Registration form file uploadpekerjaan


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Status Pekerjaan
2,000 registration form file upload pekerjaan dijumpai

Upload program arduino yang sudah saya sediakan menggunakan laptop di lapangan kerja dan trial program domisil jakarta barat

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bida
1 bida

Hi Vincentius Grerry Dhena P., saya perlu import excel ke mysql, upload gambar dan pdf. Dengan PHP, Ajax, DataTables, Bootstrap. Kalau cocok, mungkin sekalian menyelesaikan projek database yg sedang saya kerjakan. Terimakasih. Salam, Darma

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Avg Bida
1 bida

Buatkan saya file web judi togel dan saya beri upah

$10000 Average bid
$10000 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya nak buat kajian soal selidik dan memerlukan soalan telah sy sediakan secara hardcopy dipindah kepada kaedah google form

$19 Average bid
$19 Avg Bida
6 bida

Korang ada artikel best nak share dengan Glamornyo? Bukan free tau! Kitorang siap bayar lagi! Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! Artikel mengenai 1. isu semasa/tranding/Viral/ 2. Lifestyle gaya Malaysia Malaysia 4. Dekorasi dan hias rumah gaya ma...perhatian ramai. 5. Tajuk kena catchy dan buat orang rasa nak klik! 6. Cek ejaan betul-betul. 7. Dalam fail words. 8. Dalam Bahasa Melayu. 9. Tajuk fail: Tajuk Artikel_Nama Penuh Korang Kenapa tak boleh tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris? Sebab adalah website di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Jenis fail untuk upload? (Microsoft Words + Gambar) Berapa patah perkataan? Tiada had. Kategori penulisan? Menulis berkaitan isu semasa, viral, gaya hidup dan sebagainya yang best untuk share. Ready? Upload & kami akan nilaikan.

$21 Average bid
$21 Avg Bida
20 bida
$416 Avg Bida
1 bida

I have designs for 3 web pages in html form. Can any one make them functional ? I shall provide the logo .

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Avg Bida
12 bida

pekerjaan saya berkenaan dengan bidang konstruksi

$25 Average bid
$25 Avg Bida
1 bida

Real Estate CRM Part 1 - multiple users (Staff 1, Staff 2, Closer 1, Closer 2 and etc) - Manually key in leads generated by staff (user) {Leads will contain multiple screenshots upload} - Submit the leads Part 2 - Closer 1 can login - Will have column like pending, completed, follow up - The pending column item will be reviewed and update the status and action accordingly. If require further action by staff, it will reassigned to the staff> Part 3 - When staff open again, staff will fill up the data required and create necessary docs and upload it back to the system. This update data and assign people will go on repetitively for above tasks. When done, it will move to completed column. Whichever leads not relevant at the moment, will move to follow up...

$90 Average bid
$90 Avg Bida
4 bida

Untuk membuat online library yang boleh control user access. upload download dan dashboard

$404 Average bid
$404 Avg Bida
15 bida

Mencari luas, perimeter, keamatan dan jarak dlm imej ( file) utk project pengajian

$21 - $176
$21 - $176
0 bida

yang saya ingin kan meng-input data baik upload ataupun download

$72 Average bid
$72 Avg Bida
1 bida

Mencari pembuat laman web yang sudah ada tempate bercoding. Nak buat 2 website simple sahaja. Domain & hosting pakai saya punya sahaja. Few pages sahaja. Guna offline fund transfer sahaja. Cuma nak buyer upload resit, isi no phone, nama & alamat sahaja.

$118 Average bid
$118 Avg Bida
3 bida

Saya membutuhkan jasa untuk membuat website Joomla tapi menggunakan HTML yang sudah jadi. Deskripsi pekerjaan: - Tidak ada pekerjaan medesign web, design sudah dibuat dalam bentuk HTML - Mengaplikasikan design yang sudah jadi ke dalam Joomla - Termasuk membuat form contact us dan google map menggunakan free plugin Joomla - Pekerjaan hanya mengkonvert HTML ke Joomla - Tidak termasuk pekerjaan hosting, upload dll.

$101 Average bid
$101 Avg Bida
3 bida

Saya mencari yang paham mengenai website streaming online. Kendala saya, saya sudah upload video ke google drive dan saat embed video nya format nya iframe, saya mau nya format nya untuk jw player html5. Dan saya juga mau nya seperti web sebelah yang jika ada yang ambil link video saya, besok nya udah gak bisa diputar lagi.

$16 Average bid
$16 Avg Bida
1 bida

Salam, Kami memerlukan sebuah aplikasi yang berisi 2 hal: 1. Desktop Application dengan teknologi .NET yang berfungsi: a. Consume file XLS dan memasukkannya ke database Firebird b. Melakukan processing dari raw data menjadi clean data untuk dipakai dalam graph c. Melakukan export data bersih ke file csv 2. Web Application dengan file HTML dan Javascript (dihost di server Sharepoint) yang berisi: a. Grafik dari (loaded dalam bentuk javascript) b. Data untuk mengisi grafik tersebut didapatkan dari file CSV yang digenerate oleh Desktop Application dan dimasukkan ke sharepoint server. NOTE: Sharepoint server HANYA digunakan untuk host website. Tidak ada fungsi-fungsi sharepoint yang diperlukan disini.

$500 Average bid
$500 Avg Bida
1 bida

Saya penulis novel, jika ada yang berminat khusus untuk artikel atau tulisan singkat tentang produk dan sebagainya. Untuk penulisan buku, bisa di diskusikan kembali meskipun kemungkinannya kecil. Photographer, yang pengen di jepret call me. Blogger, ada produk yang harus di upload? Saya bisa terapkan pada website dan fan page saya. Dating? Ya, saya single dan bersemangat.

$162 - $487
$162 - $487
0 bida

Antivirus bagian hal terpenting bagi kita. Kenapa bagian yang terpenting bagi kita terutama para pengguna Windows? Karena Antivirus adalah Security yang menjaga system di komputer atau notebook kita agar tidak terserang virus atau malware yang banyak sekali bertebaran di internet atau removable di...itu SSH dan bagaimana cara kerjanya. SSH itu perlu software penggerak seperti Bitvise (Software yang sering digunakan oleh para pengguna SSH) dengan menggunakan Proxifier sebagai alat pendukungnya agar semua koneksi berjalan. Kita bisa berinternet gratis JIKA ada alat pendukung (Biasa disebut INJECT Oleh para phreaker) yang bisa menyusup agar kita bisa berInternet gratis seperti Download, Upload, Browsing dan aktivitas internet lainnya termasuk Update Antivirus menggunakan SSH Prox...

$3000 - $5000
$3000 - $5000
0 bida

Saya ada contoh untuk Logo saya, temanya adalah retro. gambar yang saya upload adalah contoh saja. saya mau gambar lelaki dibelakang merupakan gambar gentlemen dengan gaya retro klasik, tapi memiliki jambul yang bagus. karena Highpomp merupakan artinya jambul tinggi. dan juga saya ingin di dalam lingkaran ada warna merah putih dengan gaya retro sebagai simbol bendera Indonesia tetapi tidak mencolok. Temanya adalah Retro, Pomade Shop, Gentlemen accesories

$12 Average bid
$12 Avg Bida
1 bida
Manual RSS
Tamat left

Membuat RSS yang mengambil dari dari MySQL yang di isi secara manual ( CRUD ) dan atau melalui upload file CSV ke MySQL.

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 bida

Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...

$15 Average bid
$15 Avg Bida
4 bida

Kami membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cuku...membutuhkan data entry untuk mengupload data-data barang yang akan dijual di e-commerce kami. Tentunya bisa bekerja dari rumah atau dari mana saja hanya kami membutuhkan kehadiran di kantor kurang lebih 2 kali dalam seminggu dan tidak harus full time hanya cukup datang dari jam 3 sore - 6 sore. Kami mencari orang yang bertanggung jawab dan juga dapat memenuhi target yang diberikan dari kami untuk di upload ke website kami. Apabila ada yang berminat silahkan langsung mengirimkan CV ke [Removed by Admi...

$6 - $20
$6 - $20
0 bida

This task involves your downloading wallpapers and uploading them using our WordPress interface. You'll download the wallpaper, then upload it, and put the correct title in the name box. You will be required to also place the wallpaper in the correct category. We'll supply the websites to download the wallpapers from. You'll be required to download / upload 800 wallpapers over a 1 week period with more work guarenteed if quality is good. It's a simple task.

$33 Average bid
$33 Avg Bida
3 bida

Requirement / Feature: - bisa memproses data satellite dan GPRS data - merubah data input tersebut ke beberapa format output antara lain: * database ( inject data ke database lokal atau remote ) * HTTP POST ( json format ) * CSV via FTP upload * Telnet

$216 Average bid
$216 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya ingin decode/decrypt 1 file yg di encrypt/encode menggunakan ioncube. dan script harus berjalan/work seperti seharus nya

$104 Average bid
$104 Avg Bida
2 bida

Hi, I am looking for a data entry person or team that understands retail and how to manually put in products or build a .csv spreadsheet to be able to be downloaded. We sell a variety of products from toys, electronics, apparel, & sporting goods. So you must understand retail and have the mindset on alot of cutting and pasting into the template to create a .csv feed or manually upload the information. Alot of the products have different attributes like size & color etc. We are looking to build our company with a person or team of individuals that know what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful. I am open to hourly or fixed price. I am not just looking to hire someone just so you can bid on the job and not know what you are doing. My luck with freelancers h...

$732 Average bid
$732 Avg Bida
4 bida

3 file server untuk XFileSharing Pro butuh di optimalisasi, karena resource server masih banyak tapi generating files, download dan upload lambat. Server spec pakai i3 2100, 8GB RAM, 1 Gbps network dedicated. Statistik rata-rata 3 server tersebut sebelum akhirnya melambat: Active connection 4000-5000, RAM usage 300-400MB, CPU usage 2-10%, Network usage 500-600 Mbps. Saya ingin server resource terpakai secara maksimal sebelum saya menambahkan server-server baru.

$200 Average bid
$200 Avg Bida
1 bida

saya Ingin Membuat design seperti yang saya upload . . . Dengan design yang nyentrik . .sweeter ini dijamin bakal akaan laku keras. .dilihat dari sisi permusikan di Indonesia sekarang yang berdominasi Musik musik beraliran keras . . .jadi sangat tepat sekali kalau membuat design sweeter seperti itu . .

$20 - $162
$20 - $162
0 bida

- upload tulisan di web - membuat tulisan - mencari tulisan - mencari berita bukan copy paste (original) - meningkatkan hit rate - kerja online 24h (waktu kerja hanya 5-8 jam ) - sudah punya koneksi internet - tertarik jurnalisme - siap online di ym/gtalk/others

$199 Average bid
$199 Avg Bida
3 bida

mengedit tulisan yang di ketik oleh seseorang yang perlu di sutting sebelum di cetak atau di terbitkan ,,

$330 Average bid
$330 Avg Bida
7 bida

**INFLULAB PLATFORM ENHANCEMENTS – UI, SECURITY, PAYMENT, AND ORDER FORM IMPROVEMENTS** ## **Overview** We are looking for an experienced ** developer** to enhance the **INFLULAB** influencer marketing platform. This project includes UI upgrades, security improvements, API-based payment integration, and a detailed order form implementation. ## **Project Scope** ### **1. UI & Design Enhancements** - Modernize the interface for a more user-friendly experience. - Improve navigation and usability. ### **2. Influencer Onboarding Optimization** - Ensure influencer profiles go live **only after** completion or KYC verification. - Optimize profile settings by removing unnecessary fields (e.g., education, qualifications). - Gather all essential details duri...

$457 Average bid
$457 Avg Bida
38 bida

... Functional Requirements (FRs) Functional requirements define the specific behaviors and functionalities that the system must provide. 1.1 User Dashboard (Client Panel) User Authentication: Users must register using an email and password. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) must be enabled for secure login. Password reset functionality via email. Know Your Customer (KYC) Verification: Users must upload identity verification documents via Veriff. The admin should have the ability to approve/reject KYC submissions. Deposit System: Users can deposit funds via multiple payment gateways (PayPal, Bitcoin, USDT, Bank Transfer). Users should see real-time deposit status and history. Deposit notifications should be sent via email and on-site alerts. Investment Management: Users can select...

$299 Average bid
$299 Avg Bida
36 bida

I'm seeking for a Few excellent writers. We need 92 Freelancers who can do some simple typing jobs or PDF retyping copy paste accurately with the use of Microsoft tools.!! All Country’s can Apply.!!

$581 Average bid
$581 Avg Bida
33 bida
Food Delivery App Development
6 hari left

Need a new app developer as the one I've got is not updating me; it's time to move on. I'm seeking an experienced app developer for a food delivery application. The app is to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Core Features: The app must include user login and registration, order tracking, and payment gateway integration - Communication: I need daily or bi-daily updates on the project's progress - Core Features: The app should include user profile management, allowing users to save their favorite restaurants and order history. - Core Features: Implement an advanced search feature that allows users to search for food items, cuisines, and restaurants. - Core Features: The app must include real-time notifications to update users...

$362 Average bid
$362 Avg Bida
20 bida

...a skilled developer to revamp the age verification process on my WooCommerce website, The current system requires users to use DigiLocker for verification at checkout, which I want to eliminate. Key Tasks: - Remove the existing DigiLocker-based age verification process. - Implement a straightforward age verification step where customers can input their Date of Birth (DOB) and upload an identity proof (Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, or Driving License). - Ensure that the uploaded documents are securely stored and accessible via the admin panel for verification. - Maintain a smooth user experience without disrupting the checkout functionality. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in WooCommerce and WordPress development. - Familiarity with Indian e-commerce compliance i...

$50 Average bid
$50 Avg Bida
10 bida

Hi...automatic email or SMS based on certain criteria. Online-Offline Synchrozitation Reference ERP : vERP To get some idea about the ERP please check the given below details Select Company: vERP User Id & Password will be provided to the selected Bidder to get some idea about the ERP Phase wise milestone can be created as per modules wise delivery (It is must for release of the fund u need to upload the source code in the platform and after testing the features and source code we will release the fund) Strict technology: Angular 8 (Interface, Module, Class-based) ASP.NET Core 3.0 (Async) N-tire Application, separate project-based, API Controller, Repository Pattern must (Decelearing Interface). MsSQL Server 2017 (Store procedure must using Dapper) Telerik Re...

$356 Average bid
$356 Avg Bida
7 bida

Sila Dafter atau Log masuk untuk melihat butiran.

Dimeterai Perjanjian Kerahsiaan

I need assistance adding 150 organized invoices into QuickBooks, and properly uploading each one to the expense section. Key details: - All invoices and their respective details are ready and organized in PDF format. - Each invoice comes with its own set of attachments. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in QuickBooks, attention to detail, and the ability to handle document attachments systematically. The project needs to be completed within 48 hours.

$24 Average bid
$24 Avg Bida
39 bida

Create online universities website () Here is the example only information website, .no lms or enrolment options only form Use WordPress only

$72 Average bid
$72 Avg Bida
11 bida

As a sole proprietorship, I need someone to file my GST returns for the past 6 months. The returns that need to be filed include both GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B or any other GSTR. Also, Respond with a genuine price..if you can work with this amount. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in GST return filing - Experience working with sole proprietorships - Knowledge of the composition scheme - Familiarity with GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B - Excellent attention to detail - Strong communication skills to explain GST-related concepts - Proficiency in Tally ERP software for GST return preparation and filing - Understanding of GST audits and annual return filing - Familiarity with GSTR-4 which is relevant for composition scheme taxpayers - Knowledge of e-invoicing under GST and its...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
2 bida

...web applications, specifically within the domain reselling industry. Responsibilities: * Custom Development: Develop the entire domain reseller platform from the ground up, including front-end design and back-end logic. This is not a plugin-based project. * API Integration: Integrate the platform seamlessly with our domain registrar's API. This includes handling API requests for domain registration, transfer, renewal, lookup, and other relevant domain management functions. Experience with [mention specific API if known, e.g., ResellerClub, Namecheap, etc.] is a significant advantage. * User Interface (UI) Design: Create a clean, intuitive, and user-friendly interface for customers to search, register, manage, and purchase domains. A focus on user experience (UX) is e...

$158 Average bid
$158 Avg Bida
27 bida

...Role-Based Access Control: Granular permissions tailored to each role. Dashboards: Intuitive and role-specific dashboards for all user types. User Management: CRUD operations for all roles and assignment of permissions. Activity Logging: Comprehensive audit trails for all actions. Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Integrated Multi-Vendor Payment System: Allow users to upload funds using a multi-vendor PayPal integration. Enable payments between users within the platform. 5. Technical Requirements: Backend: Built using Vaadin with plain Java components and modular design principles. Avoid third-party frameworks like Spring Boot. Frontend: Exclusively developed with Vaadin for seamless integration. No external UI frameworks (except CSS/HTML for br...

$4428 Average bid
$4428 Avg Bida
23 bida

Veterinary patient registration and priscription pdf with download and can be send on WhatsApps cand can be seen dashboard with respect to doctor wise breed wise department wise college wise on google locker Okay, let's break down this ambitious project into manageable pieces and outline the features and technologies you'd need. We'll aim for a system that allows for: Core Functionality: Patient Registration: Capture patient details: name, species, breed, age, sex, weight, owner information (name, contact details). Assign a unique patient ID. Store basic medical history (if needed) on initial registration. Prescription Generation: Doctor selection (linked to user accounts). Medication selection (from a predefined list). Do...

$434 Average bid
$434 Avg Bida
7 bida

I'm seeking a professional web developer to help me create a community website for resource sharing. The platform will allow users to share community content, including images and video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: A strong background in web development is essential. - Knowledge of User Registration Systems: Experience in implementing secure and efficient user registration and login systems is a plus. - Resource Sharing Platforms: Prior experience creating resource-sharing websites will be highly valued. I'm eager to learn throughout this process, so a professional who is patient and willing to share their knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Avg Bida
47 bida

I'm seeking a professional web developer to help me create a community website for resource sharing. The platform will allow users to share community content, including images and video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: A strong background in web development is essential. - Knowledge of User Registration Systems: Experience in implementing secure and efficient user registration and login systems is a plus. - Resource Sharing Platforms: Prior experience creating resource-sharing websites will be highly valued. I'm eager to learn throughout this process, so a professional who is patient and willing to share their knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

$155 Average bid
$155 Avg Bida
44 bida

I'm looking for a proficient mobile app developer to create an e-commerce app for selling physical goods. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - User Authentication: A secure and simple registration and login process. - Product Search and Filter: An efficient and easy-to-use system for customers to find their desired products. - Shopping Cart: A functional and intuitive shopping cart feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce platforms. - Prior experience with iOS and Android compatibility is a must. - Strong understanding of implementing user authentication systems. - Experience with product search and filter features in e-commerce apps. - Proficient in creati...

$20 / hr Average bid
Perjanjian Kerahsiaan
$20 / hr Avg Bida
30 bida

I'm looking for a designer to create an engaging, two-sided postcard. The target audience is small local businesses, inviting them to a webinar designed to boost their sales using a new tool tailored for local shopping. Key Requirements: - Design should convey an exciting and energetic tone - Include benefits of the new tool - Provide a clear registration link and QR for the webinar - Incorporate specific branding elements: our company logo, brand colors, and tagline Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Marketing Material Design - Brand Integration - Postcard Design The postcard should be 8.5 x 6 inches and designed to capture the attention of local merchants. The first 100 businesses to register will receive up to $200, adding an element of urgency and incentive to the design.

$150 Average bid
Segera Dijamin Dimeterai
87 penyertaan
SoundCloud Data Fill Out
6 hari left

I need someone who can assist me with songs I recently upload to SoundCloud. 30 songs per account. 30 seconds per song. 20 accounts per day. 5 hour shifts During that time you'll: - quickly select cover pictures (from a folder I'll provide) to go with the song - then give a title for the song - fill out monetization - hit boost button If you have experience with SoundCloud great, but most importantly you need to pay attention to detail. And be a bit creative Here's how to do the job (everything but art uploads)

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Avg Bida
25 bida