design. The logo features "Ring The Bell " with the tagline "Beating Cancer & Competition", symbolizing patients ringing the bell after completing cancer treatment. What we like: the logos bell housing shape and half circle (unique in industry), the color pallete must remain the same (codes provided - but arrangement can be changed), the concept of boldness - empowering, not cold or clinical. What needs improvement: current bell is generic vector - want more dynamic, stylized bell that looks like it has been rung, the second logo is the original inspiration, ephasizing bold ...

$138 Average bid
Segera Dijamin
533 penyertaan

...Brief: The Best Way to Pay in Europe – Forget Revolut & Wise! ? Concept: Create an engaging Instagram Reel that explains why travelers in Europe should skip Revolut and Wise and instead use an EUR account from Fio Banka with currency exchange via RoklenFX. The video should be dynamic, easy to understand, and visually appealing. ? Structure: 1️⃣ Intro – Hook: “Traveling in Europe? Stop using Revolut & Wise!” • Show the Revolut app → Cross it out • Show the Wise app → Cross it out 2️⃣ Better Alternative • Show registration at Fio Banka () • Highlight getting an EUR account & a free EUR card 3️⃣ Smart Currency Exchange • Show the RoklenFX platform () • Demonstrate exchan...

$10 Average bid
0 penyertaan

I'm seeking a skilled web developer to address and resolve display issues on two pages of my lease. Specific Issues: - Layout alignment problems - Text formatting errors Ideal Skills: Understand Word. Sorry I know this is very small. But i need it fixed. SOme weird type of formatting. It can be extended to three pages.

$22 Average bid
$22 Avg Bida
29 bida

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build a medical vital sign dashboard. The dashboard will display daily data such as blood pressure, heart rate, oxygenation, blood sugar levels, etc., compiled from a Google Form by caregivers. Key Features: - A web application optimized for both desktop and mobile/tablet - Integration with Google Forms for data compilation - Display and tracking inventory for medical supplies and medicines - Implementation in simple Power BI, with data in multiple Excel sheets Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a focus on responsive design - Experience with Power BI and Excel - Previous work with medical or health-related dashboard applications would be a plus - Understanding of inv...

$156 Average bid
$156 Avg Bida
60 bida

We're looking for a Spanish speaker who can translate text from English into Spanish If you're interested in this job post kindly contact the project director via WhatsApp number below +84 56 607 9697

$596 Average bid
$596 Avg Bida
67 bida