Vacancy data entry operator united kingdompekerjaan


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2,000 vacancy data entry operator united kingdom pekerjaan dijumpai

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$6 Average bid
$6 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$162 Average bid
$162 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$9 Average bid
$9 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$1 / hr Average bid
$1 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$526 Average bid
$526 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$65 Average bid
$65 Avg Bida
1 bida

...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$526 Average bid
$526 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$324 Average bid
$324 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$78 Average bid
$78 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$34 Average bid
$34 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$260 Average bid
$260 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$333 Average bid
$333 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$9 Average bid
$9 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$65 Average bid
$65 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$526 Average bid
$526 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya akan memberikan nama, alamat, telepon, email, dll pada file pdf. Saya perlu informasi yang dimasukkan ke dalam lembar kerja excel di bawah perusahaan, kontak, telepon, selular, faks, email, alamat, kota, negara, ID Saya akan mengerjakan pekerjaan itu sebaik mungkin, memasukkan data, menulis data, mengedit data, dll yang berhubungan dengan pemasukan data.

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
1 bida
entry data
Tamat left

memasukkan data, mengetik, mengkonvert pdf

$2 - $2 / hr
$2 - $2 / hr
0 bida

Hello, I have pdf formatted text pages text 10 page with 1000 word per page i want someone to rewrite them. I will Provide you text Which You have to type only(10000 word will be type).

$110 Average bid
$110 Avg Bida
52 bida
data entry
Tamat left

menganalisis sejumlah data untuk ditarik kesimpulan, diantaranya: dengan mengumpulkan sejumlah data, menganalisis kemudian men-generalisasikan. yaitu menarik kesimpulan dari hasil analisis yang sudah ada

$424 Average bid
$424 Avg Bida
8 bida
kemasukan data
Tamat left

saya bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan analisa yang dimaksudkan adalah data mentah,proses hingga data yang akan pengetikan saya terbiasa menggunakan pernah menangani pembuatan keyword untuk dimasukan dan dihubungkan dengan pencarian di terbiasa melakukan data entry dengan maksimal 500 data per hari.

$555 Average bid
$555 Avg Bida
1 bida

...ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm notepad tercantum berat sebesar 0.30kg, harga supplier $6 , maka freel...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan analisa data. Data yang dimaksud adalah data mentah, proses hingga data yang akan disajikan. Untuk pengetikan saya terbiasa menggunakan excel. Saya pernah menangani pembuatan keyword untuk dimasukkan dan dihubungkan dengan pencarian di Google. Saya terbiasa melakukan data entry dengan maksimal 500 data per hari.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

Saya bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan analisa data. Data yang dimaksud adalah data mentah, proses hingga data yang akan disajikan. Untuk pengetikan saya terbiasa menggunakan excel. Saya pernah menangani pembuatan keyword untuk dimasukkan dan dihubungkan dengan pencarian di Google. Saya terbiasa melakukan data entry dengan maksimal 500 data per hari.

$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
0 bida

Saya bisa melakukan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan analisa data. Data yang dimaksud adalah data mentah, proses hingga data yang akan disajikan. Untuk pengetikan saya terbiasa menggunakan excel. Saya pernah menangani pembuatan keyword untuk dimasukkan dan dihubungkan dengan pencarian di Google. Saya terbiasa melakukan data entry dengan maksimal 500 data per hari.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Avg Bida
9 bida

- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others

$199 Average bid
$199 Avg Bida
3 bida

speed data entry, data processing and audit report, financial report and taxation Melakukan data entry laporan harian dan bulanan, cash and bank report, export and import, inventory control report, data analysis and as a translator english to indonesia,

$277 Average bid
$277 Avg Bida
1 bida
Tamat left

ini merupakan selebaran darri operator xl

$150 Average bid
$150 Avg Bida
1 bida

I need multiple text-based PDFs re-typed into plain text. Each of these PDF documents is between 1 and 10 pages long. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficiency in English with excellent typing skills - Experience with data entry and document re-typing - Ability to follow instructions carefully Please note that the re-typed text should not follow the original formatting of the PDFs.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
55 bida

...right now is not variable pricing, the prices we have on our site are the price for everyone that visits from a certain date range. These options are 1 day, 3 day, and 4 day. They can add the hopper option that will increase the price as well. Really to fully understand how all this works you should check out the different options for the parks links below. Please note you are showing me in your entry that you are capable of understanding and demonstrating what look and feel we are looking for in order to be declared the winner. So show me that and you will be awarded so that you can focus on the rest of the plug in or UI block. However you design it , it will not include any code modification that already exists. Otherwise it wil get overwritten when botble releases an update. ...

$50 Average bid
1 penyertaan

...Install a dedicated air conditioning unit (one unit is sufficient). • All cabling must be at least Category 6. • Ensure network certification after installation. • It is advised to swap the IT room and storage room for better network centralization. • Install access control on the IT room door. • Consult Olaf to standardize the equipment with the existing setup. • Integrate the fiber optic entry at the back of the building (new industry side). Power Supply & Electrical Outlets • EXIT signs above each emergency exit + emergency lighting for orientation. • 4 power outlets + 1 RJ45 socket per office. • French and Australian standard electrical outlets in all offices. • Bathroom: 1 Australian outlet near the mirror. &b...

$444 Average bid
$444 Avg Bida
10 bida

I have a Botble Laravel Software that I would like to modify. I don't need any coding, but I do need someone who can help with the configuration settings You will modify those if you are selected as the winner. In order to enter, i want to see ONE category page from the urls above, and the contact us page in your entry. Post a LIVE link to the botble site so that i can see. The Botble software in which we are using can be downloaded via the url below. Documentation:

$40 Average bid
0 penyertaan

...for 5 different travel packages. Each map should clearly illustrate: Key locations (Airports, Hotels, Landmarks, Equestrian Facilities, Stud Farms, etc.) Travel routes between destinations (where applicable) Icons & Branding Elements (logos, symbols, and color scheme in line with our brand guidelines) ✅ First Map Focus (Package 1 - Tipperary Region) Highlight Shannon Airport & Dublin Airport as entry points. Mark Ballypatrick Facility & Ballypatrick Breeding Farm with our official Ballypatrick logo (). Include Hotel Icons (generic) for accommodations. Feature Rock of Cashel as a historic attraction. Ensure zoomed focus on Tipperary region, showing the key destinations and their travel routes clearly. ✅ Consistent Style & Format Maps should be aesthetically plea...

$98 Average bid
$98 Avg Bida
38 bida
Linkedin recruiter
6 hari left

I'm ...seeking an expert recruiter to help me find suitable candidates for multiple entry-level roles. Key Responsibilities: - Sourcing and recruiting candidates for entry-level positions. - Conducting interviews and assessments to evaluate candidates' qualifications. - Coordinating with hiring managers to understand job requirements and team needs. - Providing a shortlist of qualified candidates for each position. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in recruiting, particularly for entry-level roles. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Ability to assess candidates' skills and fit for the role. - Familiarity with various sourcing strategies and platforms. Goal: To build a strong pipeline of entry-level candidate...

$311 Average bid
$311 Avg Bida
7 bida

...conditions through one click execution button. CONDITIONS: 1./ Delta must be above and closest to +0.5 for CALLS and below and closest to -0.5 for PUTS. (Delta value - adjustable feature, such as +0.6/-0.6 or +0.7/-0.7, etc.) 2./ Expiration must be closest to 0 days. 3./ Number of contracts calculated based on selected risk. 4./ Enter trade through a limit price order - abbreviation (LTD) 5./ Entry Order valid for the day - abbreviation (DAY) EIGHT 1 CLICK EXECUTION BUTTONS: 1./ Buy a CALL option at mid price. 2./ Buy a CALL option at ask price. 3./ Buy a PUT option at mid price. 4./ Buy a PUT option at ask price. 5./ Cancel any unfilled order. 6./ Close 50% of my open trade at mid price. 7./ Close 100% of my open trade at mid price. 8./ Close 100% of my open trade at bid price...

$177 Average bid
$177 Avg Bida
23 bida

I'm in need of a chat operator for my YouTube live streams. The role primarily involves engaging with viewers and answering their questions. Key Responsibilities: - interact with viewers - Respond to viewer questions in a timely manner - Help maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere in the chat - Constantly speak in the chat

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Avg Bida
13 bida

I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for "Kingdom Spirit Living Corp", a non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing spiritual and financial growth in individuals. Key Details: - Color Palette: The logo should incorporate a blue and gold color scheme. - Symbolism: The design should thoughtfully incorporate elements of spirituality, such as a dove or a cross. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, with a strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek designs. - Ability to creatively integrate spiritual symbols into a contemporary design. - Excellent understanding of color theory, particularly with blues and golds. - Strong communication skills to ensure the design aligns with the vision of the organization.

$100 Average bid
1249 penyertaan

I'm looking for a proficient data specialist to assist with various data-related tasks. Your main responsibilities will include: - Data Entry: Input data from a variety of sources, including scanned documents, websites, and PDFs, into Excel, Word, or other software. - Data Cleaning: Organize and tidy up data, remove duplicates, and ensure everything is accurate. - File Conversion: Convert files between different formats, primarily from PDF to Excel and PDF to Word. - Web Research: Gather data or information from online sources, ensuring the data is both accurate and complete. - Data Organization: Help structure large sets of data into organized formats, making them easy to analyze or use. Ideal candidates s...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Avg Bida
70 bida

I need a person who can promote and sell my Digital Products, Courses and Books in the United States and can give me at least 10 to 15 sales a week if anyone do this so Bid now

$300 Average bid
$300 Avg Bida
1 bida

I'm seeking an Excel expert to create a macro that automates data entry for daily inventory updates. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Excel, specifically in developing macros. - Experience with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). - Ability to streamline repetitive tasks and ensure data accuracy. Task: - Automate the entry of inventory details into Excel on a daily basis. The goal is to save time and reduce errors in our inventory tracking process. Your expertise in data processing and problem-solving will be crucial in delivering a tailored solution that meets our needs.

$250 Average bid
$250 Avg Bida
29 bida

I'm in need of a dedicated team or individual proficient in manual data entry. The source of the data is offline. This project requires entering data from digital documents into our company software. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong attention to detail - Experience with manual data entry - Proficiency in handling paper documents - Familiarity with using company software for data entry - Excellent time management skills to meet deadlines. - More than 45WPM typing speed compulsory

$112 Average bid
$112 Avg Bida
54 bida

...functionality of an existing bot (as provided in the JSON scenario), designed to process messages from Telegram users, manage the registration process for phygital sports participants, and store data in Google Sheets. Platform: (formerly Integromat). Type: Automation scenario consisting of multiple modules (triggers, actions, and routers). External APIs: Telegram Bot API for receiving and sending messages (via "Telegram - Watch Updates" and "Telegram - Send a Text Message or a Reply" modules). Google Sheets API for data storage (via "Google Sheets - Add a Row" module). Data Storage: Data Store for temporary storage of registration states (replacing any external database). Context: The bot must fully replicate the logic of the ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Avg Bida
2 bida

I'm in need of a reliable data entry typist to assist with my ongoing projects. The work will primarily involve typing from digital text files. Key Responsibilities: - Typing from digital text files on a daily basis - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail - Delivering work on time for data analysis purposes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in typing and familiar with digital text files - Experience in data entry, particularly for data analysis - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet daily deadlines

$379 Average bid
$379 Avg Bida
144 bida

I'm looking for a meticulous data entry specialist to help me input and analyze my inventory data in Excel. You will be working specifically with: - Product names - Quantity on hand - Price per unit In addition to data entry, I need assistance with applying specific calculations and formulas to the data, including: - Total value of inventory - Reorder level calculation - Sales forecasting Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Excel - Attention to detail - Experience with inventory data - Ability to apply and understand formulas and calculations - Strong analytical skills This is a great opportunity for someone who can deliver high-quality work and has a strong understanding of inventory management.

$10 Average bid
$10 Avg Bida
14 bida

I need a proficient data entry specialist to input mixed data (text and numbers) into an Excel spreadsheet. The data needs to be formatted into tables and charts, as well as using conditional and standard formatting. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Strong attention to detail - Ability to follow specific formatting instructions - Experience with data entry of mixed data - Capable of accurately creating tables and charts in Excel

$11 Average bid
$11 Avg Bida
100 bida

I'm working on a healthcare project using Blazor and I need an expert to help me add some new features, specifically related to medical records. - Medical Records: I want to enhance the project with functionalities related to medical records, such as data entry and storage, as well as implementing search and retrieval capabilities. - Analytics and Reporting: A key component of this project is the integration of analytics and reporting functionalities. I need someone who can help me set up this aspect, focusing particularly on patient health trends. The ideal candidate for this project would be a seasoned Blazor developer with: - Extensive experience in healthcare software development. - Proven track record in implementing features related to medical records. - Skill...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Avg Bida
17 bida

...our specific requirements. Project Scope: 1. Website with Integrated Webshop & App – Company presentation, blog, fish species & nutrition, contact forms, online sales of fish products 2. Accounting – Financial management, invoicing, cost control 3. Fish Farming Management – Management of fish stocks, water parameters, feeding, cleaning, employee work hours 4. Mobile App for Employees – Mobile data entry (feeding, cleaning, work hours) ________________________________________ 1. Website with Integrated Webshop & App The website will be implemented using Odoo and will include: • Company Presentation (About Us, Philosophy) • Fish Species & Nutrition • Blog & News • Contact Forms for Customer Inquiries • Mult...

$2389 Average bid
$2389 Avg Bida
73 bida

...Information Management System) software tailored for managing raw materials in my operation. Key Features: - Form Entry, Approval System and Reporting: The software needs to facilitate the entry of various forms, manage approvals automatically, and generate comprehensive reports. - User Data Entry and Quality Control Forms: The system should include forms for user data input and quality control assessments. - Automated System Approval: All approval workflows should be handled by the system, reducing the need for managerial or peer review input. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in LIMS software development or similar systems. - Proficiency in designing user-friendly data entry and quality control forms. - Knowledge in...

$10615 Average bid
$10615 Avg Bida
11 bida

I am looking for a skilled software developer to create a Laborat...quality analysis. Key Requirements: - The software must handle form entries, specifically approval forms and data entry forms. - It should facilitate tracking of sample approvals and data input. - A robust report generation feature is crucial, allowing for comprehensive reporting on water quality data. - The primary users will be lab technicians, so the interface must be user-friendly and intuitive for non-IT specialists. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in LIMS development is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of laboratory processes and water quality analysis. - Excellent software development and programming skills. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces. - Strong skills in da...

$266 Average bid
$266 Avg Bida
12 bida